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Trying to convincing my parents of economic collapse and the need to PREP!!!

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posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 11:55 PM
I am a paraplegic, and am restricted from free access to outside of my house unless for a medical appointment via ambullete transportation since hurricane sandy; i don’t know if my basement will be rebuilt before God flips the switch.

I live in Brooklyn, N.Y. with my parents, and When SHTF, i will be limited to assist with things that a person in a wheelchair restricted indoors can help with. Other than that, any potential outdoor gardening or battles will have to be handled by my parents, my dear old grandmother, and our mini pinscher dog(very capable yet stubborn little brother went to the marine corps). This is where the problem lies.

My parents are hard to crack when it comes to “conspiracy” stuff. They both are aware of this government operating by money over citizen welfare, and the middle eastern wars were solely for profit, but they still feel Obama is doing the best with what he was left with, and still vote for the best candidate. My dad will retort with “where did you hear that from?” or “How do you know it’s true? You read too much crap from the internet” whenever i inform him of something. My mother is a bit more receptive, but have blown me off twice with a “not right now” or “i have to go do something, next time” when i tried to show her some videos on the coming economic breakdown and the results thereafter.

I know nothing of prepping besides the obvious hoarding non-perishables, stockpiling firepower, and growing veggies. At least i can be a very skilled non-perishable hoarder.

Does anyone know of any definitive, solid evidence that i can show my parents that will get them to act? I mean something to really make there jaws drop, and stay there on the floor. I know of a few YouTube videos, but something that cannot be refuted. I want to tell them of God already having this mapped out through his words in the Bible, but i CANNOT come at them half cocked with this. Any info will be greatly appreciated. After i get my parents on board, then i can move onto family, who just happens to be just as ignorant as my pops.

Then any tips or info for a family with a disabled person for a SHTF lifestyle in the city? I got a competent upper body, but i fear that me being possibly confined to indoors in a wheelchair will severely limit my contributions to tasks that don't necessarily require legs, like “shoot at anybody that busts through the door” type tasks, or cook. Oh yeah, don’t have any guns; ridiculously hard to get. This is New York. I highly doubt that i will be able to get a gun legally before sh*t gets real, and i doubt even more that my parents will like the idea of those things laying around in the house (even though my dad served in the Trinidad police force and private security during his younger days back home) I am kind of left with going to some friends i know for light firepower or something.

Once again, any help will be deeply appreciated.

God bless all.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by bigman88

I don't know how you feel about religion, but there are a lot of churches that are prepping, though often they don't advertise it. (as much prepping is, no one wants the crowd at their door when SHTF) But I would say shopping around for church involvement might be a good way forward. With your disability, you want to be part of a larger group, so you can specialize in all the tasks that don't require walking, but be a useful contributor to the group. Often they are prepping for "end times" events though, not necessarily the same stuff you read here.

Its a thought..

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by tridentblue

That's interesting trident, and something i did not think a bout at all.

I am quite confident that there are many church groups that are prepping, but i doubt i would find any that are prepping in my city. I would have to some serious searching for any congregations that are aware of Gods plan for these days to come, and the economic crisis.

Thanks for this idea. What is your take on this coming situation, or of there is really one? Too many prominent members of this government have been warning about this for sometime now, and the moves the government agencies are making points towards this.

I won't get into the prophecies in the bible because i am not too knowledge in it, but i believe that fully also. God is going to show us what happens when you run with sin. He won't stop Lucifer; he is here because God let's him. It is our job to resist him, and we are doing it horribly, so God will let ti all play out. One big epic, grand lesson.

edit on 18-11-2013 by bigman88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by bigman88

Yeah, by the sounds of it, outside of the NYC area you'd find a lot of people to click with. But then again, there are a lot of people in the NYC area, so if you look you could probably hook up with the right group.

My take on doom is that its coming. I think the term is "perfect storm". I'll leave the religious interpretations up to priests and devout folk, but the facts are there have been a marked increase in extreme events, weather, behaviour and otherwise. Also, many things in our civilization have stopped working and are unsustainable, from our economic systems, government systems, and its trickled down to (or up from) the level of our moral conduct. As far as big scale doom, I think there's still a few years to go, but as far as short term, common sense prepping just makes sense. Any town could be the one to get hit by the next super storm, earthquake, bankruptcy or whatever TOMORROW. So having the food/water on hand is just being sane in my eyes.

If anyone doubts me about common sense short term prepping, here's a gallery of today's storm:

U ready for that in where you are?
edit on 18-11-2013 by tridentblue because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 08:21 AM
They buy life, home, car, health insurance right?

Why not insure that they have supplies in case of a prolonged power outage? Loss of job? Other real world problems?

Explain it rationally, and they may just see that it does make sense to provide for themselves in case the unforeseen happens.

I got my wife on board using those examples, we don't go crazy overboard, but we make sure we could go 6 months at least now. We started with one month and kept rotating and adding to the supplies.

Good luck!

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by bigman88

Preparing for disasters is no "conspiracy" thing, it is very real.
All one has to do is look at the huge blackout during sandy or the lawlessness and debacle that was Katrina.
Maybe you just need to approach the parents from a logical standpoint.
People buy all kinds of "insurance" Car, boat, home, life....err death actually, Etc.
Why not real "life insurance?"
A few days of emergency food and water is not a hard thing to do.
True story time now,...
I used to live in an area that had a blackout free grid, I was within 100 yards of a hospital and the federal building.
So in the event of electrical problems, hell would have to meet high water before I got a blackout.
But one day it happened on a Sunday, and there were my neighbors outside all sitting around a truck listening to the football game!
I grabbed my generator from the garage, fired it up and continued to watch the game.
One of my neighbors who saw this later on bought their own generator, not for survival but for comfort of mind, and maybe vanity.
The thing is everyone has a button, you just need to find it.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 06:13 PM
There's nothing wrong with talking about basic "preparedness", however, that's the extent of it. If you want them to think about being prepared, then tell them their own government actually wants them to be prepared. If you want something concrete, show them the website,

It talks about being prepared for natural disasters like tornadoes, floods, power outages, etc. But what won't get any attention is telling them there's a 100% chance of a coming "economic collapse" or some other doom porn B.S.. That just makes them think you're loony.

The problem is this. People have been saying that the S will HTF for decades, and people have been saying the "End of the Word is Near" for hundreds, actually thousands, of years.

Sure, the economy may collapse, but it could be in 7 months or 70 years, or never. Meanwhile you spend your life focusing so hard on a negative event. It poisons your outlook on life, your relationship with your friends and family, and your soul. God didn't give us life to focus on death and disaster.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 06:24 PM
you do know that basement you will be in will flood dont you or are you on high ground

for everything else a 9 mm will sort it out

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 08:16 PM
Even papaplegics get to go on outings. You are a prisoner in your home and you NEED to get out, make some friends, see the sights. From what I have read, there are over 125,000 paraplegics in the US. You shouldn't be stuck in your house. Dude, you need to make some friends outside the house.

There's a good possibility you will never change your parent's minds. But you can still stock up on items. When they're out of the house, or out of the kitchen, go in and sneak a few items. If they ask where it went, tell em you ate it! You were STARVING! They buy more, you stash more. Wash and rinse used juice and milk jugs. Then soak in a light bleach solution. After a few days, rinse well and fill with clean cold water, hide in your closet. I don't know how old you or your parents are, but there is a possibility you may be without them someday and what will you do then? There are group homes where you can be more independent, go bowling, see a movie, feed the pigeons and do things with other people. You need to live a little if it's medically possible.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 08:50 PM

Even papaplegics get to go on outings. You are a prisoner in your home and you NEED to get out, make some friends, see the sights. From what I have read, there are over 125,000 paraplegics in the US. You shouldn't be stuck in your house. Dude, you need to make some friends outside the house.

There's a good possibility you will never change your parent's minds. But you can still stock up on items. When they're out of the house, or out of the kitchen, go in and sneak a few items. If they ask where it went, tell em you ate it! You were STARVING! They buy more, you stash more. Wash and rinse used juice and milk jugs. Then soak in a light bleach solution. After a few days, rinse well and fill with clean cold water, hide in your closet. I don't know how old you or your parents are, but there is a possibility you may be without them someday and what will you do then? There are group homes where you can be more independent, go bowling, see a movie, feed the pigeons and do things with other people. You need to live a little if it's medically possible.

Before sandy, i had daily sh*t to do, mostly school. I don't have a phone book list of friends, but have good friends i regularly chill and talk with. I get out some weekends like anybody else.

Never was needing of any advice in that area, but yes, i agree with you. Since sandy destroyed where i live, i have been with my parents house that has 9 steps up to the entrance. There is no service that would have 2 guys carry me up and down the stairs besides an ambulate service taking me to a medical appointment. So yes, going out has been hampered considerably since then.

If i had free access out my house, i would start stashing stuff myself.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 09:04 PM

you do know that basement you will be in will flood dont you or are you on high ground

for everything else a 9 mm will sort it out

Yep, i'm pretty sure of that lol. If i don't get help outa there i would have been dragging my heavy, wet ass up the stairs myself. If i came to that, i wouldn't care, as long as i don't friggin drown. Th water came in so fast it was at my foot rest within 30 seconds of me noticing the water gushing through the garage door.

And a 9 mm? It won't be that simple, being that all the rude ass children shooting at each other, kicking in each other's doors to rob their stashes nowadays in my neighborhood have there own 9mm. I'm sure one of those little ill behaved infants probably have some sort of machine pistol
, i heard a burst of auto fire several blocks away on labor day.

And a 9mm will not sort out lack of food and water, lol.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 09:20 PM

There's nothing wrong with talking about basic "preparedness", however, that's the extent of it. If you want them to think about being prepared, then tell them their own government actually wants them to be prepared. If you want something concrete, show them the website,

It talks about being prepared for natural disasters like tornadoes, floods, power outages, etc. But what won't get any attention is telling them there's a 100% chance of a coming "economic collapse" or some other doom porn B.S.. That just makes them think you're loony.

The problem is this. People have been saying that the S will HTF for decades, and people have been saying the "End of the Word is Near" for hundreds, actually thousands, of years.

Sure, the economy may collapse, but it could be in 7 months or 70 years, or never. Meanwhile you spend your life focusing so hard on a negative event. It poisons your outlook on life, your relationship with your friends and family, and your soul. God didn't give us life to focus on death and disaster.

You are right, but people who were saying s will htf all of those previous times did not have the events, laws thr government are passing and the moves it's various agencies are making, and the evidence posed by several people in government positions who would know.

That is a good idea, though, i will go the natural disaster route, but i still think it is necessary that they know what are government is doing, and for what reason.

Not all people who have this on their mind necessarily has it take up all of their mind, or even a large portion. Many are aware of a coming disaster while continuing to enjoy their life that God gave them. I think about this event, i do focus on it, but it is not the focus. My relationship with friends, family, outlook on life is not poisoned. My outlook on the world and environment that we physically live in does poison everyone's soul through negative entertainment and media, selfish pursuits and mindless, materialistic cutlure without them knowing it, but i know to try my best to avoid all of that, and enjoy the more pure, simpler things that the Lord intended (i do still like videogames and good movies though).

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by bigman88


As far as prepping, listen to Superman's advice there... he gave you good advice.

I do wish we could get you a chair lift or a ramp or something. For 9 steps to be such a problem... I am so sorry that I can't think of how to help you...

But sweetheart... trust God. You believe in Him... so you know, He takes care of His own, whether that be in life, or taking you to be with Him... Not everyone will survive when things get bad, some will, some wont.. we don't know which one we will be until its upon us... we can prep and prep.. but God's will for us will always be done, regardless of our best laid plans....

So you trust God... if it is His will... you will outlive us all.

God bless you, grant you happiness and forgive you of your sins. Amen. Fear no evil, for God is with you.
edit on 19-11-2013 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by bigman88

Ask them if they remember the 1973 oil crisis. Now ask them how they dealt with it and how it effected their daily lives. Now ask them that if they new it would have come, would they have prepared for it? (Like buying some barrels of gas if possible?) Now ask them the difference between that and working to ensure that your family is safe should another shortage occur? Like a food shortage?

Include references to the shortages in the past of wheat, corn, and the likes and how it impacted the local economies. (I don't remember when these were unfortunately or where people stressed the most.)

For just twenty dollars a month, you can start prepping. It really doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg! Plus, you use your preps in rotations anyway, so it's just like "having a big pantry".

Plus, think of the trips to the store you'd save! (Mom would like that idea I'm sure!) Good luck!

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:33 PM
For prepping, just tell them to look at FEMA sites and the news. It only takes a little common sense to put things together. Everyone should have food and supplies to last a month in stock, then the little disasters won't be so bad for everyone. Let the dumb people go wait in lines to get a ration.

As for the possibility of an economic crash, there are many top economists around the world that have excellent credentials that can say it is inevitable. They aren't wrong either, only the exact time is not known. Nobody really knows how everything will play out or how bad the economic crash will effect us but having a little money stashed for a little while is a good idea. If banks are down, then it will be hard to buy something on a credit card.

A broad form prepping isn't very expensive, it can actually save money in the longrun. Plus if the power goes out for a few days to a week, you won't be too bad off.

Nobody I know personally really wants a big event to happen so I don't think a full blowout will happen with the economy, but a major correction bigger than the one in 08 is going to happen some day.

Only worry about what you can control. We can't worry about others. Civility is not going to totally break down if something happens. Most people are good people but they may not be able to help others if they are in the same boat.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by g146541

The more i hear it, the more it makes sense coming form an angle of basic logic.

With all the natural disasters happening as of lately, this might jog them up a bit.

It makes sense to use the survival insurance angle, i'll work a bit more on the economic crisis angle afterwards.

And you pitbulls are beautiful.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by superman2012

Thanks superman.

It sucks to have to rely on others to have to do stuff, and my parents have enough on their plates concerning little pay, long hours, and increasing cost of bills.

I would put it to them in this way so that they can see it without me turning them off, my dad particularly.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:04 PM

reply to post by bigman88


As far as prepping, listen to Superman's advice there... he gave you good advice.

I do wish we could get you a chair lift or a ramp or something. For 9 steps to be such a problem... I am so sorry that I can't think of how to help you...

But sweetheart... trust God. You believe in Him... so you know, He takes care of His own, whether that be in life, or taking you to be with Him... Not everyone will survive when things get bad, some will, some wont.. we don't know which one we will be until its upon us... we can prep and prep.. but God's will for us will always be done, regardless of our best laid plans....

So you trust God... if it is His will... you will outlive us all.

God bless you, grant you happiness and forgive you of your sins. Amen. Fear no evil, for God is with you.
edit on 19-11-2013 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

We looked at every possible angle with the way our house is made, and the only option is for an indoor elevator, or a lift, both requiring MAJOR renovation and reconstruction. My basement is in the process of getting fixed, only some sheetrock placement and a few other things to be done.

And yes, i am in the process of trying to better myself, not only for God, but because it is the best way to be as a human. Not that easy for a young person who was used to doing what he wanted. I have to find discipline for something that i regarded as made up crap from alien beings who didn't want there clones messing around.

It's just i have a feeling that God would want us to prepare as best we can, like his elect will be the ones who are aware and ready. but it is in God's hands.

Thank you OpinionatedB

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 08:52 PM

For prepping, just tell them to look at FEMA sites and the news. It only takes a little common sense to put things together. Everyone should have food and supplies to last a month in stock, then the little disasters won't be so bad for everyone. Let the dumb people go wait in lines to get a ration.

As for the possibility of an economic crash, there are many top economists around the world that have excellent credentials that can say it is inevitable. They aren't wrong either, only the exact time is not known. Nobody really knows how everything will play out or how bad the economic crash will effect us but having a little money stashed for a little while is a good idea. If banks are down, then it will be hard to buy something on a credit card.

A broad form prepping isn't very expensive, it can actually save money in the longrun. Plus if the power goes out for a few days to a week, you won't be too bad off.

Nobody I know personally really wants a big event to happen so I don't think a full blowout will happen with the economy, but a major correction bigger than the one in 08 is going to happen some day.

Only worry about what you can control. We can't worry about others. Civility is not going to totally break down if something happens. Most people are good people but they may not be able to help others if they are in the same boat.

Thanks, rickymouse.

Can you recommend some economists or sources that is strong and hard to deny in this area?

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by Auricom

Never heard of this oil crisis you speak of in 73, waaayyy before my time, and never knew the country experienced so many vital shortages like these before.

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