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Breaking: Turn off 5G: Martin Pall, PhD: Argument for a 5G–COVID-19 Epidemic Causation Mechanism

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posted on Apr, 13 2020 @ 02:53 PM
Another doctor speaking about 5G .

Dr. Gabriel Cousens on 5G: “It’s time we wake up”

posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 11:58 AM
Saying that 5G could cause the human body to create the Covid19 viruses, could be disinformation used to cover-up possible information that 5G can cause covid like symptoms.

I know that the 5G frequency of 60Ghz excites oxygen molecules the same way the 2.4Ghz frequency used in 4G and microwave ovens excites water molecules.
What if the 60Ghz frequency could be used to make it hard for people's bodies to absorb oxygen?
Wouldn't those people have low oxygen levels and resemble covid patients?

It's noteworthy that 4G broadcasted in all directions, but 5G used directed beams of microwaves.

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: Kenzo

We are electrical beings.

We? Who is this 'we' you speak of?

And no, you are not.

First of all, we are spirits, so we are spiritual beings, like it or not. Our spirit is energy that's way beyond electricity in all possible ways - electricity can't have consciousness or subtlety the way spirituality does.

Second of all, what is electricity anyway? The flow of current? Motion of photons and such? Do you even understand electricity - and I mean, the way Nikola Tesla did, for example?

According to Wikipedia, the most Trusted of All Information Sources:

"Electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and motion of matter that has a property of electric charge. "

So you are saying we are 'set of physical phenomena beings'?

No. We are souls, we are spirits, we are non-electric sparks of the Cosmos, the Creator, the All-Being, the Omnipotent Father.

We are like drops of water artificially separated from the ocean, but really, what we are, is the ocean. When we're in this 'individualistic state', it's just difficult to see or even comprehend (I guess that's why mind-expanding substances exist - of course, in our normal and more natural state, our mind is already large enough to understand reality).

Having said that, some extra-Earthians (why does it always have to be 'terrestrials'? People don't call this planet 'Terra' as often as 'Earth') classify the physical side, the bodies in two categories; 'electricity-basedl' and 'water-based'.

I don't know where this whole 'carbon-based' nonsense comes from, that people on this planet use so much that they extrapolate it to other people as well, but in reality, as bipedal bodies are usually mostly either water or electricity, that defines it way more than any 'carbon' ever could. Do you feel like your body contains more carbon than water?

In any case, electricity-based beings, although even water-based bodies contain electric currents of sorts, just not identical to the most commonly known electricity, are more 'robotic' in nature, but being advanced enough, are just as good for incarnational needs and function just as well in the physical level (if not better).

It doesn't matter, however, what kind of physical body you are using, or are temporarily incarnated into, all that matters is what and who YOU are as a soul, as a spirit, as an entity that you can call 'self' (though never TRULY separate from the hand that created you, and all struggles to separate yourself are just forms of insanity and foolishness).

So yes, you CAN basically say 'you are en electrical being' if you have been incarnated into an 'electricity-based' body (which I highly doubt you are living in right now), but that doesn't mean _YOU_ actually are 'electric' as being. You are much more than that, always.

You wouldn't say you are a wheel-based being just because you temporarily drive a car, now would you? It's the same situation, and it would be just as foolish to call yourself 'electric being' based on a body you are temporarily inhabiting - ESPECIALLY if it's the water-based kind (which I am convinced yours is), and not even the electricity-based kind.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 10:44 AM

For those who understand science-speak, is this government-produced study saying 5G radio waves are triggering, or fostering Covid-19?

Published 9-2021:

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

For those who understand science-speak, is this government-produced study saying 5G radio waves are triggering, or fostering Covid-19?

Published 9-2021:

There's a lot here. I was mostly looking for information about the 60GHz frequency, but I may comment on some other things that were mentioned.

Here's a source about how 60GHz is absorbed by oxygen molecules:

This is from the NIH link:

Several unresolved safety issues should be addressed before wireless 5G is further implemented. Questions have been raised about 60 GHz, a key 5G frequency planned for extensive use, which is a resonant frequency of the oxygen molecule [139]. It is possible that adverse bioeffects might ensue from oxygen absorption of 60 GHz. In addition, water shows broad absorption in the GHz spectral region along with resonance peaks, for example, strong absorption at 2.45 GHz that is used in 4G Wi-Fi routers. This raises safety issues about GHz exposure of the biosphere, since organisms are comprised of mostly water, and changes in the structure of water due to GHz absorption have been reported that affect organisms.

Here's some evidence that a frequency close to 60GHz can impair immune function, and how different frequencies seem to have different effects on living beings.

Exposure to microwave radiation, even at low levels (0.1 – 0.5 mW/cm2), can impair immune function, causing physical alterations in the essential cells of the immune system and a degradation of immunologic responses [107]. Szabo et al. [108] examined the effects of 61.2 GHz exposure on epidermal keratinocytes and found an increase in IL-1b, a pro-inflammatory cytokine. Makar et al. [109] found that immunosuppressed mice irradiated 30 min/day for 3 days by 42.2 GHz showed increased levels of TNF-α, a cytokine produced by macrophages.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 11:52 AM
Another thing that is noteworthy, is that the NIH paper mentions people in the hospital monitored wirelessly.
I don't have the patent number on hand, but I remember seeing a patent for the wireless monitoring patients that operated at the 60GHz frequency.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 12:01 PM
If you stop and think about how many "waves Signals' That are going through our bodies everyday its pretty scary and you can't tell me it doesn't effect any cells in our bodies.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 02:11 PM
Here's a link about monitoring vitals signs with 60GHz pulse wave technology.

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