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waking up in different state of conscious

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posted on Feb, 5 2014 @ 10:43 PM
I'm wondering if anyone has ever done this. I've noticed this happening randomly since I was a little kid. But lately when I look up information on things that intrest me and meditate before I go to sleep I wake up the next morning in a different state of consciousness. It normally last until I fully wake up and get out of bed.

It happened yesterday morning as I was waking up. When I'm in this state I don't think the way I do normally. I noticed when I thought of somthing it wasn't in words or normal scenes. but i could understand everything in emotions and feelings that linked to the feelings of other ideas and thoughts and formed a type of web/chart linking ideas. It was like I could see and understand things through feelings and emotions instead of physical information.

However I could think in words when I tried but all that did was needlessly reiterate things I already understood through emotions and feelings. And when I did think of normal scenery it would quickly turn into a short dream (this happened two or three times)

also got the feeling that the things I normally thought about were pointless. In this state I am fully conscious and moving around but still sleepy. I wanted to challenge this altered state of thought but everything I thought about from my normal perspective of life seemed simple and insignificant

Anyone else ever experience this?

It's getting hard to find new information on the things that intrest me through research on the Internet so I'm hoping some ATS members may have some experiences I can learn from.

edit on 5-2-2014 by duesprimusvictorimmortali because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2014 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by duesprimusvictorimmortali

This is extremely interesting - it describes how I will often think, even during the day. I see pictures and sense and feel things and the connections between them. For me, this can even be used in a practical manner to understand math, physics, psychology and electronics believe it or not!

It doesn't seem like it would be the case, but for me, this feeling thing works best to help me understand logical constructs. It is probably called intuition, come to think of it. I won a math competition in 5th grade entirely off it.

It could go away during the day because it isn't socially acceptable - however I have been in social circles with highly accepting and positive people, and this kind of thing is cherished.
edit on 05pmWed, 05 Feb 2014 23:36:17 -0600kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2014 @ 11:38 PM
It depends on your intentions and desires, sometimes when we sleep and dream, we sometimes "go in too deep", and when we wake up we lag behind us part of that clarity we had in our indreaming, we can actually cultivate that feeling, stating our intentions before going to sleep.

Unfortunately, sometimes living in cities, we often wake up by outside noise, and we "return" not ready for waking life, thus sometimes feeling disassociated, or riding two trains as sometimes has been called.

some sleep holding objects in their hands, to be able to "remember" that they are sleeping while in their dreams, so to wake up IN their dreams.
Of course mileage may vary depending on the objectives and the dedication!

so yeah, it happens, altered states tune in to altered realities, not all of them bad, not all of them good, but sometimes just different!

posted on Feb, 5 2014 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by duesprimusvictorimmortali

' Never experienced it, nor read of it, but it makes me wonder what a deaf / mute person experiences as consciousness.

If your thoughts, in the form of words, were just a reiteration of what your emotional thoughts were, then why should you / we think of emotions as anything other than a different form of communicative thoughts?

And why stop there?... why is any feeling, emotional, or physical, not considered communicated thoughts?

Why is any form, changing from one state to another, not considered to be a causation of communicated thoughts?

It's a rabbit hole that questions where mind, body, and spirit truly end...

Good good.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by darkbake

Thanks for the reply. I don't think I would have thought to use this state of consciousness for anything as practical as math and electronics. I'm used to using intuition and grace( my definition of grace is intuition on a physical level) but I think this may be different. Can you tell me about when you were first able to maintain this state of consciousness and how you used it with math and electronics?

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by TheOneEyedProphet

I think Your right. I'm wondering if I can make this state if mind available when fully conscious and moving around while interacting with people. Including the times I started dreaming this lasted for a few hours.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by Bleeeeep

You make a good point. I often wonder how deaf and blind people perceive reality and dreams. Feelings should be factored in with communication but unlike body language and words you can't be sure you feel the same thing as the person you are communicating with and most people don't trust their instincts.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by duesprimusvictorimmortali

You make a good point. I often wonder how deaf and blind people perceive reality and dreams. Feelings should be factored in with communication but unlike body language and words you can't be sure you feel the same thing as the person you are communicating with and most people don't trust their instincts.

As expressed by all the different responses you have gotten so far, your words are not sensed / felt / interpreted the same way either.

What are senses, if not interpretations / thoughts?

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by Bleeeeep

Words can be interpreted differently but for the most part we have have a mutually agreed on vocabulary and terms that can be used even across great distance and time. Feelings are all personal internal interpretations that vary from person to person.

My words are fine it's the experience that gets lost in interpretation.

It's not something I can hope for everyone to understand. But I think it's easier to describe with words.

But with that being said I do believe in empathy. I just think most people are too materialistic and aren't ready to consider the feelings they get from others as communication. Personally I do though and agree with what you've said.

heavy use of metaphysical jargon

I believe this current society is run by materialistic psychopaths who can only percieve their own needs and is third density. A fourth density society like atlantis lumeria or the davidic kingdom would have to be run by empaths and less based on the materialistic views of today's society. But that's for anther thread
edit on 6-2-2014 by duesprimusvictorimmortali because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by duesprimusvictorimmortali

Words can be interpreted differently but for the most part we have have a mutually agreed on vocabulary and terms that can be used even across great distance and time. Feelings are all personal internal interpretations that vary from person to person.

Your learned thoughts, of how to interpret words, are more easily altered from your natural interpretations / thoughts [of words being just shapes or sounds], but nevertheless, they are alterations; and in a similar manner, senses / feelings, can also be altered to different interpretations / thoughts / senses / feelings.

The alteration of others' interpretation / senses / feelings / thoughts is what communication is all about, isn't it?

Think of it like this: Each action you make [call it communication], you are trying to reproduce your thoughts / concepts, into the reality around you -- then, the senses are the production of a concept that is communicated to you.

Short version: You can be made to feel pleasure from pain, or vice versa. You can be made to see different colors, hear different sounds, or think different thoughts. Senses are not immune to alteration or change or evolution, if you will.

--And how this all relates to your topic is that you are effectively altering what your own mind is sensing / thinking, byway of communicating to your other sensory organs / brain / mind.

I believe this current society is run by materialistic psychopaths who can only percieve their own needs and is third density. A fourth density society like atlantis lumeria or the davidic kingdom would have to be run by empaths and less based on the materialistic views of today's society. But that's for anther thread

I think that because materialists lust after the flesh/matter, they are incapable of understanding / sensing the true spiritual nature of reality. It is like a curse upon them.
edit on 2/6/2014 by Bleeeeep because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Bleeeeep

I understand. I interpret what you said as: your external reality reflects your internal reality.

I'm well aware of altering beliefs and perceptions of reality too. Even altering my body through placebo effect. I think we are on the same page.

I wonder how I would experience reality and what type of insights I could gain with this state of consciousness. Do you consider your self a mystic? (A person who experiences what others only read about) do you subscribe to the belief of ascension?

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by duesprimusvictorimmortali

I understand. I interpret what you said as: your external reality reflects your internal reality.

And vice versa. The internal and external reality is the mind, spirit, and body of our forefathers, and us.

The term I use most often is "good" concept (re)production.

We are all trying to communicate / create / produce our "good" concepts, and what is seen of this is the "body", but what controls it, is the mind and spirit. That is, the light / images / thoughts / senses are the body of reality.

What wills things into the body / image / thoughts / words / senses is the spirit.

The awareness that creates / manifests the spirit / will is the mind.

Think of it like a sensor. A sensor senses something, with electrons, heat, etc, and then it interprets it by doing something. The sensor is the mind, the electricity is the spirit, and the body is whatever the sensor's will was to do / image / think.

I'm well aware of altering beliefs and perceptions of reality too. Even altering my body through placebo effect. I think we are on the same page.

I wonder how I would experience reality and what type of insights I could gain with this state of consciousness.

The possibilities are nearly limitless. You could, theoretically, make it so that you can create a new sense by merging senses, and then be able to change your mind, spirit, and body because of it.

You could, eventually, see emotions as colors, or , as you're trying to do, see emotions as thoughts.

Do you consider your self a mystic? (A person who experiences what others only read about) do you subscribe to the belief of ascension?

Mysticism kind of comes with the idea that those who gain knowledge keep it hidden, but I don't do that. I will share my beliefs with everyone if I think it will help them understand something they need to understand.

If I had to label myself, I would say I am a spiritual Baptist / Nondenominational Christian type, but as far as I know, there is no one who closely shares my views.

I do believe in ascension but not the type you are probably thinking. Enlightenment, which I assume you were referring to, is probably the changing of your spirit / will, thereby giving your mind better clarity. Enlightened, as in the Buddhist type, I do not believe in so much because they try to do somethings I really do not like...

You can change your spirit by something as trivial as learning numbers to understand math or you can do something as important as learning faith to understand God. The changing of your spirit / will is what you are probably calling ascension?

p.s. I had typed out a response earlier but the site went down and I had to retype it -- sorry about that.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 11:40 AM
I have woken up in a different state of consciousness before;

Extreme emotions of joy, seeing colour to a higher level, connected to others (speaking in a telepathic manner)
... When having a shower I saw bright colours of fresh energy flowing down me, rippling sensations during meditation.

But It went completely after 1-2 weeks, was intense for 1 day...

I would imagine it's like ecstasy, though I have never taken pills.

A physic medium told me that she was told I visited the 5th dimension for a short-while, funny how I hadn't told her about it :S

I never did believe in changes of conciousness until after this event

Interesting post.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by duesprimusvictorimmortali

You actually can, but it takes hard work, and a strong will, for instance, in dreams we sometimes have insights of people or places, that provoke feelings that "speak" more than words alone.
Those same insights can be forced while operating in our waking life, the secret lies in tuning oneself with that same state, I'm sure you have heard about the mind and the body being like a radio of sorts that can tune in different frequencies, its a similar principle.

In order to tune in, in everyday life some preparations must be made, and thats where most turn around and go back in the cage.
You see, for it be be attempted requires lots of energy which we don't have available everyday because we waste it on the superfluous, every distraction and empty act in our lives takes away the resources we have available to attempt the other possibilities of our wills.

That is the basis of true magic, discipline, discipline and more discipline, magic is training our consciousness to attempt feats beyond the norm.

there is still much more of course, but those are the basics, in a nutshell...

posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by Bleeeeep

Yes that's what I mean by Ascension. Altering your mind spirit and body and changing into a version of yourself that exist beyond time and space. Many people refer to this as the I Am. I seek to change every aspect of my existence to align it 100% with what my vision of the I Am. I seek to do this through art, design, fashion, and architecture (which are my trades).

I'm essentially trying to bring my idea of heaven to earth so I can share experience with others in a way they can easily perceive even if they don't operate with the same perspective as me.

To be honest I hate using metaphysical terms because they carry too much negative stigma with people who haven't experienced that aspect of life. I am 100% sure that nobody believes in exactly what I believe in. But I know that people have experienced what I have and seek to do what I'm trying to do. So I wrote this thread to to connect with someone else's beliefs but to connect with others experiences and goals.

When I use terms like mystic and ascension I only mean to invoke the the most general unbiased meaning. Normally if I use a concept like the I Am presence I will explain how I interpret that idea in the most simple ways I can so others can relate it to there own beliefs and experiences.

Im not so much concerned about the structure of your beliefs.What I really want to know is what your goals are in life now that you know you know you can surpass the limitations of the mind and alter you experience.

For me once I am able to bring my version of heaven to earth I will then tell my family how I did it so they can teach their children and their children's children while I use my resources to help them break the limitations of the mind. Of course this is just a simple version of my plan.

Are you planing anything exciting?

posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by josh1600

Thanks for sharing your experience. Do you plan to alter your conscious more or explore different states of consciousness?
What are your plans for the future now that you've got a glimpse life without the limitations our society has placed on us?

Thank you for sharing

posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by TheOneEyedProphet

Please do go into more detail. Have you altered your perception of reality? If so how much? I know I believe things about myself that many people would consider me crazy for thinking. However people seem to be fond of me and the way I carry myself. Have you done or plan to do anything exciting considering your level of awareness?

posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by duesprimusvictorimmortali

What I really want to know is what your goals are in life now that you know you know you can surpass the limitations of the mind and alter you experience.

My greatest fear is that God will not love me, so my main goal is to come to know God, so that I am able to please him.

I am not into Ascended Masters or anything new age. I am just very spiritually minded. From what I have seen in modern day church, most people seem to focus mainly on Jesus' life on earth, and/or how to behave on earth, whereas I am more focused on spiritual things and trying to understand the spirit / will of God.

To me, it is not surpassing the limitations of the mind, but the growth of faith which allows your spirit to be more easily manifest into the light / body.

And again, the only thing I want of spiritual growth is to understand -- that is what I mostly pray for, the spirit of understanding.

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 12:11 PM

reply to post by darkbake

Thanks for the reply. I don't think I would have thought to use this state of consciousness for anything as practical as math and electronics. I'm used to using intuition and grace( my definition of grace is intuition on a physical level) but I think this may be different. Can you tell me about when you were first able to maintain this state of consciousness and how you used it with math and electronics?

I was thinking about this, and I think that even though it seems like intuition it is really called thinking and the basic tenet behind logic. I don't know if you realize it or not, but this was a genius O.P.

There is a gigantic problem in the U.S. right now in that our school systems forgot to teach people how to think, and this means that even our leaders and role-models have no idea what they are doing. That can become extremely dangerous in the future, seeing as the U.S. has one of the world's largest militarizes and nuclear stockpiles. Unfortunately, I'm not joking, this could turn out to be an issue.

Look at some of the Republican candidates (I am not sure why they want to shame their party) who are actively pushing for issues that are not just their opinion, but patently false. I don't think this is because those candidates / politicians actively pursue false things, I think it is because they don't know how to tell a false thing from a true thing.

This is what I think of, look at this YouTube video.

When Michelle Bachman is faced with a legitimate argument, she "wins" by repeating her false argument multiple times, as if repeating something makes it true. But there is more to being true than being repeated, and more to being true than being the "winner" through back-room methods and shady deals, as well.

I don't think Michelle Bachman knows that she is wrong, I'm not convinced she is smart enough to know.
edit on 08pmSat, 08 Feb 2014 12:26:01 -0600kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by duesprimusvictorimmortali

Something similar Ive had while meditating at times, and is actually not to hard to get into, is wordless thought. Not sure how exactly you would say it compares to what youve described, but its like, well, thoughts being processed without the incessant commentary. Thoughts are actually processed much faster, and more completely.

Emotion is part of it too. Its like everything that is normally there is there, but without the potentially information corrupting commentary.

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