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New Jersey mom credited with stopping potential school shooting in Kentucky

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posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 02:21 PM
Source: New Jersey mom credited with stopping potential school shooting in Kentucky

A New Jersey mother has been credited with helping thwart a potential school shooting -- 650 miles away.

Koeberle Bull of Lumberton, N.J., was surprised to find a Facebook messenger alert from a man she didn’t know: an account belonging to Dylan Jarrell, of Lawrenceburg, Ky., who was seen holding a weapon in his profile picture. The message was filled with offensive and racist remarks aimed at Bull's three children, who are featured in her profile.

“There's no such thing as white privileged you f---ing autistic f---. I hope your black children gets hung for you being so stupid...Act your race retard,” the message read in part, according to a screenshot later posted on Bull's Facebook page.

Now this is definitely a racist psycho for sure. I am glad she didn;t ignore this, and called the KY State Police and forwarded her concerns.

The Kentucky State Police said they were able to make contact with Jarrell on Thursday just as he was pulling out of his driveway. Police said an investigation uncovered a cache of weapons.

“A firearm, over 200 rounds of ammunition, a Kevlar vest, a 100-round high capacity magazine and a detailed plan of attack were also discovered in the possession of the subject,” the Kentucky State Police said.

Police believe the suspect was about to carry out an attack at a nearby school before he was stopped. A search warrant was obtained and executed on the suspect’s home where authorities found an Internet history that included a search for how to carry out a school shooting.

I wonder if these firearms were legally owned by this crazy person? It is not in the news story, so I ask if there are ant ATS members in this area that might have more information or have heard of this man?

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 02:24 PM
A single firearm with 200 rounds(what's that, like 4 boxes of ammo) and a vest doesn't really sound like a "cache" of weapons.

Small nit to pick, but it just bugs me when words are tossed around without taking their meaning into account.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 02:31 PM
I agree, I have more than that here, in multiple calibers. My main concern is was he legally in possession of his weapons. And if so, were there previous run-ins with police that might have prevented him from legally owning any at all. If so, was he "let off" the hook or were they illegally purchased?

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 02:36 PM
Last time I went to the range with a friend he had 200 rounds of 5.56 - I believe that's how much comes in a case. He didn't have any 100 round magazines because they're huge and bulky- but he did have about a dozen 20 round ones.

Hardly a cache! the police won't state what kind of weapon he had, though.
They keep saying he has a "detailed plan of attack" but I've yet to find any more information on that, either.

They're claiming he was leaving his home on his way to shoot up a school when they arrested him.

I wish they'd release what this 'detailed' plan was... but going to shoot a place up with 200 rounds and only a 100 round magazine doesn't seem well planned to me. Probably takes ten minutes to reload that thing

So far, other than being a #head on social media, I can't see that he's done anything wrong... but I've not seen this "detailed plan of attack", either.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: lordcomac

yes... because besides the detaild pans, comments, and weapons on the ready, not safely put away ; we needed to be absolutely sure he was planning something bad, or better yet let him act on it and then we can make threads asking why didn't the fbi take actions to prevent a madman from possible senseless acts of violence etc etc...

thanks Obama Rome...

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 03:19 PM
Yeah draw up a map and a step by step how you'd do it and put that in your gun case and go drive around town with it all the time. Uh huh.

If your goal is to get locked up for a while you could always just go shoplifting.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: MisterSpock
A single firearm with 200 rounds(what's that, like 4 boxes of ammo) and a vest doesn't really sound like a "cache" of weapons.

Small nit to pick, but it just bugs me when words are tossed around without taking their meaning into account.

Very true. When I attend a shooting school I expend 1000 rounds per week, which is quite normal. I'm sure I would be accused of a "cache of ammo" if someone checked, which I would call a couple week's worth.

Having said that, kudos to this woman who followed through. Sounds like a very angry character at best.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 04:05 PM
We should adopt public caning.

edit on 23-10-2018 by Lysergic because: canning would be nice too, mmmm jam.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: lordcomac
... but I've not seen this "detailed plan of attack", either.

It was in his trunk under his manifesto and passport.

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