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What do you desire?

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posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:04 PM
I'm posing these two questions primarily for use in self-reflection, but I encourage you to answer if so inclined.

1 - What do you desire?

2 - If you were the only living thing on this planet, how would your desire change?

I was going to set subtlety aside on this one, but what fun would that be? So, one more question.

3 - What point am I trying to make?

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:09 PM

I'm posing these two questions primarily for use in self-reflection, but I encourage you to answer if so inclined.

1 - What do you desire?

2 - If you were the only living thing on this planet, how would your desire change?

I was going to set subtlety aside on this one, but what fun would that be? So, one more question.

3 - What point am I trying to make?

1) I desire to be an amazing musician and rapper/rhythmic poet.

2) Me being alone on this planet wouldn't change it. I do it because it pleases me. Applause is pleasurable, but it does not fuel me. Craving a higher level of written skill fuels me. What fun would that be? It was fun before I had my first fan, it'll be fun after my last went away. Besides, maybe bacteria can evolve into some monkeys who jam to my music during their college frat parties.

3) If you can't do it living alone on a planet, it is not a true desire.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by CretumOrbis

More super powers.
If it was just me I would just want more super powers.
I wish I had the superpower to know what point you're trying to make

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:22 PM

I'm posing these two questions primarily for use in self-reflection, but I encourage you to answer if so inclined.

1 - What do you desire?

2 - If you were the only living thing on this planet, how would your desire change?

I was going to set subtlety aside on this one, but what fun would that be? So, one more question.

3 - What point am I trying to make?

As A human I desire to be stimulated every waking minute because this is what life is all about when it comes down to it. The stimulation I desire comprises a very wide variety or I am bound to become bored, dull, sad, apathetic etc. I endeavor to avoid the 'popular' stimulation sources such as TV or movies, music, pasta and so on. I much prefer to seek out natural stimulants. Living on my own would make no difference and just as much fun because I seldom seek stimulation from other humans anyway being as they are rather predictable therefore rather boring.. The point you are making is probably the same as the one I am making.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:37 PM
Above all, I only truly desire one thing. Before my death, I would like to see humanity unshackled by what has destroyed it. Putting material, wealth, religion, race, and all dividing factors above the inalienable and most important thing in my universe.

Human life.

If I was the only human living, this desire would not be attainable. Being the only human alive and holding this desire means that I cannot share the joy of living in complete peace and harmony in the world with my fellow brothers and sister of humanity. The joys of peace and harmony are only truly attainable when all humans follow this principle and apply it not only to themselves but the future of the planet, and the human race.

The point.

As long as humans exist we will never find peace (Nor will anyone else) until all of humanity follows this principle. One cannot (Live in a world that) put(s) wealth and material above human life, the future of the human race, and the future of the planet and live in peace simultaneously. Hence in order for humanity to truly flourish we all must be willing to make the sacrifice and help our brothers and sisters in bondage make this sacrifice, as human life stands above all.
edit on 7-1-2014 by brojose because: added a bit.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by CretumOrbis

It's difficult for me to reconcile a lifetime of low wages, with the need to give freely. I grew up in tight circumstances. I have been used, and abused. As such, I am having to reteach myself how to live. It has been an enlightening journey.

Our society places so MUCH upon the material, and most folks wonder why they feel so empty inside. Probably explains a lot of the divorce, and suicide rates. We think stuff will fill the hole we feel in our hearts. We link up with others who share our views, so we can feel the validations of our so-called peers. I have little that others would consider desirable, which makes me feel a bit less, and is the source of most of my social discomfort. I have to occasionally remind myself that; it's not what other people think, it's what God thinks, that matters.

Yet, knowing all that, I still crave those things which have eluded me my whole life. I still want that American dream. I don't feel the need to own most things, but there are quite a few things I wouldn't mind owning, but probably don't really need. I just try to trust in God's wisdom to give me what I need, and occasionally, give me what I want.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by CretumOrbis

Peace....peace on earth....

As to the question a personal view of the corporeal.


posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by CretumOrbis

I desire to live.

If I was the only living thing on this planet I would die as humans require the death of other organisms to sustain life.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:28 PM
Splendid answers, this is getting to be too easy...

And here are my own answers, now that they won't taint the results:

1. Sustenance, rest and intoxication. The first two are pretty self-explanatory, but my definition of 'intoxication' is very broad. Some people jump out of airplanes. Some people play basketball. I like to sing more than anything. Mmm, vibrations.

2. They would be put on hold until the new one is satisfied: to find others.

3. My point is the fallacy of the so-called-elitist philosophy. In my own words, as written on the wall beside me: Life is not worth living without someone to share it with.

I'm very glad I do, thank you.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by CretumOrbis

1)Personal Peace , absence of pain, while maintaining the ability to observe (and possibly effect) the world/universe.

2) Would not necessarily change.

3) If we had an eternity to do #1 above, we would eventually desire to reincarnate in order to interact with others.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:47 PM
I desire a world without wars, stupidity, greed and corrupted governments, where we never get sick and live long happy and productive lives that benefits everybody equally.

Yes it can be achieved.

posted on Jun, 13 2015 @ 03:58 PM
That we wake up and start to honor each other, the happiness and wishes of our children and dance to natures song, while using gifts and mind to grow clean technology. To free ourselves from the elite system and create a system of equality and freedom and awakening.

If alone would seek others, and also meditate/pray, connect to Friends, and to nature, along with trying to survive until it was time to move on.

The point, Free this planet and the planet herself, all creatures great and small and happiness, higher frequency, home. We don't want to reach home alone.

posted on Jun, 16 2015 @ 04:49 AM
a reply to: CretumOrbis

1. I desire the absence of time, or should I say the feeling of no time at all. In the end, time is always replenishing. I desire motionless thinking. To be able to have an endless thought, without the human worry of "time is running out".

2. If I were the only "person", not much would change; except the desire to share my thoughts to another.

3. We already know the answers.

posted on Jun, 16 2015 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: ExternalForces


posted on Jun, 16 2015 @ 06:27 AM

originally posted by: CretumOrbis
1 - What do you desire?

To have experiences in self and non-self relation.

2 - If you were the only living thing on this planet, how would your desire change?

It wouldn't.

3 - What point am I trying to make?

I don't know.

posted on Jun, 16 2015 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: CretumOrbis

Off topic but I feel like it must be said.

Your reply to me was your 322nd. Ironic because of the Brotherhood. Also, 322 happens to be my birthday. Sorry, you didn't say much and it caught my eye and made me smile.

posted on Jun, 16 2015 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: ExternalForces

Oh, I just love those 'coincidences'.

posted on Jun, 16 2015 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: CretumOrbis

Yes, if that's what you would like to call it.

posted on Jun, 16 2015 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: CretumOrbis
I'm posing these two questions primarily for use in self-reflection, but I encourage you to answer if so inclined.

1 - What do you desire?

2 - If you were the only living thing on this planet, how would your desire change?

I was going to set subtlety aside on this one, but what fun would that be? So, one more question.

3 - What point am I trying to make?

1) Love, the only thing that can give us real happiness (by love I mean any and all types of love, family, lovers, pets, etc)
2) My desire for love would be even greater if I was alone on this planet (even Wall-E wanted love!)
3) Your point is that sharing is an essential part of who we are.

posted on Jun, 16 2015 @ 11:46 AM
A Final Fantasy, although like the games, I hope it doesn't stop at the lame 13 and much better character depth then 12 did although the game play was quite awesome.

Changing something when your all by yourself is like making mountains move very fast, and making the oceans stay very still.

Hopeful I guess.
edit on 16-6-2015 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

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