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John B Wells let go from Coast to Coast AM

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posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 11:39 AM
Hello, I wanted to put this in the alternative news forum, (feel free to move it mods if this is in the wrong section) but I can't find an official news link. However there is this following interview on Youtube with John B Wells that confirms it and is quite illuminating as to the reasons why. They get right into it near the very beginning.

Wondering what any Coast to Coast listeners (or former listeners) think of this development...

Btw John is apparently starting his own show soon, a podcast called 'Caravan to Midnight' so it's good to hear he will be continuing on in another format and I wish him the best with that and hopefully it's a good show.

Love to hear people's thoughts on this. Thanks!

Peace. ~

edit on 3-2-2014 by Runciter33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 02:46 PM
I really don't trust either of these creeps. I feel they both are touting secret agendas and mixed messages and just general confusion.

They are hyper-critical of just about everything, but what to do they actually support? What are they for?

IMO they are just as controlled as they claim others to be.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 03:26 PM

I really don't trust either of these creeps. I feel they both are touting secret agendas and mixed messages and just general confusion.

They are hyper-critical of just about everything, but what to do they actually support? What are they for?

IMO they are just as controlled as they claim others to be.

Either of whom antoinemarionette?

Personally I'm glad at least George Knapp is still a host for a day on weekends. C2C certainly isn't the same as it was in the Art Bell days, John B Wells is fairly new to me imo he is an interesting host if a little bit too politically opinionated at times and meandering and convoluted in his questions, but says a lot of on point things as well.

Plus he has a great voice for radio.

But curious who you mean, George Noory and John B? The interviewer in that Youtube vid and John? Honestly unclear of who you're referring to...

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 04:31 PM
I liked him but the show has been getting worse. Since 2012 was a big miss their shows have become pretty boring. Seems like they will put anybody on..

posted on Feb, 5 2014 @ 12:13 PM
I enjoyed the show years ago. Not any more. Not once in all of that time, with all of the psychics and so on has ANY of it come true. Ive gone back and listened to the 2012 psychic shows, nothing came to pass. Ive only heard this guy once or twice and was not impressed. Not only was it the psychics that failed, it was everything else as well, ie prophet yaweh


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