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thanks for killing the upper lower class, America.

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posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 04:32 AM
So my job only offers insurance that does not meet the obamacare minimum. so i check the site today and use the estimation calculator.

I make about 550 every two weeks.
about 14k a year.
my obamacare affordable insurance is about 6k a year. that's 43.65% of my yearly income.

think that's horrific? THIS is what angered me to no level of anger. I put in 58k a year as a 'lets see' - and they pay FAR less, 4k a year and 7% of their yearly income. Here it is copied verbatim from the stupid site.

so make 14k a year, this is what you have to pay:

$6,315 per year (which equals 42.65% of your household income and covers 100% of the overall premium)

make 58 k a year, and this is what you pay:

$4,219 per year
(which equals 7.27% of your household income and covers 100% of the overall premium)

words, I do not have any. VERY unfair to the lower paid workers. VERY VERY unfair. It's disgusting. I'm going to opt out. the 93$ fine the first year and the what, 300$ fine the next is FAR better in my eyes.

sickened. absolutely sickened. PUKE.

See I just got off of a few years of being on food stamps, having a very bad low hour job, being on medicaid..... and got a great job paying 10.25/hr on a state that is 7.50 an hour min wage. i moved states for this job cuz the moving up and pay potential is HUGE; it's toyota where we assemble cars but i started in a low area to see if i liked it. not the point.

Im SORRY I GOT OFF FOOD STAMPS ETC NOW. to move up to better yourself then govt insurance punishes you and takes almost half your income?????????????? so im not doing better. im back to square one but now have to buy food , pay rent, do real person stuff.... im so so so sorry i tried to better me. this really discouraged me. I just may quit my job, get my old 10 hr a week job back and go back on food stamps. least then i dont have to pay for obama affordable health care.

........................................................ ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH.

edit on 6-12-2013 by sarra1833 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 04:51 AM
have you looked into subsidies?

yeah obamacare is a disaster from one end to the other. People are going to have to suffer before they see that though.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by sarra1833

I have zero problems redirecting blame away from THEM to YOU.

People of the USA killed the classes. The strive for cheap crap forced corporations to outsource work. The people didn't buy the 'expensive' made in the USA products...and we wonder why all manufacturing jobs are gone. Please...

WE have no one really to blame, but our own lust for cheaper goods. Stuff mad in America - costly with minimum wages being low - vs - Stuff mad overseas cheap with wages higher than before. Our way of life increased with a huge cost.

Buy AMERICAN / demand AMERICAN. Who cares how long it lasts -it is all we have left.

If we'd all have bought American - this ACA wouldn't be an issue IMO.

EVEN My garlic powder is made in sad is that...
edit on 6-12-2013 by ChuckNasty because: wording

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by sarra1833

There is nothing wrong with trying to better yourself and no need to revert back as that is simply admitting defeat. You need to go were the jobs are but that may very well require relocating offshore. There is nothing written anywhere saying you have to stay in any one particular country or region. Think outside the box.

Look at what you are ranting about and leave it. Why stay where you can't progress? It's like people that need food and water, they would rather set and say woes me instead of going to where food and water are. Are you going to let them get you down with their BS or are you going to get up, give them the middle finger and go where you need to go to have a good life? Your call.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by sarra1833

The water is starting to boil. I see a huge backlash on the horizon against congress and this administration to rectify affordable healthcare or come up with a better plan that will reduce costs and provide health insurance for everyone. Our healthcare in this country is in shambles. It's only going to get worst before it gets better.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 06:16 AM

reply to post by sarra1833

There is nothing wrong with trying to better yourself and no need to revert back as that is simply admitting defeat. You need to go were the jobs are but that may very well require relocating offshore. There is nothing written anywhere saying you have to stay in any one particular country or region. Think outside the box.

Look at what you are ranting about and leave it. Why stay where you can't progress? It's like people that need food and water, they would rather set and say woes me instead of going to where food and water are. Are you going to let them get you down with their BS or are you going to get up, give them the middle finger and go where you need to go to have a good life? Your call.

Greta idea!!!!

Because it is free to move over sea....OH WAIT!!!!!.....I guess your an idiot.

The US is done, there are basically only 2 types of jobs here now, banker or burger flipper, yes there are a few decent jobs between these 2 positions, but not many.

Most Americans are burger flipper type jobs, without any hope of bettering their situation. I mean seriously, we have people with tech degrees working these crap paying jobs because they cant find any other work.

The only choice left for most is to go on the .gov dole ( pukes just thinking about it).

My situation is no better, the exwife and I moved back in together, because my pay, and her and her boyfriends pay, make it so we don't need food stamps to support the kidos. We are getting by....just barely.....with no room for error or injury, one missed check, even with 3 full time jobs in the house, and we may very well be on the streets.

This is not even counting the fact I can never even visit ATS anymore, because the comps are in the pawn shop a week after I get them out, just so we can have gas and food for the next week. and stay there until the last week to get them out before I lose them.........WTF America!!!????? 3 Adults, 3 full time checks, barely making it..........this is EFFED the H up!!!!!!!!!!!

All this after I moved states to one with a better economy, please GOD either kill me now, or do something to help us regular folks out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It isn't like I am lazy, I work an average of 50 hours a week, every week, even doing 2 week stretches about 1/3 of the time with no time off, I even took the night shift because it pays better because nobody wants it.

The last time I ate out was last February, I haven't been to a movie in.....hell I think about 3 years, I get free cable, don't have any car insurance, because I honestly cannot afford to have it, and Indiana took my DL for back child support, they wont stop charging me, even though my kids have lived with me for 7years now, I was $1000 behind when they started living with me, I am now, closer to $40,000, I have provided proof, even their mother has gone to them and tried to correct the problem, they don't care and will not do anything to fix the situation. I will have to get a family law lawyer, I cant afford, and drive all the way back to Indiana from Texas, which I cant afford, while losing several days of work I cant afford, just so I can get my DL back, so I can still not have insurance I cant afford, so they can inpound my car for lackthereof of garnish my checks for the fines and fees..................................................................................................PLEASE GOD, IF YOUR OUT THERE...............KILL ME NOW, OR HELP A MOFO OUT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 06:18 AM

I just may quit my job, get my old 10 hr a week job back and go back on food stamps. least then i dont have to pay for obama affordable health care.

........................................................ ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH.

edit on 6-12-2013 by sarra1833 because: (no reason given)


This is what the government wants.

They (the government) don't want you working, independent, able to support yourself.

They want you dependent on them.

Don't give up, don't give in. Congrats on your new job!

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 06:24 AM


I just may quit my job, get my old 10 hr a week job back and go back on food stamps. least then i dont have to pay for obama affordable health care.

........................................................ ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH.

edit on 6-12-2013 by sarra1833 because: (no reason given)


This is what the government wants.

They (the government) don't want you working, independent, able to support yourself.

They want you dependent on them.

Don't give up, don't give in. Congrats on your new job!

Exactly Beez, that's exactly what they want, and they are pushing hard to force my, and many others hands to do just that.

I refuse to do it, I even swallowed my pride and moved in with the exwife, so neither of us had to, because she doesn't like it any more than I do.

Some of us would rather suffer, than be on the dole, but in the end, when ( not if at this point) my children go hungry or I go on the dole..................GOD PLEASE HELP A MOFO OUT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 06:48 AM



I just may quit my job, get my old 10 hr a week job back and go back on food stamps. least then i dont have to pay for obama affordable health care.

........................................................ ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH.

edit on 6-12-2013 by sarra1833 because: (no reason given)


This is what the government wants.

They (the government) don't want you working, independent, able to support yourself.

They want you dependent on them.

Don't give up, don't give in. Congrats on your new job!

Exactly Beez, that's exactly what they want, and they are pushing hard to force my, and many others hands to do just that.

I refuse to do it, I even swallowed my pride and moved in with the exwife, so neither of us had to, because she doesn't like it any more than I do.

Some of us would rather suffer, than be on the dole, but in the end, when ( not if at this point) my children go hungry or I go on the dole..................GOD PLEASE HELP A MOFO OUT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have an inkling of what is coming. Back during the 1930s of the Great Depression, there were several governmental programs to help people. One was the Civil Conservation Corps (CCC). It did a lot of good work providing jobs for regular folks and skilled craftsmens.

I fear, however, that concept will be turned on its head in the near future as conditions get explosive. Obama will use that as an excuse to create a force of unemployed, poorly educated young people to do his bidding in changing the social structure of our country as Hitler did with his "brown shirts." The kids will be given jobs, money, power and a manifesto. Their old-fashioned American parents will be as much the enemy as anybody else. Oh, and they will get pistols, a lot of pistols to use up those billions of pistol bullets HLS has purchased and ordered. (You've seen the pictures of how Nazis used pistols in countries they invaded and found disfavor with some of the inhabitants? A drastic characterization, I know, but entirely possible. The only thing I see standing in the way of such an operation is for the military to splinter off and take control under long-stand principles of government.)
edit on 6-12-2013 by Aliensun because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 06:48 AM
It's awful. on this site here:

it claims no more than 9% of anyone's income will be taken for this.
Yet those making what I do (14k a year) are having 43% of that income taken? What... how is that even possible????? is that calculator broken on this site they direct you to?

if i make 1000 more a year, to 15k, it suddenly drops to 2% of my yearly income instead of that almost 43% and i only have to pay 319 a year instead of 6k???????????? someone's all backwards on that site.

seriously, someone else try it please. it's indiana, zip is 47670, insurance offered at work is no, 14808.60 a year income, 40 years old, non smoker and a child under 20, non smoker.

make that 14808 a 15808 and watch the number go from 43% to 2%
lol wat?! something is definitely foul here.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by oblvion

You're Indiana also... night shift cuz of shift premium, 50 hrs a week.
though it could be any job, imma go on a limb here, toss out a guess and say:
are you with tmmi by chance?

But anyway, I hear you friend. Loud and clear. Makes me sadder though if you ARE tmmi..... I'm only with pic there and im struggling hardcore. I want to move up to the be all end all there and if you're even struggling, what hope does that leave me?

I guess we just try our best, do what we can, find our happiness in even the smallest of things and count those as blessings, right? Hats off to you as I'm working premium shift as well and many hours myself. We do what we must.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by ChuckNasty

So it's the American people's fault big biz moved all their manufacturing jobs to places like China?

Hmmmmmm no.
edit on 6-12-2013 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 07:09 AM

reply to post by ChuckNasty

So it's the American people's fault big biz moved all their manufacturing jobs to places like China?

Hmmmmmm no.
edit on 6-12-2013 by Swills because: (no reason given)

If you X brand instead of Y because it is cheaper...then it is your fault. Simple economics - we want cheaper crap. Overseas makes the majority of the cheap crap.....

Not hard to understand.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 07:12 AM

It's awful. on this site here:

it claims no more than 9% of anyone's income will be taken for this.
Yet those making what I do (14k a year) are having 43% of that income taken? What... how is that even possible????? is that calculator broken on this site they direct you to?

if i make 1000 more a year, to 15k, it suddenly drops to 2% of my yearly income instead of that almost 43% and i only have to pay 319 a year instead of 6k???????????? someone's all backwards on that site.

seriously, someone else try it please. it's indiana, zip is 47670, insurance offered at work is no, 14808.60 a year income, 40 years old, non smoker and a child under 20, non smoker.

make that 14808 a 15808 and watch the number go from 43% to 2%
lol wat?! something is definitely foul here.

That site is crap.

But you might qualify for Medicaid - which is cheaper...I think. The deductible is lower I think.

But....if you don't qualify for medicaid, report your income as the 15808.... You'd pay about 10 bucks per month for a few thousand deductible.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 07:46 AM
Problems began after WW2, given the American Dream involving a house, car, and various middle class conveniences for blue collar work. That would have been impossible in many parts of the world, but not in the one that produced the global reserve currency.

And that's where the problem stemmed. The presence of a reserve currency economy eventually led to expensive labor, and from there outsourcing, the move to white collar jobs, more credit created to prop up that middle class lifestyle, the move away from the gold standard (in order to create more credit), the use of the military to keep a petro-dollar (which replaced the gold standard) propped up, and chronic trade deficits.

The only way out is significant cuts in spending, but no one will support it: not the citizens who want a middle class lifestyle, the rich whose wealth consists primarily of dollars, or the government that wants to retain world power status and an expensive military.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:20 AM

Problems began after WW2, given the American Dream involving a house, car, and various middle class conveniences for blue collar work. That would have been impossible in many parts of the world, but not in the one that produced the global reserve currency.
That is true, but America prospered due to the fact that our industry competition was bombed out. Since our factories didn't get obliterated, we ruled. That rule helped us set up the reserve currency being dollars.

And that's where the problem stemmed. The presence of a reserve currency economy eventually led to expensive labor, and from there outsourcing, the move to white collar jobs, more credit created to prop up that middle class lifestyle, the move away from the gold standard (in order to create more credit), the use of the military to keep a petro-dollar (which replaced the gold standard) propped up, and chronic trade deficits.
The fight to stop communism from spreading from country to country started the 'outsourcing' of US jobs/industry to overseas. Early on, we wanted other countries on our side, so we relaxed taxes/tariffs. The move away the gold standard is needed to slow inflation and to allow other nations to have an 'even' playing field. Now, gold backed monies wouldn't last long - it'll hit a wall, then inflation would spiral out of control. We have a finite amount of gold..inflation will happen with an increase in world population.

The only way out is significant cuts in spending, but no one will support it: not the citizens who want a middle class lifestyle, the rich whose wealth consists primarily of dollars, or the government that wants to retain world power status and an expensive military.
I agree, as would a good number of ATS members, with this. Everything American seems to spend more than what it has....States, cities, people, fed, banks, etc..

We are F'd in the A. We being the world. If the housing bubble bust caused so much damage across the planet, what would a main govt currency collapse do?

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by ChuckNasty

Brands X & Y & Z & the rest of the alphabet are all made outside of the USA & that's not the American people's fault. That's the fault of Big Biz.

It's amazing you're blaming the public.
edit on 6-12-2013 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:34 AM
Damn Im sorry about that. So what happens if you dont pay the fines? Do they take it out of your taxes?
The American dream died in my eyes. You cant get ahead in this country unless you are rich...period.

Im that middle class to allmost lower, Im right on that brink, and it sucks. Sometimes I have to steal food, and I cant get on food stamps because I make 10 dollars over the limit for my house hold. So I make due, I do other things. Mow lawns, wash cars sometimes for people at work, I have to lie and make a joke like "Hey I need beer money", that sucks.

Well these are the hard times. We must suffer though it, I have faith that one day I hope, we will rise up and say enough. Until then I will weather the storm.
edit on 6-12-2013 by Tylerdurden1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:50 AM

reply to post by ChuckNasty

Brands X & Y & Z & the rest of the alphabet are all made outside of the USA & that's not the American people's fault. That's the fault of Big Biz.

It's amazing you're blaming the public.
edit on 6-12-2013 by Swills because: (no reason given)

The cost of 100% American made stuff vs not is hella higher on most items. I can think of a few items that are cheaper if assembled in the USA with nonUSA parts.

If USA based companies don't make money, they go out of business.... Figured a person like you can realize that.

Every time another 'Obama' funded solar panel company goes out of business, it is not due to quality, but price. China can make and import similar panels at a huge discount compared to the USA panel.

No one wants to spend more... So yes, it is the public's fault that they drove companies overseas because the public wants cheap crap.

Edit: Beer - thank goodness that USA made beer is still cheaper than a gay import. Whatever business model they are using, we need to clone it.
edit on 6-12-2013 by ChuckNasty because: beer

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:55 AM
If you make 1000 more its 2%?

They are deliberately messing with you for some reason, the whole thing is bugged. Get to the bottom of it by contacting real people, not computer programs and take in all that data, printed off. Get your local politician to sort it out and ensure you have cheap medical. If the over 50 000 pay less, and the 15 000 pays significantly less, then its a huge error, possibly coded on purpose, and mean to terrorize people, and get real politicians to sort it out. Make them earn their pensions by working on your problem they generated.
edit on 6-12-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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