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Ancient Aliens...The best evidence

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+38 more 
posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 01:24 PM
I'll present here what i consider the best evidence for alien visitation, certainly in terms of possible representation of. This will involve comparison between Dogu figures of Jomon culture of Japan, dating from around 1500-1000 BC, and those of Vinca culture of the Southern Ukraine, from around 5500-4000 BC. given the huge disparity in time and place there really shouldn't be any apart from the general

So above we see a box of lovely little classic Jomon figurines and one might imagine consideration of these has been done to death, but not so, generally only the most elaborate are considered which actually interest me the least, in that i would consider such elaboration and decoration according to Oriental tastes, examples i present here are far less well known.

In all examples presented here a Jomon figure is seen to the left a Vinca figurine to the right by way of comparison.

Above then we see what to my mind are astonishing representations for these periods, in terms of costume, and there is remarkable similarity seen between the two cultures. Both figures appear as wearing tight fitting costume with incised patterns represented, heavy boots, forward sloping protective helmets/masks, shoulder, knee and elbow padding upon the design and gauntlets...none of which makes any sense for the periods involved, a repeated anomaly across millenia.

When looking at Vinca figurines previously i had noted a strangely curious positioning and representation of the arm, i had not seen similar elsewhere, it seemed un-natural yet carefully presented, obviously signifying or representing something, i was amazed to see the same interest in the Jomon figurines.

One finds there is more stylistic variation in Jomon figures than the Vinca, suggesting they were made over a longer period and more extensive area, with greater variability in the skill of the artisans and familiarity with what they were supposed to be representing, but all the elements of the Vinca figurines can be found within the tradition.

The red and black diagonal banding which is almost always seen on the Vinca figurines costume is seldom seen on the Jomon , again the greater variation in the latter, but it is present in some examples, but the motif is of a very unusual and striking nature and was perhaps not easy to relate to by the artisans, given it has more in common with a cool design for motor cycle leathers.

Suggested explanations for the Jomon figurines are somewhat vague and lame, that perhaps in some way they granted good health or fortune, perhaps they wear snow goggles/masks like the Innuit, for the Vinca figurines nobody seems to really bother trying...

But as they share common characteristics i would suggest they require a common explanation, for the forward sloping helmet with the artificial protective eye pieces, pronounced nose guard, entirely unattested in the archaeological record costume and accessories, these cannot be anthropomorphic figurines as critters don't wear such either.

I have considered previously that the classic archetypal example for an alien is perhaps rather based upon the features of the helmet rather than the actual wearer, the bulging dark black eyes, curiously shaped and proportioned head, so perhaps we should now consider what lay beneath the mask...

In this regard our glorious ancestors have actually been quite helpful, in that their natural curiousity seems to have got the better of them and they have represented such, at least with the female of the species.

What is seen beneath mask when it is raised could perhaps be best described as reptilian or amphibian features, the latter having some attestation in ancient texts as far as suggested visitations from the Pleiades goes, the body though seems quite humanoid, though the arms seem somewhat irregular again, or perhaps lazy artists not bothering to add hands.

These female figurines do seem to have some association with sexuality, fertility, reproduction, not unsurprisingly of course, and there was the example seen with the young offspring in the earlier example, it should also be considered there is never any threatening aspect to these figurines either, apart from the fact they wear masks and are probably extra-terrestial...

So there we are then, my presentation of what remains for me a curious enigma, what i consider the best evidence, hope you enjoyed it it, i'll leave you with a cute little alien Lady with a heart shaped face...oh and her scary sister.

edit on Kpm1317vAmerica/ChicagoWednesday0831 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

+30 more 
posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 01:36 PM
What makes you think it has to be aliens? Could'a just been this womans ancestors.

edit on 8-1-2014 by Mamatus because: layout

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 01:44 PM
That is interesting. Several of the images have or seem to have 3 fingers. With the detail they used why not 5 fingers? unless they are modeled after some 3 fingered species?

+7 more 
posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

I know people like to make fun of the guys on 'Ancient Aliens-History Channel' but I actually see some kind of truth in it, these figurines do seem to show 'people' wearing helmets, and in other photos I've seen even some type of space suit.

I'm keeping an open mind to it, and enjoy reading threads like these.
Thank you.


posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 01:52 PM
I find the "bloating" shapes of the women very fascinating. They all seem to have swollen legs and a lack of elbows. Spacesuits?

Thank you once again Kantz for a great read!

+11 more 
posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 01:53 PM
As with all attempts at "best evidence," my comment is once again, "If this is the best we've got, then it's all a load of crap."

+6 more 
posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by tinner07

On many of the classic Jomon figurines there are barely any arms, at least very shortened, yet broad across the shoulder. There is some indication they did not have arms as such but perhaps flippers, and artificial appendages were used connected to these, for the sake of appearance and utility. In both cultures the arms can be depicted in curious proportion and position, yet in some the arms appear quite natural, so perhaps they did not have any fingers...

reply to post by Blue Shift

What you need to be doing there instead of pointlessly providing boorish opinion is providing counter explanation for why such costume and accesories are depicted during the Neolithic period and the reason for the depiction of the unnatural form of those that wore such, or is that beyond you...?

reply to post by Doodle19815

I find them beautiful also, perhaps somewhat amphibian...?

reply to post by Rainbowresidue

Yes that's what i'm looking forward to anyone trying to explain...

reply to post by Mamatus

Seriously beneath contempt...
edit on Kpm1317vAmerica/ChicagoWednesday0831 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:06 PM
Venus figurines are pretty common in the ancient world. At least it appears that the ancient people at least respected the female enough to make figurines of her, unlike modern religions that for the most part erased women deities altogether. Whether or not this means the statues are based on aliens is conjecture in my opinion.

If they are based on an alien race then perhaps that race didn't have males(in our sense anyway)and had another form of reproduction? Maybe the entities all had the female organs and reproduced using different means. Who knows? I know that certain species have become unisex after years of being isolated and no longer need the added benefit of males such as these female lizards that have found a way to bypass the need for the male input and reproduce asexually.

Perhaps species if technologically advanced enough would become one sex as there would be less violence and risk to the offspring.

That would also partly explain some of the virgin birth stories that seem to prevail throughout many myths.

Still interesting though so thanks for sharing the figurine pictures!

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:06 PM

What you need to be doing there instead of pointlessly providing boorish opinion is providing counter explanation for why such costume and accesories are depicted during the Neolithic period and the reason for the depiction of the unnatural form of those that wore such, or is that beyond you...?

Do you know anything about art, and how certain artistic styles and representations become commonplace and standardized within specific cultures? For instance, why so many contemporary cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse and The Simpsons are depicted as only having four fingers on each hand?

You understand that these things are not lifelike depictions of actual people, don't you? Or do you really think these people or aliens had actual penises on their heads?

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

Is it possible that the ancients had creative imaginations as we do now? What if a culture of the future thousands of years discovers our comic books and movies and conceptual and abstract art and McDonalds happy meal toys, will they assume all of the things we depicted were real? I respect you highly and love all your threads and your artwork, but this is my honest opinion.

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

This isn't about Mickey Mouse and the Simpsons, it's about types of costume and representation of form seen in Neolithic art from the Southern Ukraine 7,500 years ago and Japan 3,500 years ago, put aside everything that's developed since.

I'm fully aware and informed of all that is recorded from those periods and what had preceded them in terms of stylized representations, generally i wouldn't think much of how a figurines fingers were numbered or even if they were without, but the costumes make sense in terms of one piece protective suits, with the suggested segmented flexibility and padding for the shoulders, arms and knees, but they are entirely anomalous for the Neolithic period, if not then re-constructions for the period should depict people dressed as power rangers, in order to be true to the archaological record...they don't.

reply to post by ImaFungi

Not if they are fully informed of all aspects of our civilization, the point being context is everything in archaeology.
edit on Kpm1317vAmerica/ChicagoWednesday0831 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:37 PM
Nice read, OP! Great work as always!

What's funny to me is that, a lot of people don't believe, or better say they think our ancestors were making things up while talking about "different" "not-normal" stuff. Or better say, people tend to believe that our ancestors were right about some things, and wrong about other. You have so many strange alien looking like artifacts, paintings, stories from our past, but most of the people are saying that "they are just myths" or " they are making it up" or " its not what it looks like " etc... Same thing with other stuff. So I want to know whats the criteria for accepting one thing from our past as a real thing and other as a false one. Do we accept what we like and deny what we dislike and does not match with our view of our past and our beliefs?
edit on 8-1-2014 by Nikola014 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:50 PM

reply to post by tinner07

reply to post by Mamatus

Seriously beneath contempt...
edit on Kpm1317vAmerica/ChicagoWednesday0831 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

Awww, lighten up. Can't take everything so seriously, unless thats your pic

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:08 PM
I agree with Blue Shift. When I look at these, I see art. I see human creativity and human desires. I also see how a lot of these pieces were formed as they were as a result of the types of tools they used. Being horny is also a really human trait, and that's reflected well as human in a lot of these pieces.

It's not a nice way to say it, but truly, if someone were to claim that this is the BEST evidence, I would have to say that it wasn't very conclusive. We see what we want to see, we hear what we want to hear.

That said, I definitely do not believe that it is NOT proof of alien visitation. It may be unrelated completely, but that wouldn't mean that visitation didn't occur at some point.

I've watched a bunch of DVRd Ancient Alien episodes, and other history channel/ A&E network stuff, and it all smells like smoke to me. These shows about aliens, and alternate histories, and bible debunking are all just formulated to throw us off track and despiritualize the masses in preparation for the move to the new way.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:09 PM


posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:09 PM
And I believe that if aliens did visit us, or are visiting us, they are much closer than we think.

And always have been.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:15 PM


posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by gilcarlson

So how is it a link?

Other than a link to a page to buy a book which looks to me like advertising?

Either way, to the OP:

Three fingers are interesting because there is the number three beat into most religions in one form or the other. Whether it's the tri goddess, gods and goddesses or in the case of Christianity, gods it's everywhere.

Like this Serbian three finger salute based on the sign of the cross( birth myth again)

or just the general sign of the cross:

If there were three fingered aliens then that would explain the existence of the three finger obsession.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by gilcarlson

I doubt it.

Also stop advertising for the Blue Book. You haven't many posts and if you have some insight into something from that book, post it otherwise stop placing the link.

I think if anything, if a unisex species did come to Earth with advanced technology they would have been doing a social experiment if anything. Like maybe to study possible outcomes of their own origins if theirs was similar to humans at one point.

Human reproduction isn't that great when you look at our various health problems and violence toward females(the carriers of offspring) and the offspring themselves.

I think if you can travel through space to visit other planets you probably know how to reproduce on your own. Seems like that would be a basic step to being an advanced culture.

Who knows though, guess that's what science fiction books are for.

edit on 8-1-2014 by OrphanApology because: D

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:32 PM
the evidence of historical visits or contact with off-worlders is pretty much subjective...

here's a link that reports a former top, elite, Canadian person that served as a minister of defense who claims ~ firsthand~ knowledge and awareness of covered up continuing contact with Aliens/ETs at the high levels of government...

this was a few years back when MAD and the Cold War were the Order-Of-The-Day,,,


... There’s nothing quite like a former high-ranking official giving credence to conspiracy theories to kick off a work week.

Over the weekend, Paul Hellyer, former Canadian defense minister, went on television and declared that not only do aliens exist but that they walk amongst us and are responsible for some of our modern technology. Among these tech gifts are the microchip, LED light and Kevlar vest.

Hellyer, who served as Canada's Minister of National Defence in the 1960s, went on Russia Today’s program SophieCo to speak more about extraterrestrials. The interview, seen below, is a little on the long side but it’s totally worth it, particularly because he’s the first high ranking politician to publicly state that aliens are real.

is this akin to the 'proverbial' death-bed confession ?

i would suspect so... So it's not as if the man is going into a age dementia--- he is rarher just 'coming clean' \

what ya'll think

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