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Firearms resolution to soon be passed.

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posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 11:54 AM
I want you to understand this thread was started to warn Americans and other nations about new gun requirements for newly manufactured guns and how pre dated guns will be updated to be useless unless the govt allows you to use them, once this bill is allowed to pass.

Ok, there was an idea which through in retrospect does not seem as the best course of action but was accepted by a majority of the group as a viable course of Action for future firearm sales and current legal firearm owners. This page maybe totally erased either I or ATS may be forced to comply to erase this thread or post. But I hope many will read this before that happens.

An Idea was presented about having all firearms created with a computer GPS and activation of use chip or AUC. It seems that it is already in production. If passed by congress in a closed session of course, all new firearms will be made with these chips.

The chips allow the weapons to be allowed to be tracked and activate for firing. i.e. at home you will have a certain code given you by the FBI to activate you firearm for home defense (of course it does not prevent home suicide use), once out of range of the home the chip deactivates the firing ability of the firearm. If you go to a range via a port or wifi an activation code for firing is downloaded to allow the gun to fire. Once away from the range it automatically disables the firearm. This will be on all new firearms. All registered firearms will be by law required to have a GPS chip placed in the firearm for tracking. They say in case of theft but it could be used for tracking the gun at all times.

If these newer guns have either the Anti-firing chip or GPS chips disabled by magnetic or a hack the gun is locked and cannot be fired. Rendering the gun useless for any purpose in home or out of home. The older ones will still be able to fire even if the GPS chip is hacked or corrupted.

The fact that this type of advanced tech is already in production without public knowledge is frightening.

I expect that ATS or I will be forced to remove this thread if detected I allowed this info out. Get it out and spread the news before this happens.

edit on 15-10-2017 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

+8 more 
posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 11:59 AM
That’s some nice paranoia you got there.

Also this isn’t skunk works or grey area...
Aren’t you supposed to bring some sort of evidence for your claims in this forum?

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 12:01 PM
I see no source.

I also see no market, considering that gun owners would immediately balk and gun manufacturers would go bankrupt.

*yawn* Wake me when this idea isn't just fear-mongering.

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

I'm supposing here, that you have some measure of evidence? A link? Anything?

The fact that this type of advanced tech is already in production without public knowledge is frightening.

Yet you know about it already??

Color me skeptical. Not to mention the screams that would be going up from gun rights special interest groups, and the manufacturers (who know which side of the bread their butter is on...).

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Yeah, I will never use a gun with an electronic chip that is required to make it work. Putting mine and my families lives at stake on a mass produced Chinese 20 cent chip is not going to happen.

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: infolurker

That goes without saying.

In no way would this fly.

The OP should really provide a source for this. Asking nicely.
edit on 10/15/2017 by seagull because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 12:16 PM
Having actually seen the inside of a lot of firearms, this sounds absolutely preposterous. Especially the "retrofit" angle.

It's like saying they're going to put "advanced micro GPS tracker chips" in hammers to prevent them from hammering nails.

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: MisterSpock
Having actually seen the inside of a lot of firearms, this sounds absolutely preposterous. Especially the "retrofit" angle.

It's like saying they're going to put "advanced micro GPS tracker chips" in hammers to prevent them from hammering nails.


The average person could make a functional gun with one trip to the hardware store.

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

As much as I know certain elements of the government would love this.

I feel inclined to call you out and call bogus!

The backlash to gun manufacturers, and to the government would be overwhelming.

Also, given the accuracy of GPS, it is far from precise or perfect.

If you can't provide some proof about this closed-session of Congress, and some actual proof of the gps-code-locking-trigger-disablers, then this isn't anything more then something to get people all riled up on their emotions, with no grounded basis in reality.

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Is this about your GPS remote control firearms silliness? Quit spreading false rumors.

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 12:35 PM

I expect that ATS or I will be forced to remove this thread if detected I allowed this info out. Get it out and spread the news before this happens.

Nice edit.

Makes the OP look so much more legit when your no evidence thread is binned...

Fool proof!

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

Yeah, I can't give you any as the meeting we were in was just supposed to be think tank type stuff to help prevent another mass shooting like what happened in LV two weeks ago.

TPTB already know I have an ATS account so it may not be long before I am asked to remove the thread and the post in another thread I started about the the groupd meeting mentioned (that they allowed as long as I didn't go into details)post amidst threats of my security level being revoked or reduced.

Listen this is a doable and is already in the works.

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: infolurker

It wont matter if you don't buy it you wont own it.

Older registered guns will be required to have a GPS not a fire actuator chip installed under the guise of tracking older guns if stolen.

The freedom to bear arms is not curtailed it this goes forward. But gun manufactures already have these in place, some of which include palm and hand print identification readers so a gun cannot be fired by anyone but the registered owner.

These next steps if allowed to be implemented is under gun owner registration amendments which will not hinder your right to bear arms.

Registered arms older will be required to have the GPS installed and if not they have the right to confiscate the gun and charge and convict you with a felony to keep you from legally having a firearm.

This is no BS. I am serious.

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: MisterSpock

no retrofit needed a GPS chips can be installed very easily into the butt or hand grip frame of a firearm. AS far as the fire actuation chip that is entirely different matter as the firing mechanism would have to be replaced and most older guns are not designed to carry that mechanism.

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 01:02 PM
Chester, there is no way such technology would even be considered as a replacement at this time (if it even exists). Thus far, the "Internet of things" (IOT) has proven itself very insecure. If this technology relied on any of the 802.11 standards for this activity (as you suggest), it wouldn't stand a chance in today's hostile cyber security arena.

802.11 does not have a built in means to authenticate a user (barring RADIUS, etc) without significant background infrastructure and tech (that is also vulnerable to attack). What would prevent the user from capturing and replaying the authentication frame (from home or the range) and using it whenever they like? How would they validate a user was who they say they are? In order to properly secure and authenticate someone, the device would have to be capable of performing complex cryptographic operations at very quick speeds (life or death situation). How would the system prevent an attacker from purchasing/building a microwave jammer? Or even broadcasting deauth frames in order to effectively deny access to an AP? GPS could be jammed via RF devices purpose built for jamming or by simply wrapping RF shielding material around the GPS antennae. What if you were inside of a faraday cage built around an entire room? How about if you were in a basement that was just too deep? There are too many possibilities here.

There are far too many security concerns and the technology is far too immature to even be considered as a viable replacement. The most effective means for protecting your firearms have been largely unchanged: You should always secure your weapon (locked up or in a Level ~2 holster) as you are responsible for it 24/7. Follow basic safety rules and know when it is appropriate to employ in self defense. I'm not saying the smart gun technology is a waste, as it very well may make sense for certain people. If you only use your firearm for target shooting and have small children at home, the extra couple seconds it takes to unlock a smart gun probably wouldn't be an issue.

In the case of home defense (think 3 AM, dark & disoriented) or CHL defensive shooting (low light, or just ambush style attack) these make no sense. Research has shown even experienced officers/carriers can fumble with safety mechanisms and holster retention mechanisms in a high-stress life or death situation. I don't think it would make sense in this respect.

Additionally, banning conventional firearms will not be effective for two reasons 1) there are far too many in circulation and 2) they are far too easy (and legal) to construct.

Once cyber security takes a turn toward the secure I would be a bit less reluctant to believe this is possible. For the time being, the state of security is so poor that such a creation is not very practical and definitely not reliable.
edit on 10/15/2017 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 01:04 PM
let me add my son is intellectually disabled. We prayed long and hard about this but he has a GPD/GPS locator chip in his body, I cannot say where for his safety. Every three years he has to have a new chip installed because the miniature power device only last three years at best. If it goes out before then we have to have it replaced when it stops registering to our phone or computer.

So odn't think for a moment they don't have the tech to do this to older firearms.

I was just a member in a meeting discussing ways to prevent another LV mass shooting.
edit on 15-10-2017 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 01:13 PM
One small question for you. Will the police be exempt from this chip enabling them to have ative weapons all the time?
If so then the burning question you must answer is, why then do the police need guns?
The answer, because the criminals have guns and that is your whole answer there. The majority of criminals have illegal guns now and when or if the chip arrives they will have unchipped guns. That being the case police AND civilians need to have active weapons to defend themselves anywhere and anytime.
Just because you have a very, very minor incidents with legal weapons compared to illegal weapons is no need for draconian methods.

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: JBurns

Ever hear of smart highways, smart roads, smart cars, TELSA self driving cars. smart refers, smart TV's, Smart washers etc etc etc are really all about. The tech is already out there my friend need I say more, 802.11 compared to these networks are like a commodore computer compared to today's 64 bit 128 RAM systems and larger systems being employed by the military and TELSA operations.

Ever thought of what all these smart home google devices have in them and their capabilities. But I bet you are the first to go out and get one for your home?

I have myself been working on a device to help EMP protect my car and home in case of some thing happening. I have just restored a 1976 Chevy for use in case of this happeing. I am also working on an old UPS truck but using an old diesel engine from the 80's.

Things are going down and they will go down quickly and the more we are informed the more we can work on subverting it.

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

There is no gun registery and if they tried to create one, Texas and other states would opt out of enforcement making those states Firearm Sanctuary States.

posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

The reality is this, no matter what steps you take if someone is determined to use a firearm, or other devices to cause a mass casualty incident the only way to stop him is to catch him beforehand, or in the act.

A determined person will find a way. If not guns, then explosives, knives, vehicles, and so on.

Bubble-wrap and duct taping the world to make it safe aren't going to work, as bubble-wrap, and duct tape fail.

What would go a long way in stopping such things, you ask?

Why paying attention to each other and those around us. Being Observant to all around us, and interacting with them.

Technology has limited our attention spans to an effective area of 12" by 12", and in doing so, we don't see all the other stuff going on around us.

Vigilance is required.

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