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Sacred Contracts: Do You Have One? What's Your Purpose?

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posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 10:52 AM
I just started reading "Sacred Contracts" by Caroline Myss, and I'm finding it really interesting. I picked it up because as I was blogging about the recent death of my cat, who I had for 16 years, a sudden awareness came to me, and I realized that we had been contracted to be together for a set period of time. I was looking at her photo and I simply had sudden "knowing" that we had a contract.

My husband is a hard-line atheist, who believes that we have no higher purpose and that when we're dead, we're dead. I've been a seeker all of my life, (with a long interruption after a bad experience with a spiritual teacher), and I've had many experiences of connection with what I would consider the Divine. I have always believed that our lives have a deeper spiritual purpose, whether we are aware of it or not. I believe that Divine is among us and accessible to us at all times. I believe that we are here to do a job. And I believe that our actions and interactions have an undertow of the spiritual to them, and do not exist in a vacuum.

Carolyn says that a lot of the spiritual and physical sickness in the world is due to people not understanding their divine purpose, or even that they have one. I would agree with this, although I must say I myself have always been in the dark about my own purpose in life. I've always felt a bit lost, like this planet isn't my "home", and that no where I am and nothing I do here is really a good "fit" for me. I have a good job doing meaningful work now, but most of my career has been very meandering. (And my job is really more taxing than is good for me.) I'm a writer, but I started later in life, in my mid-30's, and although I've had some success, I don't know if I've really made much of an impact with my humble little books. I worked in the healing arts for many years but left that profession after realizing I only entered it in the first place to heal myself, not to heal others. So at 44, I am still left wondering what my purpose is. Perhaps I'm not meant to know.

Do you think you have a sacred contract with someone or for some purpose? What has your experience been?

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Rhoswen

If you haven't read it already I recommend "The Law of One-The Ra Material". It's not an easy read, requiring some time to get accustomed to the phraseology used. Also, if you have any bias against channeled material it may not be for you. However, I have a feeling you may enjoy it. It's freely available on the web by searching for 'the law of one'. Enjoy.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 11:07 AM
I find that many people search for a divine purpose, or believe in religion, to help them define their existence. Oftentimes, those who are uncomfortable in life must explain that by saying they have not found out what they are here for yet or what it is they have to accomplish.

This will often lead people into searches that are ultimately harmful or distasteful to them as your brief example of the spiritual guy may be a part of.

If you believe there is a God or spiritual force that has a design for you than you must conclude that those entities are far more powerful than you and will use you when they wish. This means that all you have to do is wait.

Until then, it is up to you to define your purpose and pursue goals that you find important. Perhaps it is this experience that the spirits will use you for during your later part of life, perhaps on your deathbed you will be used for your purpose but saying that your not being instructed as to what to do now is misguided.

You cannot possibly know what this higher power has in store for you and feeling at a loss because you don't understand it is counter-productive. You must simply live your life until called upon and if you feel you are not being used than that must mean that you are not ready or your part to play has not yet arrived.

So you shouldn't look on this as a bad thing but simply a time being given to you for you to spend on your own, perhaps to prepare yourself for whatever is coming. Consider this period as your 2-week vacation in the job of life.

You will be used according to plan and its doubtful you will even realize it when its happening.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by Rhoswen

So at 44, I am still left wondering what my purpose is. Perhaps I'm not meant to know.

You have described everyone.

We don't have purposes; we are purposes. To learn our purposes we must learn about ourselves.

Good luck in your journey.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Rhoswen

Our primary contract is Faith. We are also charged to love others. You have a good heart. Christ came for the sick. Your love saves your husband. You are well if you love others.

13 And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. 14 For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.

The cat is a parable of your love for your husband. Look toward your family for your destiny. As Timothy says, the female is saved by raising the family as the faithful example.

1 Timothy 2

13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women[c] will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.

Mother in Hebrew is Aleph (strength) Mem (water). The Spirit of God is Mater, Matter, Mother. She raises us, just as you do for your family. You mirror the Spirit.
edit on 3-11-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Rhoswen

Hello Rhoswen!

This is quite an interesting topic for me, as it marks the first time that I, personally, have come across a thread dealing with Caroline Myss' work on ATS. I'm actually a very close personal friend of Caroline's niece, and was introduced to both "Anatomy of the Spirit" and "Sacred Contracts" through her.

I know your opening post says you've only just begun reading "Sacred Contracts", but, how far along are you?

The most pertinent information in the book, I feel, is the Archetype Wheel, which she begins discussing in-depth around chapter 4. Obviously the Archetype Wheel is the whole crux of the system (since some editions even include the Archetype card set as well), but, beyond just her fascination, I think that the system does have some merits. At least for those who are beginning their journey into mystical spirituality. Coming from a background in comparative religion, mythology, and a little bit of philosophy, I found that Caroline's ideas, while not necessarily new (Jung and others before him covered the same theories on collective unconscious and universal archetypes), were very effective at seeding my own desire to study myself and the personas and archetypes that were strongest within me.

I would recommend that, should you continue reading, you take extra time during the discussion of the four energy companions we all supposedly have, and how to identify the remaining eight that complete your wheel. However, don't be afraid to tweak Caroline's system, where applicable, to make it more "true-to-yourself;" after all, spirituality is also a deeply personal path, and no single teacher possesses a perfect map, or complete set of keys to all the answers and destinations we are inclined to journey.

I'll be sure to have her niece pass word along that her book is still touching souls. I'm sure she'll be delighted to hear that.

Best of luck to you as you move forward!

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by Rhoswen

double post
edit on 3-11-2013 by grubblesnert because: dreaded double post!!

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 12:13 PM

reply to post by Rhoswen

If I accomplish nothing else in my remaining time on earth I know that meeting my Wife and raising, our now adult, children as caring, loving & responsible human beings was one of my greatest accomplishments.

Kudos to you for posting this question and being honest about yourself. I feel that our daily contact with others leaves an impression. Good or bad that impression makes a difference in ways we may never know, either great or small.

This is how we influence others until the day we die. Therfore our life has meaning and significance if live in accordance with good principles.

Doesn't sound like a meaningless existence does it?

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Rhoswen

I'm not really into mysticism, purposes and stuff like that, but I think if I was here for some type of purpose, it would probably be to help break the world.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Rhoswen

As far as purpose goes, I won't pretend to know or understand.

I'm replying because I wanted to address this:

Carolyn says that a lot of the spiritual and physical sickness in the world is due to people not understanding their divine purpose, or even that they have one.

So, according to Carolyn, I have an autoimmune form of arthritis because I don't know my purpose. Has not knowing this purpose altered my immune system making it wage war against healthy tissue? Has it altered my lab results?

If that's the case... are babies born with congenital heart defects, born that way because they also don't know their purpose? What about those that go blind? Is it because they didn't know their purpose?

If I learned my purpose would I be magically cured from an incurable disease? Would those heart defects be healed? Would the eyes of the blind regain their function? I mean, if its not knowing the purpose that's causing these afflictions, knowing it should cure them with that logic, no?

I've encountered notions like this in the past, and I'll be honest, its hurtful, and its probably something a healthy person wouldn't understand.

I've had it suggested that I suffer with RA because:

-I have some unresolved, spiritual, past life karma
-I don't think positively enough
-I don't believe in God 'enough'
-I chose it before my current incarnation to learn a lesson (this is my personal favorite)

Its hurtful because it sort of suggests (depending on which theory chosen) that you brought it on yourself, that you chose it, or that it could easily go away if you really wanted it to (positive thinking/prayer), again going back to the bringing it on yourself thing.

That premise alone would be enough for me to not give her books a chance.

edit on 3-11-2013 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 01:23 PM
Greetings- For that "feeling of not belonging" ? You might find "indigo transitioning to crystal/octarine" By the author "Sunfell" (it may be under "the unveiling") In fact, just the way those words came forth are very similar.

If You find the Ra Material to 'resonate' You can sign-up for "Message-a-day" on They do a "channeling" and grid healing on Sundays.

We picked up an Affens Pinscher on His way to get "The Shot" . After getting acquainted w/the 3 Weimaraners "Mag Wai" would lift His leg as if to pee but nothing would come out. I took "Him" to the vet to get "clipped" and the vet called Me to tell Me that Mag Wai is a "hermaphrodite". It happens Once in every estimated 16 Billion canine births. To dig a tad deeper, I had a pet psychic do a work-up. It seems MagWai used to be a cat and that He has been "here" before there was an Earth. But the BEST NEWS is that each/every pet that You've had, patiently "waits" for their "human" and then the psychic told Me that "Dieter" (My first Weimaraner) has been welcoming "other's pets" but wanted to "pop in" I didn't tell the psychic prior anything "leading" and then added that it was "Dieter" that welcomed 'Momma' (a 13 y.o. Weim that LIVED past the 'tomorrow' and She left a little after turning 14..

It's ALL really beautiful when You think about it..

Oh, One other thing about the "soul contracts" This also explains when a tragedy strikes and the "non-believer" or "Ye w/Lil Faith" says "If there were a God, how could he allow that to happen?" Well, the "innocent victim" may have been an axe murderer in His/Her past Life and has to work off "karma"

An excellent book would be "Talking To Heaven" -a mediums message of Life after death...

When You are re-acquainted w/Your Pal then Y'all can plan another adventure together... But Your words and Sunfell's words are very, very similar... Continued good fortune whilst on Your trek.

edit on 09/03/2013 by LewisStulePhD because: (no reason given)
This is what I typed about...
edit on 09/03/2013 by LewisStulePhD because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 01:27 PM

So, according to Carolyn, I have an autoimmune form of arthritis because I don't know my purpose. Has not knowing this purpose altered my immune system making it wage war against healthy tissue? Has it altered my lab results?

That's the first thing I thought of as well. I have autoimmune (Sjogrens) and poly neuropathy and have eye pressure (glaucoma) issues and kidney stones and I had severe endometriosis (had to have a hysterectomy), etc etc etc .... and I supposedly had all that because I don't know my purpose? I'm thinking .... not.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by daryllyn

I wanted to respond to you, because I felt that way as well, I heard the same things, and thought them to be ludicrous to say the least, but as I began looking it wasnt (my opinion only btw) your lack of spirituality or understanding that caused it, but not knowing that finding that part of yourself, can help you to heal it or feel much better.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 01:53 PM


So, according to Carolyn, I have an autoimmune form of arthritis because I don't know my purpose. Has not knowing this purpose altered my immune system making it wage war against healthy tissue? Has it altered my lab results?

That's the first thing I thought of as well. I have autoimmune (Sjogrens) and poly neuropathy and have eye pressure (glaucoma) issues and kidney stones and I had severe endometriosis (had to have a hysterectomy), etc etc etc .... and I supposedly had all that because I don't know my purpose? I'm thinking .... not.

It's right up there with "But you don't LOOK sick!" for me.

On topic:

So how do you find out your purpose? How do you know if you are right when you think you know it? How does knowing change your physiology?

This whole thing leaves me with far more questions than answers.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by daryllyn

Well, you're right about the compassion and self esteem of not blaming self because it can go overboard when those who use their spirituality as judgment on others, when its an inner pathway. In fact, since we come from different schools of thought and even different soul families, it may even be that we are led to grow or understand according to what we already preconcieved before coming in. We should never use this as a tool other than self tool, though can share it with others, its a pretty big leap to say this is the reason for everyone.

But Anita died of late stage advanced cancer and in her NDE she was connected to her infinite HS and realized how wonderful we all are, we're loved just as we are, and she was also shown the fears she had creating the cancer, for we co-create with thought, and when she came back within 2 weeks she was free of cancer, quite a miracle.

So with my arthritis and non alcoholic liver concidition that also formed gout and is basically a problem only since fukushima, and my thyroid and chronic fatigue is collapsing my system with mesh holding me up inside a bit now. I keep sending healing and trying to raise my frequency, and see health returning as if now, giving thanks.

But it doesnt mean we have created the conditions ourselves, it may, but I don't live in that box either. There can be many reasons for something and not all of it even about us, sometimes its about those around us.

Anita Moorjani in Sedona
edit on 3-11-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 02:01 PM
I freely choose to uncover any faults and try to work throught them to be Love. However i don't sign contracts. Rule of law is not from Higher Ups its from Lower Downs. We live by virtues and are free above.

I often change my mind as it is, and certainly don't give anyone the right to sling arrows and weapons at me to see if I will fall, but only endorse equal and loving schools and positive ways to learn.
edit on 3-11-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by Rhoswen

I worked in the healing arts for many years but left that profession after realizing I only entered it in the first place to heal myself, not to heal others. So at 44, I am still left wondering what my purpose is. Perhaps I'm not meant to know.

Do you think you have a sacred contract with someone or for some purpose? What has your experience been?

Basically the world is soon going to enter a major spiritual change that is going to take everyone by surprise.

This is why fate (your desired path) made sure that big job, big money was not necessary because soon money will not have any importance at all.

The only thing of any importance on everyones mind will be the status (destiny) of their spirit. This is where you will step in. i guess your path is to guide the (spiritually) blind back to the light.

My path is to start bashing the living daylights out of the Rephaim (giants) when they eventually show themselves with a big heavy blunt object called a Bible. It will be interesting to see how they react to one of their own kind turning back to Yahushua.

Did you know that the crows in your avatar are land based rephaim or bringers of death.
edit on 3-11-2013 by Rapha because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by Rhoswen

I like cats, but I can't eat a whole one!

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by Rapha

There is the energy I feel in you, and in your case confusing because it has the power base gravity mixed with higher mind. Well, Love is the force that changes things, directed thought and Love is stronger than all their weapons, however. Being ready, waiting, Serve and Protect also comes to mind. I'm not seraphim or the word you use, but, sometimes you need to use the force, for some that is blasting with all their might, this is my blasting, kids found a video that I've been doing already, only they don't get blasted to the sun, they get put in orbit around the galaxy and beamed up by Higher Power pscy units for some major readustments.

I think there is a time for Serve and Protect too if needed.

Balls of Steel - The Ultimate Nutshot

Feel this waiting, waiting, waiting going on, and there is a team of counselors on the stand by, but also, protect humans. For some of what may come out, you may have to do more than beat them with a bible.

There is going to be a confusion on what they imagine they can do and what their spoils are, but we're going to be telling them, humans are not your concern, we have our own families and clean up crews, we're not handing anyone over to any of them. And when that line is drawn, then some will be uplifted and their frequency raised out of harms way, but some are going to have to do the nardings. If they don't leave willingly.

Those hungry fallen seraphim will have to tighten their belts, for we won't be needing their wolven services, we have our own teams thank you very much. Some of us know what they think they're going to do.
edit on 3-11-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by daryllyn

daryllyn, I agree with you completely and I have really hard time with the Louis Hays-like attitudes towards physical suffering that tend to blame the sufferer for some spiritual or emotion shortcoming rather than the luck of the draw health-wise. I have had my own physical issues, and It's a deeply offensive attitude that I take exception to--and always have, even when my career was in doing healing work. None of us have a right to judge "why" another person may have a certain affliction or illness. Most of the time, that stuff happens for no reason at all other the genetic luck of the draw. But because Carolyn Myss's background is as a medical intuitive, her perspective is coming from a many years of working with people who were manifesting at least some physical conditions as the result of emotional or spiritual issues. I think it's a very fine line, and the problem is, with so much flippancy out there thanks to jerks like Louis Hay who insist that all physical illness is spiritual, a general attitude has developed that we all "know" that someone with cancer did it to themselves because they weren't positive enough, or some such crap. I just wanted to be sure to say that because I want you to know I agree with you. I should have been more careful to clarify
in my original post.



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