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If we believe..............., then they have won and we have lost.

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posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 08:59 AM
(Edit - if you want to skip my blathering and go straight to the list a kind member has posted it a few posts down)

Thank goodness most people on this site completely get this, but if I can spark a light in one newbie or if this gets passed along to one person who has an epiphany, then this thread will have been worthwhile.

This article is related to that sometimes discussed topic, Bernaysianism (is that a word?), the most basic outline of which can be seen in my sig below and is covered well in many threads on ATS.

Was this linked article motivated by the recent hoopla around the superbowl? There seemed to me to be more fanfare than usual, as if the mass media was trying to remind Americans that slaverish devotion to this event and the sport in general was an essential part of being American (and again, I know many of my/our American friends on here do not buy into that paradigm).

Being more aware of the nature of the ego now it is so easy to see (it wasn't as clear when I was younger) how football and other glamorized sports and the celebrity worship and the associated consumerism that go along with it all heavily engage the ego, which is I believe the opposite direction from which we are meant to go as humans.

Anyway, here it is:

If we believe........................they have won and we have lost

I recognize this following statement comes partially from ego but it gives me a good laugh anyways, are there certain types that feel slight anxiety when they see an new thread by me? I'm sure there are many on here who garner a similar reaction......

edit on 4-2-2014 by PlanetXisHERE because: edit

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

The reason I hope to be on the right side of whatever is supposed to be "won" [is] my resolve to learn in order to know, rather than be led to believe. The former is harder but better; and the latter too subject to manipulation for a purpose usually against my interests.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:06 AM
This is exactly the kind of thing i'm about. for as long as i can remember i've asked "why" and always got the answer "because that's the way it is" that one phrase makes me insane to the point that i feel that life is a sham. Why? why would it have to be that way? How have people been duped into believing this? the search for the answers takes a huge part of my time but i never get any real results..

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:06 AM

reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

The reason I hope to be on the right side of whatever is supposed to be "won" [is] my resolve to learn in order to know, rather than be led to believe. The former is harder but better; and the latter too subject to manipulation for a purpose usually against my interests.

Well put, this is such a simple and powerful statement, yet how many upon high school graduation or even higher levels of formal or informal learning could articulate such a basic and important truth?

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:11 AM

This is exactly the kind of thing i'm about. for as long as i can remember i've asked "why" and always got the answer "because that's the way it is" that one phrase makes me insane to the point that i feel that life is a sham. Why? why would it have to be that way? How have people been duped into believing this? the search for the answers takes a huge part of my time but i never get any real results..

Well, way to keep on trying and being on here is one way to get some truths you won't hear in the mainstream media. The site I linked the article from, Zero Hedge, has many truths about finance, the economy, and some politics; much more limited in scope than ATS but still worthwhile for the areas it addresses.

If you are looking for truths on specific topics, I suggest starting threads in the general conversation forums here just asking and some will point you in the right direction.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

1. If we believe that debt is inevitable, they have won and we have lost.
2. If we believe that what we wear, buy, drive, display and consume defines our identity and place in the world, they have won and we have lost.
3. If we believe that we express ourselves through what we buy, consume, display and own, then we have entered a state of permanent insecurity and adolescence; they have won and we have lost.
4. If we believe that without its Empire, America would perish, they have won and we have lost.
5. If the "news" leaves us fearful, anxious, frustrated and angry, they have won and we have lost.
6. If we believe that being connected to and consuming digital media during every waking hour is not just necessary but desirable as a display of coolness and status, they have won and we have lost.
7. If we believe fast food and packaged food is cheap, tasty and convenient, they have won and we have lost.
8. If we believe we would perish without a payment from the Central State, they have won and we have lost.
9. If we believe that measures such as the unemployment rate and gross domestic product (GDP) are meaningful metrics, they have won and we have lost.
10. If we believe that our identity and self-expression flow from our membership in various "tribes" defined by signifiers such as sports team logos, corporate logos, tattoos, programs and music we consume, brands and other consumables, they have won and we have lost.
11. If we believe the America of today is the perfection of all that is good about America rather than the suppression of all that is good about America, they have won and we have lost.
12. If we believe that learning and intellectual accomplishment are to be scorned as "elitist," they have won and we have lost.
13. If we believe that health results from consuming handfuls of pills, they have won and we have lost.
14. If we believe it is normal to transfer the vast majority of our earnings to the state and a handful of crony-capitalist cartels, they have won and we have lost.
15. If we believe the world is controlled by secret cabals over which we have no power, they have won and we have lost.
16. If we don't know what to do with ourselves when shopping, buying, consuming and entertainment/news are unavailable, they have won and we have lost.
17. If we believe there is a meaningful difference between the two political parties, they have won and we have lost.
18. If we believe we are entitled to convenience, state support, etc. as a birthright, they have won and we have lost.
19. If we believe we are powerless to change anything other than our current mix of consumption, they have won and we have lost.
20. If we believe that lying, cheating, fudging the numbers, exaggerating our victimhood or accomplishments, gaming the system and being silently complicit in others' lies, fabrications, deceptions and embezzlements are required to get ahead, they have won and we have lost.

An amazing list, and kudos to you for finding it and posting it. Makes us all feel like a bunch of sheep even if we do believe in conspiracies due to the amount of sheepdogs keeping us in line with the herd, and wolves waiting in the wings to devour us if we stray too far. To be truly free requires a lot more than many consider.

edit on 4-2-2014 by AccessDenied because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

That link is priceless. Thanks!

It can be proven that the majority of people will not admit to, but fall into, almost every last line on that list. I often hear the terms , "You can't fight city hall!" and that proves a point. If you admit to that, they have won and we have lost. The same goes for the saying, "Only 2 things are guaranteed in life, death and taxes." If you subscribe to that thought process...then yes, they have won and we have lost. I hear both of those statements come out of the mouths of the baby boom generation. The one generation that seems to be the most indoctrinated and sheltered. Only fair, as they were raised in a time when the gov't was on a full scale attack against it's own people via MKULTRA and CONINTELPRO. Confirmed facts.

So they teach their kids, our generation and beyond, that there is nothing to fight for, and this is the "way of the world." Well, fortunately I personally don't subscribe to those ideas and remain a teacher of the people that do. It is like we have to convince all of the world that they don't have to be servants anymore. We may have literally been born into a type of slavery, but we can break the ties and bonds that hold us. One politician at a time.

Excellent thread and topic!

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

This list disturbs me only because i see society is losing. The majority are all too willing to be herded

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by AccessDenied

Thank you for actually posting the list! And thank you to all for your contributions to this thread.

I have seen some on ATS, and in other venues in life, lament "one person can't make a difference" or words to that effect. Well, it may sometimes be true but has been proven often not to be true, but one thing I know for certain, if you don't at least attempt to make a difference then it will be a fact you won't make a difference.

edit on 4-2-2014 by PlanetXisHERE because: edit

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

Having been a warfighter, i can attest to the power one man can have against a superior force. never underestimate what the strength of one with a mission can do
edit on 2/4/2014 by EyesOpenMouthShut because: jumped the gun

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:45 AM
I don't like Zerohedge but many Points are right, like:

15. If we believe the world is controlled by secret cabals
over which we have no power, they have won and we have lost.

It is up to us to stop the stupidness, the aggression, sexism,
racism, fascism and intolerance!
edit on 4-2-2014 by Human0815 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:50 AM

I don't like Zerohedge but many Points are right, like:

15. If we believe the world is controlled by secret cabals
over which we have no power, they have won and we have lost.

It is up to us to stop the stupidness, the aggression, sexism,
racism, fascism and intolerance!
edit on 4-2-2014 by Human0815 because: (no reason given)

I curious about why you don't like Zero Hedge, I'm also curious as to why you singled out #15 amongst all the others? If you are so inclined feel free to share some thoughts.........

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:55 AM
terrific thread and link. this is a first for me agreeing with every word on one of your threads. well done. S+F

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 10:02 AM

terrific thread and link. this is a first for me agreeing with every word on one of your threads. well done. S+F

Thanks! I don't want agreement, I want thought provoking discussions, critical thinking, a search for the truth, and sentiments that reflect an individuals true opinions and experiences; I don't want ego/emotional engaging sound bites and Bernaysian propagandists (the latter is not aimed at all at you).

edit on 4-2-2014 by PlanetXisHERE because: edit

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

"Give them bread and circuses, and they will never revolt." Juvenal

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Klassified

The vid is an excellent description on why.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 11:38 AM


I don't like Zerohedge but many Points are right, like:

15. If we believe the world is controlled by secret cabals
over which we have no power, they have won and we have lost.

It is up to us to stop the stupidness, the aggression, sexism,
racism, fascism and intolerance!
edit on 4-2-2014 by Human0815 because: (no reason given)

I curious about why you don't like Zero Hedge, I'm also curious as to why you singled out #15 amongst all the others? If you are so inclined feel free to share some thoughts.........

I singled out that Point because i've heart that Argument most often
some People always say, when asked why they don't participate,
"there is a huge Conspiracy", "the Aliens/ Jews/ Muslims/ Catholics/ etc.
harvesting negative Energy"
or "what can we do" and this makes me a bit angry because it
remind me of/on (?) my former self.

There is a "Conspiracy" but she is not that mighty anymore as we think,
we are more Powerful than the old Puppeteers,
their Time is over and we must realize it as soon as possible
because we are running out of Time too!
edit on 4-2-2014 by Human0815 because: spelling

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

Thank you for the interesting list and much to think on.

I am inclined at this point to feel there is no direction that can be taken, that no we don't have control of anything, there is a theme being played out and it must continue and conclude regardless of what anyone wants, feels or does. I have reached the conclusion that what is supposed to happen will happen and no need to become overwhelmed it is as it needs to be.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 06:23 PM
One nice neat package to read and think about.

Regards, Iwinder

posted on Feb, 5 2014 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

I think this is an excellent thread - and it's very much in keeping with my current outlook.

My thoughts: I believe that there is a swelling backlash and ever-increasing awareness, because 'they' have become arrogantly complacent, and the holes are showing in their game plan/s. (e.g. what comes around, goes around - for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction - and the only constant is change.)

I'm one of those well-trained baby boomers, and it's almost as if I'm being taught (by too much synchronicity in revelation-ary knowledge) to see passed and through their tactics, so I expect huge changes in the status quo and the world as we know it.

We're trained in things as they are, and now we need to determine 'how we want things to be'!

Three necessary goals come to mind; to pull down the current economic/financial systems, destroy the illusion of democratic governance, and to find a communications alternative to the Internet. Otherwise we're operating in their realms of influence and strengths. Can we be effective in our goals within their arena?

I'm open to any input/thoughts/ideas put on this thread... because I think this is something worth going for, and I'm willing to follow through!

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