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Smithsonian Institution admits to destroying thousands of Giant Human Skeletons in early 1900's

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posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:42 PM
((Did a search & nothing turned up))

A US Supreme Court ruling has forced the Smithsonian institution to release classified papers dating from the early 1900′s that proves the organization was involved in a major historical cover up of evidence showing giants human remains in the tens of thousands had been uncovered all across America and were ordered to be destroyed by high level administrators to protect the mainstream chronology of human evolution at the time.

The allegations stemming from the American Institution of Alternative Archeology (AIAA) that the Smithsonian Institution had destroyed thousands of giant human remains during the early 1900′s was not taken lightly by the Smithsonian who responded by suing the organization for defamation and trying to damage the reputation of the 168-year old institution.

During the court case, new elements were brought to light as several Smithsonian whistle blowers admitted to the existence of documents that allegedly proved the destruction of tens of thousands of human skeletons reaching between 6 feet and 12 feet in height, a reality mainstream archeology can not admit to for different reasons, claims AIAA spokesman, James Churward.

The turning point of the court case was when a 1.3 meter long human femur bone was shown as evidence in court of the existence of such giant human bones. The evidence came as a blow to the Smithsonian’s lawyers as the bone had been stolen from the Smithsonian by one of their high level curators in the mid 1930′s who had kept the bone all his life and which had admitted on his deathbed in writing of the undercover operations of the Smithsonian.

Smithsonian Institution admits to destroying thousands of Giant Human Skeletons in early 1900's

The US Supreme Court has since forced the Smithsonian Institution to publicly release classified information about anything related to the “destruction of evidence pertaining to the mound builder culture” and to elements “relative to human skeletons of greater height than usual”, a ruling the AIAA is extremely enthused about. The public release of these documents will help archaeologists and historians to reevaluate current theories about human evolution and help us greater our understanding of the mound builder culture in America and around the world.

The documents are scheduled to be released in 2015 and the operation will be coordinated by an independent scientific organization to assure political neutrality.

If this proves to be true, this will force a change in History books/classes. Remains of giants have been found in other areas and now there is a chance they were in North America too.

It makes you wonder, if the Smithsonian Institute has no problem destroying evidence to protect the mainstream chronology of human evolution at the time, what other evidence has been destroyed to fit an agenda.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:47 PM
Hope this isn't a hoax.

Still....Fantastic find OP!!! S&F !!!
Happy dance...happy dance....Yippeeeeeeeee!!

Disclaimer cautious optimism.....LOL.

" I still believe that some of this information is real but there are too many discrepancies in their story….be very cautious about the information on World News Daily fake site….There is a TV series about two brothers looking for giant skeletons in the U.S and I feel their information is real and apparently there are many large skeletons that have been dug up in the past and some of them sent to the Smithsonian Institute…..Ken Pfeifer"
edit on 12-12-2014 by Caver78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:48 PM
I find this interesting because that show on the History Channel called Search for the Lost Giants is a very interesting show. I fully believe that there is something to all of this. For centuries there are reports of Giant Human Skeletons being found in various caves, tombs and crypts around the world that stand anywhere from 8 to 12 foot tall and have double rows of teeth. So if this is being covered up, the question is, why?

Is it really as simple as being too lazy to rewrite history?
edit on 12-12-2014 by Vrill because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:51 PM

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: Sabiduria

Please be real! This would be amazing!

Edit: aww :

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: Greven

Yeah, wouldn't be the first time that a cover up has happened, would it? So perhaps they are just covering their asses.

I trust the Smithsonian and anything dealing with Government officials in general about as far as I can throw them.

edit on 12-12-2014 by Vrill because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:53 PM
I think this is a hoax,i`m looking to see if there actually was a supreme court case involving the Smithsonian institution, haven`t found any recent ones so far
well, it didn`t make the forbes top 10 supreme court cases of 2014

There was no supreme court case involving the Smithsonian institute in 2014, 2013 or 2012
I`m not going to look back any further than that but if you`re bored here is a link to all the cases going back to the year 2000

if you don`t trust wiki you can go here to the supreme court website and do a docket search

There is no case for AIAA VS Smithsonian institution.

The allegations stemming from the American Institution of Alternative Archeology (AIAA) that the Smithsonian Institution

edit on 12-12-2014 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-12-2014 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-12-2014 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-12-2014 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-12-2014 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: Sabiduria
Hey now...this comes out of the World News Daily, so it must be true!

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: Greven

Dang it, them buggers.

I thought it was legit because of the other giant remains that have been found in other places.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:57 PM
This would be a hoax. They source from which is a known and blatantly admitted hoax site.

Sorry guys.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

Hey now....that's not the link I used so I had no idea that it came from World Daily News.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: Vrill

That is true. Hard to say but I think most likely a hoax & not them trying to hide information that was supposed to be revealed

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: Sabiduria

Seems that WND is the source of the story. They're pretty much satire, so it is important to check claims.

For example, the piece claims that this happened in a US Supreme Court decision - simply check if that actually took place:
2014 Term Opinions of the Court

The term just started (it starts in October of YYYY), so there's not much to look into. Pretty weak effort on the part of WND.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 08:08 PM
This is a Hoax but giant remains have been discovered. Lots of giant remains have been faked as wel

We would have to discuss how these giants were made. And if we examined these remains it would be likely we would find traces of genetic engineering.

Which would put our own origins into question, and would more or less. Support the Native Americans legends of cannible abominations running around Terrorizing people.

They were called the Red Haired Giants.

And there's lots of supporting evidence that such a phenomenon did really happen.

These giants were hunted down by the Native people who saw them as a Threat. But how did the Giants get there in the first place? Should we take such accounts as the flood seriously? Would these giants be the Nephilim?

Genetically engineered humans corrupted by the Enemies of our Creator? We would have to consider such possibilities as Lamuria and Atlantis, as well as other major nations described as being highly advanced.

And even bringing in any of these possibilities would ruin Evolution completely. Because it means that once intelligence reaches a certain stage. Evolution does not even matter. Life can just be rewritten, It's as simple as that.

To a point where almost everything around us would be Genetically Engineered or synthesized.

We are actually reaching that point once again in this timeframe. Perhaps these giants are remnants of the Elite? Or former Elite that would of souled their bodies and souls to our destroyers which caused the deluge.

We could be seeing a repeat scenario in less than a couple decades, With Transhumanism reaching critical milestones at this time.
Should we be worried that what ever caused these giants to become so scarce in the 10,000s of thousands compared to the millions it should be?

It's not likely these giants would pop up by traditional means. And besides, They are human like and not Ape like. Which is why they destroyed them. Apes are on their own seperate linages and tho we are very similar we are different.

Apes or monkies don't have the ability to modulate words, Where did we evolve our ability to mimic sounds? And modulate sounds so that we can turn them into words? We are more similar to Songbirds- parrots ravens ext in that reguard.
But our voice box is quite complex. It is usually the one characteristic besides bone shape and density that really stands out between the 2 species.

There are a number of seperating characteristics such as our eyes, Which are terrible for night vision where as all monkies and apes have eyes developed for night vision.

The fact that monkies and apes can eat drink and breath at the same time and won't choke where as we can't do that lol.
We have to stop breathing when we swallow anything but apes have a completely different throat structure which allows them to shout so loud as well since their throat is so open.

I could sit here all day and trash mainstreams goals of making humans believe they are smelly apes but i would be writing pages upon pages.

I could even talk about how Apes might have similar antigens to us but in no way do they operate the same way.
And monkies and apes don't have as *varried* of blood types as us.

28 separate studies showed that Chimpanzees have the blood types A and minimal O, but never B.
8 separate studies showed that Gorillas have the blood types B and minimal O, but never A.
There is NO blood type AB in either of the man-apes!

So how similar are our blood types?
Do primates have similar blood types to humans?

*Humans owe a lot to the Rhesus macaque.

This little monkey has provided insights into space travel, cloning and human behaviour.

But perhaps most importantly it first alerted scientists to the existence of the famous 'Rh factor' in human blood, a molecule that is either present (Rh+) or absent (Rh-) on our red blood cells, says Dr Bruce Rideout from San Diego Zoo's Institute for Conservation Research.

The 'Rh' stands for the rhesus monkey because researchers recognised that this human blood antigen was similar to a rhesus monkey blood antigen.

Blood types have only been studied in a handful of primate species, but Rideout says Old World monkeys and apes have been shown to have blood types comparable, although not identical, to the human ABO blood group system.

According to the Australian Red Cross there are more than 270 human blood antigens, belonging to over 30 blood group systems.

The two major blood group systems used in transfusions are the Rhesus factor and the ABO blood group system.

What blood type we have is determined by the molecules or antigens on the surface of our red blood cells.

For example in the ABO blood group system people with blood type A have one type of molecule, whereas people with blood type B have another. People with blood type AB have both molecules on their red blood cells and people with blood type O have no molecules of this group present.

These antigens also have corresponding antibodies in our blood plasma to identify when foreign antigens are introduced into our bodies.

People with blood type A have anti-B antibodies, blood type B have anti-A antibodies, blood type AB have neither antibody and blood type O have both.

Antigens and antibodies become very important in matching blood for transfusions.

"If you don't match the donor and recipient blood type, the immune system of the recipient will recognise the transfused blood as a foreign invader and will destroy all of the transfused blood cells," says Rideout.

"O-blood… can generally be transfused into any recipient because it lacks both the A and B molecules and the Rh factor, so there is nothing important on the surface of the transfused blood cells that the recipient immune system will recognise as foreign," says Rideout.

With proper cross-matching you could theoretically do transfusions between closely-related species, like apes and humans, says Rideout.

But there are enough differences between ape and human ABO systems that could influence the success of a xenotransfusion.

Rideout says these differences have occurred because once human ancestors and other primates became reproductively isolated from one another the genes that encode or regulate the presence of the molecules on the surface of red blood cells began to accumulate small mutations and drift away.

As the genetic mutations that occurred in one population didn't necessarily occur in the another, over time these changes have accumulated.

Even if we could overcome this evolutionary gap, most ape and primate species are either endangered or threatened.

So, with human blood supplies dwindling, some scientists have suggested humans may owe their lives to another mammal in the future: the pig. **

Now i have always said this. We are more similar to Pigs. Isn't it a bit strange that human meat tastes like pork?
How about how naked pigs are. They are almost hairless. Almost, but not quite.

We are made up of many different animals, or rather we could compare ourselves to many different animals. But we humans probably don't have a natural Origin. Which is something the knowledge of these knowledge would contest.
It reinforces religion and the theory of Ancient aliens. Which is everything these simithonians don't want because such truths provide more questions than Answers. But This account isn't based on actual events.
edit on 12-12-2014 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 08:08 PM
There was a fantastic thread that listed all the satire/bogus "news" sites out there (or at least the ones ATS sees most often).

Fake News Sites

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 08:08 PM
The source & article is of course iffy.

However large skeletons WERE dug up in Ohio and other places only to "get lost" back in the 1800's.
That's something that can't really be denied.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 08:16 PM
The giant skeletal remains and their destruction by the Smithsonian institute is one of my main arguments for the existence of Jehovah, the one and true God, and against the theory of evolution.

I was posting on a thread about structures in south America that were formed with tools not even we have the technology to form today; the op was not that concrete on the use of these structures as proof of God, but my point was on these giants.

You would be amazed at how people are willing to assert there own theory's into another bigger theory that I already established in order to disprove God. The bible spoke of several of the pagan nations having giants men in their warrior ranks, which scared the crap out of the tribes of Israel. Fallen angels messing around with human women produced these "heroes of old". I stated that the Smithsonian destroyed plenty of these remains, including scores of other finds that would interrupt any narrative that they and other archeological and historical institutions put forth.

This deception is not out of pure pride. Satan's forces run this planet, and control all faces of what we see and here. Evolution is just one of their techniques of obfuscation.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: Greven

I usually do and I can admit I didn't because of other giant bodies being found in the past. It made logical sense for the Smiths Institute to destroy remains for the very purpose the article states.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: Sabiduria

I'm sure they've done it before with giant skeletons. Along with other artifacts. If they're not destroyed, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they're cataloged and stored with other "suppressed" items. So many stories, legends of giants, accounts there's no way it's simply myths that are found around the planet.

I did read once that giant skeletons found in New Zealand were routinely destroyed upon discovery. So these discoveries are suppressed around the planet.

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 08:25 PM
Super fake. Here is this from the OP's link:

"The public release of these documents will help archaeologists and historians to reevaluate current theories about human evolution and help us greater our understanding of the mound builder culture in America and around the world" explains AIAA director, Hans Guttenberg.

"Finally, after over a century of lies, the truth about our giant ancestors shall be revealed to the world" he acknowledges, visibly satisfied by the court ruling.

Problem is, the director of AIAA is Sandra Mangus, appointed in 2012.

From LinkedIn:

Sandra Magnus
Title Executive Director at American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Demographic info Washington D.C. Metro Area | Defense & Space Current Executive Director at American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Past Deputy Chief, Astronaut Office at NASA Johnson Space Center, Mission Specialist Astronaut, STS-135 at NASA Johnson Space Center, Mission Speciali... Education Georgia Institute of Technology, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Missouri University of Science and Technology


It's always a good idea to check your source's sources! Note that there aren't any on OP's link.

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