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Attacks on Arlin Specter

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posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 11:07 PM

I just read this letter telling Jeff Sessions to help stop Arlin Specter from getting the chairmenship of the Judiciary Committee. This is just digusting level of low-grade politics. We need people with clear minds free from political views making these decisions. It appears to be a deliberate attemp at putting in Pro-Christian, Anti-Abortion thinkers to alter constitution to fit their partisan views. You will also notice the mention of Hitler and Stalin in the opening paragraph, where does that come from and where is it going. This is why we have to keep up on what is happening in the government. I'm for upholding the constitution including protecting not just the First and Second ammendments, but all of them. This also goes for changing the contitution to elect The Governator as president, "fagedaboutit"!

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 12:09 AM
It's step one in the fracture of the Republican party by their own wedge "genius." The moderate middle is under attack from the social right. It's getting ugly. And it will get worse when it comes time to appoint judges and make the 08 nomination.

I love it. They deserve their own death at the hand of Rove. Not sure who stands to inherit. Don't really care. It's just fun to watch the Republican on Republican crime, which I intend to do for four years.

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 12:20 AM

It appears to be a deliberate attemp at putting in Pro-Christian, Anti-Abortion thinkers to alter constitution to fit their partisan views.

Point to the paragraph in the Constitution where it protects abortion. It's probably right after the part where free healthcare and a job are named inalienable rights. Take a look at some partial birth abotion footage, then come back and defend it. I would support abortion in extreme circumstances (such as mother's life at risk) but to kill a baby just because someone screwed up one night nine months ago is beyond reprehensible. Personal responsibility is a foreign concept these days.

RANT, enjoy the view for the next four years. Defend abortion rights, gay marriage, and whatever else you IS a free country. Like it or not, if the election results were reversed, the Dems would use these four years to push their agenda.

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