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If a 1-mile wide Meteor Hit, Could we...

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posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 02:09 AM

originally posted by: madmac5150
a reply to: putnam6

Recent research indicates, that a mid-ocean impact would be a "best case scenario"...

A tremendous amount of impact energy would be directed upward... blasted out as steam. There would be tsunamis, as well as atmospheric shock waves... but, a deep ocean impact would effectively dampen that energy.

Not something, that I ever want to see...

Yep, one of my favorite topics as a kid had a book or 10 on end of the world scenarios. Asteroids, Solar Flare, Nuclear Armageddon, Massive Volcano eruptions and yes Viruses too. Though those were my least favorite to read.

posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 02:55 AM

originally posted by: JoeGee

However, I think the rain idea is a pretty solid idea so far. The whole idea would be for the rain particles to gather dust on the way down..It can be an operation conducted at a local level with whatever is left. There's one thing in this world we aren't short of. Missile silos.

Nope, still wouldn't work. The problem particles would be high in the stratosphere above any weather so wouldn't get washed out - this is part of the reason why Stratospheric Aerosol Injection would be carried out at such high altitudes. SOMETHING THAT THE CHEMTRAIL CONSPIRACY THORISTS CONSISTENTLY FAIL TO NOTICE

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