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The theory that explains it all? Say hello to the the Time Police!

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posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 07:47 PM

Considering some of the strangeness I've experienced, I would not be surprised at all. If anything I would be relieved to find that this was the actuality.

Please share, love these kinds of stories

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by MerkabaMeditation

Quantum or atom level time travel is complex and theorised science, but what you are suggesting is an established method of time travel with its own police force correcting timelines. I am aware of the effects of corrected time travel with a movie called (the butterfly effect) and we would not remember time corrections. However, correct me if I am wrong but did Einstein not discuss the subject of time travel and the possibility that a "time traveller" could only return to the point where he/she invented the method of time travel, and by your post , again would suggest that time travel has been around for decades if your theory that UFOs are in actual fact "time travellers"

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 08:04 PM
maybe the time police will go back and delete this thread.. now that you have discovered their secret..

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 08:09 PM

maybe the time police will go back and delete this thread.. now that you have discovered their secret..

Oh, now you just are giving me evil ideas
How cool would it not be if I could delete this thread - that would really mess you guys up .. And if anyone messaged me asking what happend to this thread I would answer stuff like "What Time Traveller thread, I don't know what you mean..." asf... Would have messed you up so bad

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

Bear with me now, please.

I go through time, create many versions of the universe, pick the Jimmy Carter that is the ideological twin of Adolf H., and bring him here, in place of the one we had.

I bet you wish there were lots of Jean-Claude running around as time cops now... lol

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 08:24 PM
I don't think there would be a point to them in reality. First, what's the point in preserving every possible civilization and watching over them evolve on their own? It really has no real purpose. If they can't contain the new technology then they could blow up and the aliens would move on. Humans give meaning to life, but life has no real meaning. Civilizations that are highly advanced would understand the universe well enough to know this, and we know this now in such an early stage of development.

The second reason why they would be pointless is because time is always the same, it doesn't progress or regress, I believe this was perhaps proven earlier this year or the the last. If you go back in time you kill your grandmother, it really does not matter. You're just moving energy from one place to another, at least in theory. The knowledge on what people remember will still be there but the anomaly would exist and people would perhaps be conscious of it, again at least in theory.

With that in mind, if you had two advanced civilizations at war, and they went in an all out time-travel battle (b-plot movie in the making?) and kills everyone that is important at an early age or at least their parents, perhaps even the day before anything happened. Care to guess what would happen? It would probably have no bearing on the future because we personify life when in fact it doesn't exist. At least that's how I see it. If the event has happened, then it echoes but once it does happen it has happened. Anyways, that's how I feel about it. It's not scientifically proven =)

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Em2013

Well, thats all true if one timeline does not affect another timeline - but what if timelines affect eachother? What if stopping the killing of Pres JFK would affect our timeline - would there not be a need for a Time Police then?

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by MerkabaMeditation

LMAO! You could be onto something!

I swear I read somewhere a few years ago that Obama himself was a time traveler and had been to Mars, etc. It sounded nutty as heck when I heard it, but I guess nothing is impossible.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 08:50 PM

reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

Bear with me now, please.

I go through time, create many versions of the universe, pick the Jimmy Carter that is the ideological twin of Adolf H., and bring him here, in place of the one we had.

I bet you wish there were lots of Jean-Claude running around as time cops now... lol

Your point of origin would simply be a duplicate of what you left where by bringing back anything, or anyone from the past that could alter the point of origin, only creates just another version.

It's fractal and infinite in all "directions".

You'll always be able to come back or go to any previously observed timeline just the way you left it since it's already been observed, and do so as often as one desires.
It's observed and can not be changed.
Any change is the creation of another verse in the fractal multiversion continuum of infinite causation and infinite effect.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by MerkabaMeditation

Can you rephrase that question? I have an idea on what you're trying to ask but I'm not really positive. :X

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 08:58 PM
I have a theory myself about time..and time travel.
Think about time like this... instead of past present and future..everything happens all at once. So for the hell of it, think of time as a three dimensional object..something solid, like a flat disk eg a CD or vinyl LP. In short time is already pre recorded..but crucially whats already passed by, is still as much in existence as whats yet to come and whats here now..So all points in time can still be accessed..just like rooms in the same house can be accessed simply by walking between them. we don't believe the rooms we are currently not sitting in have stopped existing, do we? but this is how we view yesterday and tomorrow, like they don't exist because we are currently not in them.
The other thing I think is that our conscious mind interprets time like a language, but the ways we are reading the language is specific to our culture. We think in terms of past present and future..yet if time is all happening simultaneously and the past and future are still here right now, but we are unable to access those points in time because we have a fixed position in our culture as to what time is and how it behaves...much in the same way society once believed the world was flat. More important is how we are destined to interact with time "time and tide wait for no man" according to our belief system.
One interesting aspect of this is the fact, is that if we were able to access all points in time, simply by thinking about it, like walking between rooms, it would completely change everything about what human beings are. It would make life nothing more than a computer game, where we had full control over life and death etc. And ultimately make everything about civilization, history, science, life and the universe completely pointless and redundant..
This is the real consequence of time travel. Once you had access to time in this would see little point in changing events because you would be far beyond the world of consequences..the world and everything we know as humans would become highly irrelevant. That's why I think we don't see time travelers...I just don't think its something someone with that capability would really care to do...a bit like Q in star treck..he was a character who really wouldn't be interested in human affairs or time travel because he could do it so easily, like clicking his the writers had to come up with a reason as to why a God like being would even they made him bored and at a lose end...but how likely would that really be if you had the power to time travel....see..the time traveler would become beyond time itself and therefore time would simply become irrelevant and of no importance.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 09:27 PM

reply to post by MerkabaMeditation

Can you rephrase that question? I have an idea on what you're trying to ask but I'm not really positive. :X

What if someone went back in time from your timeline and killed your dad and suddenly you would disappear since the new timeline affected yours.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 09:56 PM

maybe the time police will go back and delete this thread.. now that you have discovered their secret..

well,, they better hurry,,they only got Seven Days to do it...

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 10:53 PM
S & F.

Hooray, there are some deep thinkers out there, even if most claim that this plot not original and already the theme of many sci-fi flics and action movies.

I've had similar thoughts recently. My theory combines the
- The Bilderbergs 500 million people theory, with

- The final discovery in science of How to Live Forever.

My theory assumes that the Bilderbergs plan to reduce the global population to 500 million people finally succeeds.

Science has finally discovered the secret to living forever.

Time travel has been discovered.

Of the 500 million people who are left alive on the planet, 90% of the population are simply a Labour Class of people and are exempt from living forever, (as well as breeding). But the upper echelons of society who live lavishly are entitled to live forever and breed unchecked.

To compound the problem, future technologies have advanced to such a degree that many human labour jobs have become obsloete, and as a result the labour population is reduced dramatically.

So imagine the upper echelons of society breeding unchecked, with 20 generations of the same family being able to live forever, while the final remnants of humanity's labour class have now died, along with it the final undiluted, uncontaminated varieties of the gene pool.

While future thinkers may have thought about cryogenically freezing billions of DNA samples of the humans who once lived, maybe those stores have been compromised, and are no longer viable as specimens to stop the inbreeding of the dwindling gene pool. Or the problem may have been a recessive gene which now threatens the existence of the dwindling masses.

( I am typing this on an iPhone, so I hope it's not too hard to follow)

(Drum Roll)
Enter the Time Cops ! (Da-daaaa)

You guessed it, now it's their job, (similar to 12 Monkeys plot), to find the original host of the recessive gene that threatens the future survival of the human race, while also collecting pure disease-free samples of human DNA to maintain their breeding program.

But wait (another sci-fi drum roll) the plot thickens.

Because matter becomes heavier the closer it gets to the speed of light, the only possible means of Time Travel is via Astral Travel. Physical matter cannot travel through time, therefore any physical DNA samples must be stored somewhere here on earth (or space) for our ascendents to gather in 1000 years.

This is possible because while matter cannot travel thru time, information and communications can. Therefore an open line between the past and the present has been established ensuring that any physical tasks are handled by the people of today, instructed to them by the people of tomorrow.

Faaaaark I just read that B/S I wrote, and I think I need to see a doctor. A shrink to be exact.

One last thought before I leave

If time travel were possible, it would be the MOST VALUABLE WEAPON man has ever created and EVERY government of the world, EVERY criminal syndicate and EVERY billionaire on earth would utilise EVERY resource at their disposal to possess it. They would kill billions of people just to possess it.

The secret to time travel is THE ULTIMATE POWER that any person, organisation or government can possess. Therefore if it does exist today, it will be the most closely guarded secret on earth.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by MerkabaMeditation

I actually had a similar idea for a short film where an secret organization continued throughout history underground locking up time travelers in asylums before they could effect history. My friend went to film school at UNO and dug the idea, but I never finished it.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by BobM88

Yep at a younger age Obama worked for the CIA. His parents also were working for the CIA to.

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent
by Deanna Spingola
Revised 3/13/2010; 5/18/2013

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 02:02 AM


What if someone went back in time from your timeline and killed your dad and suddenly you would disappear since the new timeline affected yours.

I'm fairly certain I've already addressed this in my previous posts.

Anything observed stays observed, and is thus fixed and indestructible.

Changing any observed event along any timeline does not destroy or alter the original event, but, creates another timeline/parallel universe.
The original observation can still be gone back to and still observed unchanged from its initial observation, while also the new event becomes another observation where both both instances are 'true' to the observer relative their position.

You could, thus, very well go back in time to one minute or even one second before you pushed the button to activate time travel, and kill YOUR 'Past' SELF with zero harm to your observing self.
You could destroy the time machine before it's ever built, and still continue to time travel.
These observations remain static and indestructible on the originating point of origin timeline, where any changes simply create alternative timelines, where in this case there'd be a new timeline/parallel universe existing where you killed your 'past' self, and destroyed the time machine without causing any paradox.

You then have a choice between timelines where you can either take the place of the killed version of past-self you, or return to the original point of origin, as well as choice for any infinite number of other possibilities.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 02:45 AM
Okay, I need to mention that I have a friend who has been reporting to me her experiences with astral projection, astral travel and the like for years now - when she finally admitted to me that she was able to see something that sounded like grey aliens walking among us (she did not know what they were at the time) I asked her to describe them in great detail before telling her their name.

In addition to that, since then, I have asked her many questions about their culture and about different attitudes they have, especially differences between the tall greys and the short ones, in order to gain information and also test for accuracy and consistency (I have met more females who have opened up to me about this as well).

Sometimes, she will encounter another kind of entity, and through asking questions, I am able to identify it through its cultural mannerisms.


So, on to the important part, she does do astral travel and she does do time travel, astral I mean. Two or three nights ago, we were talking on the phone and she mentioned something called the "Time Police" and briefly described her experiences with them, although we did not get into much detail, I was hoping to ask her more about it at some point.

They are supposedly very brutal.

I've lost a lot of my spiritual abilities lately, but I still remember enough about my experiences and research to know it is legitimate.

I had been hoping to jump into astral travel myself through the use of meditation, bin-aural beats and the like and almost succeeded on two occasions (before chickening out) and accidentally succeeded on a few others - although that is something I am hoping to revisit at some point in the future, that is basically my record of achievements for now.

I am under the impression that I lost a lot of my spiritual abilities when I was forced to accept duality in the past few weeks instead of situation assessments and lack of attachment due to harsh financial realities.

In which case, I will have to develop methods to do meditation during the day even while participating in regular society - something that I had been unable to do in the past - participate in regular society, I mean.
edit on 10amSun, 10 Nov 2013 02:51:38 -0600kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 05:31 AM


reply to post by MerkabaMeditation

Can you rephrase that question? I have an idea on what you're trying to ask but I'm not really positive. :X

What if someone went back in time from your timeline and killed your dad and suddenly you would disappear since the new timeline affected yours.

Oh I see. Well, based on my theory, it wouldn't matter as long as they didn't kill you in the present. As I've mentioned earlier, the concept of a timeline and altering memories by going in the past etc... would be false because we've personify life without realizing what we're really made out of. We exist, but not how we view ourselves. Going back in time and killing someone Else's grandmother would not prevent your parents from being born because it has already came to be. Events as well are personified and we are emotionally attached to them. In theory, time does not move forward or back, but is constantly at a stand-still. This effectively ends the grandmother paradox if this theory were correct. To put it simply, to go back in time to perform the actions that you will do, will require an equivalent amount of energy somewhere else because you're essentially creating a wormhole of energy transference.

But, there are a lot of theories out there, I'm sure mine is one in a million and none of which are correct haha.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by Blowback

I loved Seven Days! It was one of those series that didn't get enough seasons (ranks up there with 'Prey' to me)

And yes, this is something Star Trek has touched on many times. The Enterprise series went whole hog with a story arc about the Temporal Cold War, with Crewman Daniels as the Temporal agent.
I doubt anyone wants me to get into it, so here's the link instead for Star Trek's Temporal Cold War if anyone wants to read about their portrayal of time "police".

In the event that our current theories are very wrong about how time travel would work, I think the idea of dedicated enforcers keeping timelines in their natural, original states is an interesting notion. Assuming there's no forking off into new timeline realities, if the Butterfly effect can ripple down a timeline, that's got to be one hell of a logistical mess for temporal folks to clean up.

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