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BIZARRE: Media allowed into CA terrorists’ apt; FBI and Police says investigation wasn’t

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posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye
a reply to: rklimjr

This is a very interesting observation. There would be no reason for the media removing/moving around items -- especially firearm lubricant.

Thanks for sharing.

Of course there is a reason... to fill a narrative and exploit public fear on firearms! The more gun related items that they can get in the picture the better.
edit on 6-12-2015 by charolais because: typos

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: MotherMayEye

I reached out to the publishers waiting for their response.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: rklimjr
a reply to: MotherMayEye

I reached out to the publishers waiting for their response.

Just so you know, I went back to watch some of the media videos of the house and noticed that in MSNBC's video, the firearm lubricant is on one side of the closet.

At 1:49:

And when the BBC films the closet, it's been moved to the spot in the photo you posted (or vice versa).

At 1:59:

I suspect it was moved to get a more dynamic photo of it, at some point -- which in and of itself is ridiculous. Whatever the reason, the media should not have been in there and certainly never should have touched anything.

edit on 6-12-2015 by MotherMayEye because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: misskat1

It took me 15 going on my search history to find it,

ISIS sympathizers used the “#America_Burning” hashtag in Arabic on Twitter and in extremist deep web forums to show their glee at the killing of more innocent people, Vocativ reported.

“Three lions made us proud,” one user Tweeted. “California streets are full with soldiers with heavy weapons. The Unites States is burning #America_Burning.”

“Let America know a new era #California #America_burning,” said another hateful Tweet.

Now unless is the way I interpreted I think it means three people.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Yes, I have been waiting for an explanation on this also.

I saw the live video where someone 'ran' from the Truck. How about the 'straw buyer' who suddenly checked himself into a psych ward? The DHS and FBI planes in the area days before the attack. It followed the day of the attack and as soon as dead it was gone. Did not stick around for any other support just left.

One of the scariest groups of terrorists were the "Black Widows" in Russia. The enemy has learned that we do not feel threaten by Islamic women and are changing tactics. Women are more unsuspecting than 4 heavy bearded Paki looking nationals.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

It is in par with the people or witnesses are recalling that it was 3 shooters, but why the FBI shot down that fact.

Then the Terrorist groups behind the tweets are calling for 3 Martyrs, this needs a thread on its own.

Is now prove of it.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: MotherMayEye

Are we looking at the same closet?

In the MSNBC video there are no clothes on the hangers. In the BBC video all the clothes are hanging up on the hangers.

What gives???

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 08:25 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: misskat1

It took me 15 going on my search history to find it,

ISIS sympathizers used the “#America_Burning” hashtag in Arabic on Twitter and in extremist deep web forums to show their glee at the killing of more innocent people, Vocativ reported.

“Three lions made us proud,” one user Tweeted. “California streets are full with soldiers with heavy weapons. The Unites States is burning #America_Burning.”

“Let America know a new era #California #America_burning,” said another hateful Tweet.

Now unless is the way I interpreted I think it means three people.

Thanks for the tweet info. I agree it needs a thread. Here's a thread on the topic of more than two shooters but not so sure it would be accepting of this info as well -

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: MotherMayEye

Are we looking at the same closet?

In the MSNBC video there are no clothes on the hangers. In the BBC video all the clothes are hanging up on the hangers.

What gives???

I only see the one shirt hanging in both videos.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 03:23 AM

originally posted by: grey580
And in an even that makes my tin foil hat tingle.

Here we have our lovely media fighting over scraps like shoppers at Walmart on Black Friday.

You can just feel the tense awkwardness in Andrea Mitchell’s voice as their reporter picks at the leftovers in the terrorists’ apartment like a media vulture.

Read more:

Like a Geraldo Pyramid special. Here we have the media waiting to get into the apartment.

And here's MSNBC taking a bizarre tour of the apartment like some sort of Vulture picking at carrion.

This is the craziest thing I've seen. How do the authorities let in the media?

That crime scene is so contaminated now that it's useless...

I'm in shock that this happened.

Your exactly right about the contamination of the crime scene, Perhaps its deliberate and they'll explain it away as an oversight in the unlikely event that someone in the MSM asks the question about why it was permitted. There is no other reason for letting the media into any accused home until a full and complete forensic investigation has taken place is there?

This whole thing stinks of FF.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 11:13 AM
Was the word "Actor" used on several news channels or just MSNBC? Just curious. This whole thing smells bizarre.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 11:21 AM
On 12/4, Inside Edition showed a US bank statement balance of $63,735.36 with 2 western Union transactions. Is anyone looking into this?

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 02:15 PM
Completely fishy situation.
I saw shredded documents in the waste bin by the computer desk during one of the filmings.
WHY wouldn't the FBI have taken those?

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