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Disclosure: Are we being drip fed information as a form disclosure?

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posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 07:47 PM
Before I start I will warn you all that I have NO proof, NO photos and this is just MY thoughts on the whole subject and it cannot be any worse than the infamous David Icke!

I suppose since Roswell, the Human Race has been intrigued by the thoughts of Aliens and UFOs and possibly the birthplace of the modern day conspiracy theory regarding UFOs. I am aware of previous UFO encounters etc, but none caught the peoples attention over the last 60 years more so than Roswell. However, I am not here to talk about Roswell.

I have been an avid fan of UFOS the possibility of Aliens visiting Earth etc. I will give you an example of my own experience that I had early on this year.
I work till the late hours 3 nights of my 5 day week, so the first of my late nights at about 2am I was letting both of my dogs out in the garden to do their business before I went to bed. I looked up to my left which would of been a south-east direction and I notice this bright, blinking white light, i reached for my iphone but it could not capture the light, then the light went very bright for a few seconds, and then dimmed. I continued to look in that direction and then the lights started to flash clockwise in a triangular fashion. I then heard a scratching sound at my back wall, and the dogs went very submissive and started whimpering, which is not like my Labrador at all she would go bananas if she even heard people walking up the lane never mind something scratching the back wall. I was still transfixed at the area of sky where the lights had been coming from, as the lights were still flashing in their triangular pattern. After about 2 or so minutes the lights went back to just a singular bright light it then went very bright and disappeared, the dogs did what they needed to and I went to bed and had the most sound, refreshing sleep I have ever had. I had had many weird experiences mainly when I have been in bed. I have had a lot of episodes of sleep paralysis, vivid dreams of alien craft etc, but anyway i digress.
The purpose of this thread is I believe we are currently in the mist of disclosure. The reason I believe this is down to the information that has been circulating over the last few years, and the mind boggling nature of that information.
For years all we would hear about is a UFO has been spotted with bright lights etc, then it got to the point of recorded alien abductions, and after a few years it got to the point of interaction with alien beings and now what I am hearing is there are multiple alien races, alien bases and hybrid plans to help colonise the earth. The colonisation varies in severity from helping the human race be less violent and preventing total destruction of our race to that of a global invasion. I have also read that there is an Alien war going on over this planet between 2 or a 162 alien species (depending on what you read or who you hear it from) and we are the "Switzerland" of the universe and playing mediator between them. What I wrote there may not have happened in that order, its only to get a point across.
My point is, are we getting more information on Aliens and their craft through mainstream media as a form of slow disclosure to avoid mass panic so we get acclimatised to the idea?
I am very much of the opinion that if the governments of the world just shouted out "hey we are not alone after all, and in fact we actually have been in contact for the last 100 years" would cause a great deal of panic and anger with the 6 billion people of the world. So, what does the Government do? My opinion is they slowly release more and more information to more and more mainstream media outlets to get people used to the idea of Aliens and the fact we are not alone.
Every year the shear amount of people who claim to have been abducted or had an alien experience that can be categorised from "close encounters of the first kind through to close encounters of the forth kind" has increased significantly over the last 10 years. So, again I believe that this is a form of disclosure. The more people we have believing in UFOs and Aliens, the easier it is for the people to accept and the easier it is for Governments to admit that "we are not alone"
My opinion is we are experiencing disclosure NOW!

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:05 PM

The whole Disclosure thing is the product of a social delirium driven by the memetic injection of "I want to believe", and "The truth is out there" over-hopeful faith-fueled irrationality.
Simply saying "The Truth is out there" itself is misleading in that it enforces an implication that any subject X is 'likely' false.
It enforces an ideology that anything rational is false, and thus irrational things equate to 'Truth'.

While some people find comfort in believing in things that make them feel good in spite of and besides the lack of any proving evidence, the rest of us need that proving evidence.

It's all just science fiction and "maybe baby" until then.

edit on 11/3/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by chelsealad

All I know, if the government does disclose, they better have one hell of a good reason why they kept it from the public or the world for that matter. Something that earth shattering should be public information. A select few shouldn't have decided upon themselves to keep this secret.

What I can't understand, why would any alien race want to deal with any government knowing they''re keeping their visitations secret from the world population.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

So, you believe that the whole "I want to believe" is a social delirium based on the fact that people are unhappy with their own lives that they need to grasp onto something that makes their live more interesting. That is a fair enough conclusion and your opinion is technically valid until such a time when there is a disclosure of alien life or a disclosure of we truly are alone and a freak of nature.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by WeRpeons

A highly evolved "race" would understand the effects of their disclosure on things such as religion and our very way of life not to just jump out into the open and say "I'm here look at me" So just as we are evolving to the concept of Alien life so does the information that comes through also need to evolve.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by chelsealad

I think you are right...TPTB...are slowly but surely (spoon feeding) the public the reality of life on other planets; and contact. I think that right now TPTB are systematically doing this on purpose; yes I too think we are in a very real form of disclosure right now. I personally 9 years ago... had encounters of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd kind; so I do know for sure beings from other planets do exist.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by chelsealad

Good post. Alicebeachwhite was right about one thing: conclusive evidence confirming or denying ET visitation is not available to us. That is why her refusal to consider the possibility goes against the tenants of science. One can hardly blame her; the scientific community today is obtuse almost to the point of delusion. I could pontificate about the reasons for that all night, but for now I will just say that there are too many educated idiots.

There is evidence to support your theory. Several observations have sent my mind exploring this avenue in recent years, like the unsolicited disclosure of UFO related documents by various government agencies, increased reports of sightings, and government consultants providing input on sci-fi media.

There is now so much legitimate, hard copy evidence of government investigations of UFO phenomena that it cannot be dismissed altogether. As Alice kindly demonstrated, most will simply deny it until the tipping point comes and we are faced with concrete evidence.

I see two possibilities: either we are gradually being led to the truth, or we are being led to believe some perversion of it.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by caladonea

Would you like to share? I do understand if you wish for it to remain private.
I am happy to hear that you also share the view that we are currently going through disclosure.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:48 PM

reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

So, you believe that the whole "I want to believe" is a social delirium based on the fact that people are unhappy with their own lives that they need to grasp onto something that makes their live more interesting. That is a fair enough conclusion and your opinion is technically valid until such a time when there is a disclosure of alien life or a disclosure of we truly are alone and a freak of nature.

The Christians have been awaiting the return of their savior for over 2000 years, all the time from day one saying the whole time "soon".
Hasn't happened.

This foment for 'disclosure' over an imagined artifact of faith, and belief in Aliens showing up 'soon', is the same phenomenon.

Oh, the Sumerians were waiting for the return of their gods too.
Where are the Sumerians and their gods now?

I enthusiastically suggest taking a hint from historical precedent.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

There's a whole lot of people out there that actually do know about this subject first hand through experience, so you can believe everything you want and be a "rational" skeptic, but you have no idea.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by OpenMindedRealist

Your post really lives up to your name.
The "educated idiot" phrase that you used speaks volumes, especially in the world we currently live in. You are right. There are too many hard liners out there that can only see what their hands are doing and blind to the rest.
The information that has been "released" such as the "Blue Planet Project" only goes to provide provenance to my opinion that the increased release of information is a form of disclosure.
Saying that, I am not completely blind to the fact that we may just well be alone.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by chelsealad

As for this planet, all I know is that Bigfoot/Sasquatch exist based on my own experiences (2). Are they alien? I dont know. Are they interdimensional? I have no clue.
All I know is what I saw and heard.
Were they transferred here as a transplant because they were a burden (salvage) from some other planet? Your guess is as good as mine.

The strangest technological hing I've seen is an airframe flying over the Phoenix area two years ago that resembled the SR-72 but at very slow speed. Direction was North/Northwest.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

And I suggest being a little less smug and a lot more open-minded.

While I am not at all surprised that you brought religion into the debate -- in an attempt at proving what? That you scoff at faith? That you think anyone who entertains the idea of extraterrestrials existing and perhaps visiting Earth does so only on a basis of faith? -- I fail to see how it could be relevant.

I doubt many who respond in support of the OP will do so with only faith to back up their position.

And though I wish to keep to the topic and not be diverted to religion, I must remind you that the idea behind the word "soon" is a very subjective one. Your condemning of religious expectation smacks of short-sighted, contemporary egocentrism.
edit on 3-11-2013 by OpenMindedRealist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:05 PM

reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

There's a whole lot of people out there that actually do know about this subject first hand through experience, so you can believe everything you want and be a "rational" skeptic, but you have no idea.

That's all well and good, but, in consideration that a disproportionately higher demographic of people reporting space alien contact experiences die from brain tumors (the tumors created the aliens, not vice versa), plus the fact that space alien contact experiences can be replicated in the lab, gives strong indication these space alien contact experiences are firmly seated within the schools of psychology and neurology.

Anyone seeing aliens, or Jesus, or anything such, I completely and thoroughly endorse going to get scanned.

Sure, some of the subjective perceived effects of having a brain tumor might be fun and seem to validate whatever faith in something one might have, but, brain tumors typically equal death, not aliens.

Less dramatic, on the psychological front, such experiences can also be indicative of many other less deadly things it'd still be strongly advisable to see a physician about before 'taking the word' of any perceived experience at face value that may have never actually occurred.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:12 PM

reply to post by caladonea

Would you like to share? I do understand if you wish for it to remain private.
I am happy to hear that you also share the view that we are currently going through disclosure.

Sure...I will share what happened to me.

In 2004 I was the lead (volunteer fire marshal) on the east side of the apartment building; (that I still live in).

One morning I was up very, very early...(4am) and I went outside to check and see that all was safe etc. the apartment building I live in is built on a hill between avenues in downtown Seattle. Anyway....I was standing on the sidewalk at the top of the hill looking at the sky gazing....and as I was standing there a UFO appeared and hovered halfway over the apartment building and halfway over the street; I stood on the corner very still; like a statue to observe; as I was watching a huge white beam shot out from the top of the UFO and it started circling around the ship and suspended in the middle of the beam was a being; unlike anyone I had ever seen in person before. I just stood there and kept watching; he had long red hair; light skin, and was dressed in brown earth colors; he was powerfully built and his face looked like he was a hybrid of some kind. It seemed to me that he and whoever was in the ship with him; were doing some sort of surveillance of the area; for reasons only known to them. I just stood there watching; and the next thing I knew...I woke up in my apartment and I had 36 hours missing time.

I just want to say too...that this is a true really happened to me...believe it; don't believe it...whatever...but it is true and nothing said can change that fact.

Oh and too about the being's looked like he was a cross between a human man and a gorilla; but like I said his skin was light.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by chelsealad

Thanks. I appreciate the compliment, and hope that when I fail to live up to my pseudonym, someone will ground me. We can consider the far-out possibilities and still recognize the more conventional ones.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

I can see where you are going with this...and if I am truly honest with myself I can see your theory has weight behind it. However, just as I am open minded about your reasoning please be understanding with my theory on past civilisations.
Let's look at the Egyptians. Their construction techniques are difficult to copy, even using the technology of today. The symmetry of the pharaoh sculptures using granite is extremely difficult to duplicate, as mentioned earlier, using today's technology. The Egyptians script is referring to Gods or god like creatures, so they prayed to those that did not live amongst them and awaited their return.
So, picture this with an open mind. Imagine that at every evolutionary stage durning mans own evolution there has been a helping hand from an "alien" race and at every evolutionary stage we have always waited the return of those that assisted in the time of great need. We needed help to create fire, we needed help to create iron, we needed help to create steel, we need help to create electricity, we needed help to fly, we needed help to create a microchip. What if at every stage of our evolution it was actually an alien race or "god" that helped us achieve this. What if the "second" coming of our "saviour" was just the next stage in our evolution? What if Bill Gates (his invention is in every household, more or less, in the whole world) IS our "saviour" and the waiting of the return has already happened? But with the dilution of facts and the control of people, Spanish Inquisition springs to mind,we have forgotten what the true saviour actually was and the true saviour was actually an alien race.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by caladonea

Thank you for sharing that with us.
Your description of the "alien" does match what I have heard of the various "species" that are in contact with our "peers"
This is only a suggestion and I do not recommend you do this if you have any mental illness you are aware of or any underlying issues that you do not wish to resurface. Go to a reputable hypnotherapist (do not use those that can regress you to a past life or uncover alien abductions) go to a genuine hypnotherapist and google their credentials before you book an appointment. Only do this if you are mentally strong enough to see where your 36 hours went to.
In terms of what you think others will say about you DONT worry! What happened to you is personal to you NEVER feel bad about how you feel or what you experienced, if other mock you its THEIR issue not yours. You live you life how you see fit look after yourself and look after those who look after you.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:38 PM
Alice, you claim to be free from bias or predeterminism, and that your opinions are based solely on science.
And yet you flatly deny any possiblity of ET visitation on Earth, citing the fact that Christians still await the second coming and that a study (which I will just give you the benefit of the doubt on, though it is not a correlation that I know of) links UFO reports with brain cancer? Think about that.


That's all well and good, but, in consideration that a disproportionately higher demographic of people reporting space alien contact experiences die from brain tumors (the tumors created the aliens, not vice versa)

Supposing there is a high percentage of those reporting alien abduction/UFO sightings who develop brain tumors, your point there is null because you make the assumption that the sightings are are a result of the tumor, and not the other way around.

If you look into details, you will find that UFO incidents frequently involve abnormally high levels of radiation. The issue is hardly lacking in scientific evidence, though nothing is conclusive...yet.
edit on 3-11-2013 by OpenMindedRealist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

I am a little offended by this post. I saw a bight light in the sky that proceeded to flash in a triangular pattern. Does this mean I have a brain tumour and I should go see a doctor, as I could be dying of such?

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