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SecureTeam set up

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posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 03:30 AM
a reply to: muzj03

Here's the video still on secure team 10's channel:

Just giving him clicks mate , don't feed the hoaxer.

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: EndofSaturn

Did you even watch the video? He fell asleep on his couch and woke up in his parked car with a police officer shining a flashlight through his window. 

Are you saying there is video of him being dragged to his car in his sleep and then just put in the driver's seat until the police arrive ?

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: muzj03

A quote from the article you posted:

"I admitted in the VERY video that I recreated the voice audio for Ken, who WAS a real person, but didn't want their voice out there. 

I admitted this in the description of that video the day I posted it, so I find it hilarious that all of these haters have left that little detail out of their stories."

Yes, as I stated, he has openly admitted to unintentionally posting fake footage. He always comes clean on it. Unlike ThirdPhaseofMoon who strangely receives no criticism for their obvious doctored footage.

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: EndofSaturn

Yes, I've read it & it's obviously the same instance referred to in the video Gortex linked to.
The point of linking that article is he clearly admits he has faked content (regardless of his alleged motivations).

More relevant though is the other link & "syrian" craft photo ?
Perhaps he only ripped that off to illustrate a story...

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 04:22 AM
a reply to: EndofSaturn

Unlike ThirdPhaseofMoon who strangely receives no criticism for their obvious doctored footage.

They both get treated equally here on ATS.

That’s because they’re as bad as each other.

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 04:23 AM
a reply to: EndofSaturn

Yes, as I stated, he has openly admitted to unintentionally posting fake footage.

Has he removed that fake footage from his site after "unintentionally" posting it or just left it there to gather clicks ?

Unlike ThirdPhaseofMoon who strangely receives no criticism for their obvious doctored footage.

Not true , ThirdPhase are also well known hoaxers who have been called out many many times.

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 04:27 AM

originally posted by: muzj03
a reply to: EndofSaturn

Yes, I've read it & it's obviously the same instance referred to in the video Gortex linked to.
The point of linking that article is he clearly admits he has faked content (regardless of his alleged motivations).

More relevant though is the other link & "syrian" craft photo ?
Perhaps he only ripped that off to illustrate a story...

Please show me where he "admits to faking content". Because he was completely trasparent about the audio by openly stating he recreated the interview with the man with his own voice. Perhaps they didn't want to be revealed as they knew the footage was fake.

Though I still see no proof that Tyler was behind the fake footage. Other than the Syrian footage and possibly one of the cube ufo videos I don't even see any evidence that they are fake. The argument is "These videos look fake. One or two are fake so the others must be fake too".

Regardless, a handful of fake footage that fooled him can hardly compare to the thousands of other compelling videos.

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 04:27 AM

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: gortex

As far as I can tell by the evidence provided that is his only provable crime so far; so I'll give you that.

Though perhaps his reasoning is more so for archive sake rather than monetary. I'm sure if he deleted the videos you would be accusing him of trying to cover up his own tracks. Damned-if-you-do damned-if-you-don't.

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 04:38 AM
a reply to: stosh64

I've seen a lot of guilty mug-shots in my time. This is definitely not one of them.

What the hell did they do to him...

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: gortex

I see the baying mob has woke up with their burning torches.

Have you guys ever thought about how much BS is posted on this site, i would say 95 % of posts here are just personal opinions about someone else's BS , the other 5 % has some factual bearing , but still tainted by the mind of the poster, ive got my own BS meter built in, so when i come to this site i know most of what i read here is BS.

So you guys have the gaul to slate this guy for posting misleading videos , that are not actually created by him, sure he's let some dodgy stuff go through , and of course the incentive to generate more views for a better income is a factor.

What's important is that millions of people in the public domain now know who to send their captured video too of anomalous events , yes some may be hoaxed by the sender, and that's always going to be a problem for Tyler in determining its authenticity , so just use your own BS meter, most here seem to have it working well.

As for him being singled out by TPTB, there is one aspect that may be getting up their noses , and as i said, the general public now know who to send their captured video too in minutes of videoing an anomalous event, and that aspect may worry them so much that they feel it worth trying to close him down.

So i for one hope he gets going again, as someone ,someday ,will send in the real deal,

edit on 28-12-2019 by 2hooitconcerns because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: EndofSaturn

It's pretty easy to demonetize a video on YouTube while still leaving it up on the channel. Has he done that to any of the bodies he admits are hoaxes?

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 05:23 AM
a reply to: 2hooitconcerns

ATS used to a wonderful site to come and see what's happening in many different topics. The BS meter was always there back then but not as high as it is these days. You can smell it a mile off in 90% of posts here.

I have always watched Secureteam10 with a pinch of salt and for entertainment as much as anything. If I see something he posts I think has credibility, I'll come to ATS and see if it's here. Like I do with the news.

Youtube is changing very fast. Anything that doesn't fit thier way of thinking it gets shut down. It wouldn't surprise me if they went after channels like Secureteam10.

As for what's happened to him I'm not sure yet. I'll wait to see how much information comes out first.
edit on Sat, 28 Dec 2019 05:24:20 -06000519122019000000k by rhynouk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 05:27 AM
Funny how ATS comes together as a angry mob against this guy that just present UFO footage from around the world.
And hate him for it.

But I have found lots of interesting stuff in the material he posted and made a thread about it here on ATS.
But I did not use his footage, I used a re-uploaded video from someone else... Then ATS where all happy and smiling.
As long one does not link to his channel people are okay with it. It like some MK ultra stuff where everyone in the US have been programmed to hate that guy.

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: 2hooitconcerns

I see the baying mob has woke up with their burning torches.

The fact you confuse those with knowledge of what Mr Glockner is and the many fake videos and claims he has posted as a baying mob shows your ignorance of both the subject and his channel , perhaps do some research then come back.

Have you guys ever thought about how much BS is posted on this site

Quite a lot over the last few years but no one here is making money from misleading people , they post their opinions and and whatever supporting evidence they have for those opinions.

So you guys have the gaul to slate this guy for posting misleading videos , that are not actually created by him

Except the videos are created by him , this post was not written by me it was sent in by John from Kansas ... see how easy it is.

What's important is that millions of people in the public domain now know who to send their captured video too of anomalous events , yes some may be hoaxed by the sender, and that's always going to be a problem for Tyler in determining its authenticity , so just use your own BS meter, most here seem to have it working well.

Why would anyone send genuine footage to a proven hoaxer ?
My BS meter works fine which is why I know Tyler and his Ilk are full of it , don't forget to buy one of his lovely sweatshirts or hats so you can show appreciation for the work he does and people can identify you as someone likely to buy that bridge they have for sale in San Francisco.

Now go do that research.

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: Purpapengus

Why would "they" screw around with the known hoaxer as opposed to "suiciding" him? This is going to turn out to be like when he was claiming bullying by fake accounts with a video showing him owning said fake account. We might just be witnessing him entering full stage of whatever disorder he has.

The world has not gone fully of the rails yet. There is usually warnings given before someone is suicided. If Tyler is suicided anytime soon for keeping up his work, hmm.

As for the bullying, have you read this thread as one small sample of what he faces daily.

Yeah, full stage Secureteam, I don't know. He has made a name for himself. Will he find the goods, will he be a martyr, will he find the loony asylum? Stay tuned.

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 05:37 AM

originally posted by: Spacespider
Funny how ATS comes together as a angry mob against this guy that just present UFO footage from around the world.
And hate him for it.

But I have found lots of interesting stuff in the material he posted and made a thread about it here on ATS.
But I did not use his footage, I used a re-uploaded video from someone else... Then ATS where all happy and smiling.
As long one does not link to his channel people are okay with it. It like some MK ultra stuff where everyone in the US have been programmed to hate that guy.

Didn't Jeremy Corbell do an interview with him before coming onto ATS? Seemed like Mr Corbel found some interest in him.

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: muzj03

surely you are not suggesting a known prolific hoaxer (exhibit A: - would hoax again ?

They Admitted The Truth 70 Years Ago

I have posted things here that I did not know, I try not to hoax but I am stupid on some things. Thanks ATS and Zaphod58 for holding that line of where reality and fiction is. I don't know what Tyler is going to post in the future, but he is not dead and hopefully a slap around the head gets him a bit more in tune with reality. If you going to do it, do it right.

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 05:53 AM
Going to wait for the court case or at least hearing stating charges before getting all "he's being persecuted". We don't know what he actually did or did not do. It more than likely has NOTHING to do with his YT channel.

But why let a opportunity go to waste in whipping up some publicity an drama?

posted on Dec, 28 2019 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

So many famous ufologists had posted information, videos and photos and they've never been attacked like this guy.

Sorry for him anyway.

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