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The list of US government lies - How many can we collect?

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posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:27 PM
This might be the wrong forum, if so, my apologies.

Someone sent me a link to this site, which contains 6 videos of presidents and government officials lying through their teeth.

So for the fun of it i did a quick search and found a lot more. If you have any video, in which you are sure an government official or president are lying, and which is not already posted, please post it here.

Lets see how many we can collect

1. President Lyndon B. Johnson lying about Gulf of Tonkin.
2. President Richard Nixon lies about the Watergate scandal.
3. President Ronald Reagan lies about the Iran-contra affair.
4. President Bill Clinton lying about his sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky.
5. President George W. Bush lying about WMD in Iraq.
6. President Barack Obama lying about how he will close Guantanamo, and make sure no-one is tortured.
7. George Tenet lying before the 9/11 commission.
8. Condoleezza Rice lies about envisioning hijacked airplanes used to stage terrorist attacks.
9. President George W. Bush lies about seeing the first airplane strike on 9/11.
10. Colin Powell lying about Iraqi mobile anthrax/WMD production capabilities.
11. President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney & Defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld in a mashup of lies about 9/11 / Iraq ties.
12. Vice President Dick Cheney, lying about Iraq Al-Qaeda ties.
13. Vice President Dick Cheney, "I never linked Iraq with 9/11".
14. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Indisputably Lied to Congress About NSA Surveillance.
15. President Barack Obama lies about domestic spying program.
16. Director of the National Security Agency, Keith B. Alexander, lying about NSA surveillance.

Ohh dear, i better stop now, or this page will never load. If anyone is having problems, i'll convert the links to be clickable instead.
[Edit: videos now in clickable links instead]

You may dispute some of the videos, please do if you feel someone is accused incorrectly.
And please post all the videos you can think of here, or at least a link. It has to be a video with the liar(s).
edit on 24/11/2013 by kloejen because: converted videos to links, because of page load

edit on 24/11/2013 by kloejen because: typo

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:32 PM
It would be a lot easier to list anything that a politician said that was the whole truth. Ok, so I would have an empty list. I'm a little lazy.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by kloejen

Good idea for a thread. I approve.

The only problem is; threads with loads of vids take a long time to load and mess with my computer. If we try to post every instance of government officials blatantly lying to us, it won't be long before we crash the ATS servers.

If we look for government lying videos, we'll probably be able to find AT LEAST 10 new ones every day of the week. It seems like those tools we put in office just cant stop lying to us. I think they believe its part of their job description.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:38 PM

reply to post by kloejen

Good idea for a thread. I approve.

The only problem is; threads with loads of vids take a long time to load and mess with my computer. If we try to post every instance of government officials blatantly lying to us, it won't be long before we crash the ATS servers.

If we look for government lying videos, we'll probably be able to find AT LEAST 10 new ones every day of the week. It seems like those tools we put in office just cant stop lying to us. I think they believe its part of their job description.

It wont hurt the ats servers, the load is taken by the vid source.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

I think you are correct. My own laptop is severely slowed down with all these videos, so i'll convert them back to links now, while i can.

EDIT: And done. I kept one, for the sake of clarity.
edit on 24/11/2013 by kloejen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by kloejen

aah, that's much better, it loaded up right away.

I also like the fact that you found a list that includes Reagan on Iran Contra. I've seen dozens of these video lists of presidential lies since Nixon and EVERY SINGLE ONE skips the Reagan administration. Its like they can't believe their conservative idol could possible have stooped to the level of his peers.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 09:34 PM

It would be a lot easier to list anything that a politician said that was the whole truth. Ok, so I would have an empty list. I'm a little lazy.

JFK's secret society speech ... just off the top of my head.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by scolai

Haha! Nice one!
A fine star for you.

You could also put Dwight D. Eisenhower for the "military industrial complex"-speech on that list

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 01:22 AM
You can dig up a lot of public lies between just 2 massive conspiracys. Apollo 11 faking the moon landings and the following live press conference given by the astronauts. They look down right guilty from the start. Everything they said publicly was a lie, so that should tally NASA some points. The 2nd event would be September 11th. Again, basically everything said publicly was a lie. JFK, Columbine shooting, anthrax, D.C Sniper, Sandy Hook, Gabrielle Giffords shooting, Batman shooting, Princess Diana, Michael Jackson, heck probably even Abraham Lincoln and the Titanic. Its all fake news and none of us humans can do anything about it, except believe it. Or form a rebellion

edit on 25-11-2013 by revolutionaryawareness because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 02:21 AM

6. President Barack Obama lying about how he will close Guantanamo, and make sure no-one is tortured.

He tried to close it and still does. The House of representatives is Republican-controlled and none of the previous votes passed, whatever he tried. Also some democrats are against closing it.

At the end you need to have the votes passed to close it. If the House is blocking the attempts, there is not much the President can do without being a dictator and getting extremely negative attention on the matter.

But I see statement as if he lied, as false, as he tried, but the other party, who had majority of votes was blocking it.

edit on 25-11-2013 by Cabin because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by kloejen

Star and flag for the thread. Needs to be done, for records sake. Also, create a DVD compilation and distribute before the election.

There needs to be some explanation for the millions of poor souls that go out to vote.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 08:29 AM
Go straight to the words of our third President found in the Declaration of Independence: "All men are created equal."

Fancy words added in here and there. It's all designed so one can swallow an agenda. I rarely meet someone who is close enough to be considered equal. Most, admittedly, are better. Some not so much so. Others are on the same path ... yet far behind my progress.

Add women to that consideration. I've met women who could run faster than me ... do more push-ups and sit-ups as well. I'd say half the women on Earth have either more common sense or more intelligence than I ... and that statement is probably unfair to women ... but 'at least' half (that's better). **I do drive better than 99.99% of 'em though.

I wonder if Jefferson ever regretted penning such words to parchment. I doubt it.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Cabin

He tried to close it and still does. The House of representatives is Republican-controlled and none of the previous votes passed, whatever he tried. Also some democrats are against closing it.

At the end you need to have the votes passed to close it. If the House is blocking the attempts, there is not much the President can do without being a dictator and getting extremely negative attention on the matter.

But I see statement as if he lied, as false, as he tried, but the other party, who had majority of votes was blocking it.

That's a joke right ?

Democrats had full control of Congress in 2009/2010

Plenty of time.

Obama Lied.

He *Owns* Gitmo. Period.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by kloejen

Obama "there is no domestic spying program".

Yeah. On live network tv no less.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 07:41 PM
I'm not one to normally defend bush but didn't they recently find out that Iran traded their WMDs (bio weapons) to Syria or something?

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 07:53 PM
If you are compiling a list of politicians that lie, or have lied, I safely predict that this will be a VERY LONG thread...

ATS may need to borrow that Utah data center...

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 04:45 PM
I starred this for two reasons

1. Truth

2. It was actually non-partisan for once...not that BS about how the left lies but the right doesn't or the right is full of BS and the left isn't...

well done

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