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Chinese Apple Product Assemblers living a horror story thanks to Apple

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posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 09:56 AM
link hnology

APPLE, you are so greedy.

You charge people all that money for your products, known for being the most expensive tech on the earth and you treat your Chinese worker assets like THIS!

It is plain greed. The products do not need to cost more, but the profits need to be much less. Witout China and these workers you would have no product. China should clear them out and steal their tech. What could Apple do; start a nuclear war? China, have more respect for yourself than this. Are you realy that much Apple's little worm?

Metal particles in the eyes of the workers is the latest.

Apple have been poisoning the locals, as usual for a Western Corporation, lousy bastards:

An analysis of wastewater from the plant, included in the report, found that it exceeded local government standards for chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand and levels of suspended solids – common tests for water quality. The sample was taken after the investigator spotted white foam discharging from the factory into the public drains.

A report into the treatment of workers making iPhones for Apple claims that 90 workers were taken to hospital in May last year after a leak of chemicals including sulphur and phosphorous at a Catcher Technology factory in China. Rights group China Labour Watch (CLW) details the incident in a report, published on Tuesday in association with the Guardian, into the treatment of workers primarily making products for Apple, in factories in Suqian, Jiangsu province. The report reveals workers’ claims that they are working long and gruelling hours for inadequate pay, as well as being exposed to chemical hazards. Among the claims are that overtime worked is nearly double the level allowed under Chinese law; that workers are paid a basic wage equivalent to £1.26 an hour; and that the plant discharges contaminated wastewater into the public drains.

Of course Apple deny everything and say they are good little gnomes and treat their workers like kings and tuck them in bed at night with milk and cookies, yeah we believe that.

When I stick up for the Chinese workers I am sticking up for you and me, too. You see, if they get away with doing that to the Chinese they are going to manipulate us to compete and we all know what that means. Already, as I previously mentioned in another thread, they are taking out the Western male and all he was used to as a worker; his rights and his choices.

Watch out. China, you are letting us all down. Tell these fiends to ship out if they are going to abuse your people like this. Have some pride and self respect for goodness sake. Do us all a favour.

You know the expression "Rotten to the core" don't yuz? These guys are bad apples!

edit on 17-1-2018 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

It's been going on for years. DO NOT BUY APPLE PRODUCTS! Life is cheap

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:14 AM
Let's not blame Apple here. I don't. I blame people who buy Apple stuff. OK, so everyone is guilty of buying stuff made in China but let's face it, you can't really avoid it. It's getting to where it's hard to buy underwear that wasn't made in China or somewhere.

Anyway, I just get a kick out of it because so many libs love their overpriced (China slave labor made) Apple junk.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: LightSpeedDriver
a reply to: Revolution9

It's been going on for years. DO NOT BUY APPLE PRODUCTS! Life is cheap

"They say that capitalism is above the law
That it don't count less it sells
When it costs too much to build it at home
Just build it CHEAPER some place else"

Bob Dylan's "Union Sundown". It has been Union Sundown for the whole of the West. They are whittling us down to the same common denominator; universal exploited worker. It really is as evil as it sounds. Listen to Bob's song when/if you have a moment. I wished we could have listened to him and not gone down this Highway 666 Revisited.

I've let Captain Kirk's computer recite in onbaord the Enterprise just for a change. Nah, Bob's Record Company are hot on Youtube not having his music up there so not able to link to the track.

edit on 17-1-2018 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

Apple is an evil, overpricing, manipulating corporation with a zombified cult-following, like Amway or Young Living. Steve Jobs was a demon from the ranks of the ninth heaven (the Maradeva or Devilish Gods). Those gods are partially Buddhist but 100% narcissistic. Doesn't that sound just like Steve Jobs -- or my ex-wife, the graphic designer? Whatever. Apple is the legacy of a sick, mean-spirited f***.

Apple products are designed and marketed to the effete narcissist in all of us. Unconsciously we associate luxury, privilege and exclusive membership with the notion of superiority over others. This is the mentality that Apple products are marketed and designed to inculcate in their users, or rather, devotee base. Of course, in many ways Apple products suck, on purpose. That is to force upgrades. Apple and Microsoft are no different in this respect.

I started out on TRSDOS. I worked a beta Windows 95. I owned a G5 and made good money with it. I got hacked by the Feds -- almost -- and went straight to Ubuntu Linux and BSD, and have never looked back except to sigh relief and rue the fate of "lusers" of commercial software.

The only thing I still like about Apple is their wireless stack. And that, I suppose, they continuously improve with any improvement to the original BSD.
edit on 17-1-2018 by Namdru because: users==lusers

edit on 17-1-2018 by Namdru because: money

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:22 AM
Never Owned a Fruit Fone
Never will.

F proprietary Fruit products.
& all the BS that goes with them.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:23 AM
In the past five years, I've started buying fewer and fewer made in mexico products- but there's only so few you can buy and still live a first world life.
At work, I spend thousands a month on things assembled in tiwan. It's hard.

Screw apple though. Ick.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

Yea. Those chinese people should just get a job at one of the other factories there. Lol.

Honestly. This guardian article is a hit piece. Apple has one of the best factories and work environents in China. The problem is the Chinese have an abundance of work force and not enough positions. This leads to people competing for work and so they will accept less and less in wages. The gov standards for work environment conditions and waste disposal methods are the real story here.

But, i know you saw an article and your self righteousness wouldn’t allow you to take a moment and think about what biases may be in play here, or any real world factors that might lead to the guardian having an opinion on who Apple contracts for manufacturing.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

Apple is in good company.

Nike, under Armor, GAP, Fit Bit, Samsung, LG, Fruit of the Loom, Dole, Farmed Shrimp, Tomatoes, US chicken farmers, Illegals in the US working for Corps, Levis, RedWing, the Diamond trade, The list of these sort of horror stories are endless. Why $$$$ and lack of regs.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

If these workers were smart, they'd strike the moment the company announces the Iphone 810,000.

Apple exploits minimum wage laws and taxes and if Trump is serious about bringing jobs (ha) back to america he should get onto this quick smart. But higher wages means less produce, and less produce means longer lines for a new product that has the same functions as the old one.

But Hold on...The iPhone million can tell you what your spirit animal is! I must camp out for three days to get my hands on a device that does the exact same thing my current device does! screw the raping of the planet for rare Earth minerals (they are called rare for a reason) and screw the exploitation of tax laws and foreign workers because the iPhone Billion can tell how much saliva I currently have in my mouth!

Fair pay for a working day-some of these poor folk's monthly wages are less than a single iPhone four trillion.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: LightSpeedDriver

I have been a Galaxy guy for years, I just upgraded to the S8, its fantastic. I had the 5, so it had been a few years since I upgraded, well worth it, oh and Samsung did not "throttle" My Galaxy 5, it ran just great when I got the S8. One of my friends switched to the Galaxy 8 note from iPhone 7, and he now says he wished he had done it years ago. The guy who sold me my S8 also had the S8, and he said he likes it more than the new iPhone, and he was also a apple user for years, and he switched.

Apple should be ashamed, and called out! I honestly have not had an apple product in years. The last product I bought was an ipod, like 10 years, its been awhile.

edit on 17-1-2018 by kurthall because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-1-2018 by kurthall because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:37 AM
This is a China problem not an Apple problem. China lacks the worker protections of most first world countries. It isn’t like Apple has a choice about where to make their products either because of China’s constant cheating through the devaluing of their currency.

If you actually want to fix this problem it will be up to China’s workers and the United States growing some balls and calling the Chinese government on their BS trade policies.

Blaming Apple is stupid.
edit on 2018/1/17 by Metallicus because: Sp

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: Metallicus

Are you suggesting regulations on "free trade"?


posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: Revolution9 hnology

APPLE, you are so greedy.

You charge people all that money for your products, known for being the most expensive tech on the earth and you treat your Chinese worker assets like THIS!

It is plain greed. The products do not need to cost more, but the profits need to be much less. Witout China and these workers you would have no product. China should clear them out and steal their tech.

Chinese workers get a fair price for their assembly work.

All they are doing is putting the parts together. All design work is done by Apple. It's the design that is "hard."

So, you say China should steal their tech.

But, they can't. Because technology is changing too fast.

By the time the Chinese steal the tech, and figure out how it works, to duplicate the thing, the tech has become "obsolete".

That's why they get paid so little.

It costs lots of money for "research and development" of the new products. Because the "designers" demand "high salaries".

So, when the Chinese start to "design" products, they will make lots of money too.

Most design is actually done by "Indians", since they have the "brightest minds" in the world. And they make good money. But, "Made in India" doesn't show up on any products, because design is all "virtual digital IP", so we only see "Made In China" where the "assembly" work is done. Also, in many cases the "Indians" do the design under contract, and don't actually own the final design either, but they do still get well paid. A product like an "Intel Chip" might be "designed in India" and "manufactured in Indonesia", but is "Owned by America", since it's America that holds the "patents".

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Metallicus

Compare Apples' new facility they just built to the factories in Asia. Apple don't make the rules but they do determine the prices. As for your statement that Apple can only make them in Asia with slave labour, that is pure disingenuous BS but to each their own.

Choose life!

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: Metallicus
This is a China problem not an Apple problem. China lacks the worker protections of most first world countries. It isn’t like Apple has a choice about where to make their products either because of China’s constant cheating through the devaluing of their currency.

If you actually want to fix this problem it will be up to China’s workers and the United States growing some balls and calling the Chinese government on their BS trade policies.

Blaming Apple is stupid.

That is one thing trump has talked about, that I give him credit for. I mean he did not talk about the humanity side of it, of coarse, but unfair trade, he did.

Blaming Apple for employees that technically work for them being mistreated is absolutely part Apples problem. They knowingly make products in a country which practices are sometimes inhumane. How is that not partly their fault? To save a dollar, they knowingly produce there. It is as simple as that.

They could inspect the factories and make sure they are treating the workers well, and doing a good job, if they cared,They don't care about the people

edit on 17-1-2018 by kurthall because: fix

edit on 17-1-2018 by kurthall because: fix

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

Just to reiterate, I am all for the Chinese government raising their standards for operation and environmental management. The reason these companies go there is because of the relaxed standards and the fact that China barely holds them accountable to the standards that they do have. Corps will do what ever will savemake them more money. It is a governments job to police them.

And the people’s job to be informed and make decisions that benefit the entire world and not just their particular tribe.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: AMPTAH

originally posted by: Revolution9 hnology

APPLE, you are so greedy.

You charge people all that money for your products, known for being the most expensive tech on the earth and you treat your Chinese worker assets like THIS!

It is plain greed. The products do not need to cost more, but the profits need to be much less. Witout China and these workers you would have no product. China should clear them out and steal their tech.

Chinese workers get a fair price for their assembly work.

All they are doing is putting the parts together. All design work is done by Apple. It's the design that is "hard."

So, you say China should steal their tech.

But, they can't. Because technology is changing too fast.

By the time the Chinese steal the tech, and figure out how it works, to duplicate the thing, the tech has become "obsolete".

That's why they get paid so little.

It costs lots of money for "research and development" of the new products. Because the "designers" demand "high salaries".

So, when the Chinese start to "design" products, they will make lots of money too.

Most design is actually done by "Indians", since they have the "brightest minds" in the world. And they make good money. But, "Made in India" doesn't show up on any products, because design is all "virtual digital IP", so we only see "Made In China" where the "assembly" work is done. Also, in many cases the "Indians" do the design under contract, and don't actually own the final design either, but they do still get well paid. A product like an "Intel Chip" might be "designed in India" and "manufactured in Indonesia", but is "Owned by America", since it's America that holds the "patents".

And another reason the chinese labor gets paid so little is it means more for apple and their shareholders.

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: Metallicus

Are you suggesting regulations on "free trade"?


I am suggesting equity so the United States can compete and we can make things here in the good ol USA. Right now if we made electronics in America they would cost double what they do now. Apple only makes them in China to stay competitive.

To be clear...I want these jobs in America done by Americans.

Problem solved.

edit on 2018/1/17 by Metallicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2018 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: Woodcarver

And the people’s job to be informed and make decisions that benefit the entire world and not just their particular tribe.

Well we have a serious philosophical difference. My responsibility is to my family and my community not “the world”.

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