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I was a friend of Jeffrey Epstein. Here's what I know

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+6 more 
posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 01:08 PM
Here’s an article that came out several weeks before Epstein supposedly died. As the title states, it’s about an ex friend of Epstein’s and what he was like.

The article also claims that there was a rumor that Epstein made a proffer to the prosecutors. This may be why he was reported to be in good spirits leading up to his supposed suicide.

It is rumored that Epstein's lawyer has made a proffer to the prosecutors: Epstein will agree to cooperate with the investigation, including giving up the names of individuals that paid for activities with underage girls in exchange for a maximum sentence not to exceed 5 years.

Additionally, how his peers viewed him. I personally find many of their statements regarding Epstein, to be quite callous and disgusting. I guess if you’re uber rich, you have no feelings toward your fellow man — unless they’re rich like you. Here’s some of the statements from Epstein’s friends:

The conventional wisdom among his friends was that Epstein has been victimized by greedy, morally dubious teenage girls and unscrupulous lawyers. "I've never condoned paying for sex, but if the young lady lied about her age it's her own fault," explained one socialite, who along with Wilbur Ross and Leon Black hobnobbed with Epstein at a Southampton movie screening just two months after his release from "community control" in Florida.

And here’s a woman who’s a fixture on the Manhattan and Hamptons circuit: "From a cerebral and business side he's worshipped. He's incredibly charming and handsome. He's an extraordinary package, so I can see why people don't want to believe what they hear. If people come out of jail and are still successful, people are very forgiving, shockingly so."

And here’s a distinguished scientist: “I always judge things on empirical evidence. He always has women ages 19 to 23 around him, but I've never seen anything else, so as a scientist, my presumption is that whatever the problems were I would believe him over other people."

Here’s a statement on how his friends viewed Epstein’s jail time:

Why was Epstein so easily rehabilitated? He was smart. Attractive. Rich. And that is a potent combination. As David Patrick Columbia, editor of New York Social Diary, explained it for the Times: “A jail sentence doesn't matter anymore. The only thing that gets you shunned in New York society is poverty.”

Here’s another article that claims Ghislaine believes she’s essentially untouchable, due to the dirt she has on high level people. By the fact that she’s still not in custody, I’d say that’s accurate.

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

In america money and influence can buy you a lot of things.

Including blind followers.

Or those people are just as bad as he was.

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: scraedtosleep


Follow the first link. There is a lot more to the story. I didn’t have time to include it all. I just thought I’d start the discussion.

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 02:14 PM
If I had over half a billion, I can probably buy myself a decent life in prison and maybe even freedom.
I SERIOUSLY doubt he killed himself. Only way to get that life though is dropping dimes on people.

I could be wrong but when has someone worth that much killed themselves in prison. I can't thing of one so, going off of historical data one would have to make the conclusion it it highly unlikely he killed himself. No video, suspicious activity of all leans to something else happened.

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: Stupidsecrets

Mental illness can make everything in life seem unimportant, including money.

Epstien was for sure mentally ill.

+7 more 
posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: Stupidsecrets

I don’t think that we even need to debate the topic of suicide or not, anymore.

Epstein didn’t kill himself. Everyone knows it.

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 02:19 PM
Epstein may have been good to the people he knew. That is not the issue, he had a lot of very influential clients, clients that would not want him to be opening his mouth and making an agreement with anyone.

That is why he is dead. I am sure that those guards that were not doing their job keeping an eye on him will be taken care of by whomever hired the hit. I do not believe he committed suicide, and the guards better keep their mouths shut or they may be committing suicide too.

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: Stupidsecrets

Mental illness can make everything in life seem unimportant, including money.

Epstien was for sure mentally ill.

His whole life was about money, women and hobnobbing.

Money is a very addictive drug.

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 02:23 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
the guards better keep their mouths shut or they may be committing suicide too.

Ohhhh Ricky..... they’re getting suicided whether they keep their mouth shut or not. No loose ends.

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 02:43 PM
To add, what the guards are keeping their mouths shut about, is the fact that — Epstein was never at the MCC.

We have not seen one shred of proof that he was. We are still waiting for someone to supply some.

+3 more 
posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 03:00 PM
This is not neccessarily about Epstein but it is relevant.

The husband of a friend of mine did security for foreign affairs in the Middle East during the 80's and 90's. He had a diplomatic status+passport. Went to places like Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan - Enough said.

He told me that he went through military training with and was close with one of the individuals who did security for the Clintons (let's call him Mike) going back to when WJC was AG back in Arkansas and running for Governor. There were some weird things going on back then - the word was funding was raised in dubious ways like trafficking coke and women. Housing schemes etc. Both Clintons were regular coke users and even arranged orgies with young women and drugs. Most campaign cash came from trafficking coke directly from Colombia and Peru and they had strings of mules with routes all the way to the White House. This was before WJC even was governor. In private they were extremely rude and abusive to staff and security, especially HRC.

Once Clinton become president in 1993 "Mike" followed WJC into the White House and was part of his permanent security detail. And business continued as usual with the coke smuggling plus now arms were traded as well. Lewinski was but a trivial incident compared to what perversions WJC did during his presidency. The rest is history I guess.

"Mike" took his own life shortly after 9/11. I was told The scary part is that most of the "old guard" Clinton inner circle security all died in the same manner over a period of a decade or so. All accidents or suicide - suicide - suicide.

Victor Thorn amongst others tried to expose this in his book "Clinton Murder Volume". He was found shot dead on a mountain somewhere like many others.

The Clintons are pure evil and naturally they had to get rid of Epstein because of what he knew about what WJC had done during his visits to Lolita island.
edit on 31-12-2019 by MoonMine because: Spelling

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: Stupidsecrets

Money is a very addictive drug.

Money is like sea water. The more you drink, the thirstier you get

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: MoonMine

I do truly believe, based on the preponderance of evidence presented, that WJC was and continues to be a bad person. And just like most serial killers, the spouse always knows that something is up. And in this case I do believe she is culpable, as well as more than likely maleficent.

I also wish that people like trump would have kept his mouth shut about it on Twitter and whatnot. I like trump for a lot of reasons, but him talking about the Clinton body count actually takes away credibility. It gives the left, and the people actually involved with this creep ammo. Now they can turn it into a meme and laugh about it, even knowing deep down they are surrounded by and in some cases are these monsters.

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 04:05 PM

originally posted by: Oppositeoftruth
a reply to: MoonMine

I do truly believe, based on the preponderance of evidence presented, that WJC was and continues to be a bad person. And just like most serial killers, the spouse always knows that something is up. And in this case I do believe she is culpable, as well as more than likely maleficent.

I also wish that people like trump would have kept his mouth shut about it on Twitter and whatnot. I like trump for a lot of reasons, but him talking about the Clinton body count actually takes away credibility. It gives the left, and the people actually involved with this creep ammo. Now they can turn it into a meme and laugh about it, even knowing deep down they are surrounded by and in some cases are these monsters.

The sad thing is they will probably never be prosecuted for their crimes.

More info including on the body guards and security details here:

13 former bodyguards alone died accidental deaths between 1993-1996 - four in Waco, eight in two separate helicopter incidents and one in a drive by shooting. And don't get me started on the trail of death in the 1993 campaign headquarters. It is mind boggling.

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 04:06 PM
Quote from the article:

When we met in 1986, Epstein’s double identity intrigued me — he said he didn’t just manage money for clients with mega-fortunes, he was also a high-level bounty hunter. Sometimes, he told me, he worked for governments to recover money looted by African dictators. Other times those dictators hired him to help them hide their stolen money.

More investigations need to take place on Epstein’s past. Was this man a prodigy that came from nothing? Or was he connected from the beginning — like the majority of the elites?
edit on 31-12-2019 by KKLOCO because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: MoonMine
This is not neccessarily about Epstein but it is relevant.

The husband of a friend of mine did security for foreign affairs in the Middle East during the 80's and 90's. He had a diplomatic status+passport. Went to places like Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan - Enough said.

He told me that he went through military training with and was close with one of the individuals who did security for the Clintons (let's call him Mike) going back to when WJC was AG back in Arkansas and running for Governor. There were some weird things going on back then - the word was funding was raised in dubious ways like trafficking coke and women. Housing schemes etc. Both Clintons were regular coke users and even arranged orgies with young women and drugs. Most campaign cash came from trafficking coke directly from Colombia and Peru and they had strings of mules with routes all the way to the White House. This was before WJC even was governor. In private they were extremely rude and abusive to staff and security, especially HRC.

Once Clinton become president in 1993 "Mike" followed WJC into the White House and was part of his permanent security detail. And business continued as usual with the coke smuggling plus now arms were traded as well. Lewinski was but a trivial incident compared to what perversions WJC did during his presidency. The rest is history I guess.

"Mike" took his own life shortly after 9/11. I was told The scary part is that most of the "old guard" Clinton inner circle security all died in the same manner over a period of a decade or so. All accidents or suicide - suicide - suicide.

Victor Thorn amongst others tried to expose this in his book "Clinton Murder Volume". He was found shot dead on a mountain somewhere like many others.

The Clintons are pure evil and naturally they had to get rid of Epstein because of what he knew about what WJC had done during his visits to Lolita island.

Just about everything you have said I too have heard from people who should know. Yet they walk free and even ran/run for President...

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

The "drain the swamp/lock her up" movement has lost steam unfortunately.

I wish I knew Trump's true intentions.

Excellent avatar you have btw.

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: KKLOCO

In america money and influence can buy you a lot of things.

Including blind followers.

Or those people are just as bad as he was.

I don't think that little fact is limited to America.

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 05:20 PM
Maybe the only way to guarantee his protection was if his enemy’s thought someone else had already completed the hit.

So they create the suicide fiasco complete with enough shady details to convince everyone that it was probably an assassination. His enemy’s all sit back calmly thinking someone else did the dirty work for them, all the while he’s at camp David spilling the beans on everyone.

Hey, a guy can dream right. . .

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: Quantumgamer1776
Maybe the only way to guarantee his protection was if his enemy’s thought someone else had already completed the hit.

So they create the suicide fiasco complete with enough shady details to convince everyone that it was probably an assassination. His enemy’s all sit back calmly thinking someone else did the dirty work for them, all the while he’s at camp David spilling the beans on everyone.

Hey, a guy can dream right. . .

THIS, is what I think happened.

‘Trump holds all the cards’.

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