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Obama vows to pursue gun control ‘with or without Congress’

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posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

0bama really needs to be booted out of office.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 10:12 AM

0bama really needs to be booted out of office.

Well isn't that the job of "you the people" ? Instead of grumbling and complaining march on DC and demand his removal and return to the constitution. If you don't? Well you get the government you deserve.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

Been there, done that.

There are some next is is is a revolt.

I prefer the first one.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 10:17 AM
Well I believe he's got one hell of a job trying to achieve gun control , while a new study suggest what many gun advocates have been saying for years , more guns equals less crime. Crime has actually dropped, in recent years. Yes certain nut jobs, instead of just killing themselves are now taking a weapon, and killing many innocent people, before getting a bullet to the head , this is why the more citizens that can fight back the better, we will be , against the nuts seeking national media attention for there disgusting actions.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 10:17 AM

reply to post by Wrabbit2000

0bama really needs to be booted out of office.

Let's face the truth. He will never be "booted" out of office. Hell, I don't like the guy and realize this. No one will back the impeachment of the first "black" POTUS and he realizes this as well and is using it to his advantage.

He's going to have to flagrantly break laws even more so than he has already for that to happen. Any other POTUS that has had as many scandals as this guy would have been gone a long time ago.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by Glassbender777

It will always be ignored.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 10:29 AM

reply to post by NiZZiM

.... and assume that gun violence is a uniform problem everywhere in the United States when in reality, its largely confined to the inner cities and the 'other' 85% of the geographic landmass of the country is about as safe as they are. Their news media doesn't exactly paint a fair portrayal, either, nor do American movies.

The American left? Well, when its a known fact that by far the biggest 'gun violence' problem involves inner city gangs using handguns, does it make one damn bit of sense to focus all your efforts on preventing Jim Bob out in rural Kansas who has never and will never commit a crime from buying an AR-15? Not to anyone with an IQ above room temperature, it doesn't. But that's their entire focus, and they wonder why the law-abiding gun owners don't trust their motives whatsoever.

It also should be noted that in the rural areas of the US, most people own multiple guns often bring their guns everywhere. In those areas there is very little gun violence. Also in rural areas gun safety is taught a young age, and teens often shoot a variety of guns and thousands of rounds at a range or out in the woods before being old enough to purchase a weapon. Education and teaching gun safety curves gun violence, so does a responsible armed population.

There is an agenda to disarm the US. No doubt about it. The ones who know nothing about guns will believe anything the politicians say about gun violence. It will be a long battle, however I think this generation will not buy the gun control propaganda and they know that so they are focusing the anti-gun rhetoric on the public schools and college age students. In another 20 years or so the 2nd Amendment will be under full attack.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Antipathy17

I am a police officer and President Obama does not speak for me. Self defense is a birth right.

The Constitution (which I back with all of my being) which by the way can be amended, does not technically grant us the right to own firearms, it simply tells the government they can't take ours.

Even if the Constitution didn't exist we would still have a birth right to defend ourselves with firearms.

Amendments, EO's it doesn't matter. It is our right as humans. Try to take that away, well I think we all know what happens...

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 10:57 AM
Gun crimes cannot be solved if everyone is strapped. America would become a full on warzone like other parts of the world. There would be so much violent retaliation for the smallest things it would be insanely violent.

Everyone having guns plays in favor of the criminal. If there is a wild shootout, in the end you will still have to rely on surveillance.

Criminals will start to shoot first then commit their crime because they will be under the assumption their victim will be armed.

Criminals are willing to commit a crime and go down that road in life, in other words they've already given up hope.

So the argument that crimes will be prevented with more guns is flawed in more ways than one.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by macman

16k homicides....11k homicides with guns. 2010

Nearly all homicides are used with guns? So what is your point again?

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 11:08 AM
After all the obstruction done by this congress I don't see how he has any choice. Besides Reagan used executive order more than Obama ever could not to mention how often Bush used. Same ole right wing claptrap and no big deal.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 11:15 AM

game over man
Gun crimes cannot be solved if everyone is strapped. America would become a full on warzone like other parts of the world. There would be so much violent retaliation for the smallest things it would be insanely violent.

Actual events tell a far different story: More guns in the hands of people and less acts of violence with guns.

Everyone having guns plays in favor of the criminal. If there is a wild shootout, in the end you will still have to rely on surveillance.

Again this is simply not true look at the numbers of firearms vs the number of crimes committed with them. We rarely hear about the crimes that were stopped by people carrying a gun and stopping the crime in progress, but we are starting too.

Criminals will start to shoot first then commit their crime because they will be under the assumption their victim will be armed.

No they wont. In reality when you harden a target they will go after a softer target. This is the same strategy the govt and the military use and it works.

Criminals are willing to commit a crime and go down that road in life, in other words they've already given up hope.

In most cases they just want to steal some stuff to buy drugs or pay bills they don't want to die.

So the argument that crimes will be prevented with more guns is flawed in more ways than one.

Kennesaw is a city in Cobb County, Georgia, United States, located in the greater Atlanta metropolitan area. It had a population of 29,783 according to the 2010 census.

In 2007, the city was selected by Family Circle magazine as one of the nation's "10 best towns for families". In 2009 Newsmax magazine listed the city among the "Top 25 Most Uniquely American Cities and Towns." The city is perhaps best known nationally for its mandatory gun-possession ordinance.

In 2001, violent crime rates are about 85% below national and state rates. Property crime rates are from 46-56% below national and state rates.


posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by SWCCFAN

You watch too many movies...Seriously.

2nd line

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by game over man

The fact that crime trended downward, as gun sales soared.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 11:41 AM

game over man
reply to post by SWCCFAN

You watch too many movies...Seriously.

2nd line

What we have here is a typical anti-gun liberal that has been schooled with facts and cannot deny ignorance.

Gun Owner 1 Anti-Gun Owner 0

Don't feel bad my father in-law was an anti-gun liberal. After being beaten up with the facts for about 2 years he has changed his stance and I bought him a 12 gauge home defense shotgun for Christmas and taught him how to use it. I also instructed him on the self-defense laws in his state and where to find the information.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 11:43 AM

game over man
Gun crimes cannot be solved if everyone is strapped. America would become a full on warzone like other parts of the world. There would be so much violent retaliation for the smallest things it would be insanely violent.

Everyone having guns plays in favor of the criminal.

Actually making guns illegal for a law abiding citizen plays more in favor to the criminal.

The problem with your argument is if guns were made illegal overnight, there would still be millions and millions of guns on the streets. A law abiding citizen will give their guns up, but criminals will not.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 11:47 AM

game over man
reply to post by SWCCFAN

You watch too many movies...Seriously.

2nd line

And you drink to much Kool-Aid...seriously.

2nd line

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Bassago

Obama vows to pursue gun control ‘with or without Congress’

That’s ironic because I vow to keep my guns with or without Obama’s approval!

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 11:55 AM


reply to post by neo96

Soooo true.. Wake up liberals!!! I don't care if u enslave yourselves, but don't drag the rest of us down with u!
That liberal and conservative crap is just another way to perpetrate our ''differences'' and divide the AMERICAN people. Your so-called ''conservative'' politicians have NO love for YOU or any of us, just like the so-called ''liberals'' don't either. With all due respect, get a clue.

The main issue here is we don't generally have conservative politicians foaming at the mouth and trying to pass gun control laws in a never ending barrage. Maybe if the progressive politicianss did the same more people would actually listen to them when they did bring up gun issues.

As of now they just want the guns, non-stop, never ending. It shows to anyone watching.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 12:00 PM
These threads on ATS are notorious for being all pro gun and immature name calling/political labeling. You guys are utterly naive.

I'm not going to waste my time providing news from all over the world and their vigilante violence. Nor am I going to share facts about the direction our overall US society and culture is going.

If you think ample opportunity is available for those to escape a life violence is waiting for them, then you tell me.

The US will become more violent, more unhealthy, more poor, more uneducated, and more trapped... You think the biggest contribution to fix society is guns?

Ha enjoy your thread...

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