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I Have been getting weird sights & feelings lately

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posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Teye22

Like other posters have said/alluded to, the visions are likely a symptom of third eye activation. I've also (irregularly) seen images/ghostly figures at the periphery of vision after activating the pineal through meditation and supplements. If I had to guess, I'd agree with everyone else and say you're catching glimpses of realms beyond and seeing entities flickering in and out of this reality.

If you don't mind, let me ask a question: How deep/far do you go during meditation?

The reason I ask is, if you are seeing these visions due to third eye activation, the symptoms should also manifest during regular meditation sessions. (To clarify, I'm not saying you should see the exact same shadowy figure, only that you should experience high energy activity in the brow region and vividness of projection in your mind's eye--images of colors, random shapes, detailed scenes, etc).

The emotions could also be empathic as some have suggested, but in my experience empathic reading of emotion is much more subtle than the sudden onset that comes with one of those bubbles of trapped emotion reaching the surface.

When you say those emotions feel "external," is it more of a feeling that you could point somewhere outside yourself to where the emotions were coming from, or that you could attribute the arousal of emotion to a specific source (e.g. you feel a flash of anger when someone else in the room gets insulted)? Or is it simply an inner feeling that "this isn't my emotion; I've no reason to be feeling this now?"

If it's the latter, the cause is likely the emotion-bubbles I described. If it's the former, like others have said, you might be inadvertently sponging up the emotions of those around you.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 03:12 PM

reply to post by Teye22

Like other posters have said/alluded to, the visions are likely a symptom of third eye activation. I've also (irregularly) seen images/ghostly figures at the periphery of vision after activating the pineal through meditation and supplements. If I had to guess, I'd agree with everyone else and say you're catching glimpses of realms beyond and seeing entities flickering in and out of this reality.

If you don't mind, let me ask a question: How deep/far do you go during meditation?

The reason I ask is, if you are seeing these visions due to third eye activation, the symptoms should also manifest during regular meditation sessions. (To clarify, I'm not saying you should see the exact same shadowy figure, only that you should experience high energy activity in the brow region and vividness of projection in your mind's eye--images of colors, random shapes, detailed scenes, etc).

The emotions could also be empathic as some have suggested, but in my experience empathic reading of emotion is much more subtle than the sudden onset that comes with one of those bubbles of trapped emotion reaching the surface.

When you say those emotions feel "external," is it more of a feeling that you could point somewhere outside yourself to where the emotions were coming from, or that you could attribute the arousal of emotion to a specific source (e.g. you feel a flash of anger when someone else in the room gets insulted)? Or is it simply an inner feeling that "this isn't my emotion; I've no reason to be feeling this now?"

If it's the latter, the cause is likely the emotion-bubbles I described. If it's the former, like others have said, you might be inadvertently sponging up the emotions of those around you.

I find it hard to describe my meditations but ill try. I really dont know how far i go as i am unsure how far i can go in relation... I normally try to meditate lying down as i fond it much easier to fully relax my muscles. I always bring a protective shield up before i start...

I try hard not to think at all and concentrate on my breathing. I must admit i dont always get clear results but i do manage to fully relax and still my mind. I get a warm feeling normally then my body gets numb a bit... Sorta tingly.

I used to snap out of it then but now i manage to maintain it...sadly for me i almost always (99%) fall asleep shortly after and i wake up in the morning.

I really need to find a way to stay awake through it so i can ask my questions lol

Any advice?
edit on 10-1-2014 by Teye22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by therealguyfawkes

Oh and the emotion are from within but i have no reason to feel them.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 04:59 PM


If you don't mind, let me ask a question: How deep/far do you go during meditation?

A lot of my meditation happens when I'm doing normal things, driving, playing poker... anyway, I wrote a thread about my techniques.

My most profound feedback from meditation is feeling like parts of my body are very far away from the rest, or that my body itself is just very expansive. Also, when I do my walking with my eyes closed meditation, I can literally see my environment in my mind as I move through it. That's just practice.

Otherwise I've had some incidences where I was overcome with a feeling of fear and grave danger, and I suspect that could have been at a point when I was about to achieve some degree of enlightenment. Or just a myoclonic jerk...

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by Teye22

Falling asleep during meditation is super common. The easiest solution (assuming it's possible for you) is to meditate in the morning when your body has surplus energy and is unlikely to drift off to sleep. This for me is the best route, because I've found that starting off with meditation has a pleasant carryover to everything else I do during the day.

If that's not possible, there are a couple alternatives. The shortcut (which I don't prefer, but I completely understand if it's more efficient for your lifestyle) is to take in a VERY small amount of caffeine about 20-30 minutes before starting your meditation. This will stimulate the adrenals, causing them to produce sufficient stress hormones to avoid slipping off to unwanted sleep.

If you're planning on trying that method, I'd recommend green tea over coffee, because green tea contains L-theanine, which will also help with the body-relaxation process while leaving your mind in the alert/awake state necessary to maintain concentration. Half a cup or a quarter cup should do nicely, slightly more if your tolerance is already high.

I wouldn't use that method for long periods of time, as caffeine intake at night can eventually leave you feeling more fatigued in the morning. But... it definitely can help get you over the hurdle of falling asleep during meditation, especially if you slowly taper back your dosage as you become more accustomed to mentally holding that mind-alert/body-asleep state.

The harder method, which requires more patience and discipline, but the one that will provide more long-term benefits, is this:

If you're doing breathing meditation, falling asleep happens when you lose mental control over your breath. To avoid this you need to learn your body well enough to recognize the point at which you're slipping close to sleep. Whenever you feel yourself drifting off near that point, pull yourself back from the brink by mentally counting along with the next ten breaths. Then the next time, count the next nine breaths. Then eight, then seven, and so on.

By the time you get down to refreshing your concentration by simply counting one subsequent breath, you should remain poised enough on the tightrope between sleep and waking to maintain that balance.

Don't worry if you still fall asleep occasionally. Just do that consistently and with patience, and eventually you'll get to know your mindstate well enough where you never again need to count your breaths at all.

Hope that helps!

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by Mon1k3r

Thanks for contributing

You meditate while driving?!?

Isnt that a bit dangerous?

Any way i am interested in your thread you created, could you poat a link plz


posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Mon1k3r

That instinctive feeling of fear/danger is often the final hurdle that comes just before ego-death. The subjective self instinctively recoils at the possibility of dissolution, and throws up some pretty substantial mental obstacles that you've got to crack through to pierce the veil. I used to feel my consciousness detaching from my limbs and torso like my entire being was melting away, and the first times it happened, it startled me right out of trance.

Don't worry if it catches you out and causes you to prematurely break concentration. Just know there's nothing to worry about, and keep at it. There are sudden and gradual methods towards reaching enlightenment, and each time you come nearer that summit, the more confident you grow about taking that final step forward and letting go.

For anyone looking for more information about enlightenment methods/theory, or meditation/energy work, I'd suggest Qigong Empowerment by Liang and Wu, and Vitality, Energy, Spirit (translated) by Thomas Cleary.

I've found both volumes extremely helpful in my meditation work and spiritual growth, and hopefully you will too.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by therealguyfawkes

Wow thats some great advice thank you for that!

I will absolutely try those. I was reading other threads about this and another way to stay awake is to keep an arm up as it would fall if you were drifting off to sleep...idk about that as I would keep thinking about my arm...

Anyway its movie night with the wife and kids so i will try tomorrow morning and post back with my results.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by Teye22

Hi, Teye! You've already received some really good posts, but I'll throw in my two cents worth too.

I did a thread recently about the frequency coming in to raise our consciousness.

The process was completed on 1-1-14. During that time people like you, me, and others who are sensitive, or have any other "gifts" will start to notice even more in the spiritual/other dimensional realms than we did before. But everyone gets a dose of upgrading, not just us.

That shadow could have been there all along, and you are just seeing it for the first time due to your consciousness/frequency being raised; your son too.

The emotions... same thing. Maybe you are traveling through an area where you are picking up on someone else's emotions; the stronger their emotions were, the easier you'll pick them up.

Just an idea no one else has mentioned.

edit on 1/10/2014 by sled735 because: delete repeated link

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Teye22

The advice about keeping an arm vertical while lying down and falling to sleep is from the Robert Bruce book Astral Dynamics. It's a really good read after you've got a solid few years of straight meditation work under your belt. Qigong ties into meditation ties into enlightenment work ties into lucid dreaming/astral projection. It's all a big circle, but your skill at the other disciplines will depend mostly upon how solid your meditation basis is, so that's the foundation to build up first.

Cheers, I wish you the best of luck. But you don't need luck... everyone who earnestly and consistently looks for these answers will find them.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by Teye22

So, a very interesting piece/post. Have you ever considered that the emotional side is
a reaction to subconsciously being fed up with your life, your failures and
the lack of success you have accomplished? The need to cry could stem from
anything related to your body trying to tell you something. Maybe you have a cancer
never diagnosed, a liver infection or a potential heart difficulty. Have you considered
it could be your body warning you to see a doctor. This could save your life. I
can remember reading a piece about people who experience shadow people and brain disorders.

Just a thought!
edit on 10-1-2014 by projectbane because: grammar

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by Teye22
Are you sure it is not the TV reflecting off the window, walls, etc. I find that mine does and it sometimes freaks me out. The newer TV's seem to put out magnitudes more light than the old tube TV's. That would be my guess.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 12:02 AM
Well I don't know much about spontaneous emotions however last year I went through a phase of seeing SMALL people or things in my peripheral vision as well.

Last year I moved in with a friend who is an Australian Aborigine. She works away on a Mining and Construction site for 4 weeks at a time, then comes back home for 1 week R+R.

I moved in during her R+R, but before she returned back to site she told me not to frightened of the little people. She then explained to me that she has little people who come and visit her, and when she leaves the house they will come and visit me too.


Anyway I am also aboriginal, but I come from Sydney which is 3500km away from this little town and needless to say I was somewhat skeptical.

Once my flatmate returned to work for 4 weeks, I was in the house alone when I would suddenly see something in my peripheral vision. I thought I was going nuts. I would be watching TV when I would suddenly see something pop up behind the lounge on the opposite side of the room, but before I could turn and see what it was, it had already disappeared.

It was just as you say, sometimes they would appear in the doorway, other times outside the window and every time they would disappear before I could get a proper visual.

At best I could make out they were about 4ft tall but could never distinguish any features.

My flatmate told me they should leave in a week or two and sure enough they did. She told me they were her little guardians and they would always visit the people in her home to check up on them.

I have heard of many aboriginal spiritual stories like feather foot, red eye, the hairy men etc but I'd never heard about these little guys who you never see.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 06:05 PM

You meditate while driving?!?

Isnt that a bit dangerous?

Any way i am interested in your thread you created, could you poat a link plz


I do a type of meditation, I guess. I made it up, and I'm a really good driver.

I'm really glad you like my thread, and sure I'll post a link for you. What would you like it to link to?

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by therealguyfawkes

Thanks for your words.

I know someone who has the second book you mentioned I'll check that out.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by sled735

Hi Sled,

Great to hear from you again, its been a while.

I think you may be onto something as I have had similar sights before (a while a go) and back then I would feel uneasy, this time, it's not the case however, as I feel quite comfortable when I "see" it, like it belong there or something, idk you just made think that with your post.

As mentionned before, it could have simply been trying to get my attention....Hopefully I will know soon as I am really curious.

I will go read your thread a little later and I will post my comments on there and also here if relevant.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 06:41 AM

reply to post by Teye22

So, a very interesting piece/post. Have you ever considered that the emotional side is
a reaction to subconsciously being fed up with your life, your failures and
the lack of success you have accomplished? The need to cry could stem from
anything related to your body trying to tell you something. Maybe you have a cancer
never diagnosed, a liver infection or a potential heart difficulty. Have you considered
it could be your body warning you to see a doctor. This could save your life. I
can remember reading a piece about people who experience shadow people and brain disorders.

Just a thought!
edit on 10-1-2014 by projectbane because: grammar

I would have to rule this one out, as I have a great life, awesone wife & kids, I have a stable career, we are all very healthy so I can't think that this is a possibility, not even remotely.

Unknown diseases, perhaps but not as far as I can tell and no history in the family. Who knows tho. I will try to pay close attention to any signs indicating otherwise.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 07:03 AM

reply to post by Teye22
Are you sure it is not the TV reflecting off the window, walls, etc. I find that mine does and it sometimes freaks me out. The newer TV's seem to put out magnitudes more light than the old tube TV's. That would be my guess.

I don't think it was reflections as most places that it occured, there was no tv or lights on (daytime). I guess its possible that a few occurances were reflections since I dont know the official source of the sightings, but not all of them thats for sure.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 08:17 AM


You meditate while driving?!?

Isnt that a bit dangerous?

Any way i am interested in your thread you created, could you poat a link plz


I do a type of meditation, I guess. I made it up, and I'm a really good driver.

I'm really glad you like my thread, and sure I'll post a link for you. What would you like it to link to?

If it could link to your thread about meditation techniques that you mentioned, it would be great!

Much apreciated!

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Teye22

Thanks. It will be good to see you on the thread again.

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