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question about suspected alien implants has anyone ever suspected they have been implanted or chippe

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posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 12:48 PM
I am very interested to see if any ats members have ever been under the impression they have been implanted or chipped by government or otherwise, if so i would like to hear your stories because i have questions,i have done my research but i need answer to something i wont exactly explain yet but wondring if anyone had a similar experience.i cant afford x-rays or a trip to see dr.leir either lol, so if anyone has any feed back please get back asap,i have a burning question and i asked on a different thread but not a single person has replied so i decided to make a thread about it.thanks hope to hear from someone soon

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 01:23 PM
There was a guy in Nebraska (or Kansas... uhm Oklahoma??) a couple years ago who was positive he had a chip in his back that was giving off the same frequency as gov radio communications... sound silly but this story was vetted (somewhat) and showed up in the Fortean Times magazine.

Turns out he was developing some cover for soft drink cans and thought it was industrial espionage, he even had an x-ray showing it and could pick up a transmission from it.

Doc's wouldn't remove it because it was "elective" surgery... so not exactly Alien implants, but a possible mundane implant.

I thought I'd throw that out there until proper implant info rolls in... but this story did increase the likelihood that implants exist, anyway.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by Baddogma

hmmm that is interesting ill have to check that out,the reason i ask and that kinda freaks me out now about the electric thing is because i thought i had something behind my left ear almost in the skull between the ear fold,i thought nothing of it but it started to get itchy and bug me almost 2yrs went by and i never did anything about but wonder. and so last year in the beging of 2013 after doing some implant research, i had put a strong magnet up to it and i felt a small tug and thought i was going bat # crazy, my heart started to race cuz i got a little freaked and then i put it up there again and it was like there was something sharp, it felt like a pin or needle poking and scraping me from the inside out as i moved it around i pushed the magnet up into my skin hard and and then i felt like i was elecrically zapped by it like when you lick a square battery and the area became all big and inflammed and red and itchy and swollen .it is still there to this day i have a hard ball about the size of a pea and it bothers me about every six months and i do hear a very hight pitched ringing or low buzzing sometimes

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by nonconformist

If i do have something in me, im starting to think that i would rather be chipped by aliens than our messed up government.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 02:08 PM
Maybe the dentists implant chips into the fillings, we would never know if they did. Dentists do sound a little abnormal in their conversations when they are working on you. They are always talking about seemingly normal things to the dental hygenist or helper that is assisting them....the thing is, how can they work all day together, you would think they would run out of things to talk about. It may be a front, maybe they are aliens wearing white coats.
I've never seen a dentist without clothes on to make sure they are human.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

LOL i have always been suspicious of those mother #ers too, and every time i go i noticed they are always trying to talk me into unessacery proceedures

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

Lol. Well the prices they charge are certainly out of this world

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 02:46 PM
Yes, at least two that I kno of, one under my scalp right on my hairline. I cut it out, it appeared crystalline in structure. Didn't have it analyzed, just flushed it I was so freaked out. And there's something just under the skin on my lower back, I can feel it.

Possibly calcium deposits, but I just don't know.


posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 02:52 PM

Maybe the dentists implant chips into the fillings, we would never know if they did. Dentists do sound a little abnormal in their conversations when they are working on you. They are always talking about seemingly normal things to the dental hygenist or helper that is assisting them....the thing is, how can they work all day together, you would think they would run out of things to talk about. It may be a front, maybe they are aliens wearing white coats.
I've never seen a dentist without clothes on to make sure they are human.
Now youve got me thinking of how strange the whole dentist experience actually is and i have always hated going, that giant bright ass light they put over you like they would if you were being worked on in an alien ship like abductees always describe like it is a stationary labratory here on earth working under the guise of dentist ? (has anyone ever seen the manchurian candidate i just got an image of that creepy doctor coming at me with a needle and his voice in my head thinking about it).maybe ill do a thread on that dentists or secret alien agenda

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by denybedoomed

hmm you should have kept them even if just to study and anaylze them yourself,crystaline in structure hey weird ,how did u find them or suspect they were there? also how big where they ,i have actually heard of them being in the back before and even directly hiding within things like small balls of hard it is surrounded or almost encased/protected by things like fatty tisues,cysts and calcium deposits,to better help the chances that they go undetected ,you should have it checked out anway tho just to be safe.
edit on 27-1-2014 by nonconformist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 03:12 PM
I know I was, and my brother suspects stongly he was, so with my children all witnessing the crafts, and one of my sons sharing missing time while up several times and some memories, mom sharing ufology related things while I grew up, my grandmother had an experience while sleeping, so I assume that its an entire generational family thing, with everyone having implants. One of my direct experiences was with a surgical team, headed by someone named Janus, who removed the implant behind my eye, and then a month later more implant(s). So, seems to be what is done regularly. If they are to control people and take away free will, doesn't work.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

thank you for that,it is very interesting because i have always been a beliver as a little kid it was like normal to think they existed its like i just always had this feeling they were real without like a doubt or thought against it even without proof ,my parents thought i was weird but it was like why not do you have proof they dont exist i am also a sufferer of the 3:33 phenomena even tho i have no memory of ever being abducted that i know of anyway? i also have twin cousins that used to dream about being abducted when they were like 9-10 yrs old,i have a very clear memory of one of them (wont say name) not wanting to go to bed on xmas eve not because of the excitment of santa coming but because of aliens she was too terrified to go to sleep, she said they came already once and were coming back for her.
edit on 27-1-2014 by nonconformist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 03:54 PM
Both my wife and I suspect but don't dwell on it. i remember the little big eyed guys looking down at me when I was a little kid. I lived in a strange foster home then. I woke up after these visits with severe nosebleeds and this went on for a time. As a side note, this was in the 1940's and I had no input about little gray aliens, I met my own and they did not seem too scary, but just the same, I was stressed out.

My wife had these cougars walk right through the walls and had a similar experience when she was a little girl, obviously a screen memory. We both have difficulty breathing through the left nostril even today.

In 1997, my woke and told me she had a major scary dream of them putting something into her head. She told me they went through the skull and pointed to the spot. Damn if there was not a red scar still healing. The hair had been removed in that little area as well and it was till sore to touch. Last spring she had another event but in the mouth and she told me it was painful. This time there was a deep scar on her nostril which I recognized and told her it would go away in about two weeks. This appeared over night and looked like a cancer growth. I knew they would go away in that time because the year before I had three of them on my forearm in a perfect triangle after an OBE and running into the barrier.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by sailormon

Wow ,im so glad i made this thread, thanks for your stories guys keep em coming i really appreciate them and now i dont feel so alone and as freaked out.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by sailormon

That is scary just a few days ago i had a dream about what i assume were greys they were only there for a few moments of the dream and they were discussing to me the importance of cinnamon i didnt understand it and still dont ,but i could also smell strong cinnamon smell just upon waking up.i try not to dwell on it but i just cant help but wonder if they are benevolent or manevolent and what it is they want ? and if this thing should be removed or left alone?

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by nonconformist

With ufology, there is nothing to be afraid of. Though on the other hand it should be a wake up call as well. Because both sides do try to influence. But there is no where to run or hide, and they can access someone anywhere they are, in the middle of the city, out in nature, in a stadium full of people, and only those who they unlock that portion to see, will see, unless they're showing off to many. Its way over our heads. As for fear based things, once you realize you can't run or stop it, and even if you think you have, often its just gone underground, ie your memories are dimmed again so you're not more aware. There are many different types of experiences ranging from seemingly negative and harvesting or medical, to much more positive, perhaps even some components of ufology is like a mirror, responding back with what we're putting forth form within us. Ie. how we treat others or nature can be reflected back. Sleeper/Lou Baldin, has alot to say in his threads about wearing clean underwear. ie. do the work we came to do, gaining integrity and kindness to others and striving to make others around us happy, and ufology changes enormously.

They do not have permissions to do bad things to good people, there is a permissions thing, and especially if you're already a family or individual being monitored by them, then renegades, who are always on the run and in hiding, who also harvest from humans, would have a harder time getting away with it. Because they will be apprehended.

There is a always a higher power, and the Highest is Family of Goodness and Love.

Raise Love, turn the dial up on our love and do not live in fear. I don't.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:14 PM

reply to post by nonconformist

With ufology, there is nothing to be afraid of. Though on the other hand it should be a wake up call as well. Because both sides do try to influence. But there is no where to run or hide, and they can access someone anywhere they are, in the middle of the city, out in nature, in a stadium full of people, and only those who they unlock that portion to see, will see, unless they're showing off to many. Its way over our heads. As for fear based things, once you realize you can't run or stop it, and even if you think you have, often its just gone underground, ie your memories are dimmed again so you're not more aware. There are many different types of experiences ranging from seemingly negative and harvesting or medical, to much more positive, perhaps even some components of ufology is like a mirror, responding back with what we're putting forth form within us. Ie. how we treat others or nature can be reflected back. Sleeper/Lou Baldin, has alot to say in his threads about wearing clean underwear. ie. do the work we came to do, gaining integrity and kindness to others and striving to make others around us happy, and ufology changes enormously.

They do not have permissions to do bad things to good people, there is a permissions thing, and especially if you're already a family or individual being monitored by them, then renegades, who are always on the run and in hiding, who also harvest from humans, would have a harder time getting away with it. Because they will be apprehended.

There is a always a higher power, and the Highest is Family of Goodness and Love.

Raise Love, turn the dial up on our love and do not live in fear. I don't.
I agree with you and im not afraid of aliens its actually the government that freaks me out and who i dont want implanting me,aliens may not have permission to do bad things to people,but humans can and do .

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by nonconformist

That's exactly what it seemed like, covered in organic tissue but when I messed with it a bit found it to be hard as a rock. They were maybe the size of the head of a match. I felt it when I was combing my hair years ago. Never thought to cut it out until about two years ago. It freaked me out, maybe I'll be brave enough to try to get the one out of my back and share it with you guys. I HOPE it was just a cyst or deposit of some kind.

Oh yeah, also a hard spot in my ear, at the top, like a round protrusion. Feels like a small bb or something. I've tried getting that one out but it hurts like an s.o.b.

Maybe one night I'll get drunk enough to do it. Kinda freaked out honestly.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:36 PM
This thread is totally freaking me out, by the by. . . .

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by denybedoomed

Im sorry for freaking you out man lol but i am freaking out a little bit too ,i really do appreciate all the feed back to by the way it is extremley helpful ,and i was convinced before but now i dont doubt it because i have one under my armpit too left side

edit on 27-1-2014 by nonconformist because: ()

edit on 27-1-2014 by nonconformist because: (no reason given)

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