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A Small Piece of My Mother's Life. (Impossible Thread, Part 4)

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posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 02:19 PM
Dear ATSers,

This is an “impossible” thread, not only for the events, but also for the chance that there will be any agreement on an interpretation of them.

I know, sometimes I can be a little sarcastic, or stubborn. I realize that on rare occasions I can even become angry. Those times are almost always when someone denies truth, and continues to insult people, even when confronted with contrary proof. I am sensitive to a lack of honesty. Whatever reputation I may have here, the one I've been striving for is a reputation for honesty.

Therefore, please know that everything reported in this thread is just the way it happened. I witnessed it, and for some parts of it, there was another witness.

My mother is an interesting, almost fascinating woman. She tells me that she was born in the Manitoba prairies to an Ukrainian immigrant family. They were deposited by the government in the emptiness with only the possessions they were carrying, survived a terrible winter, and became farmers. She moved to Winnipeg, and eventually, the United States.

She became interested in sales, and sold electronic components at the start of the industry. She tells me that at one point she had the highest salary of any woman in the state.

But now, she’s 92. She’s still fully alert, puts on parties for 8-12 people, and drives whenever she feels like it. Her body is breaking down, though, and for the past several years walking has been difficult and painful for her. (A proud woman, she uses no artificial aids.) She’s had a personal trainer for the last two years and, while he provides some temporary relief, the next day the pain is back. It’s easy to see the pain and fatigue in her face.

Thanksgiving is always a family event, and so it was this year. She didn't put on the party, but was exhausted by the end of it. Two days later, Saturday, I played my role in the family traditions, which involves setting up and stringing lights on the Christmas tree at my mother’s apartment.

She met me at the door and led me the four or five steps into her kitchen. She turned to look at me and said “Well? Do you notice anything different?” I didn't, and stumbled through an apology. We sat down to have some tea (another tradition), we chatted, but eventually my curiosity made me ask, “OK, what was I supposed to notice?”

She stood up, moved to the center of the kitchen, took a little bow, and began dancing. She twirled, and stepped lightly as though she was performing. She sat down and displayed the biggest grin I had seen on her face for a long time.

Her first words were, “I’m healed!” She told me that on Friday evening she was preparing to watch the news. It hadn't come on yet and she decided to pray for, among other things, healing. She said she felt a tingling all over her, which she later corrected to be more like a mist. When she got up, she said, she felt no pain at all and a great happiness. A day later, she said there was only the slightest pain, not anywhere near what had been before. She said there had been no change in medications, and she hadn't seen her trainer for several days.

She told me that she had an experience like that once before, when she was a child in Canada. Her mother was trying to teach her the Lord’s prayer. She had a little trouble remembering it, but one day she repeated it successfully, and on that day she had the same feeling she had on Friday night. The tingling mist, the great happiness, and running and jumping through the field.

She appeared more cheerful and limber on Saturday than I had seen her in years, and I know of no change yet.

I am only reporting. Draw your own conclusions. I have.

With respect,

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by charles1952

Now that was a spiritual intervention. Those are the best. When they come you know somethings at work there that is unseen.

Now notice, she didn't go to church to get healed or quote verses or pray with the congregation, she just desired in her heart.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by charles1952

I love hearing stuff like that! I believe people can heal themselves and through Gods help as well. That is just awesome and I hope she lives the rest of her days pain free. Thank you for sharing a good uplifting story as such!

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by charles1952

Good afternoon Charles- Hope the day finds you well!

I too have had an experience very much like what was described to you by your mother! With me it was a bum ankle that would swell like an elephant and give me horrible burning, shooting pains. One day at work a friend asked to pray for me when he saw me with my shoe off and my foot propped up in the break room and I let him. I felt what your mother described and my ankle has never given me a moment's problem since- and that was nearly 30 years ago!

I think it only fair to add that at that time of my life I was not a Christian so it wasn't a case of a placebo effect- something physical and real occurred! Even the scarring around my ankle area disappeared, and my ankle and foot had been crushed by a 500 lb. slab of concrete so it wasn't pretty!

Just throwing my story in the mix so you know it's not impossible!
Have a great day!
Respect and love, D

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by littled16

Dear littled16,

Thanks for your story, I believe it and am awed.

You know, I'm learning a few things about people. Almost all of us have a loneliness, emptiness, or some deep hurt. We want to talk about it, but we don't want to seem whiny, or complaining. That's probably especially true among guys. That shuts down a path toward open and meaningful connections between us.

I think the same is true of these miraculous events. How many of us have had such a miracle happen to us or someone we're close to? Yet we don't want to talk about it for fear of being labeled a "Nut," "Bible Thumper," or any of the other insulting terms I'm sure you've heard.

It's almost as if some force was trying to keep us separated from each other, keeping our hearts to ourselves, and avoiding serious human contact.

With respect,

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 03:00 PM
That is incredible!

I want to tell my grandmother the same thing she is the same age and just wasting away and is ready to turn in the keys...I just want her to be pain free!

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by abeverage

Dear abeverage,

I completely understand. My dad was like that. You can only fight for so long until you're bruised and battered to the point where you just want to say, "Enough."

I happen to believe this was from God. I didn't fell it was necessary to put in the main OP, but she started a new (for her) type of prayer a couple of months ago. She was unaware of the mystical type of prayer described by Sts. Theresa and John of the Cross, both Carmelites. It's a contemplative form of prayer, placing yourself in the presence of God and surrendering to love of Him, while losing yourself. It happens to fit me, but there are, of course, many different types known to the Church.

Heck, I'm rambling. Thanks for your post.

With respect,

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by charles1952

Are those Catholic prayers? I doubt she would try that and if they didn't work I am betting she would ask for refund knowing my Mee-mo!

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by abeverage

Dear abeverage,

See, that's the problem. Catholics may be famous for them, but it's not a Catholic prayer. In the most commonly understood meaning of the word, it's not really a "prayer" at all. Some other religions, and even non-religions, do something similar.

I assume she loves God, knows that God is an unseen spiritual being, and that He is best understood by the heart and soul. No particular words are used. I prefer to do it with my eyes closed to avoid distractions. She could, for example, recall portions of Jesus' life, continue by becoming aware of His love for her and all humanity. She could focus on God and His love, God is love, after all. She could draw herself closer to the presence of God and His love, tell Him of her love in return, then just enjoy the flow of love between the two of them.

Eventually, all that remains is God and His love. Sometimes a picture or a message arises, but that's not essential.

Blast! I wish I was qualified to explain this better. I hope some other poster does it for me.

With respect,

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by charles1952

Actually I will ask her to open her heart up not be suborn and ask she receive health and see how that goes over!

Thanks and Again I am happy for you and your mother!

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by charles1952

Charles we can talk to each other in a fashion that some might consider "whining"- it's what friends do!

Now all we have to do is get everyone else to be friends and the possibilities for open and honest communication are endless!

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 06:28 PM
What a fascinating and beautiful story, charles.
Things in this life move in mysterious ways. I have seen it many times. Especially in this past year.

The spirit we have in us is truly an amazing thing, through out life and death.

It can lay within us, dead and lifeless, but once awoken, the beauty of it is indescribable.

I am so happy for your mother and the long life she is living.


posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by charles1952

Hi charles1952,

Praise the Lord for your mother's faith in God. It's not a miracle, even at her age. Miracles are, e.g., when limbs or organs are restored. Unfortunately, many do not know that Jesus bore our sicknesses and infirmities for us and that makes us entitled to healing. All you need is strong faith, and your mom did! May she live many more fruitful years. $&F for sharing your mom's story. She sounds like a wonderful, strong woman.


posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 09:50 PM
Just a quick little update. I spoke with my mom today by phone (Thursday, 9:20 p.m. Central). She says she's still doing great. To be honest, I thought this was just going to be a temporary relief, two or three days. But now it's six, and I'll being seeing her tomorrow afternoon.

Thanks for your kind wishes.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by charles1952

Dear Charles,

Thank you for sharing this wonderful inspirational story. It makes one pause and be so greatful. I took a moment of silence to reflect and remember the many miraculous events I have encountered, witnessed and shared over the years. We are more than the physical body and we are all part of something greater than ourselves. The great mystery.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by Fidelios

Dear Fidelios and everyone else,

I know people say, "Why isn't God doing anything today? Why isn't He speaking, showing Himself, so we can believe?"

He's speaking, but the World seems interested in persuading us that it isn't possible that God is talking, so we invent alternative explanations that eliminate the possibility of God. We close off the entire spiritual world, then call ourselves open-minded. That's one of those "It would be funny if it wasn't so sad."

With respect,

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by charles1952

Thank you for a "lovely and uplifting" story of what a" Great God We Serve" can do when we believe in His power.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 08:44 PM

reply to post by charles1952

Thank you for a "lovely and uplifting" story of what a" Great God We Serve" can do when we believe in His power.

Charles, I couldn't have said it any better. I am so glad to hear she is doing well. You hadn't mentioned her for quite a while and I am happy to know she is still alive and delighted to know that she has been graced with the blessing of renewed health.

Thanks for sharing. Your Mum is a special gal.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 09:28 PM

reply to post by charles1952

Thank you for a "lovely and uplifting" story of what a" Great God We Serve" can do when we believe in His power.

Its amazing, when we realise what a futile world this is, the one we live in and how much is real and not. That dear lady saw through the veils and reached out to god, and god reached into her.

I have been taught that god is not biased, that gods mercy is for all, and those that call out to god do get an instant response however we may or may not choose to accept the response (and we carry on calling, blind).

What is the realm of spirituality (the base of the seat of gods throne)? A place where there is no hatred, pain, fatigue, where none of the human weaknesses exist, only peace (something that we all desire deep down)...a tip for those that meditate, sit down and close your eyes and remember when you felt your life was peaceful, however far back it is and then just think if your next days were like that).

She has lived a fair age, I am young in comparison but I am already tired of this world and I know my time is drawing near.

Good health to you and your mother my friend, gods peace be on you.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by charles1952

My own qualms about believing religions started young, I won't delve much into that here but there's plenty on other posts and threads about it.

I do believe there are other dimensions though and a 'higher power', that to which, many in distress have reported turning to, whether believers or not.

One such occasion I recall was when I was around 7 or 8 and walked up a steep hill past the church to school. I was mostly a very slight child, not liking food much so there was little padding between skin and bone, though feisty, healthy and strong, always running, climbing etc.

It was lunchtime, we went home for lunch because it was only 5 minutes away from school and this lunchtime just as I left the house, at the base of the hill, it hailed the most massive hailstones, thick and fast, it was a proper hailstorm and as summer I was only wearing a skirt and shirt, and ankle socks so no real protection for my skin. I decided to proceed to school through the storm because I was almost half way there and wanted to get to school on time, I thought the hail would stop after a few seconds. It didn't. I was pelted with hailstones like sharp marbles, my head and back ached the most, to the point I couldn't go on. The ground was covered in large hail so you can imagine the surface area of me that got pelted within minutes of walking, it was Scotland and the weather there is often harsh. I couldn't walk further and there wasn't anywhere near to shelter, even a hundred yards was too far being hit continuously. I decided to take a foetal position sheltering my head and turning my back from the direction of the hail. I literally couldn't endure it anymore and felt if it didn't stop, I would have gone into some sort of freezing / pain coma, my instinct was to pray, which I did with absolute intensity and sincerity, I even crossed myself, which I was taught against doing, but I felt I needed to, I needed divine help. Just as I did, the hail immediately stopped, the sun shone and I made my weary way to school, bruised and in agony, but alive and grateful.

Whether it was good timing or intervention, who knows but it felt like it was intervention, truly I was grateful and a few times since I have needed help physically and prayer has worked.

For that, I will always believe in SOMETHING.
edit on 9-12-2013 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

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