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Doomsday study — A nuclear exchange would end civilisation and kill all Chinese

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posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 05:50 AM

reply to post by Panic2k11

I think nuclear winters possible BUT you would need ten of thousands of 500kt + detonations.

Possible back in the cold war but now would be very hard to acheive.

There are still tens of thousands of Megaton yield bombs.
There are a few tens of thousands less, though.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by the owlbear

Its not really a situation i would care to wager upon myself!

Lets just say the Earth has a remarkable ability to heal itself and for all we know given the length of time humanity has been around compared to our recorded history the scenario in question could quite possibly have occurred before, Maybe even in India.
edit on 10-12-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by samuel1990

Your response is crazy disproportionate to your avatar.
Might want to look into that...

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 05:59 AM

reply to post by the owlbear

Its not really a situation i would care to wager upon myself!

Lets just say the Earth has a remarkable ability to heal itself and for all we know given the length of time humanity has been around compared to our recorded history the scenario in question could quite possibly have occurred before, Maybe even in India.
edit on 10-12-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

I totally agree. Ancient Black glass patches have been found around the world. The old holy books like the Mahabharata and Bible depict epic wars waged with weapons that make hair and feeth fall out and sores appear before people just died.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 06:06 AM

reply to post by iLemming

Nuclear weapons are bad but my understanding is that nuclear winter has been disproven (that the dust would block the sun for months)...

In any case imagine the impact that of an irradiated Pakistan and Afghanistan the world production of heroin would be almost completely gone...

edit on 10-12-2013 by Panic2k11 because: (no reason given)

Zombie apocalypse scenario

Bath salts might keep other from destroying fields of crops.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 07:28 AM
But thousands of test detonations don't hurt anything?? I don't buy this end of the world stuff with nukes especially after seeing the tests map a few months ago.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 07:32 AM
Between the utter devastation from the bombs themselves (there's enough of them out there so that if you manage to be missed by the four or five bombs that are aimed directly at the city you're living in, there's a specific one just with your name on it), then there's the thousands of years of residual radiation raining down on everything, every nuclear power site in the world would go off line without being properly shut down and cooled (think hundreds of Fukushimas), the nuclear winter would be the least of your problems.

Nothing would be left to eat, and you'd be puking your guts out and bleeding from every orifice for a few hours or a few days before you expired in agony.

The birth rate in China is the least of our problems.

I can't believe some of the posters on this thread, or on this site lately.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 07:35 AM

But thousands of test detonations don't hurt anything?? I don't buy this end of the world stuff with nukes especially after seeing the tests map a few months ago.

"Didn't hurt anything"???

Take a look at the cancer rates. Coming soon, to a body near you. Those nuclear tests were the dumbest thing our dumb governments have ever done, and that's saying something. It was a clear indication that they didn't give a flying F'ing damn about the public's health, and were so completely clueless that they didn't think it would effect themselves, either.

If I could, l'd dig them up out of their cold graves and kill them, painfully, all over again, for punishment.

Evil doesn't begin to describe it.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 07:43 AM


I don't get the problem?

We don't have to deal with those stupid ad's on TV about sending money to them (why send money when we can send contraception to cease the poverty?), we don't have to deal with them on public transport not wearing deodorant and all in all we get rid of (some) of the third wold inhabitants. Sounds harsh as hell, but why continue to let them breed if they can't even look after themselves and continue to ask for assistance from other countires?

I just don't get it. Stop having sex. Stop making Earth crappy for everyone else.....!

Ive yet to see an ad on TV asking for donations for China. Do you realize how much debt they carry.. of OURS??

According to this link, $1.3 trillion.

China wonders: Why do we own so much U.S. debt?

According to U.S. data, China has $1.3 trillion in Treasurys, making the country the biggest foreign holder of U.S. debt.

While it is the most, our current debt is $17.2 trillion. That's only 7.5% of our debt. What's the problem?

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

reply to post by crazyewok

I think those arguments are a bit short sighted. No offense. But hear me out on this one, those tests were spread out over decades and whole cities with all manner of combustibles were not vaporized which would have added to the fall out. The last decade or so the larger tests were underground. If all of those tests were actual cities being nuked (in a matter of hours instead of being spread out over decades) the death tole, spread of disease and famine would have been one hellish scenario in it's own right. Never mind radiation poisoning.

So, imho, in addition, if we were to factor in all the fallout and added atmospheric debris/contaminates from cities being toasted we would be in for one hell of a nightmare.
edit on 10-12-2013 by SLAYER69 because: Spelling, need more coffee

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Iam not saying it would not be horrid but we would live on, the world is a massive place and you could escape the fallout.
It would be the end of this civilization but not us.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Biigs

It's because the developing world has lag time between their improving technological and medical capacities and their cultural capacities. So, there is a period of time when they can keep alive more children from birth to adulthood so the family size tends to get huge. Basically, families are still behaving as though they have to pop out a ton of kids to ensure that they have some live to adulthood and to have hands to work the subsistence level farm for the family when that's not true anymore. It takes some time for family attitudes to catch up the tech and medicine.

When that happens, population levels tend to plateau and then shrink.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 02:21 AM

the owlbear

Sorry not true at all why?
How many nuclear tests have happened since they haveinvented the bomb,, 2053..

We are still here.
I used to think this until someone showed me.

Why do you think 1 in 3 applies to Breast Cancer and Prostate cancer in the US?
Other cancers have skyrocketed in regards to population worldwide. It is the elephant in the room that no one wants to acknowledge.
Wearing pink and growing moustaches won't rid the world of damage done.

I agree. This is the dirty little secret that no one wants to acknowledge.

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by signalfire

And those nukes were tiny(only because it's cost effective, not because of public health risks) in comparison to those harboured for Armageddon.
You already mentioned the failure of nuclear facilities(eg Fukushima).

What people seem to be forgetting is the ecosystem and wildlife we need on this planet to function.
Two examples of such negligence came to me this evening watching a programme about Vultures.

1) Hundreds if not thousands of Wildebeest drowned in a river crossing, carried downstream, where the Vultures await.
This happens every year and the Vultures clean up before bacteria sets in and poisons the river too much.
However the decline of Vultures has caused problems, tell tale signs are left over which will eventually cause problems for humans.
2) My second example explains the decline of Vultures. Basically cattle had eaten their dinner which contained pesticides that poisoned the cattle. Hyenas then fed on the carcass'. But then the Hyenas travelled back home and within a few kilometres the Hyenas dropped dead from the poisoned cattle carcass. Vultures feasted on the Hyena carcass' but were soon falling from the skies hundreds at a time.
Hell, even the flies that were attracted to the carcass' of these dead creatures were dropping dead.
Such cases lead to Dogs doing the job of eating regular animal corpses due to the Vulture shortage, which lead to rabies, which infected and killed 50,000 people in India I think it was(may have been Africa).

Now imagine an ecosystem trying to continue during nuclear fallout.

To be honest, anybody who doesn't "believe" the hype behind the dangers of nuclear wars, like the person you replied to, simply because of some tests with weaponry that are nothing like the actual Nukes ready for conflict are clearly either misunderstanding the magnitude or they must just be completely deranged.

I've agreed with every word of your post & the previous one before, especially the disappointment some of the responses bring. Some of the members here are completely deluded when it comes to forming a civilised opinion, it's disgusting sometimes. If I could have starred you again & again I would have. It's good to see this site still has sensible people.

edit on 1-2-2014 by CharlieSpeirs because: Auto-Correct!

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 07:21 PM

Ha! stop having sex and making the world crappy, thats awesome!

I feel the same way. Look at family sizes around the world, why is it that the worse off the standard of living the MORE children per family? We arnt a damned virus, smarten up planet!

It's a cultural thing. When a country starts to modernize, it takes a while for cultural attitudes to catch up. Basically, in the third world, you need to have a lot of children as soon as possible in order to both have available hands to maintain subsistence and to make sure some will live to adulthood. As the country begins to modernize and more live to adulthood, it takes a while for the culture to shift to that realization and for family sizes to change to reflect the new standards of living.

Basically, England and America looked just as dirty and grubby with massive, underfed families during their early second world phases, too.

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