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True or False 1986 Challenger Astronauts Alive

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posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 08:56 AM
Several posters who have been members for more than 4 years are agreeing with me that there is something serious to look at here .Whatever mod (no disrespect intended)decided to let his or her personal disbelief and experience as traumatic as it was to move this to a LOL thread, is really telling. I plan on messaging a Mega Mod to move this to Rats or Skunk Works at least. The first 5 or 6 replys to this thread came from people who took absolutely zero time to do some research into the posting in the thread linked and just wanted to make fart jokes and troll remarks. I am not that good at building mega cool threads like some of the top guys here. I have limited time to spend designing the right threads.I do have time to light the tunnel , sound the canary, to point the way for more creative investigators to research if they choose. There is something to this in the fact that the man named Richard Scobee is a very unusual skull structure and the "old" version of him is a man who has a very similar skull structure and very very unusual at that. The other members are named on TV as there given name, and the skull resemblance could be measured scientifically I believe. The research I have seen in the linked thread is quite deserving of someone with talent on thread building with photos and the like . People do not want to believe they can be tricked and this tragedy was deliberately put in front of all the children for effect. Have a look at the new school busses that have satanic pentagrams for brake lights. They want to terrorize and mark the children with evil. it is a very diabolical and dark control system. I would ask that this be moved back to ATS and maybe some help in transferring images and a real research into this. Something is going on here beyond stupid troll remarks. The guy who posted the Elvis picture took more time doing that than looking into the meat and potatoes of this conspiracy link In my humble opinion and no disrespect, Just reality. I have been here every day since 2007 so I am not new to BS detection and this story deserves more than the LOL forum .
edit on 24-4-2015 by dntwastetime because: edit

edit on 24-4-2015 by dntwastetime because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: Signals Exactly. More than 1 member here agrees there is something to this that deserves more research. Real research could blow open a huge story.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: dntwastetime

Real research? You should try some. Like this.....

Judith Resnik (the law professor)

Judith Resnik (the astronaut)

Two entirely different people.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: dntwastetime
ATS you make the call.

From the same people notorious for Conspiracy Fakery, related to 9/11 no-planes/TV-fakery absurdities… the call is; nonsense.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 08:25 PM
Why is this not in the the Gray Area? Or skunk works?

Were any of the photos proven to be fake? Are the names to the faces false.

Is there anything about this presentation that proven to be false other the submissions of "No" "Just no" and "nonsense"?

Seems weird that ATS would not at least wait for someone to debunk this before officially calling it a lie.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: dntwastetime

This is ATS dude. You can find somebody here to agree with pretty much any idea you can dream up.

Thread is where it belongs.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: dntwastetime
Several posters who have been members for more than 4 years are agreeing with me that there is something serious to look at here .

It's a conspiracy site, the number of people who agree with any given conspiracy is not in any way attributable to the reality of the alleged conspiracy in question.

The first 5 or 6 replys to this thread came from people who took absolutely zero time to do some research into the posting in the thread linked and just wanted to make fart jokes and troll remarks. I am not that good at building mega cool threads like some of the top guys here. I have limited time to spend designing the right threads.I do have time to light the tunnel , sound the canary, to point the way for more creative investigators to research if they choose.

Not for nothing but the OP is yours, thus the onus lies upon YOU and you alone to do the requisite research to support your thesis. As you point out further down in ther thread, you've been coming here every day since 2007. That means that there's not really any excuse to not know how things work after 8 years wouldn't you agree? but I digress... let's get to the meat and potatoes shall we?

There is something to this in the fact that the man named Richard Scobee is a very unusual skull structure and the "old" version of him is a man who has a very similar skull structure and very very unusual at that.

That's not a very scientific analysis is it? I only have 2 photos to work with here but based on my anthropology work, this "modern" Dick Scobee compared to the 1986 version has different shaped head, much wider at the top, completely different nose and the ears appear to be different as well. Without seeing the "modern" version in person it's kind of hard to make a definitive assessment but to my eyes, they don't actually look the same. Also, the "modern" Scobee has a paper trail going back well before the Challenger explosion. I can place him as CEO of the communications agency, Marketing Edge Inc. for over 25 years going back to 1982. That's a hell of a legend to build for any agency and a whole lot of people to get on board with the backstopped ID. Not buying it at all.

Yale Law Professor, Judith Resnick likewise can be definitively shown to exist in her current form dating back 40 years to her time as a student at NYU. Again, an impossible legend to build and far too much to backstop. It's completely unfeasible and illogical to insist this is the same person.

The men claimed to be fabricated and modern ID's for McNair and Onizuka... real and actual brothers of the deceased. Of course there will be a resemblance!!! This is the kind of crap that can NOT be fabricated to pass any degree of reasonable doubt. Again, the onus lies upon you to provide evidence that what I have found is untrue. and I'm doing my best to stick to the info presented and not go near the source for this charade. You couldn't get farther from unimpeachable than the source... that people are actually citing it blows my mind.\

The alleged current version of teacher, Christa McAulliffe, Sharon McAulliffe was working as Director of Employee Benefits
Green & Seifter, Certified Public Accountants, PLLC a full 2 years prior to the Challenger disaster, she obtained her BA from Notre Dame where she was a student from 1970-1974, received her Masters in Public Administration from Syracuse in 1979 and her JD from Syracuse in 1992. Again, too much verifiable information from YEARS prior to the challenger disaster.

Finally we have Michael J Smith. He's been with the University of Wisconsin at Madison since 1984. I hardly think he took time out for a space shuttle ride in '86 Prior to that, he served as a research program director at the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health from 1974-1984 so like everyone else on this list, he can be verified in his current state as the person he currently is, long before the Challenger Disaster.

People do not want to believe they can be tricked and this tragedy was deliberately put in front of all the children for effect. Have a look at the new school busses that have satanic pentagrams for brake lights. They want to terrorize and mark the children with evil. it is a very diabolical and dark control system.

Let's go with one thread topic at a time and see if you can support the initial OP before you move into further territory of questionable nature.

I would ask that this be moved back to ATS and maybe some help in transferring images and a real research into this. Something is going on here beyond stupid troll remarks.

so because people find the very premise you present beyond implausible, that in fact lends more credence to the topic? that's an interesting way to look at things.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

If I could star that I would. Amazing what an ounce of actual research can do, isn't it?

So sorry for agreeing with Peter and being a troll, OP

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 10:06 PM
I had a teacher growing up who was very close to christa McCauliffe. Very close. He always spoke with such reverence and longing.

But for sure he hadn't heard from her in 9 years and was extremely convinced of her passing and the legitimacy of the tragedy. We're talking small town 20-30 kid classroom no reason for him to make such a big deal out of it. He's not perpetuating a conspiracy by convincing one third grade class a time of its legitimacy.

So not saying maybe they aren't in hiding or whatever (super doubtful) but I am saying that someone very close to one of the astronauts hadnt heard from them for 9 years circa 1995.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

And honestly, that's about what it was, an ounce of research. It took me longer to type it than it did to find the info. Don't get me wrong, the premise is interesting and intelligence services have certainly been creating legends for literally centuries, but to create something THIS elaborate is beyond the realm of possibility based on the sheer and impossible number of people that would have to be involved to concoct something this elaborate for a half dozen people. and the source... Don't get me going on the source! But you're right... Were just trolls for embracing the ATS motto of deny ignorance I guess.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 10:44 PM
OP nope sorry. I bet 20 bucks on the shuttle blowing up that day and i do not plan on paying that money back after 25 yrs interest.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

It never ceases to amaze me how the same government that can't hide secrets for crap because they leave smoking guns and hire the same crisis actors and forget to do paperwork, on a regular basis according to many....

Is the same government that can fake moon landings and hide astronauts who are supposed to be dead for decades...

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

oh it must be because some of these other massive conspiracies are so blatantly fake so as to throw us off the scent and trail of the true malfeasance such as resurrecting 6 of 7 astronauts from an allegedly ill fated mission right? 9/11 was perpetrated just to give additional cover to the Challenger 6! What happened to the 7th astronaut by the way lol? And what purpose is there in this resurrection that they were so arrogant as to create new legends with ID's that are nearly identical to the birth names? Or in 2 cases, having them pose as brothers, brothers who already existed so what happened to the real brothers? were they put aboard the Challenger and murdered in order to save the government from having to go through all the trouble of creating new Identity's for them? I'm sorry... but for any of this to work or be true, we've got some of the laziest and inept handlers in the history of intelligence services!

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 11:46 PM
Looks like good evidence to me. A couple of those comparisons are spot on. And of course this ends up in LOL. Disgusting policy here.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 11:50 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: dntwastetime

Thing about the shuttle is its manned. There were no unmanned launches of that particular craft. Everyone saw it go up and explode…

They didn't survive.

NASA couldn't have staged the deaths of these people? Is that what you're actually saying? Their primary function is to disinform the public.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 11:57 PM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
Why is this not in the the Gray Area? Or skunk works?

Were any of the photos proven to be fake? Are the names to the faces false.

Is there anything about this presentation that proven to be false other the submissions of "No" "Just no" and "nonsense"?

Seems weird that ATS would not at least wait for someone to debunk this before officially calling it a lie.

These are all trademark signs of a topic being silenced. Reminds me a bit of the Sandy Hook stuff. Systematic coordinated censorship. There IS a reason for it. Let's figure out what.

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: Signals
a reply to: opethPA

Yes, fun, isn't it?

I don't understand why this thread was moved to "ludicrous online lies" - Is that the new name for the Hoax forum?

Either way, it deserves some attention and legitimate thought, as far as the motive, I haven't a clue.

The LOL forum was launched specifically to combat the avalanche of excellent questions which came up regarding the Sandy Hook hoax. The "LOL" gag works on two obvious levels, both of which help pile on ridicule to topics which MUST be discredited.

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 12:41 AM

originally posted by: Urantia1111
Looks like good evidence to me. A couple of those comparisons are spot on. And of course this ends up in LOL. Disgusting policy here.

Exactly what evidence strikes you as "good"? which comparisons do you feel to be "spot on"? There's a lot of conjecture and tenuous speculation but when pressed, none of it is evidence. Upon closer examination, nothing holds up to any scrutiny and in fact crumbles quite quickly.

Personally, the more disgusting policy is embracing such speculative inference without engaging in due diligence. No matter how interesting the premise may be, that's all it is when all available evidence does in fact point in the exact opposite of what is being postulated, or rather pushed in this particular case.

Every single one of these people thst is being presented as a survivor of the Challenger disaster has a long and verifiable history prior to the Challenger disaster happening. Those histories are so extensive that it entirely precludes any sort of back stopped legend simply by the sheer volume of people who would have to be involved in such a far reaching conspiracy in order to make it happen. The logistics simply aren't reasonable let alone possible.

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 12:55 AM
Maybe they have a time machine ? They died but were pulled out of the shuttle launch right before it exploded again.

Or they are genetic copies...or the ones that died were the copies. or someone has pandoras box.

edit on 7/30/2012 by dreamfox1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: Urantia1111

So now ATS is in on it? LOL.

The same government that can't keep a crisis actor from showing up on TV and pictures at two different events is so good at this that they got ATS to help cover them?

Ludicrous. Online. Lies.

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