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You're 29 Times More Likely To Be Killed By A Cop Than By A Terrorist

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posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:57 PM

Over 5,000 people have been killed in the US by police than US soldiers have fallen during the Iraq war over the last 10 years. The figure seems to reflect the increased militarization of police and, shockingly, means that you are 29 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist
Turns out the cops are more dangerous than the imaginary terrorists:

The Lip TV link
edit on 020081pmTuesdayf00Tue, 21 Jan 2014 20:00:02 -0600America/Chicago by signalfire because: link doesn't work

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by signalfire

The point?

We spend far more on 'terrorism' than we do proper policing. Perhaps if it was the reverse we would not have a perceived cop problem in the US.


posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

I think you may have responded in the 30 seconds while I was fixing the link; the Lip TV doesn't allow direct linking to their YT videos.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:07 PM

reply to post by tothetenthpower

I think you may have responded in the 30 seconds while I was fixing the link; the Lip TV doesn't allow direct linking to their YT videos.

Oh I didn't mean 'whats the point of your post' or anything like that lol.

I just meant it's a priorities issue in the US, as opposed to a problem with the people who work in the industry.

Hell, you're more likely to win the lottery than be killed by a terrorist.


posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by signalfire

The MIAC report shows what they perceive as "domestic terrorists" anyone who supports Ron Paul, roflmao.

The system is corrupt, and as Ron Paul said "Truth is treason in the Empire of Lies".

Well there has been some whopper lies coming out of both parties, corporate america, wall street,
and a few other vectors.

Basically the country is run by sociopaths and psychopaths for the most part and why the documentary
"Fishead are our leaders Psychopaths" I consider required viewing to have a conversation in person about
the mindset of the most of the leaders of most of the world.

These ppl were cherry picked by the big money crowd globalists in their round table groups and propped
up in the political parties, and ppl like Ron Paul were shut out and fraud was committed as was
documented. Even false news pieces were run by Foxnews etc etc....

Most of the ppl have divorced themselves from even talking about this stuff, and 99% of time I am one of them,
but every now and then I get a feeling that some of the ppl out here on the net need a gentle reminder that
the corrupt are not your friend, and they don't plan good things for most of us.

As one protestor sign recently read "The odds are never in our favor".

The odds are in the favor of those who rig "the game".

edit on 21-1-2014 by Ex_MislTech because: content

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by signalfire

So is your point that the terrorist threat over hyped or that the cops in this country are really dangerous? Either way you got a point..

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:13 PM
Given the fact there are over 800,000 Police and other Law Enforcement in the United States...and their job description has them directly handling the very worst of both circumstance and human examples our society can produce? I'd be very very worried if terrorism actually accounted for MORE deaths within the borders of the U.S. itself.

I think we'd call that a war in-progress across our own home streets, if terrorists killed more than cops in the line of duty.

One bunny's opinion..and of course, they vary widely.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:20 PM
More people die from peanut allergies each year then are killed by terrorists. Then again if they didn't spend so much money on fighting terrorism then the numbers could be higher... then again if they didn't spend so much money on their illegal wars and messing with other nations then the number would be much lower.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:24 PM
It would seem the "War on Terror" is somewhat contrived, then?

In order to justify more control over Americans.

Now who's the terrorists?

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:25 PM

More people die from peanut allergies each year then are killed by terrorists. Then again if they didn't spend so much money on fighting terrorism then the numbers could be higher... then again if they didn't spend so much money on their illegal wars and messing with other nations then the number would be much lower.

maybe to give the terrorists an even keel they should ban peanut butter

it could be a fair call to say then the cops have become terrorists

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:31 PM

reply to post by signalfire

The point?

We spend far more on 'terrorism' than we do proper policing. Perhaps if it was the reverse we would not have a perceived cop problem in the US.


Perhaps we don't have a cop problem. Maybe we have a cops killing people and their pets using militarized SWAT attacks. Expect in New York where they just start shooting into the crowds.

I think the problem is too many cops and too much money being spent on them now. Especially with DHS providing APC's and other military equipment. We still have to pay for it all in the end.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by signalfire

The Gestapo , I meant Homeland Security has adapted police to be a bunch of thugs with no respect for your rights . Posse Comitatus covers the American military and not the HLS . They feel that they can kill or raid anyone without just cause using the Patriot act as a catch all . Now police have Armored cars called Bearcats that I am sure will include 50 cal machine guns deployed in the armor plate turret on top . Their no knock warrants got one police man killed as anyone breaking into your house you can shoot . Especially when not identifying themselves .

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by Bassago

I don't think 800 thousand cops for 330 Million Americans is too much..


It's a matter of how well we train them, how well we hold them accountable for their actions and how well we educate society on how the media and shock value journalism can ruin the imagine of an entire, hard working group of people, for the actions of few.

The same is true for members of certain religions or other social groups.

Programming, all in a days work for the PTB.


posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 09:04 PM

I am concerned about the potential for use of technology to conduct unethical research and/or influence the behavior of others through the use of brain scanning technology. I have personally experienced this phenomenon and am willing to publicly share my experiences with others. **SNIP**

I also believe there may be other victims of this phenomenon in my local community. Through internet research I have become aware of various forms and methods of employing such techniques. Two different subjects I researched include Voice to Skull (Gang stalking) and an experiment conducted by the United States Navy into non-verbal communication through implanting a device into a person (possibly without their consent) to study the possibility of different forms of communication.

There may also be some type of cult influence involved. I was previously a member of a cult in Soldotna, Alaska known as the Apostolic Assembly of Jesus Christ (

Again, I am more than willing to share my personal experiences with anyone willing to listen.

William Bahl

Mod Note: Terms & Conditions Of Use – Please Review This Link.
Do not post personal information please

edit on 1/21/2014 by semperfortis because: Removed personal information

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

how well we hold them accountable for their actions and how well we educate society on how the media and shock value journalism can ruin the imagine of an entire, hard working group of people, for the actions of few.

I don't think it's simply the shock value of journalism that's hurting their image when the police departments of these few bad apples mitigate their crime by vouching for them as being in the right. The actions might be of the 'few', however in the spirit of 'holding them accountable' that needs to be reflected by the good cops as well. As it stands it seems like they cover for their fellow men in blue regardless. Quite antithetical to what you're suggesting we should do.
edit on 21-1-2014 by Lucid Lunacy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 09:31 PM

reply to post by signalfire

The point?

We spend far more on 'terrorism' than we do proper policing. Perhaps if it was the reverse we would not have a perceived cop problem in the US.


The American people are the terrorists didn't you know that? If you believe in the constitution you're a wacko nut job and shouldn't have the right to own a gun and are more likely to be audited by Satan's minions.

The military police force is the army for the elite not for the people, who enforce codes written by aquitaine private club members ie bar attorneys. Similar to the Egyptian days when the slave masters had whips, the police brandish a far more advanced arsenal capable of taxing, killing and beating. With a pen and paper they can rob you, a gun kill you, a baton to beat you, pepper spray to blind you, they tasered some guys nuts last year til they could smell it roasting and killed an elderly woman by suffering her a heart attack.
Add this to the countless police brutality reports and ever more unreported incidents and it becomes clear that the question needs to be asked who are they protecting and serving?

We need community safety patrols, but now we have a full on nazi style systemic dictatorship running the show and using federal funds to dictate public law enforcement policy. Quotas are still being issued, ever more red tape and extremely outrageous laws and fines for breaking them implemented, higher deaths more violent crime...Gee it's going to get even bloodier here soon if only criminals and cop criminals are allowed to have guns. Say goodbye to America

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

I don't think it's simply the shock value of journalism that's hurting their image when the police departments of these few bad apples mitigate their crime by vouching for them as being in the right

False accusations against cops are about as common as they are anywhere else. More so I would think, considering how most people now would prefer to overreact, and blow things out of proportion and blame another, as opposed to themselves for their crappy actions.

The actions might be of the 'few', however in the spirit of 'holding them accountable' that needs to be reflected by the good cops as well.

If people aren't able to do simple math and realize that fewer than 5% of all cops have these problems and considering law of averages it's probably the same for most other kinds of work, like abusive lawyers for example, or bad doctors, then that's not really their fault.

Nor is it if those people simply refuse to understand and accept fact based studies that show there isn't really a police violence problem. There's a perception issue and there's an accountability issue that needs to be addressed.

As it stands it seems like they cover for their fellow men in blue regardless.

I agree. But continually just yelling "cops are bad mkay" is only compounding the problem. I would not be interested in having a conversation about my community if I were treated with the same level of disrespect and vitriol as most LEO's do in the run of a day.


posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Now does that 5% of actual police violence take into consideration that the badge covers for the badge? Was it just the percentage actually charged with it?
A lot of times they try and keep things "in house" very common in the military and a lot of LEO's are former military. So they kinda get a double "I got your back" if you will.
Sure the baseline is there for anyone to be corrupt in any line of work but not many carry more authority then a LEO.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:51 PM

reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

I don't think it's simply the shock value of journalism that's hurting their image when the police departments of these few bad apples mitigate their crime by vouching for them as being in the right

False accusations against cops are about as common as they are anywhere else. More so I would think, considering how most people now would prefer to overreact, and blow things out of proportion and blame another, as opposed to themselves for their crappy actions.

The actions might be of the 'few', however in the spirit of 'holding them accountable' that needs to be reflected by the good cops as well.

If people aren't able to do simple math and realize that fewer than 5% of all cops have these problems and considering law of averages it's probably the same for most other kinds of work, like abusive lawyers for example, or bad doctors, then that's not really their fault.

Nor is it if those people simply refuse to understand and accept fact based studies that show there isn't really a police violence problem. There's a perception issue and there's an accountability issue that needs to be addressed.

As it stands it seems like they cover for their fellow men in blue regardless.

I agree. But continually just yelling "cops are bad mkay" is only compounding the problem. I would not be interested in having a conversation about my community if I were treated with the same level of disrespect and vitriol as most LEO's do in the run of a day.


It's not that cops are bad, it's that when they do something obviously wrong they are protected like child molesting priests

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

So if terrorists kill that many Americans it's a war in progress, but if cops kill that same number of Americans it's somehow NOT a war in progress?

Considering all of the innocent and unnecessary shooting deaths committed by police recently, I would call it a war. The killing isn't justified because the motive is different. Actually, the police motive might be the scarier one.

When a cop responds to a person knocking on a civilians door and then shoots the unarmed person as they approach (discovering later it was a car crash victim seeking help), what is the cops motive?

They're given motive is ALWAYS protecting themselves, but in many cases they were obviously in no real danger and had room for retreat, so what is the real motive?

I think if an officer interjects themselves into a situation (for example the two cops that pulled over because they saw a kid with an ak47 (that turned out to be a toy) and shot the kid with in seconds) and then feel they are in danger they should be required to prove they had no means to escape in order to justify their shooting.
edit on 22-1-2014 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

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