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Rosicrucian AMORC & BOTA Member Q&A

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posted on May, 5 2014 @ 09:12 PM
Hey everyone!

I'm relatively new to these forums and wanted to drop by to see if I could share some of my knowledge in some modern esoteric organizations with you guys. I've been a member of the Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rose Cross (Rosicrucian Order AMORC) as well as the Builders Of The Adytum (BOTA) for a few years now. I haven't progressed extremely far in either one but far enough to know the basic and intermediate information (as well as some advanced stuff on both sides, thanks to the wonders of the darknet).

Here's a little information on both of the organizations:

The AMORC is an initiatic order that focuses on a few key things: ancient history and forming an egregore. For those that may not know, an egregore is an advanced thought-form created from multiple people. In the very first lessons of the AMORC you are encouraged to start creating what they term the Celestial Sanctum. This is to be your own manifestation but in the later degrees the CS is your key to tap into the collective AMORC CS egregore. By going through initiations, learning of the AMORC ways and knowledge, and increasing your own abilities as a mystical practitioner, you are able to tap into this egregore further and further, influencing your own life and manifesting things externally and internally. Think of it like a huge battery power for witchcraft, more or less. I suppose I shouldn't even say witchcraft as the "uninitiated" will probably assume something much different. It's more like manipulation than anything, not cooky spells that turn people into toads or brew love potions to trap the spouse you've always wanted. But, I digress; the AMORC uses many forms of modern technology and information like quantum physics, astrophysics, parapsychology, clinical psychology, and many forms of philosophy from traditional to Eastern. Also worth adding, the AMORC's main chant is, "May the Sublime Essence of the Cosmic infuse my being and cleanse me of all impurities of mind and body, that I may enter the Celestial Sanctum and attune in all purity and perfect dignity. So Mote It Be!"

The BOTA is more reminiscent of an ancient and personal group than the AMORC (which has individual monographs every month as well a vast amount of lodges and pronoas to physically go to). Like the AMORC, BOTA utilizes monthly or bi-monthly monographs to relay the majority of the information that is taught; but unlike the AMORC, the BOTA's temples are far and few between except majorly populated palces. The BOTA focuses mostly around Hebrew information; language, the Tree of Life (aka sephiroth), spiritual tarot, as well as the use of color, word, and musical note vibrations to stimulate chakras. There's also a fair amount of references to alchemy and astrology, although most of it is pretty intensive and far from the mainstream forms many people are used to seeing today. BOTA focuses mostly on ritual and visualization for the primary means of the practitioner to "get into their zone," and, to my knowledge, the BOTA does not use a directive egregore (although admittedly I have only been a member of the BOTA for a little over a year or so). The BOTA focuses the most on traditional information and knowledge, although still really great stuff. The BOTA's chant or philosophical commandments are known as "The Pattern on the Trestleboard" (a trestleboard is another name for a drawing device which Masons have historically drawn on to make geometric diagrams, another Masonic connection) and it goes as follows:

0) All the Power that ever was or will be is here now.
1) I am a center of expression for the Primal Will-to-Good which eternally creates and sustains the Universe.
2) Through me its unfailing Wisdom takes form in thought and word.
3) Filled with Understanding of its perfect law, I am guided, moment by moment, along the path of liberation.
4) From the exhaustless riches of its Limitless Substance, I draw all things needful, both spiritual and material.
5) I recognize the manifestation of the Undeviating Justice in all the circumstances of my life.
6) In all things, great and small, I see the Beauty of the Divine Expression.
7) Living from that Will, supported by its unfailing Wisdom and Understanding, mine is the Victorious Life.
8) I look forward with confidence to the perfect realization of the Eternal Splendor of the Limitless Light.
9) In thought and word and deed, I rest my life, from day to day, upon the sure Foundation of Eternal Being.
10) The Kingdom of Spirit is embodied in my flesh.

Anyways, if you guys have anything you'd like to know or have always had a burning question about please ask away and hopefully we can create a good conversation that will benefit future ATS members and esoteric aficionados for some time to come!
edit on 5-5-2014 by Kroovistos because: Formatting, grammar, etc.

edit on 6/5/2014 by Gemwolf because: Replace AMA with Q&A to avoid confusion

posted on May, 5 2014 @ 09:24 PM
Hi there, interesting thread. I'd like to know what effects these teachings brought in your everyday life? More success? Happiness? Please share.

posted on May, 5 2014 @ 10:10 PM
Hi there. Sounds interesting. I'll have to do some reading on these things.

posted on May, 5 2014 @ 10:29 PM
Hi, thanks for sharing your info, my only question if I may ask is how you joined? Were you put forward by someone? Did you already have a connection through someone to these orders or were you a "walk in", if you will?

posted on May, 5 2014 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: MrMaybeNot
Hi there, interesting thread. I'd like to know what effects these teachings brought in your everyday life? More success? Happiness? Please share.

I wouldn't say that either has directly contributed to my happiness or success in life. The experiences have, however, definitely added to the perspective of what life is about. But my regular life experiences with hospice care did that just as much. The AMORC and BOTA helped a little with meditation that's for sure. Very cool meditation techniques you'll find that can help a good range of people. Overall, though, the greatest things I've learned were from the AMORC about parapsychology and quantum physics. Those have given me more of a factual and "logical" side to supplement my faith in myself and my own beliefs that few others are granted in their paths. I've never been one for blind faith, even in myself.

originally posted by: Elijah23
Hi, thanks for sharing your info, my only question if I may ask is how you joined? Were you put forward by someone? Did you already have a connection through someone to these orders or were you a "walk in", if you will?

The basic explanation is that I found them online, looked them up, and applied. The application is extremely easy, some basic questions about your motivation and your expectations, and then as long as you seem mentally sane and a good associate they approve you. The thing that broke my heart is both of the organizations seem very dependent on you paying money, although the AMORC has a youth seeker program which reduces the price for people ages 18-25 (if I remember right) to $33 quarterly payments. That's a lot lower than what it used to be, but there have also been major revamps to the AMORC pricing lowering it because they're focusing more on .pdfs and online distribution now.

Answering to your second part, and the more complex explanation, I found the AMORC and BOTA in a series of omens and synchronicities when I first started walking my spiritual path. I first became interested in lucid dreaming and after doing some research came across the concept of astral projection.

In my search for learning more about AP and OBEs (out of body experiences) I came across a website ran by a mystic. After messaging the man, he told me he first started astral projecting "after reading through 6th degree AMORC monographs." That was all he had said, and it left me a trail to find out for myself. After reading about the AMORC and the extent that their monographs go and what they stand for I decided to join.

For potential joiners, you can literally sign up online and do everything over the internet or you can go to a local temple or pronoas and sign up. The group studies are said to be the best thing for the AMORC students although the monographs are full of helpful knowledge. Nothing beats oral tradition, however!

posted on May, 5 2014 @ 11:54 PM
Welcome Kroovistos...

I know very little about the Rosicrucian Order but while researching another topic I came across a series of videos that I highly recommend that covers the history in depth.

This film has received accolades from the New York Film Festival and is one of the best documentary's I have ever seen.

"...propabably one of the most important DVD's ever made, it's called the Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings. If you have not seen it you need to, it won the New York film festival award for best documentary last year"

The New Atlantis - Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings

Secret Mysteries Of America's Beginnings Volume 2 - Riddles In Stone
Secret Mysteries Of America's Beginnings Volume 3 - Eye Of The Phoenix
Secret Mysteries Of America's Beginnings Volume 4 - The Hidden Faith Of The Founding Fathers

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: Kroovistos

I'd like to know about the meditation techniques. Interestingly enough, I was going to ask you if there was any meditation involved with these mystical orders.

ETA: I meant to add that I was going to ask you about meditation before I saw your blurb about it.
edit on 6-5-2014 by brazenalderpadrescorpio because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: Murgatroid

Very cool man! I'll definitely have to check those out when I get some time (hopefully tomorrow!).

a reply to: brazenalderpadrescorpio

Ah yes, there is quite a bit of meditation involved with these groups. The AMORC touches on a few forms of meditation (much of it is more like experiments rather than actual formal sit down meditation), as well as BOTA relies on more ritualistic forms of meditation (repeating phrases/spells over again every week on a certain day).

I just went and dug up my monograph hardcopies and unfortunately there aren't many meditation techniques listed outside of very basic ones. I'll list some that I can find:

On dualistic perception:
"First, sit comfortably and close your eyes. Before you begin, make sure that the room in which you are seated is as silent as possible. Also make sure that it is not too bright and the temperature is normal so you're not disturbed. So to it, to the best of your abilities, that your perception is not affected by any condition outside yourself. Concentrate on your inner life—on your breathing, the beating of your heart, and in general on the internal functions to which you usually pay no attention. In this way you will become aware that your life is indeed divided into two worlds: the external and the internal.

Second, mingle with a crowd. While amidst the large number of people verify for yourself that even though you can hear, touch, see, and smell things around you, you are still a distinct individual from all other things. This proves that no matter the surroundings we are in a given moment, we never lose awareness of our inner personality."

On telepathy (heavily summarizing):
Close your eyes and say to yourself, "What time is it?" Allow yourself a few seconds to become in tune with whatever may arise in your mind. After a while of doing this you will notice the ability to intuitive guess the time becomes easier. Sometimes you will think logically and say there is no way the time could be that far away from the time it was when you last checked; when this happens, make a mental note of your perception in this matter and remember how it feels when you do check the time.

You are not limited to just time. When your phone rings, instead of immediately answering, ask yourself internally, "Who is calling me?" and give yourself a few seconds to let the answer come.

These exercises will help the practitioner learn the difference between intuitive answers from our inner consciousness and responses right after from our objective logical consciousness."

On accessing the Akashic Records:
" The first thing to do is retire to a quiet and peaceful place. Find somewhere that you will not be disturbed, preferably at your Sanctum [an altar all practitioners are supposed to have that builds up good vibrations as one does positive meditative work there over their mystical career]. Make sure the temperature is moderate, the lighting is subdued, and your five senses are not disturbed as to not be interrupted by your objective faculties corresponding to them.

Sit with your back as straight as possible, palms of your hands on your thighs, feet flat on the ground slightly apart.

Close your eyes and begin to take a series of deep neutral breaths for approximately one minute. Neutral breathing consists of inhaling and exhaling deeply through the nose without any pause between inhalations and exhalations. This is known as neutral as there are also deep positive and deep negative types of breathing which will be brought up in later studies.

After about one minute of deep neutral breathing, resume normal breathing and rise to the level of consciousness symbolized by the CS, after having made certain to recite the opening invocation [the chant I mentioned in OP]. When you feel you have reached this plane, concentrate on the purpose of this meditation. If it concerns a question you wish to have answered, repeat this question mentally several times as clearly and concisely as possible. If the problem is one of deep concern and whose solution you cannot conceive, summarize it mentally while trying, once again, to be as clear and concise as possible.

Finally, if you wish to meditate merely to benefit from Peace Profound [tapping into the AMORC egregore] and from the general inspiration which any cosmic harmonization can bring, you will not need to concentrate on the goal of your meditation. Simply remain perfectly calm and receptive so that Cosmic Consciousness may impress within you the revelations it intends for you.

After concentrating for a few minutes, put yourself in a state of absolutely passivity. Do not think about the question or problem any longer; let yourself drift into a feeling of perfect fusion with Cosmic Consciousness. This state of passivity is necessary when we meditate upon a specific goal, because it enables our question or problem to be transferred to Cosmic Consciousness through the intermediary of our subconscious. Without this transfer, the object of our meditation remains in the subjective aspect of our objective consciousness and, consequently, cannot receive a response from the Cosmic.

When you are ready to return, slowly return to objective consciousness, open your eyes, and recite the closing invocation of the CS."

I'll post more as I find more!

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 01:49 AM

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 06:12 AM
Hello Kroovistos,

Welcome to ATS and thanks for the thread. I believe you mentioned being with AMORC for a couple years. How often would you say your are able to meet with other members and groups? Or has your focus been primarily via monographs and self-study?

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 06:20 AM

originally posted by: Kroovistos

originally posted by: MrMaybeNot
Hi there, interesting thread. I'd like to know what effects these teachings brought in your everyday life? More success? Happiness? Please share.

In my search for learning more about AP and OBEs (out of body experiences) I came across a website ran by a mystic. After messaging the man, he told me he first started astral projecting "after reading through 6th degree AMORC monographs." That was all he had said, and it left me a trail to find out for myself. After reading about the AMORC and the extent that their monographs go and what they stand for I decided to join.

My story here would be similar. After accessing some of the first series of monographs from the dark web, I liked what I heard and went to their site and joined. There is of course a lot of wisdom shared from AMORC but anyone willing to do the necessary research can find the same truth outside of AMORC, you only need to look within which is really what you are taught anyhow.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: Kroovistos

Kroovistos, thank you for the informative read. 1 has found interest in the Rosicrucian data ever since the Georgia Guide Stones was said to be related to a builder RC Christians.
The question I would like to ask is, is there a TRUE association with Rosicrucian influence and the Georgia Guide Stones? And if there is, is it possible for you to share why the G.G.S where built and what may be within the time capsule said to be buried below them.

Thanks again...


posted on May, 6 2014 @ 11:27 AM
And here I was believing that my community is a garden, littered with precious roses (women), which, wherein, strangers come hither and "cross the line" with my roses... trampling them as if fathers are not existent.
To cross the line is the overall lesson in the rose cross.
The woman is the rose. The science of nature... wherein men, beast, wizards, and cowards exert their dominance. I am charged to know that men "naturally" desire women... hence science of nature. Thus a rose all my own within the garden is not vulnerable if I keep the watch!
The "Order Of The Rose-Croix" is a lesson... not an order.
Love thy woman... and she'll love you too.

A trampled rose is of great significance. Men are reared... but seldom in the craft of love.
They wish to have their way with the daughters of men... do not allow the unworthy to achieve the grace and virtue of a daughter of men. Racism at the highest degree... border line hatred... is very very much implicated. It is real!
Old cronies know of what I speak...
They know men and wizards and beasts.
A knight of the garden is a blessing... see to it my friend.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: Kroovistos

Thanks for your response! There are a lot of conspiracy theories regarding orders such as the Rosicrucians (and perhaps the other one that you mentioned). Do you ever get the feeling that these orders are trying to put you into a position where you are able to institute some type of policy on a global level? You might be to new to really know this, but do you sense whether what I asked may be true at all? Think deeply about what you have access to, and whether interactions with those people leads you to that conclusion. Thanks.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: brazenalderpadrescorpio
a reply to: Kroovistos

Thanks for your response! There are a lot of conspiracy theories regarding orders such as the Rosicrucians (and perhaps the other one that you mentioned). Do you ever get the feeling that these orders are trying to put you into a position where you are able to institute some type of policy on a global level? You might be to new to really know this, but do you sense whether what I asked may be true at all? Think deeply about what you have access to, and whether interactions with those people leads you to that conclusion. Thanks.

The answer would be yes but not in the manner in which I think your question intended. Of course such things are reserved for masters because you don't want to have actions with real consequences because you have a limited understanding yourself.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

You say yes, but not in the manner that I intend. What manner are you speaking of? I'm not sure if you're allowed to say.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: Kroovistos

0) All the Power that ever was or will be is here now.
1) I am a center of expression for the Primal Will-to-Good which eternally creates and sustains the Universe.
2) Through me its unfailing Wisdom takes form in thought and word.
3) Filled with Understanding of its perfect law, I am guided, moment by moment, along the path of liberation.
4) From the exhaustless riches of its Limitless Substance, I draw all things needful, both spiritual and material.
5) I recognize the manifestation of the Undeviating Justice in all the circumstances of my life.
6) In all things, great and small, I see the Beauty of the Divine Expression.
7) Living from that Will, supported by its unfailing Wisdom and Understanding, mine is the Victorious Life.
8) I look forward with confidence to the perfect realization of the Eternal Splendor of the Limitless Light.
9) In thought and word and deed, I rest my life, from day to day, upon the sure Foundation of Eternal Being.
10) The Kingdom of Spirit is embodied in my flesh.

This is beautiful, as i read this i felt my aura/my inner life force rise, ive tied explaining to others what it feels like and im always at a loss for words to describe it, but this pretty much sums it all up.

Love and harmony

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 01:30 AM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

Nevermind, I think I understood what you meant now. Thanks.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

While I personally did stick with the monographs during my active time in the AMORC, there was a plethora of times I was able to meet up with others members. In Michigan—where I live—there are two venues. The Thebes lodge in Detroit and a local pronoas (smaller lodge) in Flint. The pronoas meets at least once a month, I know that. The Thebes lodge (which is much larger) meets anywhere from 1-5 times per month depending on what's going on. There is always a convocation which is a basic "service" available to all Rosicrucians. There are sometimes degree reviews for specific degrees; there are administrative meetings; there are open meetings for random topics, etc.

a reply to: Ophiuchus 13

I could not speculate in an "official capacity" but I have my own thinking on the matter. Part of the Rosicrucian degree system is entering into a section called the Illuminati section which (if I remember right) covers the 11-13th degrees of the Initiatic journey. There are four sections: Postulant, Neophyte, Initiatic/Temple, and Illuminati.

From what I've heard of other members and from the organization, when you reach the 13th level you are allowed access to a new society which is truly a "secret society" known as the Ordo Summum Bonum. From what I understand this is a completely different society than the purely "Rosicrucian" one that forms the AMORC. I've also heard rumor that at this point in time the AMORC initiate is given access to high ranking in the Traditional Martinist Order which is a complementary organization which I believe has a more Christian flavor to it (as Rosicrucianism is, for the most part, completely non-denominational of any religion).

I believe that these later degrees/groups are linked to a much larger group body which does affiliate with what modern people would call collective "the Illuminati," although I do not believe they use this name any longer. The Illuminati is a direct Latin word which means "one who is illuminated" or "one who is enlightened." If you look historically at the Bavarian Illuminati, most were men and women of science that had to hide underground lest they be persecuted by the Church of Catholicism (and the various other sects of the Christian cults). I do believe that at some point the Rosicrucian lineage turns back to these truths and starts teaching more of the esoteric and long-forgotten side of these religions coupled with more intense knowledge of the mystical arts.

How this ties into the Georgia Guidestones? Who can say for certain. The Guidestones are cut and dry in their point and meaning, but also have some secrets thrown in (such as their perfect design and the craftsmanship to produce the holes that allow you to see constellations at certain points of the year). I believe this is homage to the original Masonic lineage which is actually part of the traditional Rosicrucian lineage dating back from Egypt (of which the AMORC is honestly hardly a part of, more-so by namesake than actual heritage).

a reply to: brazenalderpadrescorpio

Indeed there are; and many more about the Masonic order. I find most of them to be completely outrage and unbelievable so I try to spread some "wholistic" knowledge wherever I can.
Honestly, the only thing that I believe the Rosicrucians are pushing for is a wholly-positive society. The Rosicrucians teach much about acceptance of various levels and how to get in touch with the most basic elements that form our existence; from vibrations to psychology to philosophy to science. They combine these all together—these forms of mentalism—and then supplement the practitioner with ways to physically experience them via meditation. Apart from creating a society of high-thinking, accepting, and empowered individuals, I do not believe there is a sinister plan of any sort.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: Whateva69

I feel the exact same way about the Pattern. It is a very deep and influential piece of work. I've tried memorizing it a couple times now but due to its length I find it hard to remember (especially compared to the simple Rosicrucian invocation of one sentence).

The way I've always described it to myself, at least, is that feeling you get right before you get goosebumps across your body. It feels like an upward surge of temperature-less heat; like a wave of awareness runs through your body as almost every pore turns to attention and focuses. That feel carries over to the mind.

Namaste and hope to see you around

On an unrelated note, new pic for a new day! Won't be many more I don't have a lot of Rosicrucian pictures as of yet but I've just acquired some new material so we'll see:

edit on 8-5-2014 by Kroovistos because: Adding picture

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