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Need Help Setting Up NameSilo Website

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posted on Nov, 11 2019 @ 11:45 AM
Good day all. I am trying to set up a website. I purchased a domain name and hosting service at NameSilo and just can't seem to figure the thing out. It's very clunky and the help page does not explain much. I followed the instructions with applying the templates and when I go to the website it shows as being parked at the NameSilo mini site. I can't find any tools for editing the site either. Any help would be appreciated.

posted on Nov, 11 2019 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: SilentWindofDoom
Good day all. I am trying to set up a website. I purchased a domain name and hosting service at NameSilo and just can't seem to figure the thing out. It's very clunky and the help page does not explain much. I followed the instructions with applying the templates and when I go to the website it shows as being parked at the NameSilo mini site. I can't find any tools for editing the site either. Any help would be appreciated.

Can't say I'm familiar with NameSilo and you haven't actually specified the exact problem you're having

posted on Nov, 11 2019 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: SilentWindofDoom

You can either host a website you coded manually, or you can use a website builder, and host that site.

I don’t believe namesilo has a website builder - godaddy has one for about $70/yr if I recall correctly. If you’re not familiar with coding, you should cough up the extra money for a website builder
edit on 11-11-2019 by Medusa18 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2019 @ 12:34 PM
You’ve completed the process of ‘hosting’.
Now on to wordpress!
Or you know, spend years learning to code.

posted on Nov, 11 2019 @ 12:41 PM
Ok, so what you're saying is I paid for the name, the hosting and I still have to pay for the site itself?

So, if I do the wordpress (I assume it costs), will I be able to directly upload it to the host?

Sorry if i'm not clear, not very tech savvy.

What about Microsoft Publisher. Would that work to upload the site? I just don't know the mechanics of how it works.

posted on Nov, 12 2019 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: SilentWindofDoom

Wordpress is free hence it being so popular with bloggers, although you can pay for 3rd party 'plug-ins' that add functionality. (Wordpress is a blog website builder but can be used to make any kind of website, from blogs to e-stores and everything in between.)

I recommend if this is your first time making a site to get googling and learn the basics (plenty of tutorials and manuals for beginners online) or get assistance from someone with some experience.

If you're having problems with your website appearing after you've uploaded it to your hosting then I recommend contacting your hosts tech support, as that is usually part of the service when you buy hosting.

On the upside it's never been easier to make a website than it is these days.

You only have to pay for the website if you employ a professional to do it, otherwise it's completely free if you build it yourself from scratch or use a CMS like Wordpress and similar.

So yeah get googling. Recommend a search like "Building a wordpress site for beginners".

It's not as hard to do as you might think, I've even taught plenty of people with zero computer skills to make sites and you can pretty much have a site up and running in 5 minutes if you put in a little effort to learn the basics.

As for templates, most hosting control panels on the back end (like Cpanel) have templates that change the style of the control panel, is it possible the 'template' you changed was for that?

Have a look around your control panel a bit, many hosts come with website builders as part of the hosting, or come with wordpress installers built in.

posted on Nov, 12 2019 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: SilentWindofDoom
Good day all. I am trying to set up a website. I purchased a domain name and hosting service at NameSilo and just can't seem to figure the thing out. It's very clunky and the help page does not explain much. I followed the instructions with applying the templates and when I go to the website it shows as being parked at the NameSilo mini site. I can't find any tools for editing the site either. Any help would be appreciated.

GoDaddy has templates, you put your stuff in how you like...n pay them monthly fee. You can be "up" and running today in hours. And there are others like "GoDaddy too...good luck!

*Ps...these sites aren't expensive
edit on 12-11-2019 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2019 @ 01:48 PM
Thanks everyone. I went ahead and purchased the basic WordPress builder subscription. Site is working fine.

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