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Snowden - the Weaponization of Truth

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posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 06:13 AM
Snowden leaked "shocking truths" about the US intelligence services. But these truth... are they being leaked because Snowden and his russian pals are good-hearted and have the American people's interests at heart, or are they being leaked because it greatly advantages Communism as it allows it to steer the minds of millions of Americans in this unseen War of Information?

"But would we be better off not knowing about the latest american scandals? " Some scandal-addicted people ask me. I say, first of all: this show how little you know about the rest of the world (if you think the US is corrupted, wait 'till you see Russia, China, even Quebec has its annual political scandals). And, secondly, you have to be dumb to think that Russia or even China has nothing to gain from exposing such "scandals" about the US. A bit of history:

Starting decades ago, Russia was in the middle of the Cold War against the United Sates of America. Many people assume that the Cold War was nothing more than physical nuclear bomb being tested and placed here and there. In reality, Russia went further than just posting bombs. It started a campaign to turn the United State's people itself into a pro-marxist fifth column.

One must remember that not all politicians are tolerant. Many marxist politicians had a very narrow view about the world. Such people have no tolerance with individuals who do not share their communism ideologies. Thus, some marxist's goal was to promote communism values to non-communist nations.

This is when "Truth" about the US's intelligence services was "leaked" by the Russians to the American people. The weaponization of truth begun. This stratagem was codenamed "Operation Infektion". The goal was to turn the American people into a pro-marxist rebellion which would offer leverage over the US government, if not overthrow the US government altogether and replace it with marxism. To achieve that, russian intelligence services provided to the media "proof" that the CIA created the AIDS virus. This "shocking revelation" was dumped unto the American audience, and succeeded at causing a considerable uproar against the American intel services and their government.

Marxism grew all over North America.

In my home province of Quebec, a pro-marxist group was eventually founded, the Front de Liberation du Quebec - FLQ. This group took arms, attempted to rebel against Canada, organized terrorist attacks. Soon it was suspected that the FLQ had ties with the Russian intelligence service.

So, the Russians forged a document linking the FLQ to the CIA and "leaked" it to canadian newspaper. The forgery was convincing enough for the canadian media, to a point where the canadian minister himself thought the CIA conducted operations in Quebec.

All this to say, Now, here we are, in 2014. The Russian government is backing Snowden as he "leaks" shocking scandals about the US intelligence. Is Snowden the new Messiah, Spreader of Truth but conveniently ignoring corruption in Russia's government; or is he using actually "shocking truths" as baits to steer the minds of millions unto the path of Marxism, fulfilling Russia's old dream?

Is it possible... that we have witnessed the weaponization of "truth"?


At Time's End,


posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 06:26 AM
BTW I say this as a Canadian investigator who has no american political spectrum preference.

Here in Canada we have more political parties and I can assure you that "shocking truth" is used quite often to attack the other party...

edit on 1-2-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by swanne

I believe that Snowden is just an honest worker who found himself having trouble coping with the NSA's blatant abuse of spying on innocent civilians, and overstepping their power to abuse the constitutional rights of all Americans. He has already indicated that fellow workers were also secretly upset with what the NSA was doing, but they were more concerned about their job and their families.

If he was a spy for the Soviet Union, he would have released much more information sooner. He still hasn't released all the other information that is expected to be much more damning to the NSA than what he has already released. The information he released so far, just confirmed what most people and the media already knew. His release provided evidence to that fact and also shed light on the NSA spying on our allies.

The NSA is in repair mode. Your thoughts that Snowden was a Russian spy, is exactly what the NSA would want the public to believe to erase the credibility of Snowden. I don't give much credibility to government secret agencies, because over the years, they've been caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by swanne

Is Snowden the new Messiah, Spreader of Truth but conveniently ignoring corruption in Russia's government; or is he using actually "shocking truths" as baits to steer the minds of millions unto the path of Marxism, fulfilling Russia's old dream?

Okay, let me help you out with your talking points here. A) The minute you identify someone as being worshipped as "messiah", you immediately isolate yourself. Everyone who is a supporter, or who knows a supporter, knows this is not the case. And intelligent opposition know this not to be the case. So basically, you limit the people who see any relevance in your talking points to a small part of the opposition who are willing to believe that other people are actually bowing down and worshipping Snowden, like Christians worship Jesus. B) People are really familiar with on a site like this with false dialectics, like providing the choice that Snowden is either a "new Messiah", or a steerer of mind into Marxism, as you made in the quote I included above. Put something together that's more honest and maybe you'll get some traction.

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 07:03 AM
No, i don't think Snowden is working for the Russians. Snowden is also not leaking anything right is the newspapers involved (namely The Guardian) who are doing the leaking. Snowden had entrusted all of the documents to journalists before leaving Hong Kong. Now, you could say that the documents of which he provided those journalists were forged...if it were not for the USA accepting the reports as true, and the fact that GCHQ spies entered The Guardian Headquarters and ordered all classified material destroyed.

Snowden may be living in Russia, but it is only due to the facts that 1) The US government had withdrawn his passport before he landed, and 2) WikiLeaks helped him get there (WikiLeaks has notable historic ties to the Russian Government).

I'd say that Snowden is likely to share ideas along the lines of WikiLeaks' ideals, rather than those of Marxism. Add to this that Russia is no longer a communist/socialist state, but rather, a (perhaps shonky) democratic one.

edit on 1-2-2014 by daaskapital because: sp

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by tridentblue

Surely there is a big difference between people considering a man a God and admiring a man for having the guts to face the establishment when he exposes corruption among the people that a population trust to run their country.

I was expecting a backlash against Snowden when he escaped to Russia and of course the threat of communism is the biggest weapon. I suspect this is why Putin took his time to consider the backlash of this obvious claim.

I do see the points the original poster made though but for me every country takes a poke at other countries using scandal which, lets face it is loved the world over - unless its truly shocking.

However we are in a time when many, and I speak as a Brit who lives in a country with a establishment deliberately set up to protect the royals and government puppet masters. Today we now have the internet which gets information out before it can be smothered and it gives people, especially in the UK a voice where they can give their opinion. So I am grateful and I expect others elsewhere are also.

Its been a terrific weapon having communication controlled, because if one person doesn't agree with policy etc because they never had access to a mass communication before it was easy to think, 'Oh Well, its only my opinion, I expect everyone else agrees with it'. Now we can hear that our peers and fellow citizens don't differ that much regarding the Establishment and united we stand, divided as in the past we could do nought expect pay the taxes and accept whatever laws and taxes the Elite here decided to put on us.

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 07:11 AM
Snowden's personal writings were mostly Libertarian - Constitutionalism, if I recall correctly.

Also as said above, the MSM are the ones doing all the "leaking".
They print the stories after all.

*I still haven't decided if I even believe in any of it.
edit on 1-2-2014 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-2-2014 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 08:11 AM

BTW I say this as a Canadian investigator who has no american political spectrum preference.

Here in Canada we have more political parties and I can assure you that "shocking truth" is used quite often to attack the other party...

edit on 1-2-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

2 Questions

1. Aint it the precise same thing you are doing?

2. Are you a part of this war??

Maybe we should focus on how we ourself can improve our own lives, that is just an idea


posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by WeRpeons

I think you are right. I have a good friend in intelligence. He said I would love it and asked me to apply. The biggest recommendation he could give was that I should know several documents deeply. I dont remember what they were called but its the standard documents for spying on citizens and the actual laws of intelligence. Basically I had to prove I knew the morality of being in the field and that it just wasn't a free for all. I don't wish to say which group I applied for or he worked for as it is extremely tiny and something most people have never heard of. I found it amazing that his biggest concern and advice for me was that I knew those laws about intel. It was something similar to getting a warrant or approval to spy on our own citizens etc.

I'm sure every intel officer has to know the documents when they join and i'm sure snowden observed that the entire group of the nsa was disobeying its own doctrine. That would weigh heavily on me. From what I can tell he has not released any information that would put or own assets or lives at risk. In this situation Snowden should be pardoned completely and will have my support.

He could have release intel that put lives in jeopardy just to show he had it...but he didnt. He chose the right data to release. He's a ballsy dude that did the right thing.
edit on 1-2-2014 by cosmicexplorer because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 10:13 AM
And... you all's replies are the proof that Russia and his weapon, Snowden, won over the people's minds.

I smile, for this was sooo predictable.

Some people are so obsessed with knowing about the latest scandal that it has become a way to steer the minds of millions. And many political marxists knew that, and used that.

Well, at least I did try to warn you.


edit on 1-2-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by swanne

I don't think we need Russia to turn us into a bunch of Marxists. Our corporate government is doing a mighty fine job of that all by themselves.

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by swanne

The war on freedom of information clearly includes the use of information as a weapon. It's called the MSM.
edit on 1-2-2014 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 10:40 AM

And... you all's replies are the proof that Russia and his weapon, Snowden, won over the people's minds.

I smile, for this was sooo predictable.

Some people are so obsessed with knowing about the latest scandal that it has become a way to steer the minds of millions. And many political marxists knew that, and used that.

Well, at least I did try to warn you.


edit on 1-2-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)


The only evidence supporting your claims comes in the form of Russian Intelligence Services, who both, swarmed him at the airport and provided him a lawyer (his lawyer sits on the public council for the FSB, if i recall correctly). That, and the allegations that he had stayed in a Russian consulate before flying out to Russia.

With all this said, i still do not think that Snowden was working for Russia, at least not in the way you describe it.

Here are the facts:

Snowden gained employment as a contractor in order to gather intelligence.

Snowden had contacted Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras before doing so. Glenn and Laura are both connected to WikiLeaks, which has slight connections to the Russian government.

After obtaining information, Snowden leaves for Hong Kong, where Julian Assange sends Sarah Harrison to escort him to South America.

Snowden allegedly stays at a Russian Consulate, after WikiLeaks became involved (remember their connections to the Russian Government).

Snowden's travel documents are rescinded by the USA.

Julian Assange tries to bypass this by convincing an Ecuadorian Diplomat to allow him safe passage.

The diplomat agrees, but is caught, thus leaving Snowden stuck in Russia.

Snowden files for asylum in 20 + countries, Russia accepts his application while other countries do not.

Snowden accepts said application and remains in hiding.

Looking at the above, it is most clear that Snowden landed in Russia by chance. His final destination was not Russia, but rather, South America.

I'd say that there is more evidence of Snowden being a 'spy' for WikiLeaks, rather than being an agent of Russia...

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by Bone75

Such is your opinion after having watched the Big Media's news for years if not decades.

"The US is the true communism, certainly not Russia nor China! "

edit on 1-2-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 12:28 PM

I'd say that there is more evidence of Snowden being a 'spy' for WikiLeaks, rather than being an agent of Russia...

And even that seems to have happened by chance. Looking at the facts as they are, it's as if someone played a game of 52 card card pick-up and the card that landed on top of the pile depends on your interpretation of the events.

Not everything that happens is well thought out and orchestrated. What the NSA has been doing for years may have been but, obviously, not that which has caught them with their pants down. It's pretty funny when you stop and think about it because you see just how much a house of cards it all really is, and that agencies like the NSA take it all SO seriously.

So this is what happens when the truth comes out. The Joker (Snowden) ends up on top, the low-ballers (citizens) on the bottom and the face cards (Govt. Officials) in the middle wondering what happened to their influence in the hand.

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 01:22 PM

He could have release intel that put lives in jeopardy just to show he had it...but he didnt. He chose the right data to release. He's a ballsy dude that did the right thing.
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

I have to agree, Snowden had a lot of guts and moral fortitude to do what he did. I have a lot of respect for people who put their job and lives at risk for the sake of basic human rights and protecting our constitution. Whistle blowers are the real heroes in this world.

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by swanne

You should have told them where Hippies came from.Everyone thinks that is a spontaneous evolution from Beatnicks.

I can tell you metal is not well liked because it was derived from Acid rock ,into hard rock then diversified,But they don't really like metal because it promotes unwanted aggressive individualism.
That isn't conducive to control.

edit on 1-2-2014 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

You make a good point.

But that's the official story. I think it is much more probable that

-Since Snowden detains information which could damage USA's national security, then Snowden is a valuable asset for either Russia or China.

-When Russia "accepts" to keep Snowden, I feel it is much more probable that Russia really thought, "OMG we hit the jackpot! "

-Additionally, China keeps coming back, too - another communist country. You mention Wikileaks. Well, most of Wikileak's info comes from hacking. China has the glorious reputation of being a hacker's haven. You mention Hong Kong. Well, the chinese mafia is based there. It is most probable that Wikileak's "documents" (real or not) are being given to by, again, agents from a communist nation. Then the Big Media tells us to hate the US government. This is just too convenient for either Russia or China, they'd have to be dumb not to seize the opportunity.

That's why it is most probable they already did.

edit on 1-2-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 01:35 PM
I'm not so sure anymore that I believe Snowden is a whistleblower. I'm sure all the spying is true, but it could be scare tactics to make the public believe they are losing their privacy.

I used the same tactics on my children. When they ask " how do you know I did that?" I say "I have eyes at the back of my head". My daughter was looking in my hair one day, I asked "what are you doing" ... " looking for those eyes"

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 02:31 PM

I'm not so sure anymore that I believe Snowden is a whistleblower. I'm sure all the spying is true, but it could be scare tactics to make the public believe they are losing their privacy.

Maybe that people do lose their privacy to some extent, but for the sake of the country's security. Perhaps that to save the whole of the Constitution, the US has to break a few laws of the Constitution. The Constitution was written almost 300 years ago, for God's sake. Three hundred years later we had mafia takeovers, eugenics and communist cells inside US, mutually assured destruction, globalization. It is probable that the US had to break a few laws, and that the Big Sensationalist Media and the anti-americans seize the opportunity to demonize the US.

But let's face it: Snowden got wide acceptance simply because he provided to the Guardian proofs that the US farts from time to time. Just like any other countries. But this simple voyeurism earned Snowden immediate and blind acceptance from the american people. And then they tell me that the communist front is dumb and would never seize the opportunity to secretly magnify this anti-american movement.

edit on 2-2-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

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