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Get Woke Go Broke, Twitter down 12% (5 billion) In a Few Days

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posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 08:52 PM
Seem Twitter is taking a big hit to their stock so it will be interesting where this goes as we move forward. Seems Twitter has banned 70,000 users and that is not going over very well in where their stock value is heading. Amazon is also playing right in there too, but could get hit with the Sherman Antitrust Act that makes it illegal to monopolize interstate trade. A monopoly exists when one firm controls the market for a product or service by suppressing competition with anti competitive conduct.

There is no part of the cancel culture, censorship and removal of websites that disagree with your political or cultural point of view that does not violate this act. When you are taking down opposing views in order to eliminate the competition be it political or something like another news or media company, you are violating this act. The exchange of ideas is a service. It is interstate commerce. It does affect businesses and website owners who are targeted.

So we have this that could spread like wild fire....

Parler Sues Amazon For Violating Antitrust Laws and Breach Of Contract, Cites Amazon’s New Deal With Twitter To Deliver “Millions Of Tweets”

edit on 12-1-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 08:55 PM
I bought 3 Twitter put option contracts with the $600 tax rebate. It was GLORIUS to short that company. I hope others follow.
edit on 12-1-2021 by Brassmonkey because: Granmar

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: Brassmonkey


posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:09 PM
I don’t use Twitter, never have.
Deleted my fb account years ago.
When I was young , I went to movies 2-3 times a week.
The last time I saw a movie in a theater was 2001, Hannibal or Behind Enemy Lines, I forget.

The media, social or otherwise is the enemy, they control all information and spin it how they see fit.
If we boycott the companies that sponsor them, we take their dollars away.
Money, or lack of, talks.
edit on 12-1-2021 by Oaktree because: Needed editin’

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of assholes.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I don't think Twitter cares at all. CEO Jack is worth $13 billion and you'd have to be blind/deaf/stupid to think Twitter/Facebook/Amazon/Google aren't going to get favors from the Biden admin. & democrats for pushing their fascist agenda

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:29 PM
The hypocrisy, deceit, and double-standards of these big tech pieces of garbage is literally beyond belief.
Dorsey lied under oath to congress, commiting felony perjury numerous times.
He is a serial liar and deceiver. A textbook psychopath.
Yet he somehow believes he should be the arbitor of what discussion should and shouldn't be allowed.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 10:16 PM
Good ole Jack looks like his mentor....KARL MARX..a reply to: Xtrozero

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 11:07 PM
K E Y W O R D , for me, WOKE! Mission critical!

Most valuable 411, thanks, OP! (:

reply to: Xtrozero

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 11:11 PM
I sold off Blackrock Tech today....

As well as ATT, Comcast and Verizon. I think social media will drag down telecom, and I had too much of it anyway.

I mean, who would buy Twitter now?

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: ColeYounger
The hypocrisy, deceit, and double-standards of these big tech pieces of garbage is literally beyond belief.
Dorsey lied under oath to congress, commiting felony perjury numerous times.
He is a serial liar and deceiver. A textbook psychopath.
Yet he somehow believes he should be the arbitor of what discussion should and shouldn't be allowed.

Every trait you just described are the exact reason why twitter and is owner are ADORED by leftists

Pieces of garbage LOVE pieces of garbage

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 11:14 PM
Wait until social media starts getting government bailouts.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 11:15 PM
Just a thought, any chance some of that stimulus money that was going to other countries was actually hush money for social media to start blocking people?
It would be nice to follow the money to see where it really ended up.

posted on Jan, 13 2021 @ 01:17 AM

originally posted by: ReadLeader
K E Y W O R D , for me, WOKE! Mission critical!

Most valuable 411, thanks, OP! (:

reply to: Xtrozero

411 is everywhere...

posted on Jan, 13 2021 @ 01:21 AM

originally posted by: FamCore

I don't think Twitter cares at all. CEO Jack is worth $13 billion and you'd have to be blind/deaf/stupid to think Twitter/Facebook/Amazon/Google aren't going to get favors from the Biden admin. & democrats for pushing their fascist agenda

A CEO is beholden to the shareholders and if you screw up and you are CEO no more no matter how much stock you have. The crazy part is Twitter could have just let everything ride with zero influence and the results would have been the same.

posted on Jan, 13 2021 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

There was actually a Forbes article on Jan 11, 21 saying
"Twitter is the wost company on earth - heres how to bet against their stock and delete your account."
But the article is now removed.
However, I found it posted on another website in full.

Link to article

From article:

It’s rare for a public company to expand this far in the realm of heinous behavior, but Twitter’s actions last week repelled me more than Union Carbide’s Bhopal, Boeing’s repeated failures with the 787 Max, the J&J’s Tylenol scandal and really every other corporate action I’ve seen in my life. For a social media platform to censor a world leader – while giving a voice to hate preachers like Louis Farrakhan’s Ayatollah Khamenei and even OJ Simpson – isn’t just wrong from a freedom standpoint expression, it is in fact a terrible business. So, Twitter has shown little to no sequential growth in its user base lately (details below), but it is still valued as its Big Tech growth brothers. Twitter does not increase, it decreases, when measured against the growth rate of the world economy, and this reduction will accelerate dramatically now that Twitter has offended all American conservatives with his action to ban President Trump. Only fools in Congress and Big Tech apologists would think section 230 of the Communications Decency Act should apply Twitter. It’s an editor, not a platform. Complete stop. So first of all, here’s how to deactivate your Twitter Account. I used this excellent from the Today show last week to kill my account. It took me over half an hour, and making it hard to leave is a classic Tech strategy to strengthen the number of users, but I finally succeeded. It was worth it. I will never use this platform again. But I’m doing stocks, not activism, and even though a new kind of conscious capitalism is my investment strategy for 2021, I still need to make money. Twitter On Monday, stocks plunge 7% on the pre-market and the market will soon realize that this platform will shrink considerably. Even on a good day, Twitter is a cesspool of hate speech, lies (including investment advice), and a “trending” algorithm that appears to have a remarkably consistent left bias. I won’t be the last person to cancel it.

edit on 13-1-2021 by Macenroe82 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-1-2021 by Macenroe82 because: (no reason given)

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