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Bitcoin assassination market - targets include Bernanke, Obama and NSA Director

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posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:21 PM
The site's operator, who goes by the handle, "Kuwabatake Sanjuro," has created a TOR .onion site for crowdfunding political assassinations with the not-so-imaginative name "Assassination Market." The site has been online for 4 months, there are only a few targets and the bounties are relatively small but it's still disturbing nonetheless. The site's operator is a self-described anarchist and his goal is, as you might have guessed, is nothing less than the destruction of “all governments, everywhere.”

The website Assassination Market, a crowdfunding service that lets anyone anonymously contribute bitcoins towards a bounty on the head of any government official–a kind of Kickstarter for political assassinations. According to Assassination Market’s rules, if someone on its hit list is killed–and yes, Sanjuro hopes that many targets will be–any hitman who can prove he or she was responsible receives the collected funds.

For now, the site’s rewards are small but not insignificant. In the four months that Assassination Market has been online, six targets have been submitted by users, and bounties have been collected ranging from ten bitcoins for the murder of NSA director Keith Alexander and 40 bitcoins for the assassination of President Barack Obama to 124.14 bitcoins–the largest current bounty on the site–targeting Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve and public enemy number one for many of Bitcoin’s anti-banking-system users. At Bitcoin’s current rapidly rising exchanges rate, that’s nearly $75,000 for Bernanke’s would-be killer.

So you may be wondering, how would the assassin prove he did the deed?

As for technically proving that an assassin is responsible for a target’s death, Assassination Market asks its killers to create a text file with the date of the death ahead of time, and to use a cryptographic function known as a hash to convert it to a unique string of characters. Before the murder, the killer then embeds that data in a donation of one bitcoin or more to the victim’s bounty. When a target is successfully murdered, he or she can send Sanjuro the text file, which Sanjuro hashes to check that the results match the data sent before the target’s death. If the text file is legitimate and successfully predicted the date of the killing, the sender must have been responsible for the murder, according to Sanjuro’s logic. Sanjuro says he’ll keep one percent of the payout himself as a commission for his services.

I really hope this turns out to be another scam .onion site where the operator runs off with a wallet full of suckers' BTC. I doubt anyone with the means to pull off a high level assassination and live long enough to collect would be foolhardy enough to try to collect one of these bounties but there's no shortage of insane people in the world and with weapons for sale like the Tracking Point smart rifle, anyone with $27,000 can make 1,000 yard shots.

source (
edit on 19-11-2013 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:25 PM
All I can say is that that's just sick, man...just sick.

I too hope this amounts to nothing more than some idiots losing their bitcoins to a scam.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by theantediluvian

Is this an attempt to assassinate bitcoin?

Tor has had some glitches when it comes to anonymity, I wonder how long before they are caught.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:40 PM
Sounds like a shill operation that is meant to make Bitcoin look bad, as it's now being reviewed in congress. It's appalling as it is. Seriously how naive can these propositions be, as it think it's not being monitored. When they are caught for conspiracy to commit they deserve it.
edit on 19-11-2013 by dreamingawake because: Added more.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:47 PM

Sounds like a shill operation that is meant to make Bitcoin look bad, as it's now being reviewed in congress. It's appalling as it is. Seriously how naive can these propositions be, as it think it's not being monitored. When they are caught for conspiracy to commit they deserve it.
edit on 19-11-2013 by dreamingawake because: Added more.

bingo. nothing good can come of this

government doesn't mess around when it comes to the 'assassination' word.

just ask that guy who mentioned it on FB and had the FBI knocking down his door.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by theantediluvian

Sounds like another government honeypot. Plus they can make money at it.

Either that or a scam where the guy grabs the money and runs. At today's prices a thousand Bitcoins would fetch $800k - $1 million. Not bad.

Anyway, who could possibly hate Bernanke, Alexander or Obama that much?

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:59 PM
If this is true, I wouldn't want to be any of those guys who contributed bitcoins to the site. You know that the NSA, CIA and other agencies will be knocking down their doors and trying them for attempted murder, especially since they never could catch Snowden. They will be using these guys as an example of what they will do to people who threaten the government.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by theantediluvian

I doubt this is a scam, it is setup exactly the way it should be, on the dark net, with the correct payment method, and the correct method of turning in the bounty.

A lot of the slave trade works on the dark net, I hear. I don't know what to think, ethics of bounty hunting, yay, nay? Any votes?

I am guessing it is a bad idea. However - possibly one of those things where it is part of the landscape.

I'm glad that the dark net has this crap on it instead of the regular net. My friend used to go there all the time to get hacking tips and tools, and even damn good security software lost him two comps.

Plus, giving criminals their own sector of the internet allows the rest of us to remain up here above-ground, in high-sec.

In Eve, for example, there is low-sec and high-sec space. I even got an extension to Google Chrome called WOT that displays a circle with different security ratings, from dark green to dark red, for websites I'm on. It's all starting to sound like a space opera.
edit on 19pmTue, 19 Nov 2013 23:45:49 -0600kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:45 PM
Yea, I'm sure its not a scam either, the world is at 7.125 billion people, you are BOUND to have some crazies in that group that A.) Would create a site like this being serious B.) Would try to collect from an assassination attempt from the site.... The world is filled with wackos and idiots, and when you find a wacko-idiot, RUN THE OTHER WAY...........hahaha

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

Hmm... yeah not a scam, I bet it's even been set up by someone who already has a name for himself in the criminal underworld.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:55 PM

reply to post by jhn7537

Hmm... yeah not a scam, I bet it's even been set up by someone who already has a name for himself in the criminal underworld.

The Koch brothers???

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 12:13 AM

Before the murder, the killer then embeds that data in a donation of one bitcoin or more to the victim’s bounty.

That right there says it all, for me anyhow.
I've never in my life heard of someone hiring an assassin without paying said assassin a single cent of the promised money up-front, and going on to instead ask the assassin to pay them.

This is, in my opinion, clearly a case of Advance-Fee Fraud.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 12:22 AM

This is cause for a drone strike.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 12:22 AM
Aren't those targets a little low on the totem pole of tangible world power?
Sounds like someone within USA is making it prosecutable in the USA.


posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 12:24 AM
That hit list pretty much describes people who themselves are all morally destitute and causing great harm to people and governments on a daily basis, and I for one think this is hilarious in an irony sort of way..
The hit list describes people who all operate completely above the law without any concern for having any consequences for what they do.. This little predicament kind of rains on that parade doesn't it?

I think that this is absolutely hilarious.
Correction, this is the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life.
edit on 20-11-2013 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 01:53 AM
i think it's cute how some of you are up in arms about this, lmao. you sickly peons think the government or any of those previously mentioned players care about you? if YOU somehow ended up on a jihadist hitlist for publically supporting the war against Islam do you think the obama admin and company would give two #s about it? Would they be having a super cool roundtable discussion about john doe, dick and jane? They didn't care about ambassador stevens, you're not important. understand this, you are not important! Also i'm pretty sure places like china, north korea, iran etc all have bounties available on most of those people if not all...kinda how we have global bounties on "terrorists" but then again no one cares about that lol

Barack Obama sits in his white house throne and decides the fate of the world not just america. Emperor Obama looks down upon you with contempt and disgust he doesn't love you as a human, he doesn't care about your rights as a human. Sorry folks but your wetdream ends now -- the mafia kingpin obama may be untouchable (by means of prosecution, impeachment, being held accountable for the slightest thing) but he lives in the same world we do, albeit incredibly jaded and stashed away in washington dc which might aswell be the north pole due to the major disconnect that goes on there between our #ty government and the sheepl of this disgusting nation.

but yeah please do continue to weep and show just how efraid you are, meanwhile he's most likely sitting at his desk signing death warrants and watching CCTV of his drones blowing people up.

bernake is printing money and sending it to fund the collapse and systematic raping of every middle eastern country who doesn't play ball with team merica.

the others are in the midnight meeting with satan right now, unavailable for comment

edit: lastly the U.S. government hates you so much they assassinate you for FREE! well no let me rephrase that, they assassinate you with your own tax dollars. soooo yeah hows it feel knowing your tax dollars may be going to pay for the conveniant death of your neighbor down the road? lolololololol

edit on 20-11-2013 by ThinkYouSpeak because: [s]strike[/s] doesn't work. # you NSA

edit on 20-11-2013 by ThinkYouSpeak because: read my edit:

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 02:38 AM
Anonymity is all well and good but it works for both sides.
You think you are talking to a hot Female online, you could be but you coud also be talking to a 60yr old dude called Bruce.

If you really want to get into something as insane as this you should probably already be in that business.

It's really not worth the risk, a real professional would never act in that way, putting blind faith in something they would vet people, enquire about people, probably watch every move until verified then decide whether to do business.

Silk Road being the perfect example of how it can all go wrong.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by Taggart

aye, and lets be honest...the people behind the site (sorry but its not a lone individual and certainly not whatever fake internet handle was provided) are either NSA or CIA or some other unknown agency

term honeypot comes into mind! and while those who donate their bitcoins 'anonymously' may not find themselves going to jail instantly they CERTAINLY are on a sweet database somewhere and listed as a hostile threat to america/govt --- aka viable for a government sponsored assassination if they deem necessary

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by theantediluvian

Interesting. So many possibilities of who is running it, who is watching it....what if....
edit on 20-11-2013 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by theantediluvian

There's one thing i've not seen anywhere about Bitcoin.

It's a digital's a Universal digital currency.

If it survives and grows, it will become a digital ONE WORLD CURRENCY.

Isn't this what anti-NWO posters write that is on the NWO agenda for the world?

Well folks...Bitcoin may be touted and sold as an anti-TPTB, independent currency...but it could just as well be a crafty attempt by tptb to introduce a one world digital currency, as reportedly planned all along.

What is the saying again? Make it so the public demand it themselves?

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