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Bigfoot: New HD enhancement of the Patterson-Gimlin footage.

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posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 11:55 AM
I've just come across this persons enhancement of the Patterson-Gimlin video footage on YouTube, and was very impressed with the quality of the persons work. It was released only a few days ago, and is about 30 minutes long as the person goes into a lot of detail on how he enhanced the footage.

What did you guys think of the enhancements?
I know after all these years, there's not a lot that can be added to the discussion on whether you believe the Patterson-Gimlin footage is real or not, and like most people I've ended up sitting on the fence so long that my backside is starting to ache, but you could make out quite a lot of "new" details in things like muscle definition, the hand, leg flexing, and chest/breast movement. The enhanced footage also seems to add "weight" to the creatures movement.
I have always wanted to believe that the sasquatch/bigfoot/wood ape phenomena wasn't just misidentification or just a person in a suit faking for attention or financial gain. I think this goes a long way to help prove that "Patty" could be a real unknown creature.

edit on 12-7-2019 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 12:24 PM
I am cannot see its toes.

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: one4all

I think being able to see things like toes, the inside of the mouth, blinks or "dirt" around the bottom, would answer the age old question of whether "Patty" was real or not.

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: Kurokage
Still looks like a guy in a monkey suit to me.

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: one4all

I think being able to see things like toes, the inside of the mouth, blinks or "dirt" around the bottom, would answer the age old question of whether "Patty" was real or not.

I agree...I recently got clear photos of a Juvenile BFs footprints...I was right behind it in pursuit when it took me into a dead-end little canyonlike spot ..whereupon it took four big strides up an extremely steep ravine bank I had zero chance of getting deadended me completely...must have had a chuckle at my expense...but I backtracked it and at least got photos....lucky to because most prints were in wet mud and indistinguishable...or on gravel or on hard beaten paths or on a log or in loose dirt only stepped on a small strip of sand a few feet wide.

I am totally over the conspiracy issue now....and its actually quite frightening simply because people have no freaking clue how many of these things there aRE AND OF HOW CLOSE THEY LIKE TO LIVE TO US IN MANY CASES....I am talking very very close as in right inside City limits and in Suburb areas.

There is not a single Park/Path area I have gone to that has not had massive volumes of BF signage...and I mean MASSIVE VOLUMES....once you understand what they are doing you cannot miss it...they literally sign their way everywhere they go.

I have been feeding fish to one that has a hideout observation spot about 75 feet above my head where I fish in a river valley....I went to relieve myself one day away from my fishing area and took a short walk....I immediately saw a BF signpost/tree and went over to investigate it.....I found the lookout spot...and its other signage...then as I always do I MOVED SOME OF HIS/HER HANDIWORK-TREES AROUND and left my scent all over the site...…now I leave fish there....never found one the next day never found a single bone or scale either...and never found a footprint or handprint either....but they are stubborn with their woodwork and tree placements.

Their wide bodies make signature paths on the thick bush you cannot miss when you learn to identify them same with their footpaths they are WIDE WIDE WIDE....compared to human or game trails...and highly compressed.

I must confess I literally giggle when I knock over their little tree like to set up little tree traps that will alert them if anyone has been in their areas...and they like to set up reminders of where they stash their food like pinecones and constantly leave my scent and move their trees and branches and sticks around ...LMAO...its absolutely a blast because I know very well why they leave their signs and I confuse annoy them at the very mark escape routes and feeding areas and hideouts and sleeping dens and observation its like being a fox in the henhouse when you begin messing with their do leave the odd gift and one of them probably has a cell phone on it right

edit on 12-7-2019 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 12:47 PM
I kind of like the MK Davis enhancements better. I think he had access to the original film to make better scans. His enhancements also highlight areas of exposed skin on the subject, showing that the color bleed in the film can make it look like a suit but it's actually sparse hair (not fur) covering the body.

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: one4all

I think being able to see things like toes, the inside of the mouth, blinks or "dirt" around the bottom, would answer the age old question of whether "Patty" was real or not.

I agree...I recently got clear photos of a Juvenile BFs footprints...I was right behind it in pursuit when it took me into a dead-end little canyonlike spot ..whereupon it took four big strides up an extremely steep ravine bank I had zero chance of getting deadended me completely...must have had a chuckle at my expense...but I backtracked it and at least got photos....lucky to because most prints were in wet mud and indistinguishable...or on gravel or on hard beaten paths or on a log or in loose dirt only stepped on a small strip of sand a few feet wide.

I am totally over the conspiracy issue now....and its actually quite frightening simply because people have no freaking clue how many of these things there aRE AND OF HOW CLOSE THEY LIKE TO LIVE TO US IN MANY CASES....I am talking very very close as in right inside City limits and in Suburb areas.

There is not a single Park/Path area I have gone to that has not had massive volumes of BF signage...and I mean MASSIVE VOLUMES....once you understand what they are doing you cannot miss it...they literally sign their way everywhere they go.

I have been feeding fish to one that has a hideout observation spot about 75 feet above my head where I fish in a river valley....I went to relieve myself one day away from my fishing area and took a short walk....I immediately saw a BF signpost/tree and went over to investigate it.....I found the lookout spot...and its other signage...then as I always do I MOVED SOME OF HIS/HER HANDIWORK-TREES AROUND and left my scent all over the site...…now I leave fish there....never found one the next day never found a single bone or scale either...and never found a footprint or handprint either....but they are stubborn with their woodwork and tree placements.

Their wide bodies make signature paths on the thick bush you cannot miss when you learn to identify them same with their footpaths they are WIDE WIDE WIDE....compared to human or game trails...and highly compressed.

I must confess I literally giggle when I knock over their little tree like to set up little tree traps that will alert them if anyone has been in their areas...and they like to set up reminders of where they stash their food like pinecones and constantly leave my scent and move their trees and branches and sticks around ...LMAO...its absolutely a blast because I know very well why they leave their signs and I confuse annoy them at the very mark escape routes and feeding areas and hideouts and sleeping dens and observation its like being a fox in the henhouse when you begin messing with their do leave the odd gift and one of them probably has a cell phone on it right

Does anyone believe garbage like this?

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: PhilbertDezineck
a reply to: Kurokage
Still looks like a guy in a monkey suit to me.

That's what I came away with too.

One of my close friends saw one from 15 feet away. He saw its face and the expression on it. The face on this one( what you can see of it) looks similar to what my friend described, but this one walks too much like a human. Next time my friend comes over, Ill have him review this footage, and see what he says.
My friend thought he was going to be killed that night. The thing he saw was angry, and tried to cut him off on a hairpin turn on Ettersburg road in northern California. It was very large and muscular, and ran real fast, as if to cut him off. My friend was in a lifted Toyota truck, and thought it was going to roll his truck over the side of the cliff like mountain and it would just look like he drove off. He put the pedal to the metal part way through the turn, and escaped

This one walks like a man.

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: PhilbertDezineck
a reply to: Kurokage
Still looks like a guy in a monkey suit to me.

Very well could be but you gotta admit it's a pretty damn high quality suit if it is fake.
Female parts and all.

Its actually excessive detail for the video cameras of time. Better than most Hollywood movies.

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: Kurokage

That footage to this day still looks like a suit to me.

But I will say damn she is sexy......

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 01:12 PM
one of the guys confessed this video is a hoax.
one of the original filmers.
he said it was an ape suit.
edit on 12-7-2019 by dantanna because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

It looks nothing like Harry. that was good makeup.

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: dantanna
one of the guys confessed this video is a hoax.
one of the original filmers.
he said it was an ape suit.

There have been a few guys who have admitted to being the "guy" in the suit over the years, so till it's proven either way I'm still a fence sitter.

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22

originally posted by: PhilbertDezineck
a reply to: Kurokage
Still looks like a guy in a monkey suit to me.

Very well could be but you gotta admit it's a pretty damn high quality suit if it is fake.
Female parts and all.

Its actually excessive detail for the video cameras of time. Better than most Hollywood movies.

That is what I thought. When you can see the muscle moving under the "costume", especially when the video was taken, these guys could have made a fortune in Hollywood. I think it was the real deal.

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: Kurokage

originally posted by: dantanna
one of the guys confessed this video is a hoax.
one of the original filmers.
he said it was an ape suit.

There have been a few guys who have admitted to being the "guy" in the suit over the years, so till it's proven either way I'm still a fence sitter.

Yeah, it reminds me of Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance. Literally dozens of old Mobsters have claimed to be responsible for his death, with widely varying account of what was done with his corpse.

Back to Bigfoot: Yeah, if it's a guy in a suit it's very well done. Far surpassing the skills of the guys who made Planet of the apes (which is where skeptics usually claim the suit came from).
edit on 12-7-2019 by AndyFromMichigan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 02:18 PM
A reply to one4all...

If you really are this involved with toying with Bigfoot's (plural Bigfeet???) then why haven't you set up a trailcam by now?

If they really are taking the fish etc. that you leave out for them, then that's the spot right there for a hidden camera.!?!?!?!!

Get on it !!!!

edit on 12/7/19 by SecretKnowledge because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/7/19 by SecretKnowledge because: is the plural for "bigfoots"

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: face23785

Does anyone believe garbage like this?

Well yes, since nearly the same thing with dead end and track and toe holes up an unclimbable straight up and down bank happened to me. There was also a bed made of broken branches I simply can't see any human making it and certainly no animal could.
I also left food, chicken which was taken, but after that I felt I should leave things be as it is not like disappearances don't happen. Bears would eat you so how do we know this meat eater would not. Humans eat Monkey so likness is not a problem for carnivores.

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: dantanna
one of the guys confessed this video is a hoax.
one of the original filmers.
he said it was an ape suit.

I can't see why anyone believed him since he was clearly after interviews and dollars.

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge
A reply to one4all...

If you really are this involved with toying with Bigfoot's (plural Bigfeet???) then why haven't you set up a trailcam by now?

If they really are taking the fish etc. that you leave out for them, then that's the spot right there for a hidden camera.!?!?!?!!

Get on it !!!!

They seem to be too smart for that. Also why would you want to show proof so everyone would flood the are trying for a trophy?

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: Kurokage

So, you are or are not familiar with...

Bob Heironimus

Bob Heironimus claims to have been the figure depicted in the Patterson film.[283] Heironimus says he had not previously publicly discussed his role in the hoax because he hoped to be paid eventually and was afraid of being convicted of fraud had he confessed. After speaking with his lawyer he was told that since he had not been paid for his involvement in the hoax, he could not be held accountable.

A month after watching the December 28, 1998, Fox-television special World's Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets Finally Revealed?, he went public, via a January 30 press release by his lawyer, Barry Woodard, in a Yakima newspaper story.[284] He stated, "I'm telling the truth. I'm tired after thirty-seven years."[279] Five days later, a second newspaper story reported that his "lawyer's office has been inundated with calls from media outlets. ... 'We're just sort of waiting for the dust to settle,' he said, explaining he and his client are evaluating offers." He also said, "We anticipate that we will be telling the full story to somebody rather quickly."[285]

Heironimus's name was first publicly revealed, and his allegations first publicly detailed, five years later, in Greg Long's book, The Making of Bigfoot, which includes testimony that corroborates Heironimus' claims:

Heironimus's relatives (his mother Opal and nephew John Miller) claim to have seen an ape suit in Heironimus' car. Opal said she saw the suit two days after the film was shot.[286]

Russ Bohannon, a longtime friend, says that Heironimus revealed the hoax privately in 1968 or 1969.[287]

Bernard Hammermeister, another longtime friend, said he was shown an ape suit in Heironimus' car. No date was given by Long for Hammermeister's observation, but it apparently came well after the relatives' observation, as implied by the word "still" in the justification Heironimus gave Hammermeister for requesting his silence: "There was still supposed to be a payola on this thing, and he didn't have it."[288]

From the video confession I saw, Bob was expecting to get paid $1,000 and they never delivered.

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