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Weatherman on TV claiming Military drops Chemtrail-like particles in the air.

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posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:32 AM
friendly link about barium


Truth is, aerosol spraying has been proved to contain a high content of barium, a heavy earth metal that compromises the immune system. I personally suspect that it may be low level covert warfare on the very young, old and infirm to cause a dramatic reduction in global population after a few generations. The world order crowd have openly expressed their preference for a smaller, more easily managed slave class.

pryotechnic composition

colorants/silver white?

For good broadband infrared output, compositions producing lots of heat and carbon particles are required. The burning temperature should be lower than of visible-illuminating compounds. The intensity of the emitted radiation depends on the burn rate. Temperature can be increased by addition of magnesium. Amagnesium/Teflon/Viton composition is common for missile decoy flares.


edit on (1/9/1414 by loveguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by loveguy

More interesting facts about barium.

Back in the lab, they analysed the air samples and measured both the amount of particulate matter, its metal content, and the sizes of the particles. The results, published last week in the journal Atmospheric Environment, show that the concentration of barium, copper, iron and antimony increase dramatically near Marylebone Road.

Iron comprises up to 75 per cent of brake dust particles. Barium represents only one per cent, but it makes a better tracer for brake dust pollution as iron particles can also be emitted by tyre and road surface wear.

Barium comes from many sources, including ground pollution from factories.

Just sayin.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:48 AM

network dude
reply to post by loveguy

More interesting facts about barium.

Back in the lab, they analysed the air samples and measured both the amount of particulate matter, its metal content, and the sizes of the particles. The results, published last week in the journal Atmospheric Environment, show that the concentration of barium, copper, iron and antimony increase dramatically near Marylebone Road.

Iron comprises up to 75 per cent of brake dust particles. Barium represents only one per cent, but it makes a better tracer for brake dust pollution as iron particles can also be emitted by tyre and road surface wear.

Barium comes from many sources, including ground pollution from factories.

Just sayin.

So it only makes sense to hit us from every angle possible?

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by loveguy

what does barium do to you? Why would anyone bother to dump it from above when it's all over at ground level?

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by Bedlam

I understand what you're saying. It seems I compared two incomparable things (chemtrails and chaff) but still the question is the same: could it have a negative impact on nature? Just like you described, the aluminium will drop on the ground shortly afterwards.. so who knows where it might end up to?

Furthermore, if they are spraying these particles in the air for military reasons, why wouldn't it be possible for them to spray oher things as well?

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 11:05 AM

network dude
reply to post by loveguy

what does barium do to you? Why would anyone bother to dump it from above when it's all over at ground level?

You're free to check the link(s). Except the one blocked by this glorious site...

I'll bid you a good day based upon your signature.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 11:05 AM
Ok lets discuss chaff and what it is first will start with who makes it there is only one supplier in the entire US armed forces. Its a company called Esterline based out of california.Its purpose is simple When ejected from an aircraft, chaff forms the electromagnetic equivalent of a visual smoke screen that temporarily hides the aircraft from radar.

So now we will address what it is made of there are two types of chaff aluminum foil and aluminum-coated glass fibers.The foil type is being fazed out though probably still in US inventories. In order for chaff to be effective it must be as small and light as possible no point in dumping the stuff in the air to hide an aircraft if it drops straight to the ground. The aluminum foil dipoles are 0.45 mils (0.00045 inches) thick and 6 to 8 mils wide. The glass fiber dipoles are generally 1 mil (25.4 microns) in diameter, including the aluminum coating which is 0.12 f 0.06 mils thick. A new superfine glass fiber chaff is being manufactured that is 0.7 mil (17.8 microns) in diameter.Now this aluminum also is coated to prevent it from sticking together again defeating its purpose. The coating is a 1 percent solution of Neofat 18. Neofat 18 is 90 percent stearic acid and 10 percent pahnitic acid with naphtha as the solute.

So this means chaff is just really basic stuff aluminum glass and a mild acid. Now as far as the environment and weather the us uses chaff over training areas but even before they do they contact the FAA advising them where and when to prevent problems with radar guidance. The material its made of is non toxic so the amounts needed for to do environmental damage through say ingestion or breathing would be the same damage if an animal started eating dirt in large quantities. Now i will say some of the older foil chaff could have a negative impact on fish in a small pond for example. However the US military holds these exercises over deserts such as the national training center in Ft Irwin.This greatly decreases the environmental impact since basically adding silica to a desert well its already there anyway.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 12:00 PM

reply to post by Bedlam

I understand what you're saying. It seems I compared two incomparable things (chemtrails and chaff) but still the question is the same: could it have a negative impact on nature? Just like you described, the aluminium will drop on the ground shortly afterwards.. so who knows where it might end up to?

Given that soil is 8% aluminium on average anyway and that blows around and gets everywhere they'd have to drop a hell of a lot do make much difference.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 12:14 PM


network dude
reply to post by loveguy

what does barium do to you? Why would anyone bother to dump it from above when it's all over at ground level?

You're free to check the link(s). Except the one blocked by this glorious site...

I'll bid you a good day based upon your signature.

Not that this thread is about Barium, but here are the facts on it.

Barium is a silvery-white metal that can be found in the environment, where it exists naturally. It occurs combined with other chemicals, such as sulfur, carbon or oxygen. Ii is very light and its density is half that of iron. Barium oxidizes in air, reacts vigoroulsy with water to form the hydroxide, liberating hydrogen. Barium reacts with almost all the non-metals, forming often poisouning compounds.

Read more:

Health affects?

The amount of barium that is detected in food and water usually is not high enough to become a health concern.
People with the greatest risk to barium exposure with additional health effects are those that work in the barium industry. Most of the health risks that they can undergo are caused by breathing in air that contains barium sulphate or barium carbonate.

Read more:

Small amounts of water-soluble barium may cause a person to experience breathing difficulties, increased blood pressures, heart rhythm changes, stomach irritation, muscle weakness, changes in nerve reflexes, swelling of brains and liver, kidney and heart damage.

Barium has not shown to cause cancer with humans. There is no proof that barium can cause infertility or birth defects.

Read more:

I'd be more worried about the planes falling out of the sky and hitting you than being poisoned by barium. Knowledge is power!

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 12:43 PM

network dude


network dude
reply to post by loveguy

what does barium do to you? Why would anyone bother to dump it from above when it's all over at ground level?

You're free to check the link(s). Except the one blocked by this glorious site...

I'll bid you a good day based upon your signature.

Not that this thread is about Barium, but here are the facts on it.

Barium is a silvery-white metal that can be found in the environment, where it exists naturally. It occurs combined with other chemicals, such as sulfur, carbon or oxygen. Ii is very light and its density is half that of iron. Barium oxidizes in air, reacts vigoroulsy with water to form the hydroxide, liberating hydrogen. Barium reacts with almost all the non-metals, forming often poisouning compounds.

Read more:

Health affects?

The amount of barium that is detected in food and water usually is not high enough to become a health concern.
People with the greatest risk to barium exposure with additional health effects are those that work in the barium industry. Most of the health risks that they can undergo are caused by breathing in air that contains barium sulphate or barium carbonate.

Read more:

Small amounts of water-soluble barium may cause a person to experience breathing difficulties, increased blood pressures, heart rhythm changes, stomach irritation, muscle weakness, changes in nerve reflexes, swelling of brains and liver, kidney and heart damage.

Barium has not shown to cause cancer with humans. There is no proof that barium can cause infertility or birth defects.

Read more:

I'd be more worried about the planes falling out of the sky and hitting you than being poisoned by barium. Knowledge is power!

Id be more worried about being hit by raw sewage dumped from planes. Like the case of it falling from a jet into that guys living room. Man that would be disgusting.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 01:02 PM


network dude
reply to post by loveguy

More interesting facts about barium.

Back in the lab, they analysed the air samples and measured both the amount of particulate matter, its metal content, and the sizes of the particles. The results, published last week in the journal Atmospheric Environment, show that the concentration of barium, copper, iron and antimony increase dramatically near Marylebone Road.

Iron comprises up to 75 per cent of brake dust particles. Barium represents only one per cent, but it makes a better tracer for brake dust pollution as iron particles can also be emitted by tyre and road surface wear.

Barium comes from many sources, including ground pollution from factories.

Just sayin.

So it only makes sense to hit us from every angle possible?

I had a barium meal either THEY are using the wrong "poison" (cos it was 30 yrs ago & I'm sill alive), or no, it makes no sense to "hit us" with this stuff 'cos it is essentially harmless and the whole chemtrail thing is a stupid beat up.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by dragonridr

indeed, frozen blue turds from above. Sounds like a B rated horror movie.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by NoNameNeeded

To the true truthseekers; ATS isn't what it used to be and this thread goes to show it, thanks to the shills and disnfo agents eagerly flocking into an entry level subject such as chemtrails.

So what level subject should these shills and disinfo agents participate in?

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 04:08 PM

To the true truthseekers; ATS isn't what it used to be and this thread goes to show it, thanks to the shills and disnfo agents eagerly flocking into an entry level subject such as chemtrails.

Its just aluminum an d plastics folks! Great for fauna and flora alike!

Denying ignorance hahaha, showcasing it wthout shame rather.

Don evn for a SECOND think these are all genuine people exressing their acual opinion, they're here to make you drop the subject after realising we already KNOW about chaf, which they present as harmless, what a joke...

keep digging, they HATE IT when you dont just swallow their garbage

To the true truthseekers, please try to ignore the recent influx of idiots on ATS who charge anybody who doesn't play along with their childish paradigm as being "shills and disnfo agents".

Don't even for a second think that these are intelligent people who have an actual opinion of their own, they're here to parrot the BS they glean from "researching" youtube videos etc.

Keep putting it to em, they HATE IT when you just show them how stupid they are.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by seabhac-rua

being "shills and disnfo agents".

There are shills and disinfo agents on Ats im one of them

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 04:16 PM

reply to post by seabhac-rua

being "shills and disnfo agents".

There are shills and disinfo agents on Ats im one of them

You're my hero...

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 05:42 PM

reply to post by seabhac-rua

being "shills and disnfo agents".

There are shills and disinfo agents on Ats im one of them

Does it involve pay i figure easy way to earn money proving people are wrong and have no understanding of science. If so sign me up!!!

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 08:03 PM

reply to post by Bedlam

I understand what you're saying. It seems I compared two incomparable things (chemtrails and chaff) but still the question is the same: could it have a negative impact on nature? Just like you described, the aluminium will drop on the ground shortly afterwards.. so who knows where it might end up to?

Well, if it's the non-green version, it's essentially not any different than that pink fiberglass insulation you see at the Home Depot, it's just straighter and less curly. If it's the green version, it'll decompose pretty fast into sugars. The aluminum oxidizes to form a gray aluminum oxide powder. It's not very soluble, and there isn't much of it. Remember Christmas tinsel? That was aluminized mylar. Same thing. Plus aluminum oxide is one of the most abundant minerals in the soil anyway.

You might have a case for disappearing chaff. It's designed to be triggered by the UV of the sun after the drop, and eat the metallization off in midair so that it doesn't form that characteristic chaff tail. With disappearing chaff, you've got azides and organic aluminum compounds coming off the chaff. It's not a lot, but when they drop it over the greater Huntsville area, you can smell it and it sometimes makes a sort of faint haze that lasts for an hour or so.

Furthermore, if they are spraying these particles in the air for military reasons, why wouldn't it be possible for them to spray oher things as well?

Chaff is not particles. Chaff is generally fiberglass strands 2-6" long. As for the other, you're asking for proof of a negative. How can you prove they aren't doing it. That's not an actual question. It sounds like one, but it's tantamount to saying "How do you know they're not releasing invisible unicorns in the air?". What you have to do is turn it around and state it as a positive. How can I prove they ARE releasing other things as well. That way, you only need one good example.

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