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Have You Had a Mythical Beast Encounter?

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posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 02:18 AM
When I was a little kid, maybe it was second grade I remember at one point seeing people run and seeing people duck into school rooms at the local school. I was out walking on the outside of some class rooms. I heard someone shout, it's a wolf, run. I saw something walking down the same path as me in the opposite direction. It resembled a dog. As I kept walking I saw it was a gray wolf. I didn't sense that it meant any harm to me. We were both minding our own business even though it had intruded on school grounds. We passed each other and went our separate ways. A few people asked me why I didn't run away. I didn't see a problem. I didn't try to pet the beast though. It was a wild animal.

I remember seeing a pack of wolves on a camping trip one night. I wanted to see the lunar eclipse that night so I wandered off from the tent and went and watched on the edge of a large field on the edge of the campground. While watching the eclipse, I saw a pack of wolves strolling out into the field. Then I saw a fog bank start rolling across the field. I stayed and watched for a while thinking this looks like a scene out of a horror movie except I am the kid out alone at a campsite and no one knows where I'm at. As the fog rolled closer, I thought it was pretty thick and that I should get back to the campsite before the fog makes it hard to see or the wolves notice me. I guess that's not a mythical beast encounter. However my reaction to a wild animal and the lack of fear on my part made people wonder what was going on.
I believe wild animals can sense things about people and other animals.

The only creature I remember seeing that really scared me I will call Death. I thought Death was coming for me one night. I don't know if I was dreaming or what happened but I knew it was Death and he was flying down towards me along with some other entities. I didn't want to go and I was scared this time. I felt like I was spared by a higher power. In reality a tornado came within feet of me right over the roof where my bed was located. It ripped off all the branches of a very large tree hanging over the house. Then it took and at roof level decimated a large pine chopping it off right at our rooftop. Then it went across the street and ripped a 3 foot diameter pine tree out of the ground and stuck in back in the ground upside down like a giant sticking a toothpick in the ground.
edit on 13/1/14 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 04:34 PM


The only creature I remember seeing that really scared me I will call Death. I thought Death was coming for me one night. I don't know if I was dreaming or what happened but I knew it was Death and he was flying down towards me along with some other entities. I didn't want to go and I was scared this time. I felt like I was spared by a higher power. In reality a tornado came within feet of me right over the roof where my bed was located. It ripped off all the branches of a very large tree hanging over the house. Then it took and at roof level decimated a large pine chopping it off right at our rooftop. Then it went across the street and ripped a 3 foot diameter pine tree out of the ground and stuck in back in the ground upside down like a giant sticking a toothpick in the ground.
edit on 13/1/14 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

What did "Death" look like? Can you describe what he was wearing, how his face appeared, or anything particular?

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 04:51 PM
I promised a post in this thread, but had been pretty busy.

I made a thread about this, because I am curious about what it was I saw. I lived in Midwest City, OK at the time of this memory. Below is the quote of my OP:

I had forgotten about this, but while visiting with my mom early this morning (we were at her house waiting for my son to call so we could go to his band concert...i am not "young") she reminded me of it. Problem is, i have absolutely no personal memory currently, other than the abstract knowledge that it was a real event in my youth.

Here is the story, as she tells it:

When i was 2 i came in her room crying. She asked me what was wrong, and i told her, "The lady with the fire hair is scaring me." She said she held me until i stopped crying, and then we went into my room.

When she turned on the light, she asked me, "Where did she come from?" I pointed to a spot on the wall. She said, "She came out of the wall?" I told her yes.

She then started to ask me about her. Was her hair just red? No, it was flames like fire. Did she act mean to me? No, she talked with me but she looked really scary because of her flaming head. She then told me that she could really get me to tell her what the lady said.

This is not the only such event from my childhood. In the same city, different house, i was about 3 or so. Since my father was a travelling type businessman, i often slept in my moms bed. She slept like the dead, and not much would really wake her. We always got up really early. She has always been the type to awake at 3 or 4 and start her day, then go to bed at 8. One morning, after she had gotten up and was getting my clothes ready she couldn't find my belt. It really frustrated her, as i was an active boy and needed my pants to stay on. This went on for a few days.

Then one night, in the middle of the night i woke up and saw an old man standing in the doorway. He had a big nose, and kind of looked eastern European in retrospect. But he was not menacing in any way, and appeared to be very affectionate in his mannerisms. He talked to me, but i cannot recall the sound of his voice or what he said. I just remember the abstract notion that it was heavily accented and that i couldn't understand him very well. He walked over and laid my belt (a yellow leather belt with 2 rows of buckle holes, as per 1975 fashion) on the chair that my mom had next to the bed (she has always had a chair next to her bed, strangely).

The next morning, when she woke me up she asked me where i found the belt. I told her that i didn't find it. I then told her the story. She was amazed at the story, especially after so many other of these types of stories (remember, the flaming hair lady), and life just kind of went on.

Many, many years later i am sitting at my granparents house, and they are showing pictures that they have. I must have been 13 or so. Since my grandfather worked on the cooling systems in the Kwajelein missile base, he had loads and loads of really cool pictures and video's of various rocket launches from the base. We often went through a new stash that they had found.

When he pulled out a picture of "Pops" (his father), my blood ran cold. That was the man who brought me my belt when i was a 3 year old. Then it all sort of made great grandfather immigrated to the US from Hungary, coming through Ellis Island. When my mom was a little girl she says he used to sit her on his lap and sing the National Anthem in a VERY thick accent.

I have quite a few stories like this from my life. Mostly in my far, far flung days of youth. I brought up the second story to display this. But what i am asking here is, does anyone have any experience or knowledge of a lady with flaming red hair? Is there an archetype that already has an example?

LIke I said, if anyone knows anything about who/what this was, I would be interested in hearing.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Amazing!! You need to post this in my paranormal thread!!

I'll comment later. I'm getting ready for work now. Thanks for sharing!

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 09:40 PM
Some good stories here. I good thread I'm going to come back to and read some more. Thanks for sharing!

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 11:56 PM
My memory of what Death looked like as it appeared to me either in a dream or vision is a bit fuzzy now. That was over 20 years ago for me. I can't remember if I saw him on a horse in the sky or if he was just descending down. I am pretty sure he had some companions. I did not feel reassured at all seeing or dreaming whatever I saw. I didn't understand any of it. I was scared and didn't want to go and thought my life started flashing in front of me. I started to pray and thought a higher power spared me. I was only a teenager and it was 3 am. My bedroom was on the south side of the house facing the tornado which was impossible to see in the dark through a wall. I was on the second floor so based on the branches ripped away overhanging the house that were gone, I was less than 20 to 30 feet under a powerful tornado.

Someone built that old house for a major hurricane. My wall was shaking. Someone left the attic door open to help vent the house and my mother said she could hear a sucking sound coming out of the attic. She was on the other side of the house and had woken up too.

I had a dream where I saw Death again but in my dream this time Death was female and I was the only one who could see her even though we were in public. As I got closer to her trying to point out Death to others, I finally got real close and then others suddenly saw Death. The next thing I knew Death touched me and I took over the job. I got the impression that I should be careful what I point out to others. I think my previous experiences and some fantasy books I read involving a figure with Death and the Fates or other characters since that time long ago influenced my dreams.

Maybe if I have a good opportunity, I'll ask someone who told me they saw Satan how he appeared. I believe powerful entities if they choose to appear, can appear however they want. That's probably just an opinion based on things I've read.

I did not see a skull or sickle if that's what you are wondering. Thinking you are about to die when you don't want to is a scary feeling.
edit on 14/1/14 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by sled735

I'll tell this story here, as it seems a good place to bring it out without mockery. Having said that, I am a pretty big skeptic of this sort of stuff, but this happened to me.

It was in the early 90's/late 80's in central Victoria, Australia. The place has always been a bit of a hotbed for big cat sightings, and there has always been rumours of wild cats similar to what you guys have in the US in the area. Basically the story goes that a lot of big cats were brought over as mascots into Victoria during WW2 and either got away or were released by the US servicemen then. Another story tells it that big exotic cats were popular among rich people in the 70s, but changes to the laws had a lot of people releasing them into the wild.

Back then, I used to smoke, being a cool teenager and all, but my parents were extremely anti-smoking and most likely would have torn me a new one had they caught me. So what I used to do was sneak out after everyone else was asleep and go out to a utility shed near my bedroom window and smoke out there, and sneak back inside afterwards.

This night I climbed out the window and as I looked up, I saw a VERY big cat standing only a few metres away. Now we did have feral cats in the area, and a group of us kids used to hunt them, but I never saw anything this big. It was easily half my height. If I had to describe it, a mountain lion or even a bobcat would be a close match. It had a squat face and had a really long tail. It had white on it's face and had like black speckles across it's mouth.

This is pretty close, although it had more white on it's front and the face was a bit more squashed and not so elongated.

Anyway, it just stood there for about 30 seconds, not moving an inch, which was pretty much what I was doing. At the time the rainwater tanks were close to my bedroom window, along with the dog's water bowls, I think it may have been having a drink when I somehow managed to surprise it. After about 30 seconds it just slowly turned and jumped over a 2 metre cyclone fence like it wasn't there, and then took off at a run up the mountainside. From the house to the top of the property was easily 500m or more, and it made this distance in a matter of seconds and was gone.

I went for a walk up the top the next day to see if there were any tracks around, but there wasn't anything around.

The one thing I do recall was as it was running, the tail was folded into like a lower case 'n', and it seemed to be driving the animal, but man was it quick. I'd seen feral cats that could move, this thing would easily pass them.

A few days later I got up the nerve to ask a few of the local farmers in the area about it, expecting to be laughed at. To my surprise they all seemed to know all about it, and a few had even seen it at a distance, but never close up.

I've never seen anything as big close up outside of a zoo or museum since, but to this day I remember it very well as I guess I thought I'd be this thing's lunch.

edit on 14/1/2014 by 74Templar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 01:40 AM

There are more immortal entities out there in the real world than meets the eye.

Take for example, fallen angels. These guys have certain dress codes. If a seraph (angel) is in the classification of 'Power' then the hair will always be dark red.

I had a ghost hovering above my bed one afternoon that had that exact colour of red hair. Length too, but it was waving about like it was under water.

Instead of the red eyes, it had none at all.

I was terrified at the time and overcome paralysis in a sheer effort to grab it. When my hand got near its face, it became terrified and fled.

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by sled735

I've had two but there's only one I'm sure wasn't caused by sleep deprivation so.....
back in the late 1990s or early 2000s I was sitting in the living room of my parents home. This was a house built in the mid 1850s in the middle of Central Illinois. I was looking South (toward the direction of the Illinois River) which was about 30 miles away and I spotted an absolutely gigantic bird. Probably the biggest bird ive ever seen. I know raptors. Even then I knew them and knew how they looked. Managed to find some binoculars but it was too far at that point to see anything. The Bird was just coasting along on the afternoon breeze. Headed toward the river. It was too big for an eagle, didn't fly like an egret or a heron and was much bigger than them anyway. To this day I maintain it was a thunderbird.... it was the right region and the right time of year. Storm came through later that evening. I've never seen anything else like it since.
edit on 14-1-2014 by Aelanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by Elphineas

I was leery of putting this down here, but since you did, I will too. Must of been mid 60's at the time and I was probably 3-5 years old. My family used to travel from southern Illinois to northern Illinois for family visits. I don't know where this happened at exactly, but I remember one time we were going over a bridge with land underneath. I glanced to my right and saw a unicorn, or what I thought was a unicorn. I don't remember what it looked like these many years later, other than that it was white, but I do know that after that, I always looked for it again when we were traveling. Never spotted it again and never told anyone about it til now.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by sled735

Interesting stories! Some of the flying creatures people see have a large wingspan, but I am not familiar with one that would stand 8-10 feet tall, so that makes me inclined to think this was more than one creature. However, a really BOG flying one is possible.

Yes, I have seen some odd things myself. The least odd was a really LARGE turkey vulture. Somewhere in S/SW Texas, around 80-81 , summer, my family was on vacation. We drove around a lot of places, and I think, though I can't be sure, that this was somewhere along the way to a place called Alamo Village. Anyway, the road was not too wide, enough for two cars to pass, but not like a highway. Something like a residential rode, as I recall. We stopped because a group of buzzards (turkey vultures, very common in Texas) were in and beside the road, after some roadkill. The one that actually blocked the road was HUGE. Standing on the road, he could see into the car, and when he spread his wings (not even fully), they actually overlapped the edges of the road! The wingspan had to have been at least 15 feet across, and they supposedly don't get that big. I could kick myself for not taking a picture, but we didn't think about something that wasn't supposed to be, and simply joked that "Things really do get bigger in Texas!" When I read and watch stories about "thunderbirds", I simply figure others encountered birds like that one, far larger than average, of probably known species.

The weird flying story was very different, and very creepy. It's actually been written about, too, in a book. My brother and I were talking one night, and saw something flying over the telephone poles across the street. This thing was big, at least 6-10 feet wingspan, and like nothing we had ever seen. It was too dark to see it clearly, but the wing shape wasn't like any bird. I am familiar with many birds, including water birds that people think look "prehistoric" in flight, and this wasn't like those. The thing felt so menacing, we were making cracks (whistling past the graveyard variety) about giant vampire bats, but the back edge of the wings wasn't like those of a bat, either. Both of us are night owls, and were in the habit of being outside at night, with no worries, but we were both seriously scared by this thing. I have no doubt it was watching us, and we felt like it might attack. I really think it would have, had it been one person, instead of two. At the time, I didn't know what it could be, but since then, suspect it was more like a prehistoric thing, pterosaur variety, than anything else. My brother thinks it was a giant bat, but I KNOW the wings weren't right for that. I also know his memory is full of holes, due to too many years of self-indulgent and destructive behavior, so I will trust my own recollections on that point.

The other thing I can share isn't ""mythical", but it was pretty scary. While in Florida, I was visiting my oldest at a place she and her husband were living, out in a very swampy area near Land O'LAkes. The place was infested with wolf spiders, and some were pretty big, being 3-4 inches across. She kept telling me, though, that those were the "small" ones, and that a really huge one lived in the house as well. She had boxes that needed unpacked in a corner, and refused to go near them, because of the spider. This particular evening, I was there to help her wth some things, and this really BIG spider showed up. This sucker was a good six inches across! I said, "Wow, you really DO have a big spider!", and backed away. Then she shocked me, by saying, "That isn't the big one." Mostly, I thought she was exaggerating, because she loathes spiders, and is allergic, but now I started to wonder. Just then, we heard rustling in that corner, and up the wall came the BIG one. This monster was the size of a Correlle (sp?) sandwich plate, roughly ten inches across! Yes, I am certain it was NOT a tarantula/banana spider. It looked JUST like a wolf spider, except that it was HUGE. At this point, I was freaking out right along with her. Determined to so something, I picked up a 2x4, and hurled it across the room, striking the spider dead center. Of course, all that did was make it mad. The nasty thing actually reared up on the back legs, in a threat posture, and chittered at us! Yes, a NOISE! At that point, we fled. Soon after, they moved. So, giant spiders? I believe it!

Well, those are my encounters. Off now to read the thread, and hopefully find some more cool stories! I suspect a lot more people see weird things than care to admit to it.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 02:06 AM

I had a local one.

In my area of Kent UK people keep spotting a giant black panther.

Well I was out and spotted it. No way it was a dog as it had a feline face and it wasnt a house cat, I have a Mancoon the largest house breed and it was far to tall and well built to be one nor did it have the right type of fur.

It may has a logical explination as in the 60's in the UK there were limited pet laws and the rich went through a craze of buying big Cats like lions and Panthers ect When they got too big and when the Dangrous Animal act came in they just released the poor things.
edit on 11-1-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

Well, I recall seeing someplace a video of a large black cat on a train track somewhere in the UK, which could be sized as BIG, and NOT a house cat, so you definitely have them there! Be careful.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 02:10 AM

reply to post by crazyewok

Yeah, like I didn't think of that already (Christian here). It cuts down the activity but does not completely stop it, neither does use of holy water, blessed oils, house blessing by a Catholic priest, a Dianic priestess and an Indian Shaman. It isn't my house that is haunted ( well, yes the house is haunted too but not by the shadow people) but it is me who they follow. I've been prayed over and blessed by every sort of holy person imaginable.... the activity slows but always returns. I don't fear them anymore and haven't for years- they cannot enter me but only try to frighten me and others. They are a nuisance sometimes but have no power but parlor tricks unless you give it to them.

Things of that sort like to harass people doing something they don't like, meaning something good. With this not being your house, there isn't a lot you can personally do. I have a friend that used to live not too far from me, who had this thing bothering her and her son. When I stayed with her for a time, I did order it out, and it stayed gone awhile (all the time we were there), but it came back later. She isn't Christian, and even knowing that I drove it off, didn't decide to become so. For a time, in another state, my oldest and I were followed by such for a few months. Some interesting stuff there, but nothing provable. Certain, given you own story, that you know how that is! Know, though, that you can have protection from anything they might try, or people they might influence. Had some unseen and very welcome help in that area back in those times, too!

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 02:14 AM

Well, only caught a glimpse of it once, but the noises continued throughout the week. I could not find anything of interest during the daylight, so I was very much at loss as to what was causing all this. Eventually I figured it out, there was a newspaper article about an escaped Chimpanzee in the area, and the authorities had trouble finding it. I gave them a call, they looked around the property with no success, but oddly enough the sounds stopped from this day on. As far as I know, they never actually caught it.

Well, isn't that odd! The sounds stopping after you report the location, and they check for the "escaped chimp", and they look with "no success" leads me to wonder if they didn't actually catch it, and maybe there was some reason they kept it quiet. Like, maybe it wasn't a chimp? Any research facilities in your area?

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by sled735

Oh, wow, I have camped in that area! In my case, in an established camp ground, but still......

reply to post by JiggyPotamus

As a kid, I did a LOT of camping in the Cherokee National Forest/Smokies. Reading all the stories these days, especially when it comes to disappearing people, I get the chills. We would go all over, no adults, and never thought about any problem other than snakes, or maybe a bear! Now, thinking about it, I wonder what might have been there that we never saw! Still, likely to camp again, though with precautions, and the kids would NOT be off alone, like, EVER. Not out of sight at all.

reply to post by Scribe611

Those dogs sound bad! Real dogs or something else? hard to say. I have seen dogs flee a fight, though. There were a couple of boxers that kept getting loose in a place we used to live, and growling at people. They killed a neighbor's cat one day, too, which ended up having them put down. Before that, though, they were a problem. They lived on the street behind ours, and got loose by going through a hole in their fence, into my next-door-neighbor's yard, and coming out right by our house. I came home one day with my son, and saw them in the yard, again. Ticked off at this point, I headed for the door, telling him to stay in the car. I got the door opened, and let out our dog, a Rottie mix, who was VERY loving and gentle, but also very fast and protective. ONE look from her, and both dogs, previously growling and threatening me, took off, literally backing up to avoid turning their tales to her. Some that will fight someone helpless will back down from a threat. Either way, the ones after you were in full attack mode; far more than these two! Don't know what to think n that one.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by orionthehunter

Ring any bells ?

Puma /Panther/Hybrid/Interbred/ ?

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Glad to know I'm not the only one! I've learned over the years that if I ignore them to the best of my ability eventually they become less active but for some reason they seem to be stronger and more active during particular times of the year- mainly late fall but early spring as well- I'm not sure exactly what that means other than maybe the "veil" is thinner at those times. And you are correct in that they mess with me more when I'm doing really good things- they were most active during the times when I taught Sunday school and vacation Bible school!

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 08:09 AM
I landed a helicopter in S.E. Asia probably Vietnam but could have been Laos or Cambodia I don't remember. I had shut the bird down and as stepped on the skid to exit I looked down.. There was a black scorpion (the biggest I have ever seen) about 10? inches long. He was dead and being a guy I grabbed his stinger and picked him up.. He weighed allot and was heavily armored. The hole where the venom would exit from his stinger was the size of a medium sized sowing needle..

I have always thought I wished I would have had something to put him in and turn this scorpion over to some lab or museum... His mouth was bigger than the eraser the government issue black mechanical pencil had with a replacement eraser.. I know there are black scorpions and the ones I have seen are usually 5 or six inches long... Was he within normal variations of his species, probably but never the less this thing was big.... My crew and I joked that if this thing struck you with it's tail you might bleed to death because of the size harpoon tail before the poison got to you. His pinchers were more like something you would find on a crawdad and were very sharp and powerful.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 08:42 AM

reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Glad to know I'm not the only one! I've learned over the years that if I ignore them to the best of my ability eventually they become less active but for some reason they seem to be stronger and more active during particular times of the year- mainly late fall but early spring as well- I'm not sure exactly what that means other than maybe the "veil" is thinner at those times. And you are correct in that they mess with me more when I'm doing really good things- they were most active during the times when I taught Sunday school and vacation Bible school!

Ignoring "them"....that is interesting.

I have a story to share about that. And some thoughts on the matter. I have to run to work, but will put some thoughts together so I can try to make a more cohesive post while I am there.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Looking forward to hearing it!

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