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Swedens 100 explosions this year

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posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 04:30 AM

So there is this magical land in Europe. It's called Sweden. They have a bit of a problem you see. There are, apparently "wild gangs" roaming Sweden's streets, blowing up stuff. Nobody really understands what is going on.

This category of crime was not even logged prior to 2017. Then, in 2018, there were 162 explosions and in the past two months alone the bomb squad have been called to almost 30. "Bangers, improvised explosives and hand grenades" are behind most of the blasts, says Linda H Straaf, head of intelligence at Sweden's National Operations Department.

Everybody is surprised. Me included. I never knew Sweden is such a violent place. A 100 explosions this year alone ? I here I thought Sweden is the land of milk and honey.

But, before anyone makes unjust connections, have no fear:

"This is a serious situation, but most people shouldn't be worried, because they are not going to be affected."

It's all good...100 explosions and rising per year, is not going to affect..mostly anyone. It's just some Swedish gangs.

"It's very new in Sweden, and we are looking for knowledge around the world," says Mats Lovning, head of the National Operations Department. For criminologist Amir Rostami, who has researched the use of hand grenades in Sweden, the only relevant comparison is Mexico, plagued by gang violence. "This is unique in countries that pretty much don't have a war or don't have a long history of terrorism," he says.

This is all very new to Sweden...whatever could be the reason ??? Let's see who are these gangs ?

Police say the criminals involved are part of the same gangs behind an increase in gun crime, often connected to the drugs trade. Sweden saw 45 deadly shootings in 2018, compared with 17 in 2011.

Swedish police do not record or release the ethnicity of suspects or convicted criminals, but intelligence chief Linda H Straaf says many do share a similar profile.

Uh oh...there is a profile. Good.

"They have grown up in Sweden and they are from socio-economically weak groups, socio-economically weak areas, and many are perhaps second- or third-generation immigrants,"

No !!! That' racist it makes me sick.

For whatever reason, a local resident gave her view on things:

But Malin Bradshaw believes crime levels are more to do with income and social status.

Income and social status she says. In the land of milk and honey ?? where everyone is equal and living the socialist dream ? where gender roles have been wiped clean ? and migration is a huge success story ??

So, how come we dont hear much about this stuff ?

Did Swedish media hush it up? Another important layer of this story is how it has been covered by Swedish media. After last month's trio of attacks in Stockholm, public broadcaster SVT was accused of a leftist cover-up for leaving the story out of a main evening news programme. "I think that they have not done a great job... I feel like they're trying to shrink the news," argues writer Mira Aksoy.

but...there is an explanation for that. You's all just unfair on Sweden.

"The problem is that Sweden is used symbolically as proof of problems with immigration, proof of problems with leftist policies - unfairly in many cases," he argues.

It's all just unfair.

So let's recap:

There are no no-go areas in Sweden. There is no problem with migration. It's all working beautifully. Everything is honkey-dorey and going according to plans.

I'll leave you with some prophetic messages by the chief troller:

"They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible."

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 04:38 AM
Those darned Swedes. They've had a thing for explosives since the days of Alfred Nobel.


posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 04:49 AM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly
Four rape a 13 year old and the 5th films it

Those people left for Russia..

I have Swedish friends I play golf with.. they are not very complimentary of the government's immigration policies nor the new arrivals and the crime that seems to be a daily occurrence .. There are those saying there is going to be a civil war.. Just like other countries are saying.. How is that NWO open border thing working out ?

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

They've had a thing for explosives since the days of Alfred Nobel.

You might think that the swedes are mellow and sensitive people...but obviously you would be mistaken. They are living in a Mad Max future as we speak.

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 05:05 AM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

I hear Volvo is having problems keeping their professionals in country (fed up with the situation). It would not surprise me to see a diaspora of sorts emerging from Sweden in the next couple of decades.


posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 05:05 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

I have Swedish friends I play golf with.. they are not very complimentary of the government's immigration policies nor the new arrivals and the crime that seems to be a daily occurrence .. There are those saying there is going to be a civil war..

you know that's just anecdotal street talk. If you ask Swedish's all lies by the right wingers.

Kinda reminds me of Trump and Brexit, when street was saying one thing, and the establishment was in denial mode and pushed for the opposite to be true.

In the end, the emperor is always revealed to be naked.

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 05:10 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

I hear Volvo is having problems keeping their professionals in country (fed up with the situation). It would not surprise me to see a diaspora of sorts emerging from Sweden in the next couple of decades.


I think that can be easily overcome. Let them go and hire some migrants from "Syria". Most of those are doctors or engineers anyway. Plenty to choose I see no problems for Volvo. A pair of hands is a pair of hands.

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 06:06 AM
How is it easier to get a bomb than a gun in Sweden?

Sweden had gun control, I am told gun control stops all violent crime and make a country safer.

it's almost like, evil people will do evil things and ignore the laws of the country they are in

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: SocratesJohnson

Who told you gun control stops ALL crime (shouldnt car alarms stop all car theft or house alarms stop all home robberies then?), I live in the UK and am quite happy we dont have as many guns as people, but at no point in my grown adult life have I ever believed that criminals obey the law, thus they are called criminals.

My country has not had a mass shooting since 1996 thats 20+ years ago, is that classed as safer? considering how often mass shooting happen in the USA. I have lived long enough to have owned a gun legally and to also not, do I miss them, nope, My uncles owned handguns and shotguns and I was able to make home cartridges with them and we shot pheasant in Scotland, farmers can still own guns.

I am thankful this generation of stabby stabby kids havent got access to a device which could harm many more than they currently do.

All above is my own opinion on life, I have not asked to take your guns away, please dont ask me to accept guns in my country either, lets agree criminals are scum and break the law, lets agree that the police should be better paid and more of them as we are both decent civilians and I hope my family and yours are never involved in a violent crime.

In regards to the access to bombs I am guessing they could be home made the internet has plenty of information on it, I doubt it would be hard to find the required ingredients

edit on 13-11-2019 by UpIsNowDown because: typo

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

Gang violence against other gangs.

Not magical, not inscrutable, just a sign of the times.

Are you concerned about violence in non-“socialist” countries or areas?

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Gang violence against other gangs.

right. You might have missed the info about those gangs consisting of mostly 2nd or 3rd generation migrants.

just a sign of the times.

which times would that be ?

Are you concerned about violence in non-“socialist” countries or areas?

Maybe you mistook my thread for a concern ? No worries man, I'm not concerned at all. I live in far less utopistic country. No diversity, no gangs roaming the country. We're pretty safe on that note. And judging by the politics in my part of the region, I dont see it being a problem any time soon.

Anyway...I was mocking rather then being concerned. If the Swedes say they have no problems...all the power to them.

All I can do i wish our Nordic neighbors is to go out with a bang.

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 07:21 AM
And why do they always rape kids?
It’s like the muslim religion predisposes you to becoming a pedophile..
Shall we do a study?

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: GreenGunther
And why do they always rape kids?
It’s like the muslim religion predisposes you to becoming a pedophile..
Shall we do a study?

Hey hey man. This is not about muslims. It's about "swedish" gangs. And there is a high probability that not all 100 % of the members of these gangs are muslim. More like 97 %. I like that number for some reason.

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: GreenGunther

All pedophiles and rapists are scum, desrving of a slow and painful death, not a study I would like to do, if you do your study make sure you catch everyone, none deserve any mercy

Alleged rapist 'hid in tree to evade police

whether they are from Rotherham or Harrow, lock them up together and dispose of the key

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 07:45 AM
I had mashed swede with my Sunday roast last week. Oh, sorry, wrong thread.

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

Question asked and answered.

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

Well, Im sure Greta Thumberg will now call for a school strike on Mondays, in support of peoples right to have bombs, and set them off in Sweden.
And also mainly because, she dont like Mondays......

Anyway, Obviously it is evil white men of America that is causing this problem in Sweden, because it cant be the white men of Sweden because there aren't any.....they have all left, ....only brown men of Sweden allowed now.

Apparently, Greta has been seen practicing wearing a sheet over her head at home, between United Nations meetings, to prepare herself correctly for her future married life.

So really, All is well in Sweden, and no-one there has a problem with it all......apparently.

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: gort51

I dont think she cares much. She's half way across the world...having important "grown up" discussions about climate change. Obama even gave her a high five after they were done. Obviously there was some serious talk

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly
If they ban bombs everything will become like Utopia.

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: UpIsNowDown
a reply to: GreenGunther

All pedophiles and rapists are scum, desrving of a slow and painful death, not a study I would like to do, if you do your study make sure you catch everyone, none deserve any mercy

Alleged rapist 'hid in tree to evade police

whether they are from Rotherham or Harrow, lock them up together and dispose of the key

The first step to mitigating is understanding.
It seems religion in general might take advantage of a genetic predisposition to pedophilia.

But it seems more relevant in the catholic and islamic religions.
I doubt the world would ever allow me to publish results from such a study.

But it could spare countless future children from suffering through trauma.
edit on 13-11-2019 by GreenGunther because: (no reason given)

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