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Brother-in-Law has Pancreatic cancer that's spread to liver, here's the alternative Regimine I got

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posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 04:07 AM

originally posted by: dominicus
Interesting story, we have a psychic in the Family, a second or third Aunt I guess you can say, and every once in a while she contacts me and my sister via text message to give the latest visions, then disappears for months at a time before hearing back from her. So sometime towards the end of August 2014, she sent me and my sister text messages that she see's all black around my Brother-inLaws stomach and to go get it checked out.

He was starting to get pain there even prior to the psychic vision, it became excruciating and he went to the hospital where they scanned him and eventually they find Pancreatic cancer spread to the liver.

Now before he even got the results back, we discussed what the Psychic aunt said, and right away started him on Colloidal silver water, B17 from Apricot kernals, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Low dose Naltrexone, Chaga, and a few other all natural alternatives.

I also got him on daily dosage of Liposimal Vitamin C via this thread I started here:
I Make my own Liposomal Vit C, this stuff is FRICKIN AMAZING!!!!

There's also a redditor who beat his cancer via this post here
Thanks to TheAlmo..thi Cancer Cure that worked for me

100mg Mebendazole tablets 3 times a day ,200 mg cimetidine tablets 4 times a day and 50 grams glutamine powder

I got him taking the above regimen except he can't keep down and has a ton of resistance to taking that much glutamine so for now he's only at about 500 mg to a 1000mg a day.

Now, the guy was raised typical American with a crappy diet of mostly meat and no vegetables and no fruit and when we went to go see 2 cancer specialists for their opinions on treatment, they both said studies are conclusive that red meat is linked to pancreatic cancer, and this guy is early 50's and was a red meat fanatic for the most part and he used to down 8-16 Coke/Pepsi's a day when he worked in the gym, which both doctors said was also terrible for him to do so.

SO getting him to change his diet, get off soda's and juices to water, get him to eat any sort of fruits and vegetables has been an up hill battle and he has so much resistance and anger towards taking all these supplements, while also doing 6 rounds of Chemo.

The Good news is that the Psychic aunt said that as long as he keeps up with prayer, repentance, supplements, and diet change that he will eventually be cancer free after a really long battle.

His CA-19 numbers are really low for his type of cancer, which can be in the hundreds of thousands,but he's only at 150 and 25-30 is normal healthy range.

Anyway, by the end of this week I should have new CA-19 numbers and in 2 weeks he will have completed his 6 rounds of chemo and will be slotted for some scans to see where the cancer is at.

Also he has been smoking medical grade stuff which has helped him tremendously with nausea and helped him get his appetite back.

I also bought him a bottle of DCA, but have not put it in pill form, so we will probably be starting that as well sometime in the next few weeks.

We even found a family friend who put us in touch with a priest who heals people 100% of any cancer by soaking flax seed oil in habaneros peppers for 2 weeks and then ingesting the oil with "heat" from the peppers supposedly kills the cancer cells, so he just started that a week ago as well.

Anyway, I will keep you guys posted because he's basically become an experimental laboratory to see what helps. ANd if we can beat this, since his doc gave him 2% chance of any possible survival, then I will have found a regimen that is truly effective against one of the most lethal forms of Cancer and can then pass it on to you guys

I feel sympathy for you being so desperate that you will try ineffective methods off the internet to try to help your brother in law.
However, if he's been given a certain time left, rather than waste that extremely precious time filling his head full of false hope and filling his body full of worthless crap, enjoy the time you have left together.

Hopefully it won't come to the point when after he's gone you contemplate on what you SHOULD have done with him as what you're doing will have no effect on the cancer whatsoever.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 05:57 AM
It is a very unfortunate thing to suffer with the a illness he is going through. This is a prime example of why it is so important to maintain a healthy lifestyle with nutritional intake. Simply put, pay for good foods or pay the doctors and hospitals for the poor choices. Good luck to him now. My condolences if he dosnt pull through.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 07:03 AM
Hate to be 'that guy' but the doctors who told you red meat is linked to cancer is very, very bias opinion, and they ignored the fact that he drank up to 12 cans of soda a day!?
Do not go back to those doctors, any person with minimum knowledge of how the pancreas works knows the sugar from the soda had a much, much larger impact then eating red meat. Digestion of meat is only contributed to about 10% of what the pancreas does.
That being said, hope this works out! The body is an amazing thing and can bounce back.
I've heard that even going on fasting diets have slowed down cancer growth as the aggressive cells need more to live, if they aren't getting enough oxygen, nutrients etc, they get tired, and the healthy cells in your body stay strong, eventually the cancer cells slowly become almost dormant and chemo can easily 'zap' them away. Scientists have seen this in labs many times, and it's an old farmers trick for sick cows and pigs - minus the chemo -. Good luck!

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: dominicus

I had to log in from out of the country because Anti Cancer advice on ATS saved a friend of mine.

Google thread

Radiation and Cancer you don't have to die I didn't

It talks about how to use sodium bicarbonate, though I doubt it can cure stage 4, it can cure stage 1-3
edit on 30-12-2014 by FutureWithoutFuture4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 09:27 AM
This vid is pretty informative:

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Exactly, the abraxane she was on was the same. $20,000 usd a dose.

And the hospital she was at, a cancer only specialist, Roswell, was the busiest hospital I have ever seen. Cancer is BIG BUSINESS.

I worked at a pharma plant making that drug, I was involved in sterilizing and setting up all the filling room equipment.
It was APP pharma, now its Fresenius Kabi.

That was the companies cash cow. All the chemo drugs were.

It was a shock to be on the receiving end of the business. All those poor souls in the chemo clinic.

I have a hard time typing about my experiences there.

The poor people will grasp, and pay anything for some kind of hope, and the doctors and pharma companies make all they can off that.
I am not saying all the doctors were bad, I loved her doc, very compassionate. And he believed what he was doing was the best thing.
It was the way he was trained. Don't get me started on western education. I believe he was indoctrinated by big pharma to do exactly what he did.
But yep, its all about the $.

edit on 12 30 2014 by stosh64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: Pardon?
I feel sympathy for you being so desperate that you will try ineffective methods off the internet to try to help your brother in law.
However, if he's been given a certain time left, rather than waste that extremely precious time filling his head full of false hope and filling his body full of worthless crap, enjoy the time you have left together.

Hopefully it won't come to the point when after he's gone you contemplate on what you SHOULD have done with him as what you're doing will have no effect on the cancer whatsoever.

Do you know anything about pancreatic cancer? The survival rates are staggering low, and that's with modern approved medical treatments.

Stage 5-year observed survival

Stage IA: 14%
Stage IB 12%
Stage IIA 7%
Stage IIB 5%
Stage III 3%
Stage IV 1%

Alternative treatment NEEDS to be tried and tested so people can find treatments that really work.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: StoutBroux

originally posted by: Pardon?
I feel sympathy for you being so desperate that you will try ineffective methods off the internet to try to help your brother in law.
However, if he's been given a certain time left, rather than waste that extremely precious time filling his head full of false hope and filling his body full of worthless crap, enjoy the time you have left together.

Hopefully it won't come to the point when after he's gone you contemplate on what you SHOULD have done with him as what you're doing will have no effect on the cancer whatsoever.

Do you know anything about pancreatic cancer? The survival rates are staggering low, and that's with modern approved medical treatments.

Stage 5-year observed survival

Stage IA: 14%
Stage IB 12%
Stage IIA 7%
Stage IIB 5%
Stage III 3%
Stage IV 1%

Alternative treatment NEEDS to be tried and tested so people can find treatments that really work.

And those survival rates are only for 5 years. My mom was one of those 'lucky' ones at stage 1. She made it 3 1/2 years.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: dominicus

Is your brother a stubborn person? If not tell him to get that way quick.

The only time being hardheaded has ever served me well was while I was battling (and still battle) stage 4 melanoma.

Attitude is far more important than any kind of medicine that any doctor can prescribe. Make sure he knows that nobody comes with an expiration date. No matter what happens or what the doctors say don't give up hope.

I'll keep your family in my prayers. Take care and god bless.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: stosh64

And those survival rates are only for 5 years. My mom was one of those 'lucky' ones at stage 1. She made it 3 1/2 years.

That's great, but it's a rarity. Most people don't even make it a year. It's one of the most un-survivable cancers there is. I've known several people to die of pancreatic cancer who took chemo and they didn't even survive a year. Pancreatic cancer has a terrible prognosis. Half the people diagnosed when it has already metastasized only live about 6 months. Half of the people with locally advanced pancreatic cancer die within about 10 months after being diagnosed.

Patrick Swayze 12/2007 burning in the stomach, Diag: 1/08, Deceased 9/09

Michael Landon 2/1991 burning in the stomach, Diag: 4/1991, Deceased 7/1/1991

Sally Ride died on 7/23/12 seventeen months after being diag. with pancreatic cancer.

These people had the money and means for top of the line medical care. They took the routine routes of modern medicine to cure their pancreatic cancer.

Steve Jobs abdominal scan in 2003, who chose alternative therapies and a liver transplant lived the longest even though many believe it may have his unorthodox medical choices may not have advanced his life. He died in October 2011.

Every case is different but there's a common theme of Pancreatic cancer and that's why it's one of the most feared cancers.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: StoutBroux

originally posted by: Pardon?
I feel sympathy for you being so desperate that you will try ineffective methods off the internet to try to help your brother in law.
However, if he's been given a certain time left, rather than waste that extremely precious time filling his head full of false hope and filling his body full of worthless crap, enjoy the time you have left together.

Hopefully it won't come to the point when after he's gone you contemplate on what you SHOULD have done with him as what you're doing will have no effect on the cancer whatsoever.

Do you know anything about pancreatic cancer? The survival rates are staggering low, and that's with modern approved medical treatments.

Stage 5-year observed survival

Stage IA: 14%
Stage IB 12%
Stage IIA 7%
Stage IIB 5%
Stage III 3%
Stage IV 1%

Alternative treatment NEEDS to be tried and tested so people can find treatments that really work.

I certainly do and that's why I posted what I did.

There's nothing wrong with having new treatments which have a chance of working and which can be monitored closely but it's pointless and time-wasting to try ineffective "treatments" off the internet.
Alternative treatment ceases to be alternative if it works and none of the methods in the first post do.
Therefore they are a waste of time and hope.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 05:00 PM
When my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer she was given 6-months to live. She refused to do chemo or radiation, choosing quality of life over quantity. She sought the help of a nutritionist for natural foods to help battle the cancer. The nutritionist recommended a product called Better Than Greens. She used it everyday and lived 7 years longer than she was given.

Check your local health food store to see if they carry it.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: IamAbeliever
When my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer she was given 6-months to live. She refused to do chemo or radiation, choosing quality of life over quantity. She sought the help of a nutritionist for natural foods to help battle the cancer. The nutritionist recommended a product called Better Than Greens. She used it everyday and lived 7 years longer than she was given.

Check your local health food store to see if they carry it.

Did your mother continue eating Dairy as well. Especially cheeses.?

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: StoutBroux

originally posted by: stosh64

And those survival rates are only for 5 years. My mom was one of those 'lucky' ones at stage 1. She made it 3 1/2 years.

That's great, but it's a rarity. Most people don't even make it a year. It's one of the most un-survivable cancers there is. I've known several people to die of pancreatic cancer who took chemo and they didn't even survive a year. Pancreatic cancer has a terrible prognosis. Half the people diagnosed when it has already metastasized only live about 6 months. Half of the people with locally advanced pancreatic cancer die within about 10 months after being diagnosed.

Every case is different but there's a common theme of Pancreatic cancer and that's why it's one of the most feared cancers.

I am well aware of the statistics and just how deadly it is. It has been a BIG part of my life for the past 4 years.
I was merely pointing out that the statistics you posted: like 14% survivors with stage 1, that 14% only survived for up to 5 years.
It has about 99% mortality rate after 5 years. People don't 'survive' pancreatic cancer for very long, even with the best results.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: IamAbeliever
When my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer she was given 6-months to live. She refused to do chemo or radiation, choosing quality of life over quantity. She sought the help of a nutritionist for natural foods to help battle the cancer. The nutritionist recommended a product called Better Than Greens. She used it everyday and lived 7 years longer than she was given.

Check your local health food store to see if they carry it.

That is truly a Blessing, I am so glad you had that time to be with and appreciate her. Cancer is so terrible whatever form its in. Its amazing how common it is anymore. Scary.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: StoutBroux

originally posted by: stosh64

And those survival rates are only for 5 years. My mom was one of those 'lucky' ones at stage 1. She made it 3 1/2 years.

That's great, but it's a rarity. Most people don't even make it a year. It's one of the most un-survivable cancers there is. I've known several people to die of pancreatic cancer who took chemo and they didn't even survive a year. Pancreatic cancer has a terrible prognosis. Half the people diagnosed when it has already metastasized only live about 6 months. Half of the people with locally advanced pancreatic cancer die within about 10 months after being diagnosed.

Patrick Swayze 12/2007 burning in the stomach, Diag: 1/08, Deceased 9/09

Michael Landon 2/1991 burning in the stomach, Diag: 4/1991, Deceased 7/1/1991

Sally Ride died on 7/23/12 seventeen months after being diag. with pancreatic cancer.

These people had the money and means for top of the line medical care. They took the routine routes of modern medicine to cure their pancreatic cancer.

Steve Jobs abdominal scan in 2003, who chose alternative therapies and a liver transplant lived the longest even though many believe it may have his unorthodox medical choices may not have advanced his life. He died in October 2011.

Every case is different but there's a common theme of Pancreatic cancer and that's why it's one of the most feared cancers.

That's fine. I'm of the school of mind over matter, faith, spiritual realms and beings that can help, alternative therapies which he is on, and I'm posting here to keep you guys up to date. I understand those statistics but choose to have the most optimistic view possible by seeing my Brother-in-law as an anomaly who will beat the odds.

Interestingly enough, I got a u2u from an ATS member who said he beat his metastasized lymphoma with DCA, after having zero chance of living past a few months, is still around cancer free 5 years later. Thanks for the u2u by the way and I will be adding the DCA some time this week.

He gets his Cancer marker numbers on Friday by the way. I'll post them here when they're in

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: Hellhound604

I suffer from an inoperable and incurable brain tumor(s). The doctors cant do nything for me. I walk around with a little black box connected to an electromagnet at the back of my glasses stimulating my brain, causing me to be ble to open my eyes and keeping my breathing going. Doctors are impressed by it, but dont want to touch it... My invention works for me, but who knows if it will work for anybody else...

Sounds like some Tony Starks ish. If you don't mind, can you post some pictures and explain how it works, maybe some schematics. This sounds awesome if its really working and can maybe be something that flourishes in the future of brain cancer therapies.

Hope you post

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 05:02 PM
You're witnessing it here on ATS first, folks. User kills brother-in-law by using misinformation and pseudoscience as 'treatment'

posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: SpongeBeard

Given pancreatic cancer with liver mets, I'd say apple cider vinegar and raisins or whatever the latest fad is, is going to be just about as productive as a Whipple and aggressive chemo.

posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 07:08 PM
Here's some more to think about on natural cures. This diet worked for my father-in-law and I think the key ingredient was the baking soda treatment along with cutting out all acidic foods.

We may have cured father-in-laws cancer naturally - symptoms gone in 3 weeks!

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