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Societies love of money

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posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 08:07 AM
Societies love of money

I am so sick of people and their selfish ways. Everything, I mean everything revolves around money and how they can get more of it. It is sickening. What is wrong with everyone? When did money become the deciding factor as to what type of care to give a patient, or who you should have as a friend, or whether someone is a valuable member of society or not?

Every day I watch people argue over pennies, all because they want to have/keep more of the almighty dollar, the only thing that defines us in this world. Why? Why is it so important? What about what a person has to offer knowledge wise?

Maybe if we started to measure people for what they could do or the knowledge they had, instead of how much money resides in their checking account, maybe that would be the change this world needs.

So what if someone doesn't wear the newest fashions, or have the latest toy, or doesn't drive the newest car. I don't do this and I'm far from poor. But because I don't have these things, I get judged. People look down their noses at me, not caring what I am or who I am on the inside. Just caring about the presentation. Thinking I am less of a person because it looks like I don't have any money.

I see people with no money at all, dressed to the nines, paying with food stamps. I see people driving the newest cars, carrying Versace bags, but their credit cards being declined. Yet I don't blame them really, because this is how you are measured in today's society. This is how you get noticed and how other people judge you.

How long has it been since you sat with someone who looks "different" and just tried to find out who they were? Talked with them to figure out what made them tick and what defined them as a human being? Tried to figure out how they got where they are and what made them who they are today?

Everyone has a story to tell, a reason they are who they are. Why are we so motivated by what a person looks like instead of by who and what they are on the inside?

I yearn to find like minded people, who have the ability to look deeper. Yet I am fearful they don't exist. Is this all there is to life? Is there no one who can see past what a person looks like and see what's on the inside anymore?

And I even find myself doing the judging every once in awhile, which saddens me. Is it because I see it so much and I am becoming one of the people I dislike? Has society turned me into the very thing that I abhor? Is that even possible?

Sorry, just had to get that out.....


posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 08:37 AM
I don't think most people love money, they just want to get stuff and for that they need the green paper, don't you want stuff like the pc you are ranting in or the internet that allow you to reach the others? is it something wrong on that??

maybe people admire filthy rich people because we all want to survive and having the means to achieve the survival (aka having money) is good, maybe at the deep end you are not hoarding money but just making a lill stash hoping it will allow you to survive?

peacocks surely don't need the crazy feathers but they use it to find mates, maybe just maybe all boils down to survival and all the people you hate for using unessential stuff are just trying to make their living the way their nature thinks will be the fittest. if you don't like money go extinct like the dodo

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by blend57

S + F my friend, you are not alone in this world.

The only reason I seek a job with better pay is just so I can live more comfortably, and can go do things with the people I care about. Living in a world where you NEED money to live, you have to join the rat race. I would not give up a single one of my friends for all the riches in the world, if I won the lottery I would buy a few things like a nicer pc and maybe a car with some insurance then the rest would go to funding a project in an area of the world that needed it the most.

Wealth and objects are impermanent things, they do not make a person, they just make a person sick with an incurable mental illness, vanity. Don't get me wrong, I'm a little vain, I like my hair looking nice and I am fussy about clothes, but this is my "flesh vessel" I want to decorate it how I like

Anyway, people need to wake up and understand that objects will only bring you temporary happiness, real happiness is found inside yourself and in the people you allow into your life.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 09:00 AM

When did money become the deciding factor as to what type of care to give a patient,
reply to post by blend57

All the examples you mentioned are sad, but this one is the worst. It's sad when humanity turns their back on people who are fighting just to live. It's pathetic when insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies are making a profit on someone struggling just to stay alive.

I've always said that greed will be the demise of the United States. Corporations in this country only care about their enormous profits and would rather take advantage of poor hourly wages. They continue to ignore the number of families they cast into poverty.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by Indigent

Yes, I like to have nice things. But I just don't think we should judge people by how much money they have or look to have.

Here is an example: I took my daughter to the emergency room for a serious injury. She was told what could be done for her. But as soon as they found out we could pay, all of a sudden, they had more options available for her. Why weren't those options given in the first place? Because we looked as though we couldn't pay. They assumed we had no money, so they gave us the cheapest option. Shouldn't everyone be given all the options available up front, no matter what they think about your financial situation?]

That's what I'm talking about. The assumption that people have based on what they perceive you to be, without at first finding out who you are. I had to volunteer that we could pay before anyone even gave us alternative treatment options. That should never happen.

I guess I am just not explaining it properly because it's too emotional for me right now. Hopefully someone gets it.


edit on 27-12-2013 by blend57 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by blend57

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by blend57

i get you sir i truly do, but its not the money it us, its our nature to survive, you can live in a desert with nothing else than sand and still there will be fights to live in the highest dune and the people living in the pits will admire the ones in the dunes for the illusion of a better living.

you want someone dedicating their life to you for nothing in return?

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by iRoyalty

I agree, I like nice things and work to provide a better quality of life for my family. I also must conform to society and dress appropriately, look the part. I just wish more people would take the time to find out who you are inside instead of making assumptions based upon your outer appearance. That's all, just wish that it wasn't what you were judged on.


posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 09:10 AM

reply to post by blend57

i get you sir i truly do, but its not the money it us, its our nature to survive, you can live in a desert with nothing else than sand and still there will be fights to live in the highest dune and the people living in the pits will admire the ones in the dunes for the illusion of a better living.

you want someone dedicating their life to you for nothing in return?

I believe that the day we strip ourselves of money and social standing will be the day we elevate to our next level of sentience.

We can not evolve as a race until these shackles are untied.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by blend57

If I believe someone to be a good human being, I do not care who they are, what their faith, creed or social standing is, I will allow them into my life.

You should feel sorry for the people who don't, because they are the ones who will die alone, surrounded by objects of greed and vanity.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by WeRpeons

That is what I just experienced and gave an example of a few posts up. It is the worst. They should never leave out options based upon your ability to pay. It was truly an eye opening experience for me...


posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by Zcustosmorum

That made me smile. And is true in a sense. Thank you for lightening up my mood a bit


posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by blend57

I yearn to find like minded people, who have the ability to look deeper. Yet I am fearful they don't exist. Is this all there is to life? Is there no one who can see past what a person looks like and see what's on the inside anymore?

Yes, we exist.
Usually in the smoking section.

Before I left the corporate world, I was working in an urban core convention hotel; the smokers had to go outside. We had homeless folks frequently walking past, taking extinguished 'butts' out of the can there; sometimes they would sit and talk - and I was always willing to do so, dressed in my uniform suit.

I've been, for some reason, "approachable" by many kinds of folks - whether I'm waiting for an oil change, standing in a line at the DMV, shopping at a home improvement store, riding on a train, etc. People seem to want to tell me their stories, and that's just fine with me, because I find the human experience endlessly fascinating.

I don't dress fancy, I drive a 15-year old car, live in a modest neighborhood, and even though it's a suburb of a mid-sized city, it is a friendly, down-to-earth area. VERY few snobs in my zip code, lots of hard-working, friendly people who make eye contact, smile and/or nod when passing in the grocery market or at the gas pump.

It depends where you live, and with whom you surround yourself, I guess.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

Where I live and where I work are totally opposite coins. It's like night and day. Yet, I still see this type of attitude in both places. That's why I fear this is becoming the norm, I see it everywhere.

It's good to see that there are others out there like me, who care enough and are interested enough to learn more about people. And I'm glad you were there for the people to talk with. Sometimes that is the best thing you can give.


posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 10:57 AM
It's what we do...

We label everyone, and everything we see, and we place it in a imaginary box.
Stereo types are the best example.
When you see a man with a dark skin color, dressed in a sweater with a hood, and baggy jeans which are mostly red.
In the US that man will be labeled gang member, and people will either start a fight ( because the red stands for an enemy gang ) or walk a big circle around him, afraid that the man is a risk for others, and might cause problems.

The same guy will be labeled to be dressed to impress, some other place in the world.

That's why people judge you on what you look like to them. it's human nature to do so.

That people are so shallow to stay with their first impression, is another thing all together.

Unfortunately money is needed to buy food, but you can earn money by offering your services.
A scholar will have knowledge to bargain for his paycheck. A Baker has his profession, and he will offer the products he can make on demand, for his paycheck.

To bad to many people want more and more, are selfish and greedy. When people are in need, others should help them out, when possible imo. Usually the majority does not want to give up his 20 Dollar meal for a 15 dollar meal, so anyone without money to bye food, can eat for 5 Dollar.
While nobody will have a less nutritious, or smaller meal for 15 instead of 20 Dollars...
You can eat the same things, only it needs you to bye your products from another brand, that are cheaper and less familiar, but often it's even produced in the same factory as any A-brand from the commercials.

When profits are made from the health or backs of others, I get pissed... Who doesn't ?

However sometimes stuff like health care insurance, will only pay for basic needs, because the insurance company is expected to pay for a whole bunch of other treatments and drugs, only a few will need.
When you do get cancer that can be cured with a new very expensive treatment, you are happy that they will pay it for you, while someone else must accept a cheaper treatment for his medical problem, which will work to, but without the extra's that another treatment would give, like a shorter sickbed...

To offer people the more expensive option as well, they will provide extra care, or a higher amount of specialist visits ( Like a physio therapist ) for a higher price of course.

The situation above would be a result of an insurance company, trying to offer the best care affordable to provide for all people.
Prices asked by pharmaceutical companies for newly developed drugs or patented products are often so high that there is a need for a cure that will only help a number of patients, so expensive, that cheaper options have to do, where many demand care. Drugs will be bought from other companies, that also produce a substance, wrap it in a pill and sell it, but it's just a little different.
A new knee will be an old edition, because the latest edition was to expensive.

Every person or company will fight for their piece of the pie, most will take one as big as possible.

A lot of people only have some leftover crumbs, while others grabbed the whole pie which they don't even need.

People suck

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by iRoyalty

there was a time where we dont had money and let me tell you i'm pretty sure its better now

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Maybe I am a dreamer. And maybe where my life has taken me allows me to have a different perspective then most. I'm just glad people understand what I am saying and know money shouldn't be the driving force of all things. It makes me feel better to know that there are some people who look deeper.


posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Indigent

Yes, money does make things better in life. But it shouldn't be what your judged for. It should be an added benefit for what you have to offer society as a whole. You shouldn't have to look as though you have money in order to get ahead in this world, or get noticed.

That's all I'm saying, I know money is a necessary evil in today's world.


posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by blend57

Jeez...I had to step out of my huge gold plated jacuzzi to read this thread then!!!....Joking aside people do seem to go crazy about money and greed these days. It's a shame. I know people want nice things and theres nothing wrong with that at all, But some go way over the top. I would be happy being comfortable, But mainly what I'm looking for is happiness. That's what means more to me than anything

edit on 12 27 2013 by TheDoctor46 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by TheDoctor46

LOL! Mines not that huge, I got the smaller model, that's all I needed
Very frustrated with the last few days and the events that took place. Very frustrated with people's reactions towards my daughter and how they changed when they found out we could afford to pay. I just couldn't hold it in any more and needed to get it out.

It was like we had a disease and everyone was scared they were going to catch it. But as soon as they realized we weren't as hard off as we looked, it all changed. And I have noticed this attitude everywhere I go. People refuse to give other people the time of day if they don't look like they have some cash.

When I am at work, I dress professionally. I am treated differently then say when I go to the supermarket in my workout clothes. When people see my car, they ask a lot of questions about it and are envious, even though it has nothing to do with who I am, they think it somehow measures how successful I am. I could've won it in a card game for all they know. But somehow, it makes a difference in people's attitude toward me. And I know I shouldn't care, but when it effects how my daughter is treated at the hospital, it makes me mad.

When I went to the emergency room with my daughter, she was in work clothes, and I was in workout attire. She was head to toe dirt and looked as though she had been living in the streets. (She has a hard manual labor outdoor job) Although it shouldn't of mattered in how we were treated, it did. I keep coming back to that because it is the freshest example in my mind.

I'm sorry you had to step out of your gold plated Jacuzzi, I hope you didn't catch a chill

But I guess you would have the finest towels to wrap yourself in, and I'm sure your butler was there waiting with them (just joking, Lady. I know you have a good heart!)


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