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The Tara People

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posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 04:52 AM

reply to post by athenatree

The office looked for the name Tara? Wouldn't you need a last name to do a search. I work retail and would never be able to find a customer in our system by a first name. I wouldn't even make the effort that's ridiculous. How dumb do you really think we are here?

As a computer programmer I can tell you that its completely normal, moreover completely common to search on first name or any single point of data. Any software that isn't built by the schleps doing the Obamacare site is fully capable of doing a boolean search for any number of reasons, but reporting is one of the main drivers. I don't know what retail chain you work at, but it sound like they need some help in the IT Dept. because first name search was possible from the beginning of time just about. Pretty sure the Abacus had a function for that. LOL. (Seriously, its extremely common and I'd bet you have the capability, if you cared to make the effort.)

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 04:59 AM

reply to post by athenatree

Read through a few pages, and my buddy comes in the room. I tell him your story and hes shocked, and tells me that he once heard about a family that bought a house, and they kept having things go missing, weird misplaced things, ect. What had ended up being the problem is that the old home owner had built a secret room in the walls and was living in the house with the family. coming out when they were gone, and sleeping..really really creepy.....He said it was for 3-5 years but im not to sure if thats accurate or not. So you should make sure no ones living in your walls ma'am
edit on 3-2-2014 by Thisbseth because: (no reason given)
I have heard similar stories. Were people have built hidden rooms and moved about in the walls and had the house wired up. Then sold the house or dissappeared. Sounds like something from a horror movie.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by boncho

Probably both, I would assume - I have never realy thought that much about my writing style.

If you are looking for a connection between myself and the OP, there isn't one, from what I could tell she is in the US and I am in the UK, no connection.

There wasn't realy that much research done either, an hour on google (mostly first page results) and my imagination running wild for a bit keeps me entertained, which is why I come here.

I thought that if you wanted to send a message to someone without everybody else knowing what you are talking about, that would be a perfect way to do it, or to warn somebody that they are being looked for in a cryptic way, or that something is going to 'go down', the reasons are unlimited.

The down to earth discussion that ensues would detach the thread from its original purpose, mission accomplished.

To sum up my most likely conclusions, at a guess I would think there was an element of truth to the story but with a degree of elaboration for noteworthy interaction from posters.

I just prefer the, way out there, imaginings.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by athenatree

Although I personally am very interested in the paranormal and have heard all kinds of stories, my first thought with this, just like other that have commented, is that "Tara" is a made up person they got to know possibly from some internet site.
It could be a woman ( or man for that matter ) pretending to be this grey haired blue eyed lady in order to scam people of money, I would assume. It is easy to take a picture of someone else and claim it to be oneself, and the description of Tara sounds like a perfect bate to trick people. Who would suspect a nice lady like that?

I believe it's a scam from someone who is posing as this nice lady on the web, luring most likely money out of people, and sooner or later these people who starts to build up a bound with "Tara" wishes to see her IRL, and so Tara needs to give them an address, which unfortunately ended up being yours. Specifically chosen to be yours, probably not. I'm thinking you were just unlucky to have that particular address that she made up or randomly picked and given out to people.

I personally do not believe there is anything paranormal about it, but I hope it will calm down for you soon. It does sound very distressing. Maybe it would be wise to ask whoever might show up next how they know "Tara". From where, and what they want.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 06:16 AM

If this is true there is a very simple explanation.
If she works that long a day i suggest during the time she is out of the apartment Tara uses her door for visits.

OP says she works from home, so she is home most of the time.

I originally thought this to be some sort of gaslighting activity, but now I'm having doubts. It just seems like over the years, the gaslighters would want to escalate this to a higher level, or at least change things up a bit. They could have started claiming that she IS Tara - you know, really mess with her mind. I would think that over a long period of time, the creepiness factor would dissipate somewhat as you get used to people constantly knocking on your door, asking for Tara. At least that's how it would affect me after a while. "Yawn, another person looking for Tara - big deal." If you wanted to cook my noodle or really creep me out, you'd have to step it up a bit after a while.

I still think the OP should take her camera phone and start to obviously video the next person who comes to the door. Their reaction would probably tell you for sure if they are sincere, or someone sent to mess with you. If it was a single (female) person, OP could have her 17-year-old standing next to her. That way, the person at the door is outnumbered, and if they were up to no good, they probably would just run off, rather than try to attack her.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Panne

Except that many of these people have claimed to have been in that very apartment with Tara, in person!

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by kaylaluv

Ah yes, sorry. I just read that part.
I take my statement back.

It does sound like a complete mystery then. Never heard such a case before. Hopefully it will find its explanation soon.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 07:49 AM

reply to post by boncho

There wasn't realy that much research done either, an hour on google (mostly first page results) and my imagination running wild for a bit keeps me entertained, which is why I come here.

I thought that if you wanted to send a message to someone without everybody else knowing what you are talking about, that would be a perfect way to do it, or to warn somebody that they are being looked for in a cryptic way, or that something is going to 'go down', the reasons are unlimited.

I really like your idea, because I have been thinking the same thing, not in this thread but in general.
Sometimes I visit GLP and there it is much more visible, because it´s less controlled. There are similar threads all the time, mostly declearing doom and giving dates. Some are long and bizarre stories from "insiders", most are just doom dates. ATS has them too, but not as much.
I once started to think, that it might be some sort of secret communication, where these topics and dates, numbers, words etc mean something els, that only people in the know can recognize.
Maybe they use conspiracy forums like number stations or something? It seems like relatively safe way of communicating (at least some information), because noone takes these crazy or strange threads in consipracy forums seriously.

One thing that made me think of that idea is very similar pattern. There´s story, inside info or predicion, people start to ask questions, OP gives some answers, often doesn´t look very interested in discussing futher, takes insults personally and then uses insults as an excuse to leave the thread. Usually for good. Dates come and go, there´s no proof and OP disappeares.

It´s at least interesting and creative idea

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 09:25 AM

Did you ever ask those people their relationship with her? Did you ever act as though she was not there at the moment and ask if they wanted to leave a message? I know I would do that to clear up the situation a little.
Good luck!

I completely agree. After even one week of this continuing to happen I would have interrogated (at length) every person coming by asking for "Tara". This is a major hole in the story for me.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 09:51 AM


Did you ever ask those people their relationship with her? Did you ever act as though she was not there at the moment and ask if they wanted to leave a message? I know I would do that to clear up the situation a little.
Good luck!

I completely agree. After even one week of this continuing to happen I would have interrogated (at length) every person coming by asking for "Tara". This is a major hole in the story for me.

I guess you guys didn't thoroughly read her posts. She says she DID ask plenty of questions: who are they, what do they want with Tara, when was the last time they saw her, etc. She says some of the people were vague, but others told her more details of their experience with Tara. Some of them actually came into her apartment and sat down and spoke with her. Doesn't that sound like there WAS some kind of interrogation going on there?

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by fenian8

yes! it is! but it doesn't mean she's lying because it seems unbelievable. There's a lot of stuff that on first glance seems unbelievable but, when you actually give it chance, turns out it's not so ridiculous afterall.

The fact is, it seems you and others see something that seems crazy and discredit it without even given the OP chance to reply. Like i said, to me, that's ignorance.

Hey, it might be made up. But judging before the OP gets a chance is wrong IMO.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 11:31 AM
Just a couple of thoughts here. An apartment complex I lived in once was actually part of a "chain" of apartment buildings. Identical looking buildings at different locations in town. Perhaps the "Tara" people are going to the wrong street or suburb? Also Tara could simply be her nickname or alias.

Names that have the nickname of Tara.

As far as spy cameras go take a look here. Spy camera clocks.

Place one of these clocks where they have a view of the front door. They'll never know they are being watched. But if you start getting videos of shadow people, ghosts, or other supernatural visitors you know you'll have to let us see the videos.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:55 PM
A very interesting story it`s a real shame that the OP has been put off of coming back to their post by some on here being less than kind. It would have been nice to see if there were any further developments but without the OP`s input I cant see this going much further.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by Earthlurker

A+ for creativity and entertainment

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 02:52 PM



Did you ever ask those people their relationship with her? Did you ever act as though she was not there at the moment and ask if they wanted to leave a message? I know I would do that to clear up the situation a little.
Good luck!

I completely agree. After even one week of this continuing to happen I would have interrogated (at length) every person coming by asking for "Tara". This is a major hole in the story for me.

I guess you guys didn't thoroughly read her posts. She says she DID ask plenty of questions: who are they, what do they want with Tara, when was the last time they saw her, etc. She says some of the people were vague, but others told her more details of their experience with Tara. Some of them actually came into her apartment and sat down and spoke with her. Doesn't that sound like there WAS some kind of interrogation going on there?

As far as you can go if your not a cop, you can't taze info out of them

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 02:59 PM


reply to post by boncho

There wasn't realy that much research done either, an hour on google (mostly first page results) and my imagination running wild for a bit keeps me entertained, which is why I come here.

I thought that if you wanted to send a message to someone without everybody else knowing what you are talking about, that would be a perfect way to do it, or to warn somebody that they are being looked for in a cryptic way, or that something is going to 'go down', the reasons are unlimited.

I really like your idea, because I have been thinking the same thing, not in this thread but in general.
Sometimes I visit GLP and there it is much more visible, because it´s less controlled. There are similar threads all the time, mostly declearing doom and giving dates. Some are long and bizarre stories from "insiders", most are just doom dates. ATS has them too, but not as much.
I once started to think, that it might be some sort of secret communication, where these topics and dates, numbers, words etc mean something els, that only people in the know can recognize.
Maybe they use conspiracy forums like number stations or something? It seems like relatively safe way of communicating (at least some information), because noone takes these crazy or strange threads in consipracy forums seriously.

One thing that made me think of that idea is very similar pattern. There´s story, inside info or predicion, people start to ask questions, OP gives some answers, often doesn´t look very interested in discussing futher, takes insults personally and then uses insults as an excuse to leave the thread. Usually for good. Dates come and go, there´s no proof and OP disappeares.

It´s at least interesting and creative idea

I agree very interesting thought. I think some games are used to communicate also.

Many years ago I was playing an online game, I was alone way out in the boonies, a guy came along which was surprising since i never saw anyone in the are hardly ever. I spoke to him and asked if he wanted to group with me and he replied typing in a russian accent, if you can picture that! He said he would group with me for a little bit but was meeting a friend and then he would have to leave. he said he was not to good at playing and he was bad at typing so would not be talking much.

After about 30 mins of pulling and killing mobs with me, his friend must have sent him a message because he said he had to go. I watched him and he went on to the top of a high hill not to far off and another character joined him. They stood up there for about 10 minuets and then both was all very odd.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee
try this, grab a rose quatz crystal roughly hand size. You can get one of these from a new age shop. This will protect you. The rose quatz symbolizes unconditional love. Next in a quite area at your house, you can go about this in many ways. If tara is a imposter throw the crystal at her then run. : p now the serious part. If tara is someone that is coexsisting in multiple astral realms. You could conjure her. Just make sure you got your hand on the crystal when doing it as the enegry that radiates from the crystal will help protect you. You could also conjure pure darkness or pure light entities if you feel you may need backup. What ever force you believe in. Either way the bottom line is you got some old woman called tara walking around? You got paranormal phenomena happening in your house and more then likely your having trouble sleeping witch is affecting your health. So you really need to get down to business and sort this out before tara consumes you to being scared to the point were you are no longer able to function. I hope this helps.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 06:16 PM

reply to post by fenian8

When did i say i believed it? I just didn't discredit it because it was unbelievable or didn't make sense. That's ignorance.

I didn`t discredit it at first. I read the whole OP, a couple of times, including the first few responses.

To do otherwise would be ignorance!!

I thought it was a good read but i also thought it was unbelievable and didn`t make sense, like yourself.

Only difference is I posted why I thought this and what led me to think this.

I also have given the OP, and her various supporters a chance to reply, which you all have, and some only a couple of days into their account, and I still don`t believe it.

So I shall continue to Deny Ignorance in my own special kind of way. I suggest you should maybe ask more questions about things you find unbelievable or didn`t make sense instead of attacking people who actually do.

Good night!!


posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by athenatree

Interesting premise - two people sharing the same space from alternate dimensions, would make a good book

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 07:50 PM
i'm wondering why the poster asks us instead of her friends and family?

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