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Charles Manson and China Lake

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posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: LiberateEarth

originally posted by: KansasGirl
Does the Navy run HAARP?

Please, let's go back to the OP, which is about Charles Manson, a person which most of us would rather never walked the face of the Earth.

In my opinion, all of humanity is horrified from the prospect that the MAINSTREAM could fool us into thinking that people such as Charles Manson are not loners, as they say; rather they are mind control victims.

Fair enough.

I don't think Charles Manson was a mind-control victim, and I certainly don't think he was buggered at China Lake/Area 51. In fact, his movements throughout his life are pretty well documented, especially his childhood and early adult years, as he was in a series of childrens' group homes and juvenile detention type facilities, and none of them were at China Lake.

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: KansasGirl

originally posted by: LiberateEarth

originally posted by: KansasGirl
Does the Navy run HAARP?

Please, let's go back to the OP, which is about Charles Manson, a person which most of us would rather never walked the face of the Earth.

In my opinion, all of humanity is horrified from the prospect that the MAINSTREAM could fool us into thinking that people such as Charles Manson are not loners, as they say; rather they are mind control victims.

Fair enough.

I don't think Charles Manson was a mind-control victim, and I certainly don't think he was buggered at China Lake/Area 51. In fact, his movements throughout his life are pretty well documented, especially his childhood and early adult years, as he was in a series of childrens' group homes and juvenile detention type facilities, and none of them were at China Lake.

As I remember, in his youth he was living with relatives not far from Moundsville, WV. His mother was in the WV State Penitentiary in Moundsville for armed robbery? and he visited there, often. Later, after he was in a California prison he asked the warden of the WV Pen to transfer him there, near home, and promised he wouldn't be a trouble maker if he was transferred. The WV pen was by far the most dangerous prison to be incarcerated in and was condemned by the government as completely inadequate.

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: LiberateEarth

seems you agree that Icke is a nut though. Good on ya. Don't pay attention. Dangerous.

How you could come to that conclusion is beyond comprehension, and actually an insult.


posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: LiberateEarth

Icke is playing you.

But don't worry, you're not the only one.

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 08:34 PM

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

originally posted by: LiberateEarth
a reply to: Phage

I see.

So there is nothing more to discuss.

But I really appreciate the honest answer.

He was saying people believe HARRP is also used for mind control. ELF and VLF


In a 1982 Air Force review of biotechnology, it was said that ELF waves can be used for many purposes, including “dealing with terrorist groups, crowd control, controlling breaches of security at military installations…” ELF towers are being erected by the thousands across the world.

The official purpose is for cell phone transmission. Mind control activist Ken Adachi states, “It is no coincidence that the frequency band chosen for cell phone use (430 Mhz) matches the frequency which affects human brain waves.” (25) In most major metropolitan areas, there are at least several hundred ELF towers, arranged in a grid-like fashion (26).

I can't cite a reference but I do recall reading a series of papers, supposedly written by government researchers, about how sound waves can control humans and the military implications of this. The basic idea was based upon the frequencies of brain waves on EEG tests. Supposedly, if you beamed sound waves that matched the electrical frequency of a brain wave you could induce the type of behavior present while the brain generated that wave.

Personally, I was kind of skeptical as to how well this would work but these reports were very detailed and listed pages of frequencies and combinations of frequencies along with what specific effects were produced.

I always thought HAARP was used to investigate weather control and low frequency communication with submarines. These reports that I read were supposedly written for HAARP. I do know that it has been proven that some tones can make a person ill or experience anxiety. Others, supposed to cause involuntary bodily functions to occur like the "brown note" so far as I know, have not been proved.

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: LiberateEarth
a reply to: Phage

You do not agree with me that David Icke re. Charles Manson, an historical figure, have anything to do with
China Lake, so I accept that there is nothing more to discuss.

But I repeat, I respect your honest answers.

I am of the opinion that David Icke is an intelligent, honest investigator into the truth of what's going on on planet Earth, but I understand that others may not agree.

I share your opinion of David Icke. I especially liked his theory about the reptilian people that control the world. From what I've seen, his latest stuff is the best yet. He does tend to speculate at times and I believe this info about Manson and China Lake might be just that.

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: toms54
He does tend to speculate at times and I believe this info about Manson and China Lake might be just that.

David Icke is in a unique position in that he has established himself as a public figure who can be relied upon to think independently and listen to unconventional reports from individuals.

People tell him things because they will not be ridiculed, which is the usual response, even though it is a fallacy of reason and demonstrates the ignorance of those who dish it out.

He is a clearinghouse for information that is rarely available; we all should keep that in mind if we are truthseekers.

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: LiberateEarth

"Truth seeking" would seem to imply critical thinking skills rather than accepting anything anyone happens to claim.

edit on 8/11/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 10:29 PM
I don't follow Icke. He is kind of out there. However, you might be interested in "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon" and "Programmed to Kill" by David McGowan. They both have some interesting facts regarding Manson. The books are fairly well researched with some speculation, but the speculation is treated as such, and not as fact. Weird Scenes also delves into the military mind control aspect of it.

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: LiberateEarth

Just a note - "Conspiracy Theories" and questionable official stories way predate 9/11. I realize that a lot more people became involved with them following that, but Icke writing about the things he did before 9/11 is not really an indicator of anything.

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: KansasGirl

Why DID you answer with a question?
Do you think a Socratic approach serves no purpose?

Does the Navy run HAARP?

Not anymore. The University of Alaska does, such as it is. But the Navy used to have a good chunk of it.

It doesn't really matter who runs it. All that matters is who funds it. Plenty of compartmentalized projects still exist funded by the military.
edit on 11-8-2018 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2018 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: libertytoall

It doesn't really matter who runs it all that matters is who funds it.
Which would now be the University. Everyone else bailed.

posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 05:21 AM
First it takes more then 45 minutes to drive from China Lake to Myers and Barker ranches.

The last 1/3 was some of the worst roads in the calif desert and you had a dry water fall to get over that took a winch most of the year.
The dry water fall is a lot better now because the keystone mine blasted it about 20 years after the family was arrested.

As for Charles Manson he was real and he was the one doing the mind control on the rest of the family with a lot of '___' and other drugs.

Charles Manson was strange when i ran into him but was not that strange when there were no other family members around but really strange when with the rest of the group as he ACTED as group leader.

I have spent years exploring goler canyon and have prospected a few of the small mines there.

posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: libertytoall

Was the song "I am the Walrus" by the Beatles anti military?
Catcher in the rye troll song?

posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: LiberateEarth
In my opinion, all of humanity is horrified from the prospect that the MAINSTREAM could fool us into thinking that people such as Charles Manson are not loners, as they say; rather they are mind control victims.

I see today that I misspoke and said it backwards.

What I meant to say is that we're horrified to learn about mind control victims, not loners, carrying out heinous acts. This makes it purposeful, not a mistake in society.

This is a stressful topic.

posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 08:18 AM
The book cited by David Icke in the opening post quote is The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler (1996).

posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 10:02 AM
Shakespeare said

I see how thine eye would emulate the diamond.

The A priori steering element before thought.
Before you can subject something for logical analysis there is already a potential logic fork.
Whats a PIG to Manson?
Might have missed that point thinking Charlie was talking about Plato's trouble with the dark horse.

posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: FlukeSkywalker
There's no "Charles Manson". He's a fictional character like everyone else in the "media"/fake reality called Earth. He's a symbol. Charles (C) killing Sharon (S) = Cocaine (C) becoming the drug of choice at the end of the sexual revolution. C (coc aine) killing S (sex), because coc aine represents a higher frequency high, than sex (orange/yellow). Cocaine kills the libido.

This entire reality is a lie. A story. Everything a metaphor or double meaning for something else. I don't want to use this terrible cliched phrase, but "as above so below" seems to be in play here.

So you're just another character in my social media experience/fake reality called Earth. I wonder what You symbolize... Maybe you are the one who will move humanity out of the opiate phase of frequency into the next level. Fluke Skywalker. FS. Fentynal Synthetic. That is the old you. The future of recreational drugs is in Floral Syringes. You can't deny the prophetic power of double meanings, as above, so below, as left, so is right, and as over here, so is over there, as was yesterday so is today... Or as my uncle Fred likes to say "same #, different pile".

posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: KansasGirl

originally posted by: LiberateEarth

originally posted by: KansasGirl
Does the Navy run HAARP?

Please, let's go back to the OP, which is about Charles Manson, a person which most of us would rather never walked the face of the Earth.

In my opinion, all of humanity is horrified from the prospect that the MAINSTREAM could fool us into thinking that people such as Charles Manson are not loners, as they say; rather they are mind control victims.

Fair enough.

I don't think Charles Manson was a mind-control victim, and I certainly don't think he was buggered at China Lake/Area 51. In fact, his movements throughout his life are pretty well documented, especially his childhood and early adult years, as he was in a series of childrens' group homes and juvenile detention type facilities, and none of them were at China Lake.

Those "homes" and facilities are notorious for all manner of evil.

posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: LiberateEarth

On the other hand, it is quite well established that crazy loners can indeed affect others adversely. Manson. Jones. Applewhite.

It seems you agree that Icke is a nut though. Good on ya. Don't pay attention. Dangerous.

Never trust the one who tells you its dangerous to pay attention.

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