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The irony and tragedy of Fukushima, a realisation of helplessness.

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posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 02:27 PM
The irony and tragedy of Fukushima.

I am sure this has been pointed out before , on ATS and elsewhere - but how ironic that the first and only country to be attacked with nuclear weapons, turns out to be the country that poisons the earth with the very same technology!?!

The point of this thread is to determine the feeling towards not just the disaster but the Japanese governments neglect of the situation.

I mean, imagine if Iran or North Korea had done what the Japanese have done - I am sure NATO forces would soon be on the march.

But there has barely been a peep from our supposed leaders, and I think we know why.

If Japan wants nuclear energy then they had better take responsibility for their cockups, like the soviets did - sacrifice some of your own and at least try to fix this mess, but instead they let it continue leaking into the ocean. It's the most selfish act I have ever witnessed.

Another irony, it's possibly the emphasis on honour in Japanese culture that prevents them from admitting their mistake - but that failure alone could lead to total shame and dishonour if it means it prevents other countries assisting in the cleanup, and maybe preventing our extinction.

It occured to me that a possible reason for the state of the planet and the silence on the dangers of this event could very well be that TPTB are aware of an impending disaster beyond the scope of even Fukushima, like for example a stray comet/asteroid, a pandemic or even resource wars.

If the ruling classes intended for the world to continue the way it has, they would address this issue - but they have been operating like there is no tommorow and this is a concern.

So what does this mean? Its ok to be gung hoe in regards to nuclear technology, providing you are an American ally?

Or the global powerbrokers have bigger fish to fry ( pardon the distasteful pun) and do not see a poisoned planet as an issue for their future vision?

Its such a mess and makes no sense, what is going on behind that curtain?

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 02:35 PM
The irony is the OP failed to realize the Japanese people are threatened the most from Fukushima.

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by game over man

He didn't really say one place was in more danger then the next, more of a japan is screwing everyone,them included,post. At least that is what I got out of it.

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 02:45 PM
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Failure to state the obvious prevents misinterpretation or speculation, when the obvious is plain to see.

When the obvious is not obvious then it's plain to see that which is not there I.e. Absent.

Hope I made myself clear on that.

Good O.P. BTW!

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by Sremmos80

I read it as the irony is Japan was bombed so this is their revenge to the rest of the world by coincidence...

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by game over man

But he says they are poisoning earth, not the rest of the world or the west only. Japan is in the world, the point of the thread is about the supposed negligence of the japan gov of the situation.
edit on thThu, 16 Jan 2014 15:03:03 -0600America/Chicago120140380 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 03:11 PM
Very interesting Op. I was struck by the observations that the lack of handling or doing anything to better the Fukashima disaster - may be an indicator of the upper echelons of governments knowing there is something much worse on the horizon.

Imagine if the world's power went dark the world over. Could you imagine the whole world? The entire world would become a cauldron of radioactive soup, as one by one the nuclear power plants go critical!

I mean let's face it. How many of nuclear plants, decades old are already trickling their waste into the environment anyways? I know the Dow in my area leaks.


posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Soapusmaximus

So are cancer rates and birth defects exploding in Japan, or did I miss something?

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Openeye

So is that proof that the disaster is being taken care of in a timely manner? Because that is what the article is about, the supposed negligence of the situation and possible factors that are contributing to it.

Do we need to wait for birth defects and such to start happening to pay attention to it? Or until then just kinda keep your eye on it and just try to keep it where it is at

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Sremmos80

No the fact that there has been no reports of cancer rates, leukemia rates, or birth defects rising in Japan in the last three years is evidence to support the notion that this is not a world wide problem.

Is the situation dangerous? Sure, and I would not want to be walking around the Fukushima power plant right now, because radiation is dangerous and usually when your exposed to it you start vomiting, having diarrhea, insanely painful headaches, and in a majority of cases death. The only people to be effected by anything close to this were the Japanese employees who first entered the reactor area after the event. I have heard that there is evidence of thyroid problems, but this evidence is circumstantial at best.

I would most definitely take this all a lot more seriously if some actual data supporting the claim that Fukushima is "poisoning the world". All I get when I ask is some articles from beforeitsnews, enenews, or natural news. No actual peer reviewed papers on the effects, no panel of exerts debating the subject. Why? Because most people who actually work with radiation have weighed in on the problem, and have expressed a mostly positive outlook on the situation.

Its also very funny to me that the only group of people who are actively seeking damages for supposed radiation exposure are US military personal that served on the USS Ronald Reagan, and all of their claims do not fit with the symptoms of radiation exposure at all. Only in America will you have people think of anything to get some cash through court settlement.

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by game over man

Not so fast skippy lol. Nothing meant by that, was thinking about best friend in high school, skipper, and it just came out lol. I don't think so though. Their damage is finite now, if they can keep things contained that is. But, the damage to the ocean, life there, and the rest of the world is just beginning.

We have no idea the damage yet. A friend from California say that they are really scared out there. People who have decent Geiger counters are seeing some higher readings. Starfish and dead zones in the ocean etc. His wife was I'll with symptoms similar to radiation. Scary stuff.

Think about recent earthquake in PR, if there had been a sunami. How many nuclear reactors could have been effected. We could have had fukishima in Florida lol. Nuclear power was a very big mistake. We should phase them out everywhere.

The Bot

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by dlbott

Exactly, the signs are starting to show - does science usually invastigate before or after a problem arises?

The concern so far has been with working out just how bad the situation is , considering for 3 years it has been dodge after dodge of the facts, of the responsibility of Japan and Tepco to get this under control or to even accept the gravity of the situation - don't forget this is unprecedented.

Chernobyl is thought to have been directly responible for the death of around one million people in europe, and the initial release at Fukushima was equal to the entire Chernobyl event.

So at best we can guess Japan is responsible for not trying to prevent at least a million deaths. And at worst Japan and all "able bodied" countries are ignoring an mammoth on the planet that may very well threaten everything we hold dear on this planet - and I ain't talking about anything but our ability to exist in relative comfort and security.

A 95% chance of another earthquake dislodging the remaining structure and setting off a chain reaction of more than 1500 "spent" fuel rods in next 3 years.

Radioactive fish found around Japan , not safe for Japanese but US gov says safe for you! Link -Globalresearch

The jet stream is such a unfortunate thing for the Americans, for obvious reasons.

Its true , mother earth is strong and will survive this cancer - I worry more for humans, for the radiation must end up in us it's what it does.

From the multitude of ailments caused by excessive radiation exposure, to the very real threat of sterility this situation just can't end well.

I wish I could do something, I wish we could all do something to preserve this gem of a planet and regain some respect from the pages of history.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Openeye

I would most definitely take this all a lot more seriously if some actual data supporting the claim that Fukushima is "poisoning the world". All I get when I ask is some articles from beforeitsnews, enenews, or natural news. No actual peer reviewed papers on the effects, no panel of exerts debating the subject. Why? Because most people who actually work with radiation have weighed in on the problem, and have expressed a mostly positive outlook on the situation.
Data from science and peer reviews? Get real, this kind of thing does not happen overnight and takes a while to collect the data, write the paper, get it peer reviewed. If you are looking at symptoms and numbers of cases, then the Japanese are downplaying the seriousness of the disaster.

Go to the huge Fukushima thread (part 2 now) to see the issues and deception which has been going on. The point is that folks who work in the nuclear industry need a job and they know that if the people decide that nuclear power is a bad thing, then they are the ones who will be out on their ear without employment. No-one wants their family to go hungry and if you have spent your whole life working, you dont want to be out of a job now. Statements by people working in the nuclear industry are not really likely to 'say' anything against the industry.

The mainstream media and government is not going to tell you the truth when they have so much to lose. Or.. maybe you think they are impartial and unbiased? Of course they are and we should believe every word they say.

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