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Next Level BS #1: Islamaphobia, Sovereign Citizens, Rewriting History, and more...

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posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: theNLBS

Great episode !

Drew didn't like it LOL but I loved it !!

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 08:40 AM
I just wanted to say that I've been watching the show and It's very informative and very entertaining. The delivery is getting better and actually managed to put a smile on my face a few times. Keep up the good work.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 09:00 AM
Liberal atheist here. I don't pay attention to the big atheist blowhards. Ironically, though, I've been accused of parroting them. Honestly, I've heard very little of what they have to say. I do pay some attention to crazy conspiracy theorists like Eustace Mullins.

From what I understand, the US created communism to defeat the Czar. We then created radical Islam to defeat the communists. We then helped create IS to thin out Islam by pitting them against themselves. Then, we swallowed a spider to catch the fly. I really don't know if any of this is true.

I do know that any god is purely made up fantasy. I know that Christians still pull out the Old Testament when riled up by their religious leaders, the US government. I know that Islam embraces the violent passage of their good book as well under similar circumstances. Islam is at least more upfront about it.

I think Christians are a tiny bit more surgical in warfare, a little bit more compassionate, and a slightly more tolerant of women. I think Christians are closer to converting to atheism. That's what makes Christians less barbaric.

To be fair, I've seen what heat can do to a group of people. So, Islam has that against them. Also, the west wants their resources. That might add to their anger.
edit on 10-9-2014 by gentledissident because: words

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 10:28 AM
Joe, if you and I met at the local pool room, I'd buy you a hamburger and a beer and I believe we would become instant friends. Tell it like it is, man!

I get a kick out of the mis-informed jocks that parrot the idiots on the TV saying "yeah man, we need to go into that Ukraine and kick ass", and I ask "Why?". When I get through with them they're ready to go to Washington and clean house. But, I digress.

Keep it up and can't wait for the next installment.


posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: KissMyWookiee
a reply to: theNLBS

If Muslims hatred is only fuelled by Western politics, then why are ISIS in Iraq slaughtering men, women and children who refuse to convert to Islam?

"Politics" is just another excuse for Muslim radicals to murder anyone with different views than themselves.
Because as you correctly mentioned,,Muslim hatred is only fueled by Western politics...And who fuels the ISIS? my case.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 11:35 AM
Sovereignty is real. I won't go into sovereignty but i will the ability to travel on the roads. Constitution says you have the RIGHT to travel. A RIGHT not a privilege. I have beaten traffic violations in court so i know this to be true. Lawyers would not take my case and do it how i wanted so i did it myself. They won't help you in this. They will not fight illegal laws. They only work within the confines of the laws, not defend the constitution. I guarantee i could get anyone out of any ticket. Problem, is if i give advice, i will be charged with a crime for practicing law without a license and i do not know how to beat that charge. I can tell you read the federal and state constitution. Read your ticket and do some extensive research on what you are charged with. I could go further but i don't want trouble. They need to rewrite their laws if they want to fight crime. Not charge people for crimes while traveling. If someone is a drunk driver charge, charge them with something other than a driving violation. Endangering the public or something. But not a driving violation because we have the right to travel.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: theNLBS

Kudos on doing that show in what seems to be one unedited cut. I would never have the stamina to pull off a flawless presentation for that period of time. I liked your criticism of the freemen. Just the way they talk when they show up into court sounds like their brains have contracted some kind of computer virus. I think 99% of the time, a judge walks out on them just because they don't know how to handle that level of irrationality and disrespect. Personally, if I found out that the freemen were right and there is an account in my name worth $10 million, then I would be pissed off too, but I think they are full of #.

As a side note. I looked up my birth certificate, and the spot where the state is supposed to enter my live birth number, that field is totally blank, so I guess that means I am a natural sovereign by their logic and the government cannot have an account in my name anyway, so good for me.

One thing I will say is this: the will to commit suicide to gain attention for your cause might be politically motivated, but the will to kill as many innocent bystanders as you can is pretty Muslim. When Buddhist immolate themselves, they don't injure any other lifeforms, although their self-immolation is probably purely politically motivated. If you read Muslim writings since the start of their religion, they have always seen the infidel as dogs and the slayer of dogs as heroic. This is a theme that is pervasive to their religion meaning that their political motivations are always going to have a more violent overtone than those of other religious ideologies.
edit on 10-9-2014 by Nechash because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: shapur

Well then your case is flawed. Because the only people 'fueling' "Muslim hate" (rhetoric), is Muslims! You people act like nothing is actually going on over there, and why? Because it doesn't affect you.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: Nechash
Kudos on doing that show in what seems to be one unedited cut.

That's our production goal, unless we have an interview that needs to be pre-recorded.

I think the one-take start-to-finish is a statement in itself. Essentially calling BS on what has become typical of many online video series -- lots of Attention Deficit Disorder hard-cuts every few seconds. If someone cares enough about what they're saying, then they care enough to get it right without retakes because something was slightly mispronounced.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

;p. It definitely goes back to the roots of proper televised journalism. Editing is where the magic happens, and going against that bucks the trends that Hollywood has established, and I wish you well in it. It seems you have a philosophic approach to some of the madness in this world, and it is not the easiest road to take.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: Nechash

Actually, from an entertainment standpoint, the trend is going toward longer continuous takes -- especially in some TV dramas.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

Hmm. I hadn't noticed. I had noticed the quality of camera definition has gotten much better, but then again, I really don't watch much TV. Interesting observation.

What is up with people staring directly into the camera in TV shows lately? I thought they were always supposed to stare off at odd angles like British royalty?
edit on 10-9-2014 by Nechash because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: KissMyWookiee

ISIS and many other terror groups, are/have been funded by the US and/or allies of. So, to answer your question.

It's simple. Here's some money, go scream allahu akbar, while cutting that guys head off. The cartels are doing just as bad, if not worse, and no religion is involved, other than the religion...of survival. The other common denominator in those countries...the US.

edit-The us "accidentally" let a large weapons cache fall into ISIS hands, just like we accidentally sold arms to cartels, via fast and furious...along with leaving those regions destabilized and ripe for extremism.
edit on 10-9-2014 by Fibonazi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: Nechash
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

What is up with people staring directly into the camera in TV shows lately? I thought they were always supposed to stare off at odd angles like British royalty?

If I'm understanding you correctly, this is a tactic called Breaking The 4th Wall where the character recognizes, and sometimes interacts with the audience. Deadpool, a popular comic book anti-hero, "Breaks the 4th wall" a lot and it's part of the character's charm

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: theNLBS

Yeah, you have that sometimes on shows like the Office, but even shows like Game of Thrones have had scenes where their characters glared directly into the camera as if looking at the audience. It is just odd to me. I don't think in my entire life leading up to the last decade I have ever seen that in any video recorded production.

Deadpool interests me. I've never been into comics, in fact the only ones I've ever read were Gaiman's sandman series, but it seems like the cosplay surrounding deadpool is very fun and chaotic, really pushing boundaries in a non-malevolent kind of way.

I guess being meta to your subject is kind of the theme of our present society. I'm still working on the whole becoming the subject of your objectives, so going meta is a bit beyond me as of this time. ;p

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: theNLBS

You'd think being so fixated upon BS the people behind this video would pick up an Islamic book some time, maybe leave their own BS at the door. Instead they'd sooner mislead people who're already stupefied by an ocean of bogus commentators and their incessant rantings. Here's what Muslim writings have to say on the matter.

Sahih Bukhari volume 4 book 52 number 220

Narrated by Abu Huraira

Allah's Apostle said, "I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy)"

And people still wonder where terrorist groups got the idea to terrorize from?! As the old saying goes "Christianity makes demands of Christians, Judaism makes demands of Jews, Islam makes demands of everyone."

Surah 9:29 of the Qur'an: "Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled."

Enjoy paying your unbeliever tax, my "humbled" friends.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: eisegesis

Yeah its true Muslims can be corrupted, but that happens to all of us. I think the key is to understand that the people in the Middle east ultimately will shape the destiny of the region. They need to lead in their own region and we need to follow. But president Obama is probably going to put forth a plan tonight, where US is once again leading there, and long term I don't think it will fix things.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: shapur

originally posted by: KissMyWookiee
a reply to: theNLBS

If Muslims hatred is only fuelled by Western politics, then why are ISIS in Iraq slaughtering men, women and children who refuse to convert to Islam?

"Politics" is just another excuse for Muslim radicals to murder anyone with different views than themselves.
Because as you correctly mentioned,,Muslim hatred is only fueled by Western politics...And who fuels the ISIS? my case.

I believe you all completely whiffed on Islam. It's 100% solely anti-Christian. Politics has nothing to do with it aside from an excuse.

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 03:21 PM
So anyone who does not agree with something or takes cause against something has a phobia. That is just silly and itself is a mindcontrol tactic used by programers. I don't like it when snakes bite me so i must have a phobia of them.

So you believe that everyone on all sides got together and decided to frame a religion for sucide bombings. That is farfetched even for me.

If you are able to post transcripts for some that can not watch the videos that would be cool to be able to catch up sometime.
edit on 10-9-2014 by deadeyedick because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 03:31 PM
FYI: In this episode, we promised a look at a 9/11 topic that is rarely covered. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. We had a Skype interview lined up with an expert, and they've just pulled out. So we're now faced with quickly working out an alternative.


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