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I read today that Scientist believe the fuel in reactor 3 has melted down into the groundwater..

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posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 03:59 PM


it is much worse than 3 mile island or Chernobyl and those raised the ambient radiation of the whole planet....cancer rates raised considerably after those and the nuke testing that was done by Russia and the USA.

Have you not read that the Pacific ocean is basically dying?

Ive read lots and lots on the subject. That does not mean its 100% accurate.

There is truth to what you say.
How much of the truth about the situation being released though is a question to be answered.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:01 PM

reply to post by NewsWorthy

The melted fuel pile is unaccounted for. This is a very different situation than Chernobyl. They were able to sequester and entomb the fuel pile. The Fukushima disaster is still completely out of control and has no precedent. The presumption is that it would reach the water table and beyond. Looks like the evidence is indicating that has happened. The significant amount of steam coming out of that hole is carrying nucleotides; iodine, strontium and Cesium. The danger to Japan is most prominent but the prevailing wind carries it away from the island. Out of sight out of mind? It's infuriating.

CS137 readily dissolves in water. The idea most people have is some particle getting propagated. Ions in solution can slowly travel up hill in the water table. Ion's will travel much farther, faster and more completely in solution. My guess is the Japan's media has been muzzled in an attempt to stem the fear and outrage. If things were improving, why not opt for more transparency? Test the ground water 1km up hill from the meltdown and see what happens.

The Cs137 with a half-life of about 30 years is currently concentrating at the top of the food chain. Think tuna is the top of the food chain? Sorry to inform, but if you are reading this, you are the top of the food chain. There is no safe amount of radiation for the human reproductive cycle. Humans are extraordinarily poor at reproduction so it's a real threat.

Him that's crazy I didn't know it'd flow upstream... What happens if it melts passed the water table? Would it eventually be recycled through Mt Fuji a couple thousand years from now?
I'm imagining the ground water will keep it cool for as long as there is water there but maybe the water table doesn't recirculate fast enough to cool the fuel so if that's the case wouldn't it keep detonating the Hydrogen it's splitting from the water causing continues H-bombs?

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:05 PM



it is much worse than 3 mile island or Chernobyl and those raised the ambient radiation of the whole planet....cancer rates raised considerably after those and the nuke testing that was done by Russia and the USA.

Have you not read that the Pacific ocean is basically dying?

Ive read lots and lots on the subject. That does not mean its 100% accurate.

There is truth to what you say.
How much of the truth about the situation being released though is a question to be answered.

I hear ya....but we can use common sense here too can't we. If something produces waste that can't be disposed of and we know the waste is extremely hazardous to human health and the environment ..... then shouldn't we tread ever so lightly? or not tread at all?

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:15 PM
So is this the worst case scenario we are looking at here? If so, how much time do we have?

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

Just to be a voice of reason. the oceans are not yet dying from Fukushima. Here is a link for you.
Link to Deep Sea News

Do not believe everything you read at enenews. There are as many panic job whackdos at that site as there are here.

This I do not post to say that we have nothing to fear from Fukushima, we do. However it will take a long long time for this to show humanity it's ugly face. Not quite as long for the Japanese......

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

please don't be so ignorant, I hardly think you have been in Japan to appreciate the country to recognize the meaningfulness the place is. please don't be offended by this as I don't care if you are.
ps. no the people of the country did not decide to build the reactors in those locations so don't be so childish to assume they did and call the country meaningful just because the decisions of a few destroyed the place. judge your own house before judging others!

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

I agree with you and I wish they would just do without the nuclear plants.. I hate reading stories about how the condition of the oceans are terrible and how all of these animals are Dying in large quantities, coral reefs, etc.. . If our oceans die, then that's it for us (which would probably be the best thing for every other organism on earth), but you know. I'll never support anything with so many disastrous effects if things go wrong when there are better alternatives.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:26 PM




it is much worse than 3 mile island or Chernobyl and those raised the ambient radiation of the whole planet....cancer rates raised considerably after those and the nuke testing that was done by Russia and the USA.

Have you not read that the Pacific ocean is basically dying?

Ive read lots and lots on the subject. That does not mean its 100% accurate.

There is truth to what you say.
How much of the truth about the situation being released though is a question to be answered.

I hear ya....but we can use common sense here too can't we. If something produces waste that can't be disposed of and we know the waste is extremely hazardous to human health and the environment ..... then shouldn't we tread ever so lightly? or not tread at all?

Amen to this. Couldn't have said it better myself.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

"Again the typical uneducated Knee Jerk Response"

Wow you must love that saying. Uneducated would be on your part it seems though. Where pray tell is it full proof safe? Along the rivers? They do need cooled you know. So with all the weather changing and flooding just where is safe then? You do recall the worry a while back on one almost getting flooded right.
And to be safe you need to do something with the waste. Just what are you going to keep doing with all the waste. You know something safe for a very very long time.

Not safe at all.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

You are kidding right?

There is a myriad of examples of western melt downs.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:59 PM

We'll according to ENE news scientists believe the nuclear fuel has melted through containment and has reached groundwater. They came to this conclusion by radiation levels being altered with the ebb an flow of the tides.
I'm not anywhere near knowledgable on the subject but I was under the impression that if this happened it would explode or would be catastrophic to Japan in Various other ways.

You are confusing two different things.

There is a belief that fuel rods are now actively being mixed with sea water based on fluctuating water levels that correspond to tidal activity.

This is different than a "melt through." In this scenario, the fuel rods melt all of the way through the cement containment and begin to work deep into the ground, eventually settling into a subterranean pocket of water. The heat from the rod would cause the water to vaporize containing an irradiated pocket of steam that would explode forcefully from any fissure in the earth. This is known as a "hydrovolcanic explosion." The release of irradiated steam would be catastrophic for the surrounding area.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:16 PM

clay2 baraka

We'll according to ENE news scientists believe the nuclear fuel has melted through containment and has reached groundwater. They came to this conclusion by radiation levels being altered with the ebb an flow of the tides.
I'm not anywhere near knowledgable on the subject but I was under the impression that if this happened it would explode or would be catastrophic to Japan in Various other ways.

You are confusing two different things.

There is a belief that fuel rods are now actively being mixed with sea water based on fluctuating water levels that correspond to tidal activity.

This is different than a "melt through." In this scenario, the fuel rods melt all of the way through the cement containment and begin to work deep into the ground, eventually settling into a subterranean pocket of water. The heat from the rod would cause the water to vaporize containing an irradiated pocket of steam that would explode forcefully from any fissure in the earth. This is known as a "hydrovolcanic explosion." The release of irradiated steam would be catastrophic for the surrounding area.

I readily admit I don't know much about the scenario an very well could easily be getting things confused. The article linked has diagrams showing what they believe to be happening an in the diagram they have the fuel melted through containment an sitting deep underground in the water table. Which to me represents the second scenario you mentioned above.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:24 PM
The simple truth is this.

There are Filthy rich influential toddlers making selfish and destructive decisions void of the populous. Money is what they live for ,not a collective love for mankind.

Heres the other side of the coin.............

The idea of a catastrophic event doesn't even cross our minds . Like most of the human race. We cant predict the future , why bother , lets provide for our people the best we know how , we will live for the here and now because that all we really know .

We can argue on this subject till were blue in the face . The truth is, not one of us really knows the big picture ,we obviously cant predict the future , this planet could blow to smithereens tomorrow . Were all just scrapping to survive for another day and provide for the ones we love .

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:41 PM

reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

please don't be so ignorant, I hardly think you have been in Japan to appreciate the country to recognize the meaningfulness the place is. please don't be offended by this as I don't care if you are.
ps. no the people of the country did not decide to build the reactors in those locations so don't be so childish to assume they did and call the country meaningful just because the decisions of a few destroyed the place. judge your own house before judging others!

How can you assume that I haven't been to Japan?...LOL

but everyone has their panties in a bunch about my word "meaningless". So let me clarify....I wasn't meaning that the good people of Japan were of no value or that the land they occupy is of no value.....I was meaning that this tiny little island with about 120 million people is affecting the entire planets population of not just humans but animals, vegetation and sea life.

so please everyone relax.....just meaning by comparison to the entire globe

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:52 PM

reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

Just to be a voice of reason. the oceans are not yet dying from Fukushima. Here is a link for you.
Link to Deep Sea News

Do not believe everything you read at enenews. There are as many panic job whackdos at that site as there are here.

This I do not post to say that we have nothing to fear from Fukushima, we do. However it will take a long long time for this to show humanity it's ugly face. Not quite as long for the Japanese......

I don't know if I would say voice of reason....more like voice of Hegelian dialectic but thanks for the "blog" to check out as "scientific research"....I will poke around in there a bit.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

Careful, what you find may shatter your opinion. It is not "just a blog" it is backed up with research by smart, young environmentally minded scientists.

Oh and check out some of my previous threads. I have clearly said multiple times that Fukushima may very well be an ELE event. Just a very very slow one. So slow neither myself of my grandchildren (if I had any) will be significantly affected.

All bets are off if the MOX fuel in Number 4 goes though......... Meanwhile I am gonna go get a fat Tuna Steak as I have not had one in three years.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 06:02 PM
This is an unprecedented event.The China syndrome was a theory that seems to have been proven false.If the core did indeed melt through the containment how the hell do you kill it?I think if anyone had any ideas we would have heard by now.Imo,we had 2 warning strikes via Three Mile and Chernobyl.Fukishima makes strike 3...

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 06:14 PM

reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

Careful, what you find may shatter your opinion. It is not "just a blog" it is backed up with research by smart, young environmentally minded scientists.

Oh and check out some of my previous threads. I have clearly said multiple times that Fukushima may very well be an ELE event. Just a very very slow one. So slow neither myself of my grandchildren (if I had any) will be significantly affected.

All bets are off if the MOX fuel in Number 4 goes though......... Meanwhile I am gonna go get a fat Tuna Steak as I have not had one in three years.

I will check it out....many people don't realize how dangerous the MOX fuel plant is.....don't even know there is a difference.

I would take it easy on the Tuna "hot" particle is all it takes!

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

That would require regulation.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by NewsWorthy

there will be plenty of airborne radiation if the cooling pool collapses

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