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Rendelsham glyphs and me

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posted on Oct, 17 2017 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: anotherside
a reply to: InhaleExhale

Ok heres my theory.
I had a special hearing connection due to possible location and timing. This program is a series of possibly disguised space metals creating a quantum field of sorts around me. "They" used the technology wrong on me. Creating vortexes around the planet possibly galaxy that when passed through shifts a person or object.
Which is why in south africa they have VWs with the logo fully connected on some cars. Which by this realities standards never was.

Also another event occured right as i started hearing voices while in hospital. 2009.
I used the front brain to try to muscle a possible implant off a lobe. I squeezed my brain like flexing a muscle. Got a vocal warning to stop. Shortly after i noticed paintings had changed in the ward (fish were looking different directions, dogs were different in another). Then my family brought me to my hometown. A bank building never had lights on top around it but now it did.

I think the ancient egyptians believed they could travel using their minds hence a serpent energy out the front. Donnie darko (yes fantasy) also touches on the maybe my beliefs arent so nutty.

Is that you, Jared Loughner? Have they restored your internet privileges in jail?

posted on Oct, 17 2017 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: RadioKnecht

No im not who ever that is. Haha. Im being serious, giving this site gold and no one believes it and responds like trolls. Go figure.

posted on Oct, 17 2017 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: anotherside
a reply to: RadioKnecht

No im not who ever that is. Haha. Im being serious, giving this site gold and no one believes it and responds like trolls. Go figure.

Look some of us are generally concerned for you, and thats genuine....Yes youre going to get some trolls as well, but just because many of us dont agree with what youre saying doesnt mean we are trying to troll you....

I believe you believe your experiences , and that in your reality that IS what you are experiencing, from my reality however, I dont believe thats what is happening.....

Its not what happens in other peoples reality that sometimes causes concern, but when that reality crosses into other peoples and effects a tragedy.....

Does this make sense?

posted on Oct, 17 2017 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: anotherside
a reply to: RadioKnecht

No im not who ever that is. Haha. Im being serious, giving this site gold and no one believes it and responds like trolls. Go figure.

Look some of us are generally concerned for you, and thats genuine....Yes youre going to get some trolls as well, but just because many of us dont agree with what youre saying doesnt mean we are trying to troll you....

I believe you believe your experiences , and that in your reality that IS what you are experiencing, from my reality however, I dont believe thats what is happening.....

Its not what happens in other peoples reality that sometimes causes concern, but when that reality crosses into other peoples and effects a tragedy.....

Does this make sense?
im not doing that. Im trying to show some ounce of proof that what you may consider mental illness is not, as i said earlier it is a attack on the psyche and perception. Leaving the ones causing the technological attack free from guilt. And the victim a twisted fearful life. And when you cage someone, it makes them worse. Ive discussed this with most everyone who hears voices. Theyre less dangerous than someone who doesnt hear voices. And only when they threaten themselves or others is when i agree something needs to be done. I am presenting what i believe to be a mystical relationship between my experiences and the psychic or remote viewing universe. Which is possibly why im seeing so many close relationships all over.

posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: anotherside
a reply to: InhaleExhale

Now your just being insulting. If a ufologist said all this would you rip that person apart?

It was a joke.

Do you see me asking flexing your brain?

How does one flex their brain like a muscle?

If anyone said what you say I would respond exactly the same.

Ive discussed this with most everyone who hears voices.


me being one of them and trying to help you find a strength to overcome your issues as it seems you arent getting medical help you are happy with.

I am trying to make you see if you make all this what you are experiencing as being internal you can fight it without any need of external help other than information and suggestions, no medication.

You don't want believe its internal and doing so you wont ever find a solution other than an on going suffering or a potential decline which could lead to who knows what.

Change your perception, change the belief that its external and you may find a path to a better place.

Convincing yourself and trying to convince and find others to verify your beliefs which you will, will only prolong your suffering and help create more for others that suffer from similar issues.

Theyre less dangerous than someone who doesnt hear voices.

this is alarming.

All people are are equally as dangerous and unpredictable in any given situation.

This sounds like an excuse someone might repeat to themselves because there is a concern yet they don't want to face it.

And only when they threaten themselves or others is when i agree something needs to be done.

So its only when threats are involved?

What about when a person is a danger to themselves or others?

Should something at least be discussed to conclude whether there is a danger or not to an individual or others and then action taken depending on the conclusion?

No im not who ever that is. Haha.

Its not a ha ha matter.

there are striking similarities how people that have gone over the edge post on internet sites.

Its concerning to readers when they read your posts.

Its hard to get through to you, one takes step back and makes a joke and you take it as insulting.

People post their concerns and disputes with what you post and what the readers get

more deluded paranoia like this

Im being serious, giving this site gold and no one believes it and responds like trolls. Go figure.

Go figure?

responds like trolls.

If you didn't tell ATS you were diagnosed anyone reading would think you are the troll.

like im saying schizophrenia is a paranormal attack, not a mental disorder.

but you also say this

Leaving the ones causing the technological attack free from guilt.

Can you not see the contradiction?

Guilt is a human emotion/condition, has scientific knowledge to explain it.

Technology used by humans that are free from guilt also has a scientific understanding.

How can it be paranormal and technological leaving the attackers free from guilt?

posted on Aug, 21 2020 @ 12:12 AM

originally posted by: anotherside

Now yes this will sound crazy, insane in fact. But try to see how i relate based on my experiences in 2010-2011/2012.

Jupiter the Second Sun and Earth's Sun are on Opposite Sides......................
Jupiter is in Capricorn when it reaches 12/21/2020 at its Great Conjunction..............When the Earth's Sun Reached the Galactic Center, it was technically Aligned to Capricorn, that is reasonably sound statement. (Planet Jupiter is the Fifth Planet).

Small Family Update

God gives the Sons of Man in the New Testament, Two Names, to identify with "Abraham and Sarai or Abraham and Lazarus", his God of finishing the Covenant of the Pyramid Builders and Their Soulmates, acted out in the New Testament, with a Loving Family. For those individuals only.
The themes more then ever is "suicide pleasure", at maximum, that is humanities position, the son of man and god's association to this earth has to be removed and done away with as soon as possible. No specific involvement for this earth or its people, as they die. Save for the fact that it kills enough to produce a Noah's Rainbow, its not important, following an action or inaction from God to denote the behavior..................if that isn't settled then humanity just dies, with the knowledge that it didn't have the will to live, and that means killing................when that is resolved, I'll ensure things get started with god's mercies for a few countries, that means at worst I am willing to kill and redesign leadership and political boundaries/country boundaries.

All of this will be resolved soon. Most likely 12/21/2020................should be out of the earth's resonances, mankind will answer its suicide, the son of man is not payment for sin, or the declaration of a new law, this will be resolved soon. (until that time, there is still "pain for pain" with the son of man, euthanasias, so still some pleasure for you in that sense).
edit on 21-8-2020 by Anubie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2020 @ 02:38 PM

(?) (Thinking)

(Material is designed to have no error)

The upcoming great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will be December 21, 2020. This is a once-in-20-years event

The Largest Circle with the Triangle is the Sun ("Triangulation Origin")......(there is also a "Jupiter Triangle")........those three large circles are the gas bodies in our solar system.

""Great Conjunction of Planet Jupiter"" paralleled to...............""Earth's Sun Traversing Galactic Center""
with the following Notes:::

Solstice Precessional Alignment of Earth's Sun @ December Solstice 1980 to 2016 (1980,1998,2012,2016)
"Great Jupiter Conjunction" @ December Solstice 1980 to 2060 (or Halley's Comet 2061)

12/21/2012 for Earth @ Galactic Center is Denoted (@Capricorn)
12/21/2020 for Jupiter @ Galactic Center is Denoted (@Capricorn also)

NOT FOR PLANET EARTH* (this will be resolve this year)
(humanity does not have a, "will to live", it does not have the inclination to answer god over "dead flesh accusation", in removing and terminating those genetic lines...........that means only one conclusion========="god does nothing" directly, indirectly, humanity can suffer quite immeasurable, the earth is clean, humanity is not clean, the variations in the unified field etc and earth, will be enough to cause significant pain for a very long length of time..........going forwards with god's mercies) (those genetic lines have penetrated your colleges and universities, we can see the result clearly.............."dead flesh" isn't a war for moses to win, not at all)
edit on 21-9-2020 by fintalini because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2020 @ 03:47 PM
(not technically a double post)

originally posted by: anotherside

Answer to mysteriousstranger: im aware but this is so close to relating to me on all levels.

Inhale: the second and third glyph point to implant communication technologies. Which i am 99% sure i have and that somehow got into me at a young age.

(Rendlesham Forest announced::::::::::::@"December Solstice"............that would be the time, when the son of man and his soulmate would become a family, and god would resolve their consumation..........that is "abraham/sarai ... or abraham/lazarus" for the new testament.

Old Testament Luke's Genealogy is all...."Angels" the law, that would be finished with God coming as Jesus, announcing the resolution of mankind for the equal potential the gospel affords (not to make payment for the sins of mankind, or to justify or resolve sin on earth).

New Testament Matthew's Genealogy is all...."Pyramid Builders, Listed by the Surname of their Soulmates/Wives, this is as a cyclical reminder for god's resolution of his law, after the illustration that was the testimony of jesus.
(Comet Elenin info, was close to the real subject of a family coming together in love to mark the final euthanasia of mankind..................there's a lot of information that pretends humanity will not be judged at all, it has no sin, or that humanity is no flushed out in rebuke before it dies globally as that is what it chooses to do, then this will be very painful, full of suffering and for a very long time)

("God does Nothing", then, the "Son of Man does Nothing"...............all manner of expressed euthanasia is man's responsibility, and the earth may increase suffing due to unified field effects over time............however............God's mercies will still go forwards.

(earth energy, flat earth, inner earth, resonances with creation's past, more then "off world only" ............ is in reality a form of payment for sin, when the main issue has to be mankind's suffering at its own hands, very painfully, as it goes out of its way to do that for dead flesh, so we'll have to see how this all plays out, as humanity passes way in about 40 years, so very soon humanity will die)

(Moses has to move away from from earth, away from the false accusation, as of god making payment for sin because you can abuse his body and testimony of moses, that is good in cutting off spiritually, before death, the rest is humanities pain it chooses to suffer that way and all of this will be resolved very soon)

(billions have to go away just to have some ties to earth's rings ........... or all of that is not really important to emphasis the faith of god, and the necessary action of man, in pain or in suffering for its unfaithfulness)

(God is not giving a law, so why is god doing anything to earth, you'll have to resolve to lack of a "will to life" and this "dead flesh accusation", you'll have to answer god) (God was very clear about tying jesus's crucifixion into the events of revelation, as if that was all god intended to do directly for earth in these issues, yes, then that is the probably outcome)
edit on 21-9-2020 by fintalini because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2020 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: fintalini
This is far from coherent. If you have a point, could you please say what it is in simplistic terms?

posted on Sep, 22 2020 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance
a reply to: fintalini
This is far from coherent. If you have a point, could you please say what it is in simplistic terms?

(The Subject is Murder, and there is some fake history to go around too)

Edward Leedkslnin//Small Women in the Box//History called Nicholas Roerich, also fake or acted out
*Fake Nazi Vril Society Girls

Nguyen Van Lem//Small Women in the Box//History called "D.B.Cooper", also fake or acted out
*Fake Billy Meier Account

(The Women is put into the box, to take the old testament assumption of "earth energies" or activity despite humanities severe condition of "dead flesh", that is the assumption) (with god using an angel or etc. to illustrate his mercies, but not significantly after the fact of the testimony)

(the "assumption of the old testament", isn't very valuable. because they are technically making payment for sin, and man's suffering after the fact of its sin is not flushed out..........mankind is in the old testament in the new testament as a result of its sin, their activities although vain has kept man in its sin desires of dead flesh, stead fast) ............... (about 20 minutes in you can see a story about a small women in a box) .............. (I want love and a family with y, god does the resolution, summarizing the youtube video, but I wasn't sure about, man's suicide condition and this earth, but it does appear that because God is acting, where as God has not generally acted before in the last few cycles, putting you away into a box isn't a possibility, but that was never one of my goals, this has been a learning experience) (seems to be a law in 5 months/constellations, revolving around jupiter, not the earth, as god is not dealing with or resolving man's dead flesh accusation)

(what god does how things are resolved, is 1290 and 1335 days from Daniel or 12/21/2020 to 5/21/2021 ................ that answers everything ............... god generally uses low yield arguments ................. that means previous activity of a son of man sometimes plays a role in what god does to reveal his timetable ................ edward leedskalnin/nicholas roerich both were in new york city if not the fact that they maybe the same person ........... same for the other mentioned, that is relative to 9/11/2001 and flight 370, facts nobody chooses to acknowledge, it does not mean they are right for deleting information, it means they have handicapped themselves)

(that fake information specifically, satan did it or they were moved by an angel, points to what god has instore for me, and I still get to make choices..............what God doesn't do, is, allow the son of man to play god, by reversing the tables, if they choose to and then put things back in order, I don't think that is what god allows, so I called the position MURDER, unclean..............but god allowed that because he wasn't doing anything specifically, and man was at the end of the day still convicted of "suicide pleasure" in its dead flesh was not the best decision god offers, but god blessed those actions)

God lets the son of man play old testament? that is "small women in the box", but that seems sinful. I can imagine how humanity would take its lives in suicide more, just view the event of ww1 and ww2, but when nguyen van lem did the same thing successively, humanity didn't take as many lives, at least not until the that proved less effective, as humanity chooses death more, right at the very end of humanities life span............not dealing with "earth energies" .............. but if people die to produce rings around this earth, they cannot reproduce enough to remove that, to remove those rings and they suffer more. they don't suffer as a result of using earth energies, and scoffing at god's past mercies, but, they die because they are unclean resisting god's proclaimtion of using this generation over that ring/rainbow issue................not a complete argument but enough should die to identify with it, that is a faithful expectation.

(many people were clear, they removed the new universe association, because god allowed the, "small women in the box" equation" god's eyes, its not the responsibility for the son of man to resolve the dead flesh accusation, they had a choice and they used it, thats not a choice I would make, unless I have a considerable reason to be faithful with that in god's eyes, remember how small the life span is. but today, like I said, it doesn't seem a choice god allows, and its not on the top of my list in actions, it doesn't seem profitable today)

1. Great Conjunction of Jupiter (in the circumstances of Earth's Sun at Galactic Center, that means in Capricorn)
2. Halley's Comet Crosses 5 Planet Orbits (Halley's Comet Furthest from Earth @ Great Conjunction of Jupiter)

Two Bodies, the Sun and Jupiter, or two Suns ................ the legal answer could never be 12/21/2012 ................. but the legal answer can resonant with "December Solstice" ................. the Earth's Sun @ lowest apparent position.
edit on 22-9-2020 by fintalini because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2020 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance

Nothing new on that one.

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