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The Medicineless hospitals of China - 95% success rate in healing with the power of Chi

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posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 10:09 PM
This is supposed to be huge yet no media coverage that I'm aware of. Basically, there are several so-called medicineless hospitals in China where healing takes place using Chi, exercises, positive affirmation, and most importantly they do not "just" heal patients with all sorts of diseases including incurable tumours of cancer but they actually teach them how to heal themselves. Here is an outline of the whole "movement" with some basic info:

I first heard of these hospitals in a workshop by Gregg Braden where he presented a video footage where they use ultrasound imaging to show the tumour of a cancer patient disappearing in a matter of 3 minutes. We are not talking about a time lapse video! I think you can view the whole workshop here:

If I remember correctly this was filmed in the largest such hospital in China where they do not allow any filming, and Gregg was told he was the first and I believe since then still the only person they allowed to take a footage for his documentary, I think he mentions in his presentation why, but not sure.

I must voice my opinion here that I like to take a cautious approach to presenters of esoteric, conspiracy, or other kinds of "weird" material, like David Icke, David Wilcock, Graham Hancock and the rest. But I must admit, I find the material Gregg Braden presents to be, besides empowering and thought-provoking, also well-researched and thorough, I like his provocative and, I believe, original ideas. Also I fing him to be genuine and honest. Of course I could be wrong, but all I can give here is my opinion, the way I see him and his work. He has many great works like The Isaiah Effect and The Lost Mode of Prayer and others, but there is quite a lot of overlapping between them. If anyone is interested in what he has to say, I would recommend Speaking the Lost Language of God, an 8-hour presentation that, well, pretty much has it all in one pack. If you can't get hold of it (I'd rather not offer ideas here on how to!
), then you can just watch The Lost Mode of Prayer or a few of his other presentations and workshops on youtube.

So anyway, getting back to the main topic, medicinless hospitals in China and now more and more in America and around the world. I found an interview with a healing practitioner who works in the US:

What do you guys think?

While we're on this topic, I'd like to mention one more thing rather than start a whole new topic just for this.

It's about healing by the laying on of hands (LOOH). I'm not talking about psychic healing (PH) at all. Although they could be related, for all I know PH, LOOH and Chi healing could be different forms/manifestations of the same thing, working on the same underlying principle, like "you you create your own reality", or the law of attraction as explained in The Secret (video and book) by Rhonda Byrne.

Anyway, it's called Craniosacral Therapy (CT), and while there is an entry about this on wikipedia, it doesn't sound like it's a recognized form of healing in the west, at least not in many countries yet, surely the US, UK and such countries are "way behind", however, it is a completely normal and accepted practice in some western-european countries like Austria. For example, there is a fascinating BBC documentary about The Girl Who Never Ate, in which this british girl, whom the NHS could not heal, is taken by her family (having no other choice left) to this clinic in Austria that has a 100% (!) success rate and where CT is practised routinely (wonder why? maybe... it works?). The thing is, they've never treated children of this girl's age (she was 7 at the time), so she is a real challenge. If you want to know what happened, watch the whole documentary:

The part about the physiotherapist that uses CT starts at 16:20 Almost makes me cry just watching!

This Chi is probably the thing that breatharians use as well. Funny how there are almost no documentaries about Breatharianism. The best one I've seen so far is In the Beginning There Was Light, but it's mostly in german, and finding English subtitles was quite a bit of a challenge even for me, but was worth it. It tells the stories of many such people, many of whom go voluntarily to different medical institutes (MI) to be observed and examined to prove that they're not fakers, but I especially love the story of this german guy that goes to one such MI in Switzerland to be checked and allows them to do tests on him for weeks on the condition that they will publish all the results, and of course when they're done they never do, and he goes to another one is Austria and the same thing happens. WTF??

So what do you guys think? What's going on here? What is it that big pharma doesn't want us to know? It isn't hard to see, imagine the entire population of the Earth being able to heal themselves, not requiring food from supermarkets and using zero point free energy devices for their households. The PTB would be in deep cr@p in no time. Spiritual awakening for humanity is not exactly their agenda. Disempowerment through cultural conditioning, indoctrination ("education"), dumbing down (GM food and additives) and distraction ("entertainment") however sure is! Just my opinion, this last paragraph, but I want to hear (or read) yours!

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 10:18 PM
What they don't want us to know (Bid Pharma) is that all we need are natural, growing in the wild medicines. From a nearby field to the forests of the Amazon, the cures for EVERYthing exists in nature.

We must also use the law of attraction to heal ourselves from many of life's illnesses.
It's truly simple, just take the time to learn what tree bark is good for headaches, and then you're on a roll to finding things that will help annihilate cancer.

What a world we live in. . .for every illness, the cures are abound. . .we just have to go around PHARMERS to find them.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 10:23 PM
Hopefully this is a genuine movement & a legitimate solution...The world needs this bad.

There's too much money in keeping people sick - we need some competition for big pharma, insurance industries & the medical establishment.
edit on 12-12-2013 by coldkidc because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 10:36 PM

So what do you guys think? What's going on here?

A practical question would be "How many of these people are immortal?" If 95% of disease can be healed through Chi, these people would be living hundreds of years before that 5% death rate caught up with them, no?

Double blind, controlled studies are credible evidence. Youtube videos rarely are.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 10:40 PM
Placebo, we KNOW it works.
I often wonder if most of big pharmers meds only work because of the placebo effect.
Many natural cures may also be working because of placebo.

I cant help but think we just have to believe we're getting treatment, and our body does the rest.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 11:36 PM
You're talking about Qigong, Chi Gung, (Or other various romanizations)…

Qigong, chi kung, or chi gung (simplified Chinese: 气功; traditional Chinese: 氣功; pinyin: qìgōng; Wade–Giles: chi4 gong1; literally "Life Energy Cultivation") is a practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness for exercise, healing, and meditation.[1] With roots in Chinese medicine, martial arts, and philosophy, qigong is traditionally viewed as a practice to cultivate and balance qi (chi) or what has been translated as "intrinsic life energy".[2] It is generally accepted that Qigong exercises have three components: a posture (whether moving or stationary) 調身, breathing techniques 調息, and mental focus on guiding qi through the body 調心. The prerequisite is a calm relaxing state of mind. [3] Qigong is now practiced throughout China and worldwide, and is considered by some to be exercise, and by others to be a type of alternative medicine or meditative practice.[4] From a philosophical perspective qigong is believed to help develop human potential, allow access to higher realms of awareness, and awaken one's "true nature".[5]

Nothing new here, while they are persecuted unjustly (as every cult deserves a little bit of freedom) I would be weary of their claims…

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 01:36 AM
I wouldn't put Gregg Braden in the same box as Icke and his's almost insulting.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 01:53 AM
I would really like to know how the (verified! I would not pay for a trip to China just for fun!) odds are - dealing with diabetes!

"Natural resources" - yeah right. Gimme your insulin, you selfish gnarf!

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 02:02 AM

You're talking about Qigong, Chi Gung, (Or other various romanizations)…

Qigong, chi kung, or chi gung (simplified Chinese: 气功; traditional Chinese: 氣功; pinyin: qìgōng; Wade–Giles: chi4 gong1; literally "Life Energy Cultivation") is a practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness for exercise, healing, and meditation.[1] With roots in Chinese medicine, martial arts, and philosophy, qigong is traditionally viewed as a practice to cultivate and balance qi (chi) or what has been translated as "intrinsic life energy".[2] It is generally accepted that Qigong exercises have three components: a posture (whether moving or stationary) 調身, breathing techniques 調息, and mental focus on guiding qi through the body 調心. The prerequisite is a calm relaxing state of mind. [3] Qigong is now practiced throughout China and worldwide, and is considered by some to be exercise, and by others to be a type of alternative medicine or meditative practice.[4] From a philosophical perspective qigong is believed to help develop human potential, allow access to higher realms of awareness, and awaken one's "true nature".[5]

Nothing new here, while they are persecuted unjustly (as every cult deserves a little bit of freedom) I would be weary of their claims…

Falun Gong is the persecuted cult... Not qi gong, which is what I call ultra-simplified tai chi for the idiot dummies! It's so easy to learn!

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 03:02 AM


You're talking about Qigong, Chi Gung, (Or other various romanizations)…

Qigong, chi kung, or chi gung (simplified Chinese: 气功; traditional Chinese: 氣功; pinyin: qìgōng; Wade–Giles: chi4 gong1; literally "Life Energy Cultivation") is a practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness for exercise, healing, and meditation.[1] With roots in Chinese medicine, martial arts, and philosophy, qigong is traditionally viewed as a practice to cultivate and balance qi (chi) or what has been translated as "intrinsic life energy".[2] It is generally accepted that Qigong exercises have three components: a posture (whether moving or stationary) 調身, breathing techniques 調息, and mental focus on guiding qi through the body 調心. The prerequisite is a calm relaxing state of mind. [3] Qigong is now practiced throughout China and worldwide, and is considered by some to be exercise, and by others to be a type of alternative medicine or meditative practice.[4] From a philosophical perspective qigong is believed to help develop human potential, allow access to higher realms of awareness, and awaken one's "true nature".[5]

Nothing new here, while they are persecuted unjustly (as every cult deserves a little bit of freedom) I would be weary of their claims…

Falun Gong is the persecuted cult... Not qi gong, which is what I call ultra-simplified tai chi for the idiot dummies! It's so easy to learn!

Yes sorry, retract what I said. Falun gong is based of chi gong, with the claims being made I was mixing the two in my head. Apologies.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 06:54 AM
I saw this years ago on a BBC documentary. This guy uses Qi Gong to heal and is reluctant to be filmed. He's not out to make money or become known, and seems genuine. Very interesting.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 07:49 AM
Its using Eastern understanding also of what we call power of affinity/attraction. You see it as if it is done, is a reality. And they ground or chant something to that affect, seeing the reality of the healing. Healing modalities are the ones I'm seeking the strongest on right now, for everyone needs to heal mind/body and soul from the trauma's and distortions of earth.

This may extend life but we are coded, in optimum health, to live to a certain time and then pass on to the real life, for this is but a dream. And I would NOT want to stay decades and centuries longer here, unless massive changes were made, for an equal and abundant cosmic world with healing and necessary work, in other words you'd be in angel et mode on mission, young healthy, connected in universal understanding/telepahty and doing wonderful work so that earth would vibrate as a heavenly eutopia realm. Otherwise would not want to stay here for that long. There are far better places.

I have Gregg Braden's book, the Divine Matrix and its wonderful. Very good research and this information should be more widely known
edit on 13-12-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 08:27 AM
Anything is better than the big pharma machine.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Rolci

I really think the Ancients knew what they were doing - and the ancient healing traditions that focus on bringing us into 'harmony' with our environment do work. Nice thread.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 11:11 AM
I have read most of Greg Braden's works. Interesting stuff - and I would agree with a previous poster most definitely NOT of the same ilk as Icke.

I personally have healed from a (western medical) diagnosis of permanent disability through personal energy techniques and mind/body practices. So I know it is possible.

Someone brought up the placebo effect. Very interesting stuff. And it works in reverse too. I ran across a case years ago where someone received a diagnosis from their doctor of terminal cancer. He was told he had a couple months to live. His health declined rapidly and died a couple months later, right in line with what he was told. The autopsy showed no cancer whatsoever. It was confirmed his original test results had gotten mixed up and he was never ill to begin with.

The mind is power - its all in how you choose to use it.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Rolci

I can speak regarding the "laying on of hands" LOOH.

LOOH in its true and perfected purpose, is an act performed on a recently baptized member of the Church of God by a true minister in God's church which allows for the receiving of God's Holy Spirit in the mind of the disciple, it is performed only once in the life of God's people.

God's spirit can "heal" physically (body) and spiritually (mind). But the main healing action by those in fellowship with Almighty God is performed through anointings by a minister of God. Using oils and prayer an anointment can be performed by a minister of God on one who is suffering ailment/illness/disease. If it is God's will for the healing to occur it will, if it is not God's will for the healing (God has a purpose for the ailment in the individuals spiritual growth) it will not be healed.

I cannot speak on the other forms of healing, but I can speak on LOOH.

God Bless,

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by adjensen

A practical question would be "How many of these people are immortal?" If 95% of disease can be healed through Chi, these people would be living hundreds of years before that 5% death rate caught up with them, no?

Immortality is impossible – in a physical sense. Cells undergo a process called “apoptosis” – essentially cell suicide…where they basically self destruct when damaged, to make way for a new cell to take its place. There are only so many times that this can happen before they cannot regenerate anymore. There is no longer a chance for repair and turnover, which results in aging and degenerative changes.. Aging is not disease…it is a natural process of life.

Double blind, controlled studies are credible evidence. Youtube videos rarely are.

I’d first like to point out that Modern medicine has not cured a single thing since it’s inception. Eastern medicine has been around a hell of a long time – tell me who you think looks healthier – you don’t need a study to figure it out. Medical procedures and drugs must go through the academic process as you said in your post. However, how much money do you think it costs to conduct such studies? Where do you think the money comes to pay for a majority of these “credible” studies?

Annual reports show an estimated tens of BILLIONS of dollars a year is spent on funding research – these annual reports include the top 9 U.S drug companies alone. Extensive ties to physicians, particularly senior faculty at prestigious medical schools affect the results of clinical research and thus the way medicine is practiced. Pharmaceutical companies provide considerable monetary incentives for doctors that prescribe their drugs (approved due to the studies they funded by aforementioned clinical researchers) to treat an illness often with little explanation to the patient on the side effects they may experience – which, low and behold… usually will “require” another medication to treat which is easily arranged….the drug rep just happens to be promoting the new wonder drug for that ailment too. The actual problem is never addressed – only masked. Chronic disease is a fallacy….there is only symptoms that need to be addressed to eliminate the source of the problem….a band aid is not the answer.
Now….since you know so much about double blind, controlled studies then you must know about Bias also, and how any form of bias automatically places the integrity of the research at risk. I have only described one of the many forms bias can manifest during research, and in my opinion, the most inexcusable and unethical – funding bias – a conflict of interest where research study is geared toward supporting the interests of the study's financial sponsor – regardless of the damage it causes along the way.

edit on 13-12-2013 by taketheredpill because: Newbie that is a technophobe getting used to how to post correctly.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Rolci

That's some amazing stuff.
It would slash the NHS expenditure.

posted on Dec, 16 2013 @ 08:00 PM
Anybody familiar with the cancer conspiracy? How do these guys even come up with plans like granting funds to educational institutions so in the end allopathic treatments are the only legal option? Seems too elaborated, like these guys KNEW exactly how to get what they wanted.

sorry i can't embed the video
edit on 16-12-2013 by Rolci because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by Rolci

I’m not familiar with the particular video you linked but I do know a bit about cancer cells vs normal cells- let me know if your video views cancer from a different approach and I will watch it...My understanding of cancer is that it is not caused by DNA mutation as it has always been sold to us. There are secondary causes of cancer, sure, but at its very core the primary cause of all cancers is basically ineffective oxygenation of the body which results in a defect in the usual chain of cellular respiration. Usually cells use O2 for their energy, but cancer cells mostly get theirs from fermenting glucose. If o2 is present it will be converted to pyruvic acid, which then broken down to carbon dioxide and water and expelled by the body. Extra oxygen is required to metabolize lactic acid – the lack thereof was the trigger originally in this whole chain of events. The lactic acid lowers the PH of the cell – which in turn can destroy the cell membrane over time which can the lead to the DNA mutation usually blamed as the culprit. If this process cannot be controlled, cancer cells will proliferate. Certain enzymes have also been found to be an essential part of the chain of respiration – without them the same anaerobic respiration would take place
CANCER IS NOT A DISEASE – it is a symptom of a body that is in desperate need of the neccessities of life - oxygen and nutrients. These cannot be patented, therefore no profits can be made by those involved in allopathic cancer treatment (interesting how it is only ever “treatment”. …and that what doctors do is “practice” – never a word of “cure” and “heal” and don’t forget…theres no money in a cure.. Drink raw food smoothies so they are enzyme rich and all the nutrients are still intact and supplement your diet with hydrogen peroxide therapy (that’s right H202-look it up) and you have a sound place to start preventing cancer

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