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Meet Blondie Bennett, the brainless barbie

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posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 08:35 AM
We all know the space barbie of Ukraine Valeria, she looks like barbie and have some crazy message to give to the world, well move Valeria here comes California own, 38 years old Blondie ( legal name since she change it 1.5 years ago)

Blondie Bennett not only wanted to look like barbie, she took five breast implants just to attain her 32jj, (many not T&C complacent pictures can be seen with a quick search) she also want to be stupid, and for that she is undertaking hypnotherapy sessions to be brainless

“I want people to see me as a plastic sex doll – and being brainless is a big part of that,” said Blondie Bennett. “When people ask why I want to be Barbie, I think, ‘Who wouldn’t want to be?’. She has the best life. All she does is shop and make herself look pretty – she doesn’t worry about anything.”

Link, Link 2

A role model as no other would you say?

Human Barbie doll Blondie Bennett says that she has had 20 online hypnotherapy sessions so far for her goal of becoming brainless and it seems to be working. “I’ve had 20 sessions and I’m already starting to feel ditzy and confused all the time.”

To prove the success of her hypnotherapy, she says that she has already gotten lost trying to find her childhood home and that when picking up a friend from the airport she couldn't remember the difference between departures and arrivals.

I think she is a good example of the finest of our time, a hard working woman that want to look just like the role model of many young kids, but she knows the beauty is what is inside and that's why she also want to emulate the plastic doll, she does work in something, those breast implants aren't cheap

Today, without work, and at the age of 38, she is taking money from online “sugar daddies” that support her in exchange for pictures of her dressed as Barbie.

Something for you to enjoy in this fine weekend ats

edit on 8-25-2014 by Springer because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 08:42 AM
All that money to look like a bad transvestite?
She can quit taking her hypnotherapy now....she is officially stupid.


posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by jacygirl

I think she will be satisfied after she reach a brain activity that the only way to feed her is a tube in her mouth

I really hope she does this for publicity only and she don't drinks her own cool aid, this is the most what the ??? i have seen in the whole week

Truly ATS wordy in any case

edit on 22-2-2014 by Indigent because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-2-2014 by Indigent because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 08:55 AM
In this day and age,where the quest for stupidity rules....I believe we have a winner...Wondering why she opted for hypnotherapy. Seeing as how surgery isn't an issue for her,a lobotomy might have sufficed.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by Indigent

I predict she marries a very rich man, and ends up on one of those "Real Housewives" reality shows, lol.
Was good for a laugh, though!


posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 09:05 AM
There's not a chance in Hell that she's 38. Maybe 15 years ago...

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 09:05 AM

All that money to look like a bad transvestite?
She can quit taking her hypnotherapy now....she is officially stupid.


LOL I almost spit my coffee out!
This chick doesn't need help to become brainless, she already is!

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 09:08 AM

There's not a chance in Hell that she's 38. Maybe 15 years ago...

Yes that is the biggest problem in her

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 09:11 AM
Well, I hate to say it, but she needs a refund. Whatever she started as, it had to be better than the plastic person she's become.

In a world of fake this and disposable that, I really have no respect for fake people that become totally fixated in the superficial stupidity like skin level appearance, often to cover profound self esteem issues.

Take away the big phony boulders she calls a chest there, and she looks like what she is. A older, tired and worn out woman pushing 40 years and the height of middle age.

Blowing herself up like a big balloon just makes her a silly looking, tired middle aged woman.

....whatever she is trying for matching there too. Barbie isn't pushing 40 and clearly showing wear and tear to indicate the best years are behind her.

edit on 22-2-2014 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

....whatever she is trying for matching there too. Barbie isn't pushing 40 and clearly showing wear and tear to indicate the best years are behind her.

We all are getting older man, don't attack her age

I will say it, she is innocent, she have done anything wrong, its all fault of the society she live in, she say it herself she just want an easy life as the one barbie portrays, whats so wrong about using the people that is willing to spend money in her so she looks like a plastic lifeless doll, don't attack her for being stupid, she clearly has problems, attack the consumers, they have no excuse

edit on 22-2-2014 by Indigent because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Indigent

You see, some American folks get peeved about automatic weapons, and assault rifles, and other firearms. They ignore fantastic reasons why a person ought to be allowed to own firearms. You have the age old, protection of the people from the state, protection of the people from each other, and then you have this one...

Taking air wasting, brain dead, cretinous morons like this "barbie girl" out before they infect too many other people with their pathogenic level of stupidity. I mean officially, if there was ever a good reason to generate a forensic ballistics report, this pink absurdity is surely one!

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 09:38 AM
Blondi's aspiration to become a brainless Barbie is not far off the track as to what the original Barbie was, which was not Barbie at all. She was originally the Lilli doll. Lilli was a German sex toy doll for men. It was in 1961 that Mattel bought the rights and she becaame Barbie.

Now with Sports Illustrated using Barbie in it's 50th anniversary swim suit edition it looks like Barbie has come full circle and Blondi will beable to fill that online need for living sex toys LOL History of Barbie

I stand corrected I guess Mattel did not buy the rights but copied Lilli.
edit on 22-2-2014 by 2manyholes because: more info

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 09:42 AM
Good for her if it makes her happy, You only live once.

Reminds me of that movie Idiocracy where as technology advances and computers think for us more and more, the people get stupider and stupider with every generation.
edit on 22-2-2014 by NeoSpace because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 09:43 AM

Blondi's aspiration to become a brainless Barbie is not far off the track as to what the original Barbie was, which was not Barbie at all. She was originally the Lilli doll. Lilli was a German sex toy doll for men. It was in 1961 that Mattel bought the rights and she becaame Barbie.

Now with Sports Illustrated using Barbie in it's 50th anniversary swim suit edition it looks like Barbie has come full circle and Blondi will beable to fill that online need for living sex toys LOL History of Barbie

My Malibu Barbie was copied from a German sex toy doll...for men?
I am officially traumatized.
Now I know why she always liked GI Joe better than Ken....
I must call my therapist.


posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

I truly don't think she is doing anything wrong, i mean i think she is just faking the part of being stupid, she is just using some very sick people that enjoys seeing her degrade to that level. we all have to survive some way and her is using these people that buy her ways.

The problem in this story is not her, woman always have alter her looks in some way.

The problem is the ones that enable her to be like this, the surgeon that doesn't mind doing the operations, the ones that pay to see her dress as barbie. This is what is really wrong in here.

She is only using people, mutilating her body in the process

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Indigent

Our advanced technology made easier and faster to be beautiful, giving low IQ people a shortcut to success in a superficial society.

But the science applied was paradoxically created by smart people.

Then we can conclude, people getting profit from banal necessities of sheeple.

Let her have nice boobs and a facebook Acc., that helps our economy.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Indigent

Funny to see this on here, made me laugh =) I first heard of this yesterday on a morning radio show... all they did was keep talking about how big her boobs were.. If you watch a part of her interview with the therapist who tries to dumb her down, He tells her to imagine a little puppy and pet him ( via skype ) just absolutely hillarious

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by Indigent

(In my opinion)...she certainly is not pretty...too artificial looking...I just wonder what her (hidden agendas) are...of which I suspect are many.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 10:49 AM


And hypptherapy to be more stupid? Really? The fact she trying show she doesn’t need it she already thick as ****! How more stupid can you get? Does she really want to be 100 % brainless? If so do they do a tube fed coma Barbie? Squeeze it and it drools and soils itself, diapers and breathing machine sold separately

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

Perhaps you can ask the one who made the undead barbie to make a special edition brain dead barbie (accessories sold separately)

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