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A strange situation in France

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posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: gosseyn

Well, isn't that convenient? I'm sure we've got plenty of little hidey holes like that stateside too...we're just better at covering # up over here. The discovery won't stop what's going on though, I'm afraid. But it'll be interesting to see how they play it...will they just ignore the voices of suspicion that are raised and stick to the scripted narrative, like our government does? Just lull all the sheep back into complacency with shiny distractions?

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: surnamename57
a reply to: gosseyn

If you are not Algerian by origin, you must be a very naive guy or gal.

What do you mean ?

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: gosseyn

From the google translation of the first article you linked:

After two hours of investigation, the sub-prefect of Saumur ended up giving the indication that this would have been a false alarm: there was, it seems, that the "Joint Centre nuclear, radiological, biological and chemical "that carried a" training exercise. "

Such at least is the official version that was served to the press, who followed the case with the attention that we imagine.

This would imply that the exercise had already been carried out, or the translation is leaving something to be desired.

This has a high degree of stink surrounding it; the whole "training exercise," malarkey is pure unadulterated bullsnip.

What is the name of the general who finally admitted it was a "training exercise?"

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 09:46 AM
We need info on the white van leaving more so than anything no? The authorities could track it but obviously will not.

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 10:23 AM
Slightly offtopic:
All European security has rolled down in depths of hell because of the treasonous and treacherous European bureaucrats-functionaries, who were living (and still do) on international funds' (and European taxpayers') money. But of course, it is Russia to blame for undermining European security. Slugs.

God knows how many more "exercises" and "drills" (disclosed or not) ordinary French (and other Europeans) will have to endure. But that's OK, because if something happens, "France will send aircraft carrier to Middle East to fight ISIS!!"
edit on 2016 by JedemDasSeine because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 11:03 AM
The fact that they left the "training equipment" ungaurded is a huge red flag.

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: gosseyn

Could it have been a sting operation that was ballsed up by those "nosy neighbours"?

Of course I am joking about nosy neighbours, they absolutely did the right thing. I am just wondering if the place was set up to entice some jihadists they already had on the hook with a base of operations prepared for them.

See who else they could ensnare?

We will likely never know.

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 11:37 AM
Very strange..

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 11:58 AM
well the 3 month exstansion of martial law in France is running out of time so they need to extand a new one. This is a fact after this discovery.....

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: gosseyn

Very very interesting and should keep this article as front page on ATS as possible. For them to make out that it was just some exercise sounds like a cover up right away, not wanting to cause panic to locals that there could be and probably is a very serious threat on their own land.

I do not know what they are playing at, extremist, governmental or other but they are certainly starting to make most of us wonder. What in earth is going on in upper echelons of intelligence. Are they purposely allowing these people to grow, most probably.

Star and Flag friend.
edit on 25-9-2016 by BlackProject because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: Jonjonj
a reply to: gosseyn

Could it have been a sting operation that was ballsed up by those "nosy neighbours"?

Of course I am joking about nosy neighbours, they absolutely did the right thing. I am just wondering if the place was set up to entice some jihadists they already had on the hook with a base of operations prepared for them.

See who else they could ensnare?

We will likely never know.

you are absoluty right. they find these arab muslim poeple that are ready to do the job while they get paid and at the same time kill some infidels so why not eyhhh??

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: Bojay

originally posted by: Jonjonj
a reply to: gosseyn

Could it have been a sting operation that was ballsed up by those "nosy neighbours"?

Of course I am joking about nosy neighbours, they absolutely did the right thing. I am just wondering if the place was set up to entice some jihadists they already had on the hook with a base of operations prepared for them.

See who else they could ensnare?

We will likely never know.

you are absoluty right. they find these arab muslim poeple that are ready to do the job while they get paid and at the same time kill some infidels so why not eyhhh??

If you think I was justifying the idea you are wrong. I am simply pointing out that security services very often use sting operations in order to gain intelligence that may be used in operations down the line.

If you meant something else I am afraid i can't work it out.

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 12:09 PM
it's the duty of every french citizen to push the media to investigate into this story!
where is our french ATS squad?

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 01:14 PM
must be Very stupid terororists!
they hide in a cave behind a curch?
and leave the gen on making a nosie?
Not the best place.

and leave as others see you?
Thats Stupid of the government secret service,
or government propagandists.

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 01:17 PM
um? are you saying they made a terororist base to
make the local mating teroroists build a home in it?

originally posted by: Jonjonj
a reply to: gosseyn

Could it have been a sting operation that was ballsed up by those "nosy neighbours"?

Of course I am joking about nosy neighbours, they absolutely did the right thing. I am just wondering if the place was set up to entice some jihadists they already had on the hook with a base of operations prepared for them.

See who else they could ensnare?

We will likely never know.

edit on 25-9-2016 by buddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: buddha

He's saying that the govt might have left a honeypot to lure out any who might have terrorist leanings.

While possible, I don't see why the (unnamed) general from the nuclear, biological, and chemical division would come in after the fact and claim the equipment as part of a "training exercise."

This has blackops written all over.

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

I didn't actually mean they had left a honeypot, as in hey guys, look at this we just found. I actually meant to say they created it, as in setting it up, getting people involved, acting as if they were the terrorists.

The reason I assume he came out and said what he said (pure speculation) was because the situation had already been exposed. Something had to be said to explain why this place existed.

And you can't just go around saying "yeah, we set it up because we wanted to convince some terrorists that it was a cool place to start doing terroristy things from". So they said it was an exercise.

edit on 25-9-2016 by Jonjonj because: addition

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: buddha
um? are you saying they made a terororist base to
make the local mating teroroists build a home in it?

originally posted by: Jonjonj
a reply to: gosseyn

Could it have been a sting operation that was ballsed up by those "nosy neighbours"?

Of course I am joking about nosy neighbours, they absolutely did the right thing. I am just wondering if the place was set up to entice some jihadists they already had on the hook with a base of operations prepared for them.

See who else they could ensnare?

We will likely never know.

Well, um yeah...

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 01:45 PM
I was joking! "
and HOW would they find it????

go to the link and use google translate.
it is a very good read.

why would they put so much isis
arab stuff in the cave for a exorcise?
they just Have a Isis flag?!

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: buddha

He's saying that the govt might have left a honeypot to lure out any who might have terrorist leanings.

While possible, I don't see why the (unnamed) general from the nuclear, biological, and chemical division would come in after the fact and claim the equipment as part of a "training exercise."

This has blackops written all over.

edit on 25-9-2016 by buddha because: spilling

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 02:31 PM
Nice find. Your news find reminded me that 7/7 UK bombing drills were held at the same day, at the same locations, that the real bombings occurred, which is a near mathematically impossible set of circumstances yes!

edit on 25-9-2016 by glend because: (no reason given)

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