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New at Tarot, would anyone like a reading?

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posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 05:28 AM
Put me on the list too.
I've never got a reading and would like to try it out!

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 05:59 AM
Can i get a reading too please?

Never done tarot before, something ive been interested in for years!

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 06:03 AM
DO ME !!

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 09:52 AM

reply to post by avvie

Sure, I'm game. Practice away on me...


Hi Des! The card I picked out for you today is
Disruption (The Tower)

A sudden, usually unforeseen, disruption or major change is happening or is about to take place. Even if it appears to be a negative experience, it can lead to enlightenment or a total shift in your lifestyle.
In traditional tarot meanings this card represents the "Falling Tower" that eventually crumbles due to its weak foundation. Whichever part of your life you focus on, this is an opportunity to rebuild with a solid, positive structure to make you or the situation even stronger!

There are times when the most difficult situations arise in your life. If you choose to, they can act as a catalyst to heal other areas. They're beneficial because they're truly your greatest teachers. Learn from past mistakes, accept them. and integrate them into your life as stepping-stones.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed. This Disruption Card is a reminder that negative thinking, limiting beliefs, ignoring problematic situations, and risky or careless lifestyles must be addressed so that positive changes can take place. Life has a habit of moving you forward whether you are ready or not. Transformation of body, mind, and soul can happen if you view this dramatic time or change as an opportunity for growth. In the future, you may look back and be thankful for this opportunity!

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 10:07 AM

Yes please !!

I love these thing, but rarely had the pleasure to try ...

Afternoon! The card i picked out for you today is

Patience and Planning

Good things will come to those who wait. This card signifies the qualities of patience and letting go of control. You should now pause, rest, assess, and rethink what's in front of you before continuing. This card should remind you to reevaluate the goals that you're seeking, your finances, and even your relationships.
Take the time to review each area one by one, for there's no rush when you're planning for a successful future.

As you pause during this period, notice what has worked well for you in the past - not what you or others believe to be true, but in actual positive experiences. While you're at this reflecting stage, you can stand back and plan how you're going to handle potentially difficult, complex decisions and situations that may arise in the future.

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 10:08 AM
Avvie Im down.

Can you ask in regards to career.


posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 10:27 AM

reply to post by avvie

I'm game


The card i picked out for you today is
Choose Wisely

This card comes forth when you have a vision or goal that you want to achieve, but too many choices, scattered energies, and unrealistic expectations prevent you from attaining what you desire. Opportunities are bountiful, but there's a decision to be made at this time. This card reminds you that the options now around you may appear to have all the influence and power - but in reality, you're in control and responsible for all the choices you make.

Take time to think, analyze, and carefully look at the different possibilities that are in front of you. Don't be hasty just because you feel pressured; and don't be influenced by people who have no idea, expertise, or education in the are of your choices. A focused, wise decision far outweighs one made emotionally or in desperation.
edit on 2/3/14 by avvie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 08:04 AM


Yes Please! I'll be your guinea pig!

Hi Teye! The card i picked out for you today is Positive Movement Forward (8)

You're a true artisan, for you ave the craft, skills, knowledge, gifts, and talents to assist you even more to advance in a positive direction. The number 8 always denotes prosperity and abundance, but in this case, it's your efforts that have gotten you to this point. Good for you! This card often comes forth to honor and recognize individuals who are in the fields of art, design, music, and education.

When you follow and build on your passion, the soul can truly express itself and can then assist you to move closer toward your highest good. An opportunity could suddenly come up with an offer for an apprenticeship. Notice if there are areas of passion that are trying to manifest into your world. When they arise, you'll have ample moments to share them with others.

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 08:14 AM

reply to post by avvie

When you have time, feel free to practice. TIA.

Good luck, you are about to get overwhelmed.

Good Afternoon! The card i picked out for you today is Accelerated Motion

This card represents speed, flight, swift movement, hope, passion, and, above all, endings to delays. The conditions around you are perfect and appear to be rapidly heading in the direction of your goals and desires. Luck is on your side, and your enthusiasm is at an all-time high. Brace yourself as you finally witness the manifestation of what you've worked for and visualized.

This is a call for initiative, but you should also ask yourself: Is there anything else in my life that I need to act on now?
Be wise and take advantage of these ideal conditions. Now isn't the time for you to fight against the river of life - trust, have faith, and go with the flow. This strong current is taking you to a positive outcome and future.

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 08:24 AM

reply to post by avvie
me too .practice away.

Hello! The card i picked out for you today is Fulfillment of Wishes

This card - being one, if not the most positive, of the Minor Arcana cards - represents emotional satisfaction, contentment, and enjoyment. Your wishes are coming true! Are you ready? Happiness, success, good health, completion, and accomplishment of your dreams and goals are in the palm of your hand. This card acts as a reminder to hold on to the beneficial feelings from accepting and receiving what you've asked or strived for. Know that these will assist you in the future when you may need inspiration and positive energy.

This is the right time to heal those past memories that have been holding you hostage. Forgive others and yourself so that your wishes, desires, and goals have a clear, unobstructed path to your heart, soul, and life.

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 08:48 AM


Yes please !!

I love these thing, but rarely had the pleasure to try ...

Afternoon! The card i picked out for you today is

Patience and Planning

Good things will come to those who wait. This card signifies the qualities of patience and letting go of control. You should now pause, rest, assess, and rethink what's in front of you before continuing. This card should remind you to reevaluate the goals that you're seeking, your finances, and even your relationships.
Take the time to review each area one by one, for there's no rush when you're planning for a successful future.

As you pause during this period, notice what has worked well for you in the past - not what you or others believe to be true, but in actual positive experiences. While you're at this reflecting stage, you can stand back and plan how you're going to handle potentially difficult, complex decisions and situations that may arise in the future.

Well thank you

It makes a lot if sense, it's literally spot on !
Thank you for taking the time, courage and good luck with the amount of requests.

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 09:01 AM
I would like one, please!

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by samsamm9

Thankyou! Lovely to have some feedback and glad it made sense

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by avvie

Thank you for your reading and card for the day. I'll give you some feedback.

You did exceptionally well Avvie. I'm in the process of thinking of moving, something I hate to even think about at this time in my life. Being a creature of habit, it goes against my grain to uproot and relocate. It's a time of knowing I need a change for the better, and staying in a place I know there is zero possibility for growth and expansion. One of those should I stay in the known environment, or throw it all to the wind and jump into the void of uncertainty for the ride of my life.

You've given me a fresh insight, I appreciate it...


posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 10:11 AM
i would like a reading please .. i have in the past studied Alistair Crowley"s tarot cards and found them very intersting to say the least .. xx

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 08:04 AM

reply to post by avvie

Hello Avvie,

Yes, please. Practice away.

I'd love a card for the day.

Thanks in advance.

Good Morning! The card i picked out for you today is Conflict & Defeat

The number 5 Mental Card represents significant learning and change, and how you handle yourself at this time is vital to your overall well-being. This card could relate to a lack of sensitivity in taking action or in response to conditions or situations around you. This need for sensitivity could relate to you or someone else in your life. Even though a battle can be won, it's important to evaluate the cost and pain to both parties.

Sometimes it's best to surrender and walk away if no answer or victory can be achieved. Don't assign blame, become deceitful, or set out to get revenge, for this results in the negative energy becoming part of you. You are being tested on how delicately and gently you take your next step. Remember, everything in your life is an opportunity to learn and grow.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 08:15 AM

If you have the time, I'd like one. It's been years, and they are always fun!

Hi there! The card i picked out for you today is Emotional Withdrawal (8)

This card represents moving away or withdrawing from a current situation in your life, whether it's an old love, a relationship, or leaving behind what was once familiar in search of new horizons (or beginnings). On a physical level, it's easy to get caught up in the materialistic world, but it's just as important to retreat from the outside world to enable you to pause, reflect, and heal. Schedule some alone time so you can commune with your soul and give the power of spirit the opportunity to restore your energy level, giving you the vitality to move forward in a positive direction.

The number 8 represents infinity, passion, control, and power. This is your time. Use this opportunity to tap into your heart and soul in order to find the courage and strength to continue your journey into that wonderful, undiscovered territory.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 08:44 AM

I read them myself, so it would be great to have someone read me for a change! Consider me in line with the rest. What deck did you get?

Afternoon! I got the Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck

I actually had two cards come forward for you which is a first for me, but i will read both cards for you.

First was Moving On

You're about to embark on a much-needed journey to leave the past behind. This card lets you know that there's light at the end of the tunnel, and it signifies that the time has arrived in which a difficult cycle in your life is coming to an end. In the traditional tarot, this card also implies traveling or going forward - involving crossing water or even moving abroad. Calmer waters are ahead, and with all the lessons you've learned from past experiences, you're approaching this period having grown; and you're so much stronger for it.
The healing process is under way; and now you can set your goals, desires, and objectives to secure a more positive and successful future. Because your mind is more settled and less worried, synchronistic events will bring the right conditions and introduce people into your life for your highest good.

The second card is Transformation (Death)

A time of endings is close at hand. Don't resist the abrupt changes that are suddenly happening in your life. These could be taking place in your personal life, relationships, business, or career. You have the strength, as the Transformation Card asks you to have courage and to know that renewal follows every conclusion. This card comes forth to remind you that the death of an old way of thinking and believing must occur before you can move forward on your new path.

Transformation is all about the ebb and flow of life cycles. Nothing in this life remains motionless; everything is on its way to somewhere. Accept the changes, and opportunity will come to expand you in more ways than you could have ever imagined!

You can't live in the past - it's time to move on. In order to take the next positive step, you should look closely at your own life and ask yourself: Are there loose ends that need to be tied up? Are there people in my life whom I need to express myself to? What needs to be completed so I can have a fresh start? When you do so, you'll have a stronger, more reinforced foundation to carry you through the new beginnings that await you.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by avvie

Thank you for taking the time to do this for me. I appreciate it especially since there were two cards. Interesting that! Knowing the cards as I do those two cards go hand in hand. I have never feared the death card and in a odd way Im glad to see it as I have been a bit stagnant lately. lol Im just glad it didnt come with the tower as Im not really up for an abrupt change as that would have been.
Thanks again

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 07:33 PM
Puts hand up ..and says yes please!!
well if you have the pressure!

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