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Update on Merck's Zilmax Re: Cattle - The animals' feet were "basically coming apart,"

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posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 11:19 AM
Did a search on this, found a thread from August. This is new info. Posted in Rant because I'm absolutely fed up with what big pharma and the meat industry are doing to animals in the name of profit. It's sickening. Further to the suffering of these creatures is the question of what damage these chemicals are doing to the people that consume the meat from them. I may start sourcing locally grown grass fed beef, but I'm leaning toward stopping eating meat altogether. Can't justify continuing in any way to contribute to this.

Lost Hooves
edit on 1-1-2014 by Caroline13456 because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-1-2014 by Caroline13456 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by Caroline13456

One theory is that the federally approved feed additive may compound the effects of common feedlot nutritional disorders such as acidosis, which can affect animals that consume too much starch (primarily grain) or sugar in a short period of time. Heat and animal genetics, too, may be factors.

I wonder what happens to people who eat this meat. Would be interesting to know whether or not McDonalds and Burger King specifically look for and reject this type of product.

Stuff looks pretty bad if you ask me.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Snarl

Here is additional information on the human consequences of consumption of meat from animals given beta-agonists. This study goes back to 1998. Why is this still allowed?

According to an article published in the Journal of Animal Science in 1998,16 there’s data on “human intoxication following consumption of liver or meat from cattle treated with beta-agonists.” (In the case of the beta-agonist clenbuterol, pharmacological effects might be expected after consuming 100-200 grams of contaminated product.) The authors write: “The use of highly active beta-agonists as growth promoters is not appropriate because of the potential hazard for human and animal health, as was recently concluded at the scientific Conference on Growth Promotion in Meat Production (Nov. 1995, Brussels).”

Zilmax - Serious Side Effects

While I am concerned about the health of people as a result of ingesting this crap, quite frankly, I am far more angry about the absolute hellish misery our animal agriculture practices put these sentient life forms through. This is extremely bad karma for the human race. I think their will be hell to pay at some point.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 12:10 PM
There are people out there and even on this site who will say we have a right to do this to animals

I genuinely fanticise about a race of superior aliens coming down and taking all the animal testers, sports hunters and even just the apathetic away in ships to be treated like they say its OK for us to treat animals.
It would be the exact same thing yet I doubt very much if they were forced fed and kept in enclosures to small to move in with no stimulation, had their children taken from them, and were tortured on a daily basis so some ugly alien could wear nice red lipstick or some scale brightening cosmetic they would say it was OK.

I wont lie, Im not gonna click the link as I am already aware of what we do to our food supply and fellow Earthlings. Ive made changes to my lifestyle and when possible I try to educate people without seeming militant.
The not seeming militant part probably isnt evident from this post

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 12:17 PM
Calm down people, the thing been going on for 7 years already, if its bad, its in your body system already.

But, yes its bad, feeding drug to animals just for extra pounds - greed have no boundaries. Next time, they'll build force feed machine, imagine the extra pound gained! Nature doesnt work this way.

Humans, its your loss being greed, you will pay in some way later.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I hear you IKS. I don't know what it will take for humans on Earth to wake up. We simply MUST find a way to put an end to the mass torture of these animals.

Sometimes I can't help wishing the universe would step in and blast this planet with an asteroid. Wipe out humans and let the Earth move on to a hopefully more spiritually advanced species.

The only way I can see to stop this is for us to collectively stop creating a market for meat. Don't want to be hypocritical. I love the taste of meat and I crave it but I am going to work on making changes in my diet to both reduce my meat consumption and when I do eat it, find it from a local organic farmer.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 12:40 PM

reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I hear you IKS. I don't know what it will take for humans on Earth to wake up. We simply MUST find a way to put an end to the mass torture of these animals.

Sometimes I can't help wishing the universe would step in and blast this planet with an asteroid. Wipe out humans and let the Earth move on to a hopefully more spiritually advanced species.

The only way I can see to stop this is for us to collectively stop creating a market for meat. Don't want to be hypocritical. I love the taste of meat and I crave it but I am going to work on making changes in my diet to both reduce my meat consumption and when I do eat it, find it from a local organic farmer.

Back home I now purchase my meat and Chicken from local farmers, Eating alot of what I just found out yesterday is actually buffalo not cow but the chicken and lamb is just awesome.
Unfortunately I live in a muslim country so there isnt much in the way of free range bacon

If everyone was like you and me the problem would be gone, sure meat would be slightly more expensive but ironically cosmetics would be cheaper (or so a militant vegan told me) but it testing would take longer therefore it would have less time on shelves = less money in product sales.

Its a sad state of affairs that people are either so poor or so selfish that a few % rise in the price of animal products is not an option for them

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 01:26 PM
Sounds like the elastins aren't forming corectly. The muscle building drug probably makes everything grow faster with the same amount of elastins resulting in more tender meat but also a weaker heart and circulatory system and poor hoofs. Elastins are made from certain bacteria in the ruman. Corn makes tender meat because the bacteria needed for the elastins are off balance....sugar eating bacteria are overabundant. We cannot support the bacteria well that make these elastins, we should eat the elastin binding protein made by these bacteria. Boy, have people messed up bad. Eat grass fed beef. It can have a few treats once in a while, don't depress the cows. Just don't make treats an every day thing if you are growing them. Finishing the beef for a couple of weeks is not bad, but there is a drop in the good chemistry of the meat if they are finished much longer. They need to eat hay with the grains when finishing also, it keeps the ruman balanced better.

I'm not sure of the exact reason the chemical would cause this, maybe because the hormone speeds up growth while elastins are limited. The body could be stealing the elastins out of the hoofs.
edit on 1-1-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 08:34 PM

reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I hear you IKS. I don't know what it will take for humans on Earth to wake up. We simply MUST find a way to put an end to the mass torture of these animals.

Sometimes I can't help wishing the universe would step in and blast this planet with an asteroid. Wipe out humans and let the Earth move on to a hopefully more spiritually advanced species.

The only way I can see to stop this is for us to collectively stop creating a market for meat. Don't want to be hypocritical. I love the taste of meat and I crave it but I am going to work on making changes in my diet to both reduce my meat consumption and when I do eat it, find it from a local organic farmer.

As a meat-eater myself, this is a difficult issue. Not only does my body crave meat at times... but there are also times (far more frequent) that my body craves all the freaking ARTIFICIAL SUBSTANCES that are nowadays pumped into meat from the moment it is born, to its slaughter, to the day it is packaged and sold. Sodium, sugar, drugs, hormones, fat, MSG--I'm addicted to them all! I can eat grass-fed organic beef all day long (no meat tastes better, except maybe grass-fed organic buffalo) but every now and then I start feeling irritable, headachy, shaky--and the only cure is a filthy disgusting McDouble and a coke. And I have tried weaning myself off of overprocessed foods, and I've tried quitting cold-turkey, and in either case the withdrawals last too long and get too bad and my schoolwork suffers and I -can not- afford for my schoolwork to suffer as that is my -entire future- on the line.

But one of these days, when I have a month or two off from school and some money saved, I plan to go on a vacation far away from any markets, fast-food, convenience stores, and force-detox myself from all the FAKE food and chemicals that modern life fills us with. And it is going. to. suck. But at least I will be in the wilderness--where I have never encountered something that doesn't make sense.

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